Ubuntu Installation :: Added A "Haupauge WinTV-HVR-1600"?

Mar 26, 2010

get my GUI Desktop back. I had an amd athlon x2 PC w/ onboard graphics GeForce 6150se and a dual boot between xp and ubuntu 9.10

I added a Haupauge winTV-HVR-1600 to sort of watch tv (even though i totally never watch tv) but when i wanted to go back to ubuntu it boots into command prompt and asks for my username and pass. I think the problem is with X i am not sure though, but since i changed something inside i think X needs to be reconfiged or somethin can some

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Getting Hauppauge PVR 1600 To Work In 9.1?

Apr 27, 2010

I've followed instructions here upto the point for the Startup Script for Analog Tuner the script provided does not run (v4l2-ctl seems to be depriciated?) In any case the scan for digital channels is not finding anything, I wasn't able to scan for analog channels. When I do something like cat dev/video0 | mplayer All I see is static. I've followed the instructions and I didn't get any obvious error messages. I'm completely lost. I know the tuner works, I've tested in in Windows 7. I've tried connecting the coaxial cable directly to the tuner's TV outlet, to the ATSC outlet, I've tried connecting the set-top box out coax to the TV, and ATSC outlets to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Will Firefox 3.6 Be Added To Repositories

Mar 8, 2010

Firefox 3.6 is currently available for Windows, so I'm wondering why and/or when will it be added to the repositories?

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Ubuntu Installation :: U64 And Win64 - Boot From Added SSD

Jan 23, 2011

I have been using Ubuntu since 8.04. I am about to receive a new PC made with the new Intel i7-2600 processor. I want to use it for video editing in Ubuntu but would like to keep the Win install also. The PC has a 1TB drive with Win7 installed. I want to add an 32GB SDD drive as my boot drive with Ubuntu 10.10-64. I want to add a 3rd drive - 1 TB for data store of large video files.

1. do U64 and W64 play well together?
2. Can U64 boot from the SSD drive?
3. Should I install Grub on the ssd?

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Hardware :: Using The S-video With HVR-1600?

Oct 17, 2010

I've been trying to set up my HVR-1600 card with MythTV but have run into a road block. As far as I can tell, the card is setup and the drivers are working properly ( cx18 ). The output of lspci shows:

02:06.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23418 Single-Chip MPEG-2 Encoder with Integrated Analog Video/Broadcast Audio Decoder Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to change channels when my cable is connected using ivtv-tune no matter what channel or frequency table I try (I live in Canada), though the S-video and audio input seem to work fine (but not through MythTV, see below).

Likewise, when I tried to scan for channels in MythTV, nothing is found, though the same cable plugged into a TV gives just regular cable as it should. since I have digital cable and would like to use the S-video anyway (and the IR blaster when I get that far). But I can't seem to get MythTV to recongize the S-video input. These are my backend settings:

Capture Card Setup:
Card type: IVTV MPEG-2 encoder card
Video device: /dev/video0
Probed Info (Hauppauge HVR-1600 [cx18]
Default Input: S-Video 1


I'm not sure if perhaps it's a permission error someone since it works as my own user? It seems very strange. So ultimately it seems I have two main issues:

1. Why can't I configure MythTV to use the S-video input?

2. Why does the MythTV user get errors when trying to use the /dev/video0 device with mplayer? (Remember, cat /dev/video0 > recording.mpg works fine as both MythTV user and my user account)

A few other details:

Ubuntu version: 10.04 64-bit
MythTV version: 0.23.0+fixes24158-0ubuntu2 (from the Ubuntu repository)
Nvidia 9400gt video card (with latest nvidia drivers, 195 I believe)

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Ubuntu :: Installing Canon Pixima IP 1600 On 9.10 64bit?

Jan 25, 2010

i'm running Ubuntu 9.10 amd64 and installing a Canon Pixima iP 1600. The drivers which tried to automatically install only have Pixima iP 2000.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: WinTV HVR 950 Q Causes Overheating?

Jan 1, 2011

I have configured Kaffeine to work with my Hauppauge WinTV HVR 950Q USB device, and am able to get channels scanned, and can get sound, video from channels, etc. However, its use overheats my laptop to the degree it literally shuts down- turns off! Any suggestions? It took some effort to get this to work in Ubuntu 10.10; however, if it heats up the laptop to this degree what good is it?!

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Ubuntu Installation :: 8.10 Added As Dual/boot To 9.10 - Killed 9.10?

Mar 23, 2010

Have amd64 with 8.10 upgraded twice to 9.10 that hangs at "mountall:job failed to start, could not access PID files---ect,ect,starting timidity--alsa midi emulation" after installing ultimate 2.0 (8.10) as the secound OS. still will boot to ultimate 2.0, but booting to any version of original install results in above crash.Anyone know what is broken? Boot seems to start but then crashes at the above mentioned line.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Other Screen Sizes Be Added To Nouveau

Oct 14, 2010

I had to install Ubuntu 10.10 5 times before the boot problem was fixed, but only now to find that the Nvidia GE Force 3 Ti200 video card is NOT supported by the current Nvidia drivers and the legacy Nvidia 96 video drivers has a known bug which may never get fixed.Currently I am running the 1024 x 768 screen size under Nouveau, but how can I change this to 1920x1080 ? Will creating an xorg.conf file work?I did have the GE Force 3 supporting the new 1920x1080p monitors under VGA mode and the screen looked fantastic in the past.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bays And The Number Of Devices Can Be Added?

Jun 27, 2011

Other o/s because I plan to turn that machine into a Xen server.

Unfortunately I don't have much exper building computers/ hardware. What I'm wondering is whether the number of devices (like hard drives and optical drives, etc) is a function of what the mobo can support; or, if the bays are there and the cable has enough plugs I can just go for it.Specifically I'm trying to have 3 disks and one optical drive. The machine happens to have been a media center version desktop so it has this like 9 in 1 card reader thing in it but I don't think it uses that flat cable for data transfer anyhow. It looks to be connected differently.

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Ubuntu :: Hpcups Not Installed - Unable To Print On My Hp Deskjet 1600

Dec 15, 2010

After a recent update, I suddenly find myself unable to print on my hp Deskjet 1600;

I have the necessary software; the HP management tool is on my panel and I use it.

When I attempt to print now, I get an error that says "hpcups is not installed".

Here is the output of the troubleshooter


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get The Hauppauge WinTV 900 Hybrid

Jan 11, 2010

I can not get my usb dvb-t sick working. It is a hauppauge WinTV-HVR 900 hybrid TV stick.
The number on the backside is: M/R: 65018/BC20 Some time ago I read somewhere that this model was supposed to work with ubuntu 9.10. [URL] it is possible to make it work since the poster appears to be using the same model as I do.But I still have trouble setting it up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hardy - Lucid: Wireless Not Ok For Added Users

May 8, 2010

After installation, I had no problems using wireless. Next, I added a new user (with administrative access). Now, when I log in as the new user, nm-applet doesn't appear in the panel and there is no wireless access. I've tried adding the Notification Area (nothing appears), making sure that the new user can connect to networks, etc with no success. System Monitor shows that nm-applet is sleeping. When I restart and login as myself, everything is still working fine. Computer: Computer: Dell Latitude D600

- Ram: 1 GB
- HD: Hitachi ATA HTS541680J9AT00
- OS: Win XP Pro & Ubuntu 10.04
- OS: win XP pro 32 & Ubuntu 10.04
- Network Controller: Broadcom BCM 4306

What additional info should I provide to assist diagnosis?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10, Couldn't Load, Now Can't Even Reinstall Screenshot Added?

Apr 26, 2011

I have been using ubuntu 10.10, on LG X120 Netbook, for a few days now and everything was working OK. today, when i powered the system, i suddenly got this dos like screen:the last rows just kept going and going, wouldn't load ubuntu at all! after restart, i got few options to choose, but no matter which one i picked the above just kept happening!since it was kind of a fresh start, i just decided to reinstall ubuntu and save myself the trouble. i used a flash drive, just like last time. but again, i ran into problems! in the installation processes, it just keep like "thinkng' and nothing happens and it won't advance! you can see at which point it happens: I ran memtest, and if it matters anything, i got errors:but like i said, everything worked fine until today, and i didn't change anything! how can i fix this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install VLC Through The Terminal And Added The Ppa Source For A Different Version?

Jul 4, 2011

I pulled a stupid when trying to install VLC through the terminal and added the ppa source for a different version of ubuntu. Now when I do a sudo apt-get update I come up with the error:

W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/lucid-bleed...source/Sources 404 Not Found

W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/lucid-bleed...amd64/Packages 404 Not Found

E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

Also in the midst of the long list i found:

Err http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources
404 Not Found
Err http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main amd64 Packages
404 Not Found

I tried to look in /etc/apt/sources.list for the source to remove it but I couldn't find it. Where is it located and how can I undo what I did?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: HVR-1600 Remote Control In 11.1?

Feb 8, 2010

Does anyone have the Hauppauge HVR-1600 remote control working in Opensuse 11.1 or 11.2? It acts like it's not finding a firmware file or driver. I grabbed a .bin firmware file from one of the Mythtv sites, but I havn't gotten it to work yet. I put it in the /lib/firmware/KERNEL directory, but maybe I need to move it up one directory.Anyway, I was wondering if anyone else has it working and what was done? I have the other things in place regarding lirc, so I think the only thing holding it up is the device file.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Getting Kaffeine To Work With HVR 1600?

May 3, 2010

I am just starting with Opensuse , been on Ubuntu for a few years . I am getting Kaffeine to work with my HVR 1600 . I had to add the firmware to /lib/firmware , then install the xine and ffmpeg files . Now tv scans channels and plays . Actually it plays great . I had skipping problems in Ubuntu with Me-tv , not so with Kaffeine .

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Hardware :: HVR-1600 Unable To Find Channels

Aug 9, 2010

I am running the current Mythdora and using the latest drivers and firmware todate, or at least what is listed on the HVR1600 wiki page. I can't lock on to any channels no matter what with this installation. Shouldn't it work after confirmation of drivers loaded and firmware upadated? Below I have outputed basic information. I did try a previous version of mythdora and it was able to find and lock to channels provided by my cable service, but had a bad driver so I updated everything.

Another person posted that he swaped pci slots with this tuner card and it worked. [URL]I think I am missing something. I also would add I have two coaxial inputs. Analog and Digital. I am currently using the TV one. I also did a cat /dev/video0 > ./Desktop/test.mpg and it was static. Does anyone have some ideas? I am all ears!


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hauppage Wintv-HVR-3000 And Kaffeine

Feb 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 with this card, its just works without any configuration but I have a big problem.

I start Kaffeine 1.0-svn3 and I can see the last dvb-T channel but when I want to change to other channel I can't see it, I have to restart Kaffeine, or wait to get the "Read error from:" error press Ok and select the channel.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 1110 Won't Work

Jun 27, 2010

I bought this tv card because it was listed as working 'out-of-the-box'. Well, it didn't for me. I've googled and forummed for 3 days, tried all the fixes and nothing works.

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Hardware :: WinTV-HVR-950Q- Ubuntu ... Install Tv Tuner?

Feb 11, 2010

I bought this tv tuner. I cannot get it to work however. here is my dmesg log [URL] I have read this post at TV linux and it says that it should work out the box with karmic, my kernel is 2.6.31-17-generic I scanned channels using this command tvtime-scanner and it found some channels here is the output it shows channels picking up

xbmc@xbmc-desktop:~$ tvtime-scanner
Reading configuration from /etc/tvtime/tvtime.xml
Reading configuration from /home/xbmc/.tvtime/tvtime.xml
Scanning using TV standard NTSC.
Scanning from 44.00 MHz to 958.00 MHz.
Found a channel at 176.50 MHz (176.25 - 176.50 MHz), adding to channel list.
Found a channel at 184.00 MHz (183.75 - 184.00 MHz), adding to channel list.

how do I configure tv time to work? it just comes up with a no signal [URL] after I get this working I want to get the tvheadend working from this XBMC thread I dont know what to do as I am new to this and thought this would work out the box.

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Fedora Hardware :: Hauppauge 1600 Driver Seems Unfixable?

Dec 19, 2010

After a massive headache, it seems that driver developers have given up on drivers for the Hauppauge HVT-1600 [URL].. In their current state, the drivers can't get proper sound out of the card, and they can't figure it out.

First, does anyone know is this true? Second, can someone recommend what the best supported tuner card for linux is? My main goal is to record video coming over cable in the US. I thought the 1600 was it, but I guess I was wrong. PS, feel free to point me a ta page that has this info. I can't find one that shows card comparisons (or recommendations).

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OpenSUSE :: Screen Resolution Has Been Reset To 1600 X 1200?

Mar 18, 2010

Whenever I restart my system, the screen resolution has been reset to 1600 x 1200. I change it in "configure desktop" and it's ok for the session but it changes back on reboot. Also, the font sizes are too small for xterms. Sure, I can ctrl+ to increase but why should I have to do this each time I login? I noticed others seem to be having this problem. Is there an upgrade that will fix this? I'm using 11.2 and kde.

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Fedora Installation :: Yum Upgrade Added New Kernel To Menu

Mar 6, 2009

Yum 'pre-upgrade' added new kernel to menu.lst, but I don't boot from that GRUB; I boot from GRUB on another partition. The new kernel is ready to install, but the GRUB that I boot with ain't linking' to the pre-loaded kernel.

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You do not have a /boot partition. This means that
# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
# root (hd0,3)
# kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda4
# initrd /boot/initrd-version.img
# boot=/dev/sda
title Upgrade to Fedora 10 (Cambridge)
kernel /boot/upgrade/vmlinuz preupgrade repo=hd::/var/cache/yum/preupgrade stage2=hd:UUID=cc9cedeb-1f14-4cf7-8b4e-ce05acd8c4e7:/boot/upgrade/install.img ks=hd:UUID=cc9cedeb-1f14-4cf7-8b4e-ce05acd8c4e7:/boot/upgrade/ks.cfg
initrd /boot/upgrade/initrd.img
title Fedora ( <---This is the current entry from OTHER GRUB.
root (hd0,3)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=LABEL=/1 rhgb quiet
initrd /boot/initrd-

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install WinTv Pvr-250 (Tv-card) On 9.10 Karmic Koala?

Feb 7, 2010

How do I install WinTv pvr-250 (Tv-card) on my ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala? I am new to linux and not quite sure to begin. I would like to be able to use it to watch TV on my computer, using VLC, mythTV or similar.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: WinTV Card Fails To Initialize Tuner

Sep 11, 2010

I'm running 10.04 64-bit with all stable and pre-release upgrades enabled in a Dell 4-core Inspiron with 8 GB of memory. I just bought a Hauppage WinTV-HVR 1600 and it's detected in the boot process and all firmware is loaded, but then it goes bonkers and spews

[ 24.421795] cx18 0000:02:01.0: firmware: requesting v4l-cx23418-dig.fw
[ 24.612289] cx18-0 843: loaded v4l-cx23418-dig.fw firmware (16382 bytes)
[ 24.632510] cx18-0 843: verified load of v4l-cx23418-dig.fw firmware (16382 bytes)


over and over again. All the info on the Hauppage site and LinuxTV is very obsolete. MythTV initializes, but can't find any channels on either the analog or digital streams.

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Fedora Hardware :: Make And Install The Driver For The Hauppauge 1600?

Jun 8, 2011

I am having an extremely hard time trying to make and install the driver for the Hauppauge 1600. I have Fedora 14- kernel. I am a newbie at this kind of installation. I would like to know is there a kernel that I can install that the tv tuner will work right out of the box. This is very frustrating. I try to install the CX18 driver, I receive an error message. I would really like this to work.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Try To Get Wintv Pvr Usb2 Running?

Sep 9, 2011

i want to try to get my wintv pvr usb2 running will this article still work to get it going? Set up Hauppauge WinTV-PVR USB2 - openSUSE is there a easier way?

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Debian Installation :: Boot DVD Don't Work - Jessie With Added Firmware

Jul 10, 2015

I would like to upgrade from Win8.1 to Debian 8. This post might require some Wind expertise as well. I have to deal with the dreaded UEFI interface.

I got the iso with the added firmware from here: [URL] ....

The i386 download and it appears to be 334 MB. I pretty got it because I don't want to mess with the wireless controller (been there done that.)

As far as the Wind side goes I disabled secure boot. Just whenever I get to the fancy blue screen, I select boot from EFI DVD. Then it just says it can't load it and asks if I want to continue loading the OS. This might be useful I used the default Desktop Burning Gadget to burn the disk image.

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Debian Installation :: Successfully Installed But No Grub Entry Added

Apr 12, 2011

I have just installed Debian and the installation went smooth (net installation). The last prompt was to specify if you want to be able to boot 3 different OS's using grub. I answered yes (I have Win7, Ubuntu and now wanted to install Debian for testing purposes). Is there any way I could manually add entry to grub for booting Debian, for instance from Ubuntu adding to menu.lst?

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