Ubuntu Installation :: How Long Installation From USB Gonna Take

Jan 18, 2011

I have downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 iso and created a bootable USB from it. After satisfactory live session i am trying to install it using "Install Ubuntu 10.10" option shown on desktop. The installation started properly detected that :1. atleast 2.6GB drive space is available2. is plugged to a power source 3. is connected to internet.Since last two days it is running and downloading content from internet. verified using network monitor tool. In two days it has downloaded 527 MB.My questions are:1. what is size of download which is required for successful download ?

2. I got pretty descent broadband connection (indian standard ). can download 700 MB movie in 3 hours), but why it is not using full bandwidth and downloading content at average speed of 5KBPS. However if i download some content from browser directly than speed is normal aroun 60 KBPS.So how long I need to wait to complete the installation ? Should I suspend this installation and install from CD

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Debian Installation :: Can Avoid A Long Installation

Sep 9, 2011

I'm just wondering to know if I can download an image to install debian, that let me perform a full installation without wait so long to retrieve packages from internet while installing.I used before a CD image for debian 648 MB, and I can see available DVD images 4 GB too (not clear if this is due to DVD format or content) but I'm not sure if this actually means that the DVD one has a version included with the latest packages of the OS itself.

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Ubuntu :: Is The Pulseaudio Bug Gonna Be Fixed In Next Version

Oct 22, 2010

was just curious if this bug has been acknowledged by the ubuntu developers and if so, what priority has it been given?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get A Long List Of I/o Errors

Jan 20, 2010

The image disk boots OK and comes to the screen that gives the option to try or install. I opted for the "try Ubuntu" once, but got a long list of i/o errors. Tried the install option, and same thing. The install did get to an apparent Ubuntu background, but never any further prompts. Is the iso bad? I'm trying to install on a Dell Inspiron 7500. Currently has Win2000 loaded.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GDM Taking Long Time To Come Up After Updates?

Mar 26, 2010

I have just made a clean install of Ubuntu 9.10 and after installing all updates, GDM is taking a long time (about one minute) to come up after a clean boot, resulting in a regular console prompt.

If I issue "sudo service gdm start" it does come up promptly.

What can I do? Where can I see startup logs to try and identify any problems?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Takes A Long Time To Boot Up?

Jul 25, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire 1810TZ laptop with Windows 7 on it. I decided to dual boot w/ Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit Lucid Lynx. I was initially getting this issue

gave up waiting for root device. Common problems:
-Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)


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Ubuntu Installation :: New Install Suffering Long Delays?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm running ubuntu on an i5-650, Intel H55 mobo system. I have 4GB RAM.I was running Lucid (AMD64) very happily, but then had a severe failure of the Samsung HD502HJ hdd (the smart report is showing more than 1000 bad sectors, increasing everytime I try to access the disk).I have replaced that drive with a Seagate ST3500418AS. Using ddrescue I was able to recover all but 9MB of the drive content. However, with my /etc, /proc and /opt directories having gone missing, I decided that attempting to recover the installation was a lost cause so I went ahead and installed Maverick onto the new drive.As part of this process I created a separate partition for my /home directory (recovered from the old drive).

Now, having installed only a few 'essential' packages (eg autofs5), I've realised that a lot of actions are taking well in excess of a minute to take effect. For instance, clicking on 'Places->Computer', it takes approximately 100 seconds before the Nautilus window appears.According to System Monitor, there is nothing using any significant resource during this time - it's as though something is waiting for a timeout to complete before actioning my command.If I look at the processes in System Monitor during this time, I can see that the Nautilus process is showing 'autofs4_wait'.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04LTS Splash Screen Takes Way Too Long?

Jun 3, 2010

just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04LTS and upon first reboot it gets stuck at the splash screen.. it just keeps loading over and over, nothing happens.I don't have the liveCD as I just did the download from the internet via Synaptic Softwarethis is what I tried:hit ESC when GRUB menu loads.. tried to hit "e" on the boot option and nothing happens.. I was told changing quite splash to nomodeset would fix it but it doesn't even say quiet splash, unless someone wants to walk me through it.I'm soo frustrated, I have tons of e-mails and documents that I need to save.is there a fix to get me back in just so I can copy my emails and docs and do a fresh install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Initial Install Seems To Hang For Very Long Time

Nov 19, 2010

I'm attempting to install Kubuntu on a new laptop but seem to be having some strange issues. It's a Dell Latitude E5410 with 160GB HDD, 2GB RAM and Intel Core i5-520M(2.4GHz). I'm trying to install Kubuntu 10.10. When I restart the machine and boot from the CD for an initial install it seems to hang for a VERY long time. It will eventually get to the boot options (after hours) but seems sluggish. Once the install gets going everything seems decent except for that I can't seem to get it to finish. I know the CD is good since I used it to get Kubuntu on 2 desktops and another laptop in the last 48 hours. I've also burned another CD just to make sure. The checksum was spot on. Does anyone know what I can do to get this remedied?

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Fedora Installation :: Formatting Takes Very Long ?

Nov 12, 2010

I booted fedora from an live cd not i have a problem when i want to install fedora formatting is taking vey long its already busy for 1 hour and this is te second time im trying to install fedora does it need to take this long ? I've got an unexpected fault for the second time and pressed debug but nothing is happening keeps formatting.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade To F15 Taking Too Long To Run

May 28, 2011

I switched to Fedora from Ubuntu about a month ago, and I've been very happy so far. But today I started the upgrade to Fedora 15, and something isn't right. I used the preupgrade method, and the package download took a respectable 30-40 minutes, then I was prompted to reboot my machine. I did so, about 4 hours ago. It took about 2 hours to get to the point where it says it's installing the packages, and 2 hours to get to where it is as I write this, at 116 completed packages out of 1634.

I'm pretty sure this isn't normal for ANY distribution. The machine itself is about 6 months old, so I'm pretty sure it's not a hardware issue. I'm considering interrupting the upgrade and doing a clean install, but I was wondering, is there anything I can do before resorting to the clean install option?

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Ubuntu Installation :: What Is Making Long Black Screen Or How To Reduce Time

Jun 11, 2010

I keep hearing about how Ubuntu is supposed to be so much faster than Windows 7, but have yet to see any major difference in their boot times. I am dual-booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 on an intel Centrino 2 processor with 4Gb of ram and both OS's take about the same time to boot. After I get to the bootmanager to select OS, if I click on Windows 7 it almost immediately goes to the GUI load screen with the windows logo. On the other hand, if I boot into Ubuntu I get a black screen for ~30 seconds before the Ubuntu logo even appears. Comparing GUI boot times, Ubuntu is clearly the winner, but they take the same time total.

Does anyone know what is making the long black screen or how to reduce the time? I would really like to show people how fast Ubuntu really boots.Immediatly before Ubuntu Gui starts, an message shows up for a second saying something like "Unknown adaptor version (2): You may experience some problems", it flies past so quickly that may not be verbatim.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 'sudo Dpkg --configure -a' Freezes And Does Nothing For A Long Time?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm trying to fix a friends EeePC notebook (Asus) running a recently upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 from Karmic Koala. She used the update manager for the upgrade to 10.04 LTS and everything was fine until she had tried to install something from the Ubuntu Software Center (she doesn't remember what happened). After that, both Update manager and Synaptic stopped working.Update manager gives the following error:Quote:Software index is broken. ... Try to use synaptic for something?!...

Then Synaptic manager gives the following error:Quote:E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.And when I try that command, the terminal just keeps blinking with the cursor and does nothing for more than an hour. This is the output of the comand:Quote:

jasna@Jasna:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a
[sudo] password for jasna:
Setting up moodle (1.9.4.dfsg-0ubuntu4) ...


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Ubuntu Installation :: What's Up With Scary Beep Sound And Long Boot Up Delay?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a Macbook 5,2, on which I'm triple booting OS X - Linux - Windows, using bootcamp and rEFIt.I had a variation of Ubuntu 10.04 called Uber Student as the linux installation.I installed Ubuntu 11.04 AMD64 instead, by choosing the EFI boot option.Now this gave me some problems. When I shot down, the Macbook gives me a troubling long beep sound.When I start up, I'm still able to boot up into rEFIt and Grub2, but there is a big delay with the screen being black for about 30 seconds and the little white light in the left corner of the Macbook is blinking feverishly. I read something about a guy which had a similar problem and the process seemed to mess up the firmware on his Macbook, so he had to have his MB changed.

What's up with the scary beep sound and the long boot up delay?Secondly, when I want to do an update of the Ubuntu system, the update manager asks me to do a partial upgrade, which includes removing the grub-EFI, resulting in a system that won't boot...

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Debian Installation :: Apt Taking A Long Time To Configure

Jul 15, 2010

while installation of debian 5 from small cd ... does configuring apt take a lot of time!!! installing debian for the first time.

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Debian Installation :: Long Format Times Needs An Indicator?

Dec 3, 2010

As this was my first Debian installation with a 500gig drive, I chose to use the defaults. Debian announced that it was going to format the drive as EXT3, and commenced,I waited 3-4 minutes and only saw a very steady on disk active light. I presumed that the format should have ended sooner, and therefore, believing that the installer was in a loop, I rebooted and retried the installation again.

This time I let it run for the full duration, about 6-7 minutes (I also have a terabyte drive), for Debian, and after the longest time, the installer proceeded to the next step. The drive format was not in a loop.With todays large disks costing under $75.00 per terabyte, it makes sense to put a propellor or other indication on the text or graphic screen to show that the installer is really working at formatting. My screen showed an unchanging bargraph pegged at 31%.

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Just Installed SSH Received Message Too Long?

Jul 6, 2011

Installed Fedora 15, ran the updates, so everything is by default, so the .bashrc file just runs the version in /etc

sftp gives me an error message too long.

I went into to the .bashrc file and commented out the call to the /etc version and I still get the sftp error.

How can this be fixed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Remix Takes Really Long Time To Boot After Auto Update

Jul 12, 2010

I recently broke down in the face of morbid curiosity and clicked that little version update button. it seems to run flawlessly (after i uninstalled the pesky touchpad) but it takes a long time to boot up now. at least a full minute. is this normal?

I will add also that it said my version of grub had been modified (which i dont remember doing, but may have) so i told it to leave the current one in place.

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Debian Installation :: How Long Takes Rebuilding Official Kernel ?

Jan 2, 2011

Here are 2 questions

1.In the last line of the debian kernel handbook 4.2.2 Applying patches

It is possible to apply extra patches to the source before starting the build. First, you should apply the existing patches by running:

You will then find the patched source in the subdirectories debian/build/source_arch_none (default) and debian/build/source_arch_featureset (featuresets added).

You should apply the extra patches in the appropriate subdirectory. where can I find the "extra patchies" and how to do?

2.Even though More than 8 hours have passed, 4.2.3 Building many packages

To build all possible packages for this architecture, run:

To build all architecture-dependent packages, run:

To build all architecture-independent packages, run:

The 1st command still working. what is the all possible packages? and what I am doing?

I am just trying to rebuild debian linux kernel 2.6.26-2, Did I misunderstand?

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Ubuntu :: File System Check Failed A Long Is Being Saved /var/long/fsck/checkfs

Jan 9, 2010

just start Ubuntu 9.04 said: File system chek failed a long is beging saved /var/long/fsck/checkfs if that location is writable Please repair the file systmen manually A maintenance shell will now be started Ctr+ D terminate this shell and resume system boot. Give root password for maintenance or type Control +D to continue. I did Ctr+D , and after login said , that can not find /home. I starte with the live cd:


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CentOS 5 :: X/Gnome Takes Long Time To Load And Sudo Takes Long Time To Execute

Oct 13, 2009

I am running Centos 5.3. I ran no updates, performed no installs, nor changed any configuration immediately prior to this issue. My problem is this: when I run the command startx (default runlevel 3), it is a long time (5-10 minutes) before Gnome startx, and once it does start applications will not run. Also, when I try to use sudo (from any environment, even ssh), it is a long time (5-10) before the command is executed.

I cannot say for sure, but it seems like this is an intermittent problem. Sometimes X takes a long time to start, but once it starts it will launch programs. Sometimes X takes a long time to launch, but once it starts it will only launch certain programs. Though presently X always takes a long time to start, and I cannot successfully launch any programs.

A while back a had a similar problem to this (x taking long time to start, sudo taking long time to execute) and it ended up being a DNS problem. Unfortunately, I cannot remember exactly what it was and I stupidly did not document it. Maybe this is also DNS related, I don't know.

I don't know what log files to look at for problems with X, Gnome, and sudo taking a long time to start.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Package Installation Error - Action Would Require The Installation Of Packages From Not Authenticated Source

Feb 5, 2011

Package Installation error

Recently I get an error while installing any packages offline.

"Action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated source".

The key icon at top tight corner shows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 64bit Installation Error During Installation Of Xserver-xorg-driver-all

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to install Kubuntu 9.10 on my machine (I had the same problem with Kubuntu 9.04). The machine is:

- Core 2 Quad 6600
- Nvidia 7600 GS
- Two disk seagate 500 in mirroring raid software

When I try to install Kubuntu, after disk partition, my system dosn't see the CD. He tell me to insert disk into drive but I doesn't touch it. I resolved this mounting an external hard disk into /cdrom. After this, the installation continues until the step "select and install software". At this step, the installation procedure tell me an error. During this error, in the other console, I've this:

Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: Alcuni pacchetti non possono essere installati. Questo può voler dire
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: che è stata richiesta una situazione impossibile oppure, se si sta
Jan 19 21:58:09 in-target: usando una distribuzione in sviluppo, che alcuni pacchetti richiesti

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Debian Installation :: USB Installation Fails To Find An Installation Iso Image

Aug 15, 2010

I have installed Debian maybe 30 times over the years since about 2003, stable, testing and Sid on two different desktops and two different laptops. The only problem I have ever had is sometimes with a flaky daily build. It is one of my favorite distros.

BUT, I am totally frustrated is trying to install to a USB. I have followed the manual step by step about 6 times in the past two weeks. The result is always the same. The installation fails to find an installation iso image. Yes, I know the iso image and the hd-media vmlinuz and initrd.gz files are supposed to be the same version.

File: debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso from: [url]

Files: vmlinuz and initrd.gz from: [url]

The USB boots to a Language selection screen and proceeds through the Keyboard selection screen with no problems.

The next step which searches for an installation iso image fails.

Skipping that step and trying to load installer components from iso image also fails.

Searching the entire PC for an installation iso image also fails. (I even copied the netinst iso image to the HD root directory.)

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Fedora Installation :: F14 Installation Hung On "running Post-installation Scripts" For 90 Minutes

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to perform an install of F14 (fresh install over F13), and it has been showing "running post-installation scripts" for 1 1/2 hours now. I am wondering if this is unusual and what the implications might be of power-cycling and rebooting. I'd note this is a fairly fast machine with 2 quad-core Xeons (I forget their model number).

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Installation Hangs @ "Preparing Transaction From Installation Source"

Apr 30, 2010

Trying to get Fedora 12 installed normally on a laptop, but it's hanging at the aforementioned point during installation. The mouse cursor is movable and the system appears to be fully working. The progress bar isn't moving and there is nowhere to either shut down the PC or access the terminal?? I cannot check any progress or see any log of what the installation program is trying to do.

It's a P4 laptop with ~700mb of ram. This is a fresh install from the i386 DVD distro. Why is it so hard to get a running system in linux when Windows or Mac is ready to go in about an hour? I've spent a good 3 hours trying to find my way around this latest problem and I am SO close to giving up. What a waste of my time linux has been so far.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Installation Error - Could Not Install '/var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.10.1-0

Mar 23, 2010

I was trying to update from 9.04 to 9.10.

During the installation, I kept getting tons of errors. Finally something came up saying that I had to abort the installation and it did some stuff. I tried running an application, but I got an error. So I restarted the system.

The normal screen came up where I had to choose the Ubuntu stuff (I'm new to Ubuntu) in the box. I noticed that it had gone to 8.10... which I had earlier before installing 9.04, which went great. So I chose the first on and the system failed to start. I rebooted and tried all the other options, but they all had errors. Now I'm booted to Windows.

I installed Ubuntu from a CD I created. But it is now outdated because it is 8.10, and I have already upgraded to 9.04. 9.04 to 9.10 is where stuff went wrong.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64bit Installation Fails - Installer Encountered An Unrecoverable Error

Apr 23, 2010

I tried to install 64bit 10.04 Release Candidate but it fails every time. I have been using 64bit 9.10 Karmic on this computer so it's suitable for installation.

I tried to install from USB stick and from CD but same error at the same point! It fails just befere it starts to ask your locations etc...

There must be something totally wrong on installer. Checksums are ok etc...

Errors seen with CD and USB stick installation: Pop up: "Istalltion failed The installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again."

On command line I can see following error message on CD:

These errors with USB stick:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Device Not Found, Grub Rescue, Post-Installation Error

May 19, 2010

I just (for the first time ever) installed a version of Ubuntu. It is 10.04. I installed off of the Live Disk. I was having a great time until the first time I went to boot into it and I got the message
"Error: No such device: "long number" Grub Rescue> "


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Ubuntu Installation :: SOS:error After Installation From Windows-no Main File System Chosen

May 23, 2010

I just completed the ubuntu 10.04 installation using the windows' installer.After the installation, the system reboot. I chose "ubuntu" from the OS selection screen.A message appeared that the system would verify the installation parameters.

Suddently, a message was shown:
"no main file system chosen. Please solve this error from the partition menu."
And it wouldn't continue!

how can I find the partition menu and set the file system for the ubuntu?? An idea would be to enter the installation cd for windows (as if I would wanted to format the pc)...wouldn't then the partition menu appear?

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