Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Firefox From TAR File

Mar 29, 2010

I have Firefox 3.0.18 and can't find a way to upgrade to 3.6. The Synaptic Package Manager says Firefox is already installed, so I uninstalled it but the re-install just gives me 3.0.18 again! I have downloaded the tar file.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrading To 10.10, Firefox?

Oct 11, 2010

I upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 yesterday, and now I have no bookmarks, no addons, and my preferences are reset.I figured I just had to reinstall all of the addons, but it's not letting me. It lets me download the addons, but as soon as I click "install addon" from the box that pops up, it goes to the addons dialog.However, it doesn't say "You must restart firefox to complete the installation" like it usually does, and there is no indication that I have installed anything at all. I've tried many times with many different addons, and it doesn't let me install any of them. Is anyone else having this issue?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Sound In Firefox 3.6.3 After Upgrading To 10.04?

Jun 16, 2010

Upgraded my system to ubuntu 10.04 and its looking good. Problem is, i have no sound on firefox. I'm not really too sure where to start looking to fix this, can anyone offer me any direction

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Firefox On A 64bit System?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm having problems upgrading my FF browser from the standard 3.5 up to 3.6. This is a 64bit system, & if I can provide any other info about it, just ask.I've searched this forum for the help I'm looking for, but I have not yet seen an acceptable answer. If this has glitches, or is too complicated, I won't even bother....3.5 is fine for now, but it would be nice to upgrade.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Affects On Thundrebird / Firefox In Upgrading From 8.10 To 9.04

May 26, 2010

Several days ago I posted a query about the effects of upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 in regards to Thunderbird/Firefox emails and settings. I wondered if I would lose all of my emails, addresses, bookmarks if I make this upgrade. So far there have been no responses. Maybe it is such a dumb question that no one cares to take the time to respond. I understand that I can save addresses as ldif files and I can save bookmarks and re-import them, and I can save my profile (which should contain all of my old emails), but I've never gotten the profile thing to work properly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: [Jaunty] Apparmor Error When Upgrading Firefox

Jan 23, 2010

When I use a package manager (aptitude or synaptic) to install updates to firefox (3.6), I get the following error:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox No Longer Working After Upgrading To Lucid Lynx?

Nov 28, 2010

I got an error during the upgrade but chose to let the upgrade complete. Now my Firefox won't lauch. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it from the Terminal and got the following:Quote:

rick@Desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install firefox
[sudo] password for rick:
Reading package lists... Done


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Fedora Installation :: Upgrading Firefox Browser - HTTP Error 404

May 31, 2011

I have been windows using for over years and now after seeing Linux in couple of colleagues desk, I liked and have installed Linux in my home desktop (Fedora 14). After installing Fedora 14, I tried upgrading my browser Firefox from 3.6.17 (which came by default) to Firefox 4.0. I googled and got the procedure for upgrading tirefox. from this link [URL]. I followed the exact steps and while I tried to install I get the following error. I tried enough to get rid of this problem but all attempts in vain.

The Error that I get is:
[root@localhost yum.repos.d]# yum install firefox4
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora-firefox4. Please verify its path and try again

[root@localhost yum.repos.d]# yum install firefox4
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
[Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 : repos.fedorapeople.org/repos/spot/firefox4/fedora-15/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora-firefox4. Please verify its path and try again
[root@localhost yum.repos.d]# ls

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrading To FC12 - Access Port 631 Through Firefox Wouldn't Open

Feb 8, 2010

I only began using Linux with the release of FC8. I've upgraded into every new version (upgrade, no clean installs), after the new versions had been out a while. I struggle with command lines, updates, cups and other very cool tools that are only difficult because they have so many options. I'm Windows guy at work, a system admin and db administrator, plus the company expert on Excel. But, all in all, I hate Windows, and I'm loving Fedora, even if I struggle.

This last upgrade really kicked me in the pants. The first thing I noticed was all of my software sources were gone. I did some research around the forum and tried a few things, but it's still not working. Unfortunately, I may have uninstalled Yum in the process, but not rpm. I've tried to re-install the yum packages, but still no luck.

This morning before leaving for work I noticed that a boot log indicated that cups had failed. I went in to restart the service (through gui) and it said it was running. So I stopped the service and re-started. I tried to access port 631 through Firefox and it wouldn't open. I need to check the firewall to see if it's an open port, but beyond that I don't know.

Now I'm wondering if I should just do a clean install. I haven't done this, mainly because I didn't want to hassle with setting up my printer again (although, it's a Brother and they have the drivers and good instructions), and I didn't want to lose any emails that I've received via Thunderbird. The printer is really a non-issue now, as I'll have to set it up anyway. I have a backup of the /usr folder and all the documents. Question is, if I restore the Thunderbird folder after a clean install, would it bring back my email?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrading F13 To F14 - Error 15: File Not Found

Jan 7, 2011

After preupgrading without problems, I did not reboot the computer inmediatly. I was surprised that, although preupgrade had finished, the terminal window was yet active and I closed it. On reboot, in the Grub window, one of the options is "Actualizar a (upgrade to) Fedora 14". If I select it I get: "Booting 'Actualizar a Fedora 14 (Laughlin)'

kernel /upgrade/vmlinuz preupgrade repo=hd::/var/cache/yum/preupgrade ks=hd:UUID=02f7302b-aa56-4c33-b533- fa1549aa0860:/upgrade/ks.cfg stage2=hd:UUID=02f7302b-aa56-4c33-b533-fa1549aa0860:/upgrade/install.img initrd /upgrade/initrd.img
Error 15: File not found
Press any key to continue....."

and pressing a key it returns to the Grub window. The /upgrade directory doesn't exist, but it does the /boot/upgrade where the vmlinuz is. uninstall and reinstall the preupgrade, rebooting inmediatly, but I don't know how to uninstall and if this is the solution. How can I uninstall the preupgrade?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Warning When Upgrading To 10.04 \ "Upgrading May Reduce Desktop Effects, And Performance In Games And Other Graphically Intensive Programs?

Sep 29, 2010

i am trying to upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 from 8.04, and am getting this warning:"Upgrading may reduce desktop effects, and performance in games and other graphically intensive programs.This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. No version of this driver is available that works with your hardware in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.Do you want to continue?"should i continue? i have no idea what a 'fglrx graphics driver' is

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To Firefox 4 (from 3.6.16)

Apr 20, 2011

I'm trying to upgrade my firefox installation to version 4. But it seems there are slight problems. What I did was:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
In a CLI.

When I open firefox it's still the old version. If I in a terminal write firefox -v it tells me it's version 4.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Won't Start After Upgrading To 10.04

Apr 30, 2010

Firefox didn't want to start after I upgraded to 10.04. Finally, I found if I tried to start it from the command-line, it would seg fault:


Attempting to load the system libmoon Segmentation faultI tried using synaptic to remove the nonfree flash plugin, but that didn't help. Even after removing it, some files were still left, and those were dated 2007 and 2008. I manually deleted them:


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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To Firefox 3.6 On Hardy 8.04 - Packages Conflict

Jan 26, 2010

I just upgraded Firefox from updated yet ancient version 3.0.17 to modern 3.6 using Firefox-stable repository March 15, 2010 update: Firefox 3.6 works perfectly on Hardy 8.04 using firefox-stable repository Quote: Originally Posted by OUTDATED INFORMATION SINCE THE BUG WAS FIXED I ran into two problems.

1. Firefox packages conflicted. I had to manually force-remove firefox-3.0 to install firefox-3.6.

2. Firefox 3.6 was not able to start. It was giving some kind of an error message. I worked around the problem by creating a new profile. but my old 3.0 profile with all my stored passwords, bookmarks, etc is unusable in 3.6

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Software :: Upgrading Firefox On System?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm running a dual-boot with Windows 7 and Linux Mint Debian.
My firefox version is 3.6.8
If from my firefox browser I go to Help/CheckforUpdates, I get the following message:

"Unable to Update"
A recommended security and stability update is available, but you do not have the system permissions required to install it. . .

does anyone know of a how-to as to how to manually upgrade my firefox to the latest version (including how to purge the existing version from my system)?b

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Ubuntu :: Evolution: Can't Open Links In Emails Since Upgrading To Firefox 3.6?

Feb 10, 2010

Since I upgraded my browser to Firefox 3.6, I've been experiencing this problem: when I click on a link in an email, Firefox doesn't go to that link. Instead, a new instance of Firefox is started (even if I've already got an instance of Firefox running), and that instance just opens my homepage. Of course I can work around this problem by right-clicking on the link, selecting Copy Link Location, then manually pasting the URL into Firefox. But I'd prefer to use just one click rather than 6.I'm using the latest official Hardy version of Evolution (, and I've got Firefox 3.6 set as preferred browser (or "default browser" or whatever it's called in Ubuntu).

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Slackware :: Upgrading To Firefox 4 Rc - Scim Stop Working

Mar 21, 2011

After upgrading to firefox 4 rc, scim stop working. When ctrl+space pressed, nothing happened. (with latest scim package:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting A Phtml File While Accessing Webserver Through Firefox?

Apr 27, 2010

I'd like to ask a question about the apache webserver. I'm very sorry to post this topic here. It seems likely that this post is better off in server platforms and i didn't know where to post it.

Anyway, i have a problem with my apache webserver. Well, not so much however it is behaving strangely. When i installed the apache webserver and accessed the webroot (/var/www) through my webbrowser it said: It works!. Then i added a folder with an .php file to the root folder and get an error: access denied when i accessed it through my webbrowser. I'v tried to modify /var/www with chmod but this didn't work, however i do get a .phtml file offered as a download.

Also i have looked for a configuration file (httpd.conf) to alter the "DirectoryIndex" string. I did find the apache2.conf instead but it has no "DirectoryIndex" directive. I did google this problem but there is no straight answer to this.

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Fedora :: Firefox Failed To Execute Child Process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No Such File Or Directory)?

Apr 1, 2010

Here is the message:Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No such file or directory)Firefox is installed and is there.

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Ubuntu :: Manually Upgrading Kernel In Live ISO File?

Aug 25, 2010

I'd like to upgrade the kernel in the ISO of a Ubuntu 9.10-based CD with proprietary applications, burn a new CD with this modified ISO, boot up with it, upgrade + add + remove modules and applications, and finally save the running system into a new ISO file which would now have the latest and greatest.

I have a couple of questions: 1. How can I download the kernel manually? Where can I find the latest vmlinuz + initrd files for Ubuntu 9.10?

2. Is it just a matter of replacing those two files, or are there other dependencies I should update in the rest of the ISO, eg. isolinuxisolinux.cfg: Change initrd.gz to initrd.lz, etc.?

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox 5 Upgrading - Error "a Package Dependency Could Not Be Found"

Jul 2, 2011

today opensuse 11.4 introduce Firefox 5 update to me (my current version is ff4) but when i click on "apply" to install it, the following error report appeared: a package dependency could not be found, Details: patch:firefox50-upgrade-4806.noarch conflicts with MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE.i586 < 5.0-.3.1 provided by MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE-5.0-2.1.i586

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Fedora :: Upgrading 10 To 11 - File System Got Changed

Aug 28, 2009

i heared that in fedora 11 with new kernel version comes ext4 as default file system. when i was upgrading fedora 9 --> 10, i just changed repos in /etc/yum.repos.d. now the question, if i upgrade my system, will my file system got changed, and if it does, will my data got damaged?

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CentOS 5 :: Upgrading From 5.5 To 5.6 - Conflicts With File Error

May 13, 2010

I issued "yum update" and the process ended with a transaction check error(see below).
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test

Transaction Check Error:
file /usr/share/backgrounds/images/default-5_4.jpg from install of oracle-logos-4.9.17-6.noarch conflicts with file from package desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-41.el5.centos.noarch
file /usr/share/backgrounds/images/default-dual-wide.jpg from install of oracle-logos-4.9.17-6.noarch conflicts with file from package desktop-backgrounds-basic-2.0-4

I installed Oracle Database on this server few months ago. I see in /etc/yum.repos.d directory a public-yum-el5.repo file with entries pointing to Oracle which must have come from that installation. Now how do I proceed from here?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Installation Won't Start After Upgrading From Karmic To Lucid

Apr 30, 2010

My Windows Vista installation won't start after upgrading from Karmic to Lucid. If I select it on GRUB2, it leaves a blinking cursor on screen. And I tried doing the whole test disk thing and the boot info script. This is what my Results.txt file says


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Kernel In A Karmic Persistent USB Installation

Jan 30, 2010

I've upgraded the generic kernel of my Xubuntu Karmic AMD64 persistent USB installation with the ubuntustudio realtime kernel ( The thing is that the generic kernel is still loading as default and I don't have the option on the boot menu to choose the new one. I don't know how to edit this Grub2 version (grub-pc 1.97 beta 4).I haven't found a GUI package for this either.

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Debian :: File Upload Using Firefox - Smaller Image File Is Previewed While Bigger Image File Is Not

Dec 16, 2015

I am trying to upload some pics on my Facebook account using Firefox. When I click on Facebook's file upload icon, Firefox bring up a 'File Upload' window. I noticed that smaller image file is previewed on the lower right hand corner, while bigger image file is not. Is there anyway I can change this behavior or maybe change what Firefox is using to browse my files?

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Applications :: Update From Firefox 3.0 To Firefox 3.5 Through Yum / Remove Previous Installation And Use Solely One Package?

Nov 16, 2009

Recently I have installed Fedora 10. It comes with firefox 3.xx by default. Now I was wondering if there is any way through which i can update it to 3.5 version though yum. I have tried yum update firefox but it did not work and returns following messages Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Setting up Update Process No Packages marked for Update I know that one way to update is download the latest Tar package and use it, but I want to totally remove my previous installation and use solely one package i.e. firefox 3.5.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading From 8.04 To 9.10

Mar 4, 2010

I've just installed 8.04. and I was googling on the net and saw that there's a more new version 9.10 is it? So I tried following the guide on [url]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading From 9.04 To 9.10?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm trying to do the upgrade but get the following error:


root@server:~# do-release-upgrade
Checking for a new ubuntu release
Done Upgrade tool
Done Upgrade tool signature
Done downloading


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading To 10.04 LTS From RC?

Apr 30, 2010

I've had the 10.04 installed on a notebook for about a week now and I want to upgrade to the LTS that was released today. When I go to check updates it shows me that everything is already updated. How can this be? Is there another way to upgrade from RC to LTS that I don't know about?

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