Ubuntu Installation :: No Grub Menu After Installation?

May 9, 2010

I had Windows 7 x64 installed, and then installed Ubuntu 10 from the LiveCD. I can now boot into Ubuntu just fine, but I never get the Grub menu that allows me to choose to boot into Windows. I already tried 'sudo update-grub2', which gave no errors but didn't work either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Has No Menu.lst - ESC To Grub Menu / Solve This?

Feb 15, 2010

9.10 has no menu.lst file and hitting ESC to does not bring up the grub menu. How can we set bootup options or boot an alternate kernel? I would really like to set the resolution at boot time so that my console (Ctrl-Alt-F5, for example) has 80 columns instead of 40. (What a stupid default, gigantic Commodore-64-like text!) It would also be nice if the Login screen could be set to the resolution that I want.

In previous releases, there were ways to do this. In 9.10, I haven't been able to figure out how.

Is there a document explaining all of the radical changes?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Has No Menu.lst - ESC To Grub Menu / Sort It?

Apr 22, 2011

9.10 has no menu.lst file and hitting ESC to does not bring up the grub menu. How can we set bootup options or boot an alternate kernel? I would really like to set the resolution at boot time so that my console (Ctrl-Alt-F5, for example) has 80 columns instead of 40. (What a stupid default, gigantic Commodore-64-like text!) It would also be nice if the Login screen could be set to the resolution that I want. In previous releases, there were ways to do this. In 9.10, I haven't been able to figure out how.

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Fedora Installation :: Installation Success But No Boot Nor Grub Menu

Mar 18, 2011

I installed F14 from my usb according to the wiki page using unetbootin. The usb boots perfectly and i get a working F14 system. I partitioned my HD with gparted and got a /,/home and swap partition, then used the installer to install the system using them. The installer finishes without a problem and ask me to reboot. When I reboot , there is a blank black screen. No grub menu , no fedora loading. I reboot with the usb and the partitions are full with the files from F14 , there is no xorg.log in the /var/log/ so f14 doesn't even start so the problem seems to be with grub.

I check the grub.conf in /boot/ , i set the timeout to 5 secs , i check that the kernel is using nomodeset (according to this wiki page there is a problem with ati), xorg.conf is using vesa as a driver and I reinstall grub with grub-install with no problems.My notebook is a acer aspire 5552 , i don't think is a hardware problem because I've used arch and opensuse with no problems in it. Fedora seems a nice distro , but this error is preventing me from using it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Errors - More Than 1 Grub - The Change Does Not Appear In The Boot Up Menu

Dec 22, 2010

The first is I seem to have 3 GRUB installs. So whilst I update the one from my live session, the change does not appear in the boot up menu. I had installed 10.10 from a CD into a different partition (sda6), but that will not boot, so I have just deleted this and done another grub install and update. The kernel I am using has just been updated from 10.04 to 10.10 too, and it is this that I use and the Grub I have been working on (sda5).


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub 2 - No Menu Just Cli

May 18, 2010

single hdd

/dev/sda1 = 100mb Windows7 boot part
/dev/sda2 = Windows7 part ( encrypted w/ Truecrypt)
/dev/sda5 = /boot Ubuntu 10.04
/dev/sda6 = / Ubuntu 10.04
Truecrypt bootloader is in the MBR

The Truecrypt bootloader will boot other loaders if esc is hit, I can choose to boot /dev/sda5 and grub loads, but no menu is displayed, all I get is a GRUB> cli. I've reinstalled Grub to /dev/sda5 using the chroot method outlined in the Grub2 info page on this site, but it always results in the same outcome of ending up in the Grub cli. I can chroot that install and attempt a update-grub, but all i get is "cannot find list of partitions!" attached is the boot_info_script results.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Menu Won't Go Away

Dec 11, 2010

Once upon a time I had Maverick Meerkat installed on two drives. Now I've used Disk Utility's "Format Drive" to erase it and remove the Master Boot Record partitioning on one of them. Yet I still have to go through the GRUB menu each time I start up my computer, as if there are multiple bootable drives. I've read that 'sudo grub-install /dev/sdb' might work, but that only seems to reset the bootloader, not remove it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Grub Menu For OS On USB HD-GPT / Get That?

Jan 25, 2011

I have an external USB drive with Mint9 Fluxbox installed on it. At one point, I wiped the drive and set it up using GPT instead of MFT, then partitioned the drive in GParted and installed the OS.
This setup was working fine, but now I have a new laptop, and the OS won't boot. I just saw the errors, "No such partition: UUID=xxx", "Could not find kernel, hit any key to continue". So I attempted to reinstall GRUB via terminal, but saw errors saying that GPT requires a grub_bios partition. So I made a 1mb partition at the end of the drive, (the only unallocated space without moving anything) and selected the grub_bios flag.
I was then able to reinstall Grub without incident, rebooted, selected the USB drive to boot first in bios, but still no Grub menu!?! It just boots from the next device in the bios list.
I'm currently using Crunchbang on a USB stick, which is where I'm running terminal commands from. I want to be able to boot from my external drive on any computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No GRUB Menu At All?

Feb 1, 2011

I just restored my Windows partition from SFS so at least it's read by boot info. It says it's booting the Windows partition but it always boots straight into Ubuntu with no GRUB menu at all. Heres my boot info...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Menu Sequence?

Feb 18, 2010

I have just installed Mythbuntu 9.10 on my Windows 7 PC to experiment with. I want to make Wingows 7 the default for the time being, but can't find a way to change grub's list. I don't seem to have the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and can't find anything else which might suit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Menu Changed By Itself?

May 4, 2010

I am using kubuntu 9.04 dual booting with winXP. The package kit showed that I have 179 bug fixes. So I updated them.Now the boot time grub menu shows 6(two different versions for kubuntu and kubuntu recovery mode) entries instead of usual 4(winXp + kubuntu + kubuntu recovery mode + memtest). My grub.cfg file is as follows:


# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


What is wrong. How can I change the entries. Which one to remove ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Menu Is Showing Two OS's ?

Sep 12, 2010

I have dual-booted Windows XP and Ubuntu. Because Ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have the required proprietary drivers for my system, I chose Ubuntu 8.04. The installation procedure went well, the drivers are there, everything's perfect but... there's a problem with the GRUB menu that appears just after launching my laptop.

When I first installed Ubuntu it showed Ubuntu (and some letters and numbers), another instance for recovery mode, some memory test lines (I guess there are two of them) and Windows XP.

But after I used the software updater in Ubuntu (to make it up-to-date), the grub bootloader shows two more lines - and those are the same as the first two - Ubuntu (with some letters and symbols) and Ubuntu recovery mode.

Why are those duplicates there? I've never installed another Ubuntu OS on my PC. Because at the moment I have two Ubuntu and two Ubuntu recovery mode lines .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why Grub Menu Doesn't Appear?

Dec 30, 2010

I've done a clean install of XP Pro on my HP XW8200 (Boot drive is 2x73GB SCSI drives set up as RAID 1)I've run the Ubuntu 10.10 desktop installer and partitioned the drive, installed ubuntu and rebooted when requested.No OS selection screen appears after POST though. Just goes straight into WinXP. The startup options in XP only show XP.Rebooted from the Ub10.10 live cd and checked that the partition is there and the OS files are there.

Any ideas why the grub menu doesnt appear?I'm assuming it's something to do with Ubuntu not seeing the RAID drive but it did install ok..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 - Cannot Boot Via Grub Menu

Jul 5, 2011

I've installed 11.04 on my laptop (dual boot with Win7). It goes through the grub boot menu and boots in ubuntu but displays ~inch wide band near the top, nothing else. I assume it is a display issue (it has an ATI mobile Radeon HD 3870 X2 card) but can't seem to resolve problem. I can boot into Windows via the menu. In the grub menu I can boot into the command line (grub>) but can't seem to make progress beyond that. Within this grub interface, it won't take terminal commands.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To See Grub Menu?

Jul 28, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 (x64) today. I use an LG LCD monitor. After installation, I am unable to see the grub menu. I get a 'D-sub out of range 92.5 kHz / 58 Hz' message on screen instead of grub menu. I know the grub menu is there because, by pressing the 'down' button 5 times and then the 'enter' button I am able to select the windows loader. If I select nothing I am able to log into ubuntu without any display problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Clean Up GRUB Menu After Updates

Jan 7, 2010

After I updated my system, grub shows about 2 extra options on the boot menu. They seem to be different kernel versions. How do I clean up the menu and uninstall the older kernel versions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Grub Menu At Start Up?

Jan 24, 2010

Just upgraded to 9.10 on a laptop with dead Vista which I lost when I moved over to UBUNTU some time ago. Never any problems but when fiddling at boot up tonight I accidentally selected to boot up the Vista loader which went into the Vista recovery, and since then the laptop only opens up the Vista Recovery, ie it does not go to the Grub. Any ideas on how I can get to boot UBUNTU again?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot To 10.04 Or Windows XP From Grub Menu?

May 3, 2010

It would be nice to get a sticky thread up for dual boot installation issues. It seems like this is a very common problem with the upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04.

I was finally able to solve my issue dual booting 10.04 and Windows XP Home at this thread.


I had to reinstall Grub2 and run update-grub.

Then I had to run Rescue on my XP disk. Once to the DOS command line I ran the following command:

C:Windows>fixboot c:

I rebooted and now all is well. I can boot to Ubuntu 10.04 or Windows XP from my Grub menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Editing Grub Boot Menu With 10.04?

May 7, 2010

I used to be a pro at editing Grub's menu.lst file so I could have my menu look clean, simple, and easy to read. Now that I have set up 10.04 (Working beautifully now after a couple setbacks) the menu.lst file is no longer where it used to be (/boot/grub/menu.lst)

How do I edit my boot menu now?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No OS Choice In GRUB Menu After Updating 10.04

May 19, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx in my p4:2.66 hz machine with XP sp3 pre-installed and the system booted just fine with dual boot option. Then I updated my Lucid. All updates were downloaded. But during update installation a power failure caused PC reboot. Again I started update manager and it gave me option for "Partial Upgrade". I did the same and it instructed me to reboot. The the real damn thing happens now when I rebooted, In the GRUB menu it showed only Memorytest options. I see no OS choice there, I tried to reinstall GRUB from live CD with mount options. And it showed no errors during the procedure. I rebooted but the same problem exists.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Grub Menu Screen After Reboot

May 21, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu on the second partition of my hard drive. I have Windows 7 installed on the first partition. My problem is is that when I rebooted after a successful OS installation and apparent grub install, it went straight to boot up Windows 7. There's probably a simple way to get the grub menu to appear that I'm unaware of, right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Menu Option Does Not Show Up In Grub

Jun 10, 2010

I've had two students report a problem whereby Ubuntu does not show up as a menu option in Grub. Both systems used Wubi installations of Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop for x86 on Windows XP. In both cases, Ubuntu completed the installation process. Upon reboot, we have the options to choose between Windows XP and Ubuntu. However, once we enter into Grub, only the Windows XP option shows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Extra OS Listed In Grub Menu?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a extra OS listed in my grub menu. I'm dual booting Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7. I am able to boot into both Ubuntu and Windows. 30_os-prober has two menu entries for Windows though. The first one is Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1) and the second is Windows Vista (loader) (on /dev/sda2). My laptop came with Windows 7 and had 4 primary partitions (System, Windows, Recovery, HP_TOOLS). After making my recovery disks I removed the Recovery partition and shrunk the Windows partition to make space for Ubuntu. So Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1) is the System partition which I select to boot Windows. Windows Vista (loader) (on /dev/sda2) is where my Windows 7 is installed. Here is output from Boot Info Script:

boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================


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Ubuntu Installation :: Universal USB Installer With Grub Menu?

Sep 23, 2010

I know this is not strictly a Ubuntu question, but I was unsure where to ask this question and since it is about installing Ubuntu Server, I put this question here.

I have used the Universal USB installer to create an install USB device, but I also need to be able to boot to a DOS prompt so I can update the bios if I need to. I would like to have just a single USB drive rather than having to carry two of them around.

Has anybody used the Universal USB installer and is there a way to modify the resulting USB installer so that I could say add a menu program such as grub or something else that would allow me to either access the installer or go to a DOS prompt? Kind of like the way CloneZilla does or perhaps the gparted Live CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: New Compiled Kernel Not In Grub-menu?

Sep 25, 2010

After having patched the kernel with an ABI-patch I cannot find it in the grub2-Menu OS: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in /boot I can see: the original and the new config-file



The original and new vmlinuz-file




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Ubuntu Installation :: Edit Grub 2 Startup Menu

Jan 7, 2011

I'm currently running Lucid Lynx, which installed the Grub 2 Boot loader which it currently lists three different Linux kernels. My problem is this:

1. How do I edit the menu to either remove or comment out one or more of the kernels?

2. Can I remove any of the kernels I don't want, which files do I remove, and will doing so compromise my system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With XP From The GRUB Menu?

Feb 23, 2011

I have Windows XP SP3 running on my Desktop PC and wish to dual boot it with Ubuntu 10.10. This isn't the issue as I can do this and it gives me the GRUB menu but selecting Windows XP won't do anything - or so it seems How long should it take to boot into Windows from the GRUB menu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot See Windows Installations In Grub Menu?

Feb 28, 2011

I upgraded Ununtu from 10.04 to 10.10 Maverick and the Windows 7 partition disappeared from my grub menu. It used to work OK in Lucid.I have tried update-grub but it does not find the Windows install.

pete@pete-vaio:~$ sudo update-grub
Generating grub.cfg ...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot WinXP Pro From GRUB Menu

Mar 8, 2011

I've got an old Dell Precision 670 which has a SCSI disk. I installed 10.04 and everything worked fine - I could boot into 10.04 from the GRUB menu. I later added an IDE disk and installed WinXP Pro on it.

When I ran 'sudo update-grub', Lucid discovered the IDE disk and added a WinXP Pro entry to the GRUB menu. Now, though I can still boot 10.04 from the GRUB menu, I can't boot WinXP - the screen goes blank, and I have to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart.

For what it's worth, here are the results of using boot_info_script055.sh:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Into Grub With No Menu After Upgrade

May 3, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10 running on vmware machine. It ran fine. I upgraded to version 11, but now when the machine restarts I do not get any menu, I just get his:
GNU BRUB version 1.98-1ubunutu7
Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported.

And that is it! No menu, no list of options, nothing. If I type "ls" I get:
(hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,1) (fd0)

I can enter "root (hd0,1)" which gives me:
(hd0,1): Filesystem is ext2.

Then typing "kernel /boot/vm" and pressing tab shows:
vmlinuz-2.6.32-27-generic vmcoreinfo-2.6.32-27-generic vmlinuz-2.6.35-28-generic vmcoreinfo-2.6.35-28-generic vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic

There is no /boot/grub/menu.lst but there is /boot/grub/grub.cfg which seems fine as far as I can tell. Did I somehow end up with an older grub which is looking for menu.lst? I have other machines running Ubuntu and if I boot into them I seem to get a GRUB4DOS etc. slightly different version. The grub version shown above is 1.98 but I read somewhere Ubuntu uses version 2? Actually I found another post which suggests that this is the correct grub version for Ubuntu 11. How can I tell what menu file grub is looking for where it is looking and why its not finding or using it? It should work...

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