Ubuntu :: Is The Pulseaudio Bug Gonna Be Fixed In Next Version

Oct 22, 2010

was just curious if this bug has been acknowledged by the ubuntu developers and if so, what priority has it been given?

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General :: Su -c "yum Remove Alsa-plugins-pulseaudio Pulseaudio" - Distribution With No Pulseaudio?

May 22, 2011

I've had nothing but trouble with Pulseaudio in Fedora 14. I had managed to get rid of it in Fedora 10 with the command: su -c "yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio pulseaudio" I just don't want to have to deal with Pulseaudio anymore. It does not like my sound card and gets in the way. Is there a Linux distribution that does not use Pulseaudio ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How Long Installation From USB Gonna Take

Jan 18, 2011

I have downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 iso and created a bootable USB from it. After satisfactory live session i am trying to install it using "Install Ubuntu 10.10" option shown on desktop. The installation started properly detected that :1. atleast 2.6GB drive space is available2. is plugged to a power source 3. is connected to internet.Since last two days it is running and downloading content from internet. verified using network monitor tool. In two days it has downloaded 527 MB.My questions are:1. what is size of download which is required for successful download ?

2. I got pretty descent broadband connection (indian standard ). can download 700 MB movie in 3 hours), but why it is not using full bandwidth and downloading content at average speed of 5KBPS. However if i download some content from browser directly than speed is normal aroun 60 KBPS.So how long I need to wait to complete the installation ? Should I suspend this installation and install from CD

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Ubuntu :: Broken Packages That Needs To Be Fixed?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm trying to do this:
deb [URL] lucid partner
Then update:
sudo apt-get update
Then this:
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts

The last code when entered says I have a broken package that needs to be fixed. The terminal tells me to enter the code below to fix the broken package but nothing changes. I still have a broken package.
sudo apt-get -f install

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Nvidia-96 Drivers Fixed?

Oct 17, 2010

I need an answer asap,so, did nvidia-96 legacy drivers get fixed(won't make system stuck at splash)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Got Some Broken Files That Can't Be Fixed?

Apr 1, 2010

first of i'm a total noob at Linux / Ubuntu but i still want to learn more about it and stop being a windfag .Anyhow. i first of installed Ubuntu 9.10 and then updated to Ubuntu 10.(04?). and everything was running smooth and good. but when i started my com the next day i got some broken files that was broken. I thought "Okey.. I'll just go to the "Broken Fixer" and get it over with" and i went in to the broken fixer and like marked all and everything stared to update. i went of and got me some coffee and got back to my comp and got this error.

E: /var/cache/apt/archives/ia32-libs_2.7ubuntu21_amd64.deb: subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2


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Ubuntu Networking :: Configuring IPv4 With Fixed Ip?

Aug 2, 2010

Our router is pretty old and only capable of giving fixed ip and there is no support for IPv6. Via the gnome networkmanager I try to set a manual IP to and a netmask to and a default gw at . However, this does not work.

If I open a terminal and type:

sudo ifconfig eth0 inet
sudo route add default gw
Then I get a perfectly valid connection to the internet.
ifconfig by it self returns:


ffor me it seems that the gnome network manager doesn't save the information that I gently ask it to.

I can fix it with the CLI commands, but I would like to know whats going on.

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Fedora :: How To Assign Fixed IP

Jan 21, 2010

Fedora 6, Realtek 8139. Gnome graphic let me assign with


I was using private and click ok. After I run ifconfig and take (look like auto assign). Is there another method to assign IP?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Server - Fixed IP Eth0 Disappeared

Mar 9, 2010

Ubuntu server 9.10. I have configured my network connection using GUI Network connection. It worked fine with DHCP, but when I assigned a fixed IP eth0 has disappeared. How can I restore it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken System After Crash During 9.10 To 10.04 / Get This Fixed?

May 1, 2010

As the title says, i was in the middle of the upgrade, when the system froze then a black screen with the text similar to: starting apache ..... starting ..... ... in that way, but with more text, i could not remember the exact details. When i boot up, it say /dev not found, and other errors, and a weird black screen that seems to be loading modules appears, but never finishes and starts to act strange. Any way i can get this fixed without just copying my data and reimaging my partition.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Stopped Booting Windows - Can't Get It Fixed?

May 20, 2010

I'm dual-booting Ubuntu 10.4 (grub2) and Windows 7 (x64). Something stomped on my grub install on the windows boot sector (probably windows). I was getting errors like "Cannot find disk.." I updated my grub.cfg to what I thought should work and now I'm getting errors like "cannot find C/H/S values".

I've attached the RESULTS.txt. Its really a simple install, although I do have a RAID5 array; the RAID disks are just for data and hold no OS files. Both OS's are on /dev/sdd.

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Ubuntu :: Dust Theme Ugly Borders Bug Not Fixed?

Oct 10, 2010

It says Fix committed and has been that way since June? Yet the bug is still present in 10.10?Does Fix Committed not mean Fixed yet or Released and that they are still looking to merge the changes into final code?

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Ubuntu :: What's With Todays Updates - Internet Security Fixed

Oct 23, 2010

What's with todays updates? Webkit librarys and Firefox updates. Was there a security issue that's just recently been fixed? Just wondering, I'm obviously going to install them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fixed Grub Now Missing /home?

Nov 18, 2010

I had Ubuntu installed. I partitioned my drive and installed Windows 7. After that grub was missing. Following the directions I was able to fix that problem.Now when Ubunutu 10.10 loads up it says failed to find /home wait or press S/M to skip or fix.I went ahead and hit M... I'm not sure how to fix the /home problem. I know /home is on it's own partition, but I'm not sure how to fix it

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Firefox Flash Performance Fixed ?

Jan 1, 2011

I posted a few weeks ago about Flash performance in Firefox vs. Google Chrome. Thanks to all those who responded. I finally figured out the problem in Firefox, it was Compiz desktop effects. With effects off, flash in Firefox is just as fast as Google Chrome. I am not sure why Compiz only affects Firefox Flash, but apparently Chrome is not affected. I know there are a lot of posts about this topic, so before driving yourself nuts installing FlashAid, and running terminal commands, try disabling desktop effects first.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Aircrack-ng [fixed Channel Mon1?

Feb 2, 2011

I am trying to audit my wireless router due to someone in the neighbourhood hacking it, and have run into a few problems. When I run airodump-ng, everything works fine. However, when I try to get the .csv file and run "airodump-ng -w test --channel 6 --bssid ---------- mon1" (obviously with my the mac address of my AP instead of x's) I get this:

CH 6 ][ Elapsed: 4 s ][ 2011-02-02 17:48 ][ fixed channel mon1: -1 ] The problem is the [ fixed channel mon1: -1 ], because when I go to the next step to try to force a handshake, it says:

18:00:34 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID:-----------) on channel -1
18:00:34 mon1 is on channel -1, but the AP uses channel 6

I have scoured the Internet for answers, and have seen several people with the same problem, but no solutions that work for me. I think it may have something to do with the driver. I really do apologise if this has been answered properly several times, but none of the solutions seem to be working in my case.

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Ubuntu :: Graphic Program To Cut Out Part With Fixed Proportions?

Mar 9, 2011

I am looking for a program that would allow me to "cut" a piece out of the picture that would have correct proportions e.g. sides in ration 1:2. What I mean is that I would open the picture, set the proportion of sides, pick my part of the picture and then could resize it. graphic program that does that? I tried several ones and did not succeed. I won't be a problem if its only a one purpose utility.

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Ubuntu :: Move Mouse Pointer To Fixed Spot?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a pretty large screen setup (3 wide x 2 high), and it frequently takes me a few seconds to "find" my mouse pointer when I first sit down at my box. Is there a way to move the mouse pointer to a predefined location, for instance when I press a hotkey combination? Or maybe some way to flash the mouse pointer so it's easier to find?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fixed USB On ASUS Laptop With Maverick?

Apr 22, 2011

After upgrading to Maverick I found that lsusb command would hang or omit any device I plugged in (flash drive or portable hard disk)

So I did
dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*usb*
dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*udev*

using packages from a lucid install I had on another laptop which didn't have the USB problem.Now everything is fine. Maverick has some problem with USB.

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Debian :: Running Live-CD From Fixed HDD?

Nov 18, 2010

I've been asked to create a Linux build which will contain open source vmview. Simple enough, but I would like to have this deployed onto different desktops from an imaging server using multicasting, we use Symantec Solution Suite 2.5 therefore the smaller the image the better for us. I would also like the image to be fully manageable i.e log in and add / remove apps etc but all it will need is a user account, a root account, web browser, rdesktop and vmware view open client.

I have gone down two routes:

1. There are Live-CD's out there that can do the important things that I want which is to use vmware view and I do like the fact that it is compatible with all our current hardware so I am happy to use this for the time being but I hate the fact that we have to boot it from CD as we have quite a few PCs in the room. I would like to convert the distro to boot from HDD exactly as you would from a CD but cannot seem to find a solution to this.

2. I have created a Debian and a OpenSuse build which does exactly what I want albeit taking a bit more disk space than I would like, but my issue is how do I capture and deploy this to different hardware as our imaging server only does cloning.

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Fedora :: How To Install Fixed Fonts In F14?

Mar 24, 2011

I haved "yum install"ed a few fixed fonts, e.g. bitmap-fixed-fonts, but they do not show up in the xlsfonts listing, and hence, I assume, for the same reason "xterm -fn 9x15" complains that the 9x15 font is not found. The fonts are delivered as pcf files. I have followed some directions on the net, but have not been successful at having the pcf font files integrated into the Fedora 14 font system.

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General :: Broken Packages- Can't Be Fixed?

Jan 1, 2010

I attempted to install the package kubuntu-desktop on my Ubuntu 9.10 system. I then decided I didn't want it so I used this command to get rid of it. It errored out, the output of which follows.

Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Networking :: Apache Allow Fixed Ip Addresses

May 23, 2011

I would like have a password for accessing my web site which works fine. I also want for the specific site to allow access only for a specific range of ips. Right now the following config should forbid my access, as my ip is different from 200.200.200.*

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Software :: Fixed Windows In EasyPeasy?

Aug 3, 2011

Trying out EasyPeasy on an ASUS. The windows are fixed - no way of moving or resizing them, so drag'n'drop is not possible. Is there a fix, or should I change to Peppermint-2?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dhcp Doesn't Provide Fixed Address

Apr 8, 2010

Ubuntu LTS 8.04 + DHCP. Works fine except for fixed addresses. I mean all devices which need to get fixed IP according to their MACs don't get them and keep to receive random IPs from the range (almost everytime all machines receive the same IP they got from DHCP for the first time).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Update DDNS For Fixed-address Hosts?

Apr 3, 2011

I have DDNS configured and working for dynamic addresses, but it's not quite right for static addresses yet. The DHCP server assigns the static address, but it doesn't update the DNS sever with the associated host name. Which means I have to use the IP address when accessing the host instead of the host name. How can I get the DHCP server to update the DNS with the host name associated with the fixed-address?Here is my current dhcpd.conf.

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;


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Ubuntu :: Samba Shared Data With Fixed Folder Structure

Dec 4, 2010

We want to fix our data folders structre in Samba, for example our folders would be like as Data/Group A/2010 /A.We want all our users can work only in folder A and no one can create any files in data, GroupA, 2010 folders. Similarly no one can delete these basic folders. However users can create further folders in A as required.

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Fedora Servers :: ADSL Connection Without Fixed IP?

Apr 28, 2009

I have an ADSL connection without a fixed IP address. Is there a clever way of finding it out so that I can log into a local IMAP server from the Internet without phoning up to ask for the IP address?

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OpenSUSE :: Set Desktop's Taskbar To A Fixed Width?

May 12, 2011

So this morning I just upgraded my laptop from OpenSuSE 11.2 to 11.4. I am using the Gnome Desktop ( #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-04-25 21:48:33 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux).

As of right now the "Taskbar" at the bottom of the desktop, does NOT stretch all the way across the bottom (meaning it would start on bottom-left edge and go to the bottom-right edge) of the screen. Right now it is sort of centered at the bottom, and its size changes depending on how many windows are open.

So is there any way to set it to a fixed width (by that I mean I want it to take up the entire bottom of the screen x-amount of pixels high, etc..

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Networking :: HughesNet Is DHCP - My LAN Is Fixed-IP - Don't Want To Change That

Feb 3, 2011

For some time, I've had DSL and used Fixed-IP internally. I moved, no DSL, no cable, no nuthin' but dial-up and flaky cell-phone modem. Ugh. Along comes American Recovery and Reinvestment Act providing funding for making high-speed internet available to those of us in the boonies; no up-front or monthly equipment costs, affordable monthly changes, whoo-boy, that's for me. Installed, works, bada-boom, bada bing.

I have three servers, a network printer and a large format pen plotter that have all happily played together with fixed-IP for years connected via a Linksys BEFSR41 router and CAT-5 or CAT-6 cables and I do not want to screw around with DHCP (and the printer and plotter don't particularly like DHCP in any event). The servers talk to each other with SSH, their names and addresses are in /etc/host and all has been well with the world. DSL connected with PPPoE, HughesNet connects "automatically" to the modem with DHCP. I also have a switch available for additional LAN stuff as needed. Of course I had to do a hard reset of the router when setting up HugheNet (right back to infancy).

I do need to have DHCP enabled in the router for the limited occasions that a Winders thing gets connected to it (not my box, I don't mess with it).

Now, the actual question: is there any setting in the router that will enable fixed-IP, ignore DHCP leases unless the server is running DHCP (like a Winders box) and not bother me with screwy lease addresses that override my fixed-IP addresses? My servers are running Slackware 13.1, all configured with fixed-IP, all configured to "know" each other via /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf has DNS Server address in it (and DHCP is not permitted to overwrite /etc/resolv.conf.

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