Ubuntu Installation :: Lynx X64 On RAID0 Ich10r (dual Boot)

Jun 9, 2010

I've planed to install Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 x64 on my rig. dual boot setup windows 7 preinstalled Intel ICH10R RAID0 manual partition setup 200mb ext3 /boot 2gb swap 100gb ext4 / GUI installer can see my RAID and allows me to create this partitions manually. But when install begins i'm getting error :

Quote: The ext3 file system creation in partition #5 of Serial ATA RAID isw_dgaehbbiig_RAID_0 (stripe) failed


fdisk -l from Live cd shows me separated HDDs without RAID0 wrap (sda and sdb) Also in advanced section where i can configure boot loader default is /dev/sda, which is part of RAId_0. I'm checking isw_dgaehbbiig_RAID_0 as location for loader, assuming that this would be MBR. am i doing this step right?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How Installer Of 11.3 Deals With INTEL ICH10R Fake RAID0

Jul 15, 2010

I have two 150GB WD Raptors stripped in an INTEL ICH10R RAID0 array. Windows 7 is installed on it in a 100GB partition, there is a 150GB secondary partition, a 100MB system reserved partition created by Windows 7 and there is about 25GB unallocated space to install a linux distribution.My problem is the fake ICH10R RAID which does work only at the moment for me with Fedora Core 13 : Ubuntu 10.04 breaks it but i do not like FC13 very much. So i Googled and Googled for installation problems on this fakeraid and dmraid is involved there is a bug in it at least in Ubuntu 10.04 and openSUSE 11.2, with 11.3 my RAID is detected -> i have a MD RAID popup.

My question is : How to install properly 11.3 on the space left on my fake RAID array without breaking anything although i have a full backup of my system. I don't understand anything of the partitioning part of openSUSE in general. Do i must activate MD RAID, i tried once and my NTFS partitions were not displayed but RAID was detected with the correct size. I am totally lost with this installer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Win7 On Raid0 - Install 10.04 It Will Hang And Eventually Errors Out?

Apr 18, 2010

New to Linux and am wanting to install ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04 on a single separate 80gb drive. I have Windows installed on 2 80gb drives in Raid0 (nvidia controller) .I have installed 9.10 but Win7 will not load from the bootloader : gives me the error invalid signature. I've looked around and tried a few things to get it to load with no success.. is the Raid0 the issue?

If I try to install 10.04 it will hang and eventually errors out, I believe on the raid drive because it comes up with dev/mapper/nvidia_hhfbdccf1..

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Win7 And ICH10r Raid5?

Jan 29, 2010

I haven't tried to install Ubuntu in a while due to some frustrations during install previously. If memory serves I couldn't install it on to my ICH10R Raid5 boot array and I didn't want to give that up. So now I am getting the Ubuntu itch again.

here is my hardware:

Asus Maximus II Formula mobo
4GB G. Skill Ram
Intel Q6600 Quad Core
Soundblaster X-Fi Fatal1ty sound card


So I downloaded the 64bit iso and attempted to install and very quickly ran in to a problem. The install is recognizing the array that has the bootable volume on it, but wants to erase the whole partition and use it all. On my laptop, it was able to install and share the partition with Windows 7.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lynx Dual Boot With 3 Operating Systems

May 11, 2010

I am preparing to do a fresh install of lucid lynx dual boot with vist@ Currently I am running 9.04 in this configuration. The install guide for Lucid says the new grub2 doesn't support more than 2 operating systems. plus I apparently can't edit it either. Besides vist@ there is a hp recovery partition which has a seperate entry in my existing grub. Does this mean I can't use the lucid desktop disk for a fresh install because I would have 3 operating systems? Lynx, vist@ and HP recovery partition.

I only have two applications left I am using on vist@, but I have no recovery disk, only an old image for my vist@. I am very concerned about this upgrade. 5.04 went smooth and each one since then has been a bit harder. I could not get 9.10 to run and had to go back to 9.04. I hope I am not at the end of the road. How about using grub instead of grub2?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multi HDD Dual Boot - Vista + Lucid Lynx - GRUB ?

Apr 27, 2010

I've got a machine that I'd got 9.10 on, that I've now upgraded to Lucid Lynx - and I'm having the same problem with dual boot (or lack thereof) that I was having previously.

Rough scenario is:

(Original Vista machine had)

C: Windows Vista OS + Windows software, etc.: 500GB - single NTFS partition - SATA drive

D: General dumping ground for data. 500GB SATA drive. Was single NTFS partition, now shrunk to install Ubuntu.

So is now:
- NTFS partition (containing general rubbish)
- Ubuntu / partition
- Ubuntu swap partition

... and then 3 x 1TB SATA drives making up an (Intel ICH9R) FakeRaid RAID5 array - that Windows can happily 'see' and use, but I don't care about Ubuntu having access to it or even seeing it.

Lucid Lynx is installed to /dev/sde6 (IIRC) - but when I boot the machine just boots straight into Vista.

I've done what I can to try and get GRUB correctly installed - to the point that right now I probably have it splattered just about anywhere and everywhere.

So - now - the machine boots and simply presents me with "GRUB Hard Disk Error" and stops...

I can fix this by running the Vista repair, with a fixmbr etc. and putting the MBR back to 'normal' on the first boot disk (/dev/sdd in this case). The machine then just boots straight into Vista.

...or I can boot into Ubuntu (or Vista) by booting off a Super Grub Disk (CD) and selecting "Boot Linux" (or whatever it is) - and it correctly boots Lucid Lynx from /dev/sde6

Ideally I want a proper GRUB dual boot menu - but I just seem to be getting into more and more of a mess!

Bootlog below will show what sort of mess I'm in:


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lynx On VirtualBox OSE Hangs On Boot

May 1, 2010

I am planning on playing with the lynx on VirtualBox for a while just to do some test and maybe update my installation notes before moving everything but just can't get it to work.

Environment details:
OS: 9.10
Kernel: 2.6.31-21-generic
Machine: Compaq Presario B1200, 3 GB RAM, 14 GB available disk space
VirtualBox: VirtualBox OSE 3.0.8_OSE r53138

Problem: After starting up the virtual machine and reaching the purple screen (where a keyboard and accessibility icons are displayed at the bottom part), everything just goes black with an un-blinking cursor on the top-right. I already tried recreating the virtual machine, removing and creating a number of times, and I've also tried reinstalling VirtualBox but the problem still persists.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Default Kernel After Upgrading From 9.xx To 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Jul 21, 2010

after upgrading to lucid lynx ubuntu doesn't boot with the new kernels 2.6.32-22-generic and 2.6.32-23-generic (also in recovery mode). But it's does boot with the previous 2.6.31-21-generic kernel. At the time i was hoping to wait it out, but a new kernel has come and the problem persisted. I've been trying to find a solution for this but somehow, amid lots of failed boot blank black screen threads, i didn't relate to any solution. The boot seems to go well until a pixelated logo appears (before the login screen), then goes to a blank black screen and there it stays stuck with no remedy. Looking into dmesg logs - albeit some differences between 2.6.31-21 and the newer 2.6.32-23 - the failed boot seems proper in both logs. In Xorg logs the differences are bigger but i cannot pinpoint a source for this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Install: Dmraid Doesn't See Second Disk Array On Ich10r?

Oct 11, 2010

I've googled my problem but I'm not sure I can find an answer in layman's terms. So here's my noob, simple question, please answer it in semi-noob-friendly terms I've been trying to install ubuntu for a while on my desktop pc. I gave it another go with 10.10 but I always have the same problem:

I've got two raid sets connected to an ich10r chip and they work fine in windows (2 samsung 1to + 2 raptors 75gb). Upon installation, dmraid only sets up the first raid set (Samsung array) but not the second one (Clean raptors intended for ubuntu). I don't have any other installation option, all my sata connectors are unavailable. So, is there a manual install solution? Can I force dmraid to mount the second raid set and not the first one? I think I read somewhere that this was a dmraid bug, but I can't find it anymore.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Moving An Existing System Disk To An ICH10R RAID1?

Mar 12, 2011

I've read many of the postings on ICH10R and grub but none seem to give me the info I need. Here's the situation: I've got an existing server on which I was running my RAID1 pair boot/root drive on an LSI based RAID chip; however there are system design issues I won't bore you with that mean I need to shift this RAID pair to the fakeraid (which happens to most reliably come up sda, etc). So far I've been able to configure the fakeraid pair as 'Adaptec' and build the RAID1 mirror with new drives; it shows up just fine in the BIOS where I want it.

Using a pre-prepared 'rescue' disk with lots of space, I dd'd the partitions from the old RAID device; then I rewired things, rebooted, fired up dmraid -ay and got the /dev/mapper/ddf1_SYS device. Using cfdisk, I set up three extended partitions to match the ones on the old RAID; mounted them; loopback mounted the images of the old partitions; then used rsync -aHAX to dup the system and home to the new RAID1 partitions. I then edited the /etc/fstab to change the UUID's; likewise the grub/menu.list (This is an older system that does not have the horror that is grub2 installed) I've taken a look at the existing initrd and believe it is all set up to deal with dmraid at boot. So that leaves only the grub install. Paranoid that I am, I tried to deal with this:

dmraid -ay
mount /dev/mapper/ddf1_SYS5 /newsys
cd /newsys


and I get messages about 'does not have any corresponding BIOS drive'. I tried editing grub/device.conf, tried --recheck and any thing else I could think of, to no avail. I have not tried dd'ing an mbr to sector 0 yet as I am not really sure whether that will kill info set up by the fakeraid in the BIOS. I might also add that the two constituent drives show up as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb and trying to use either of those directly results in the same error messages from grub. Obviously this sort of thing is in the category of 'kids don't try this at home', but I have more than once manually put a unix disk together one file at a time, so much of the magic is not new to me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gnome-wm Doesn't Start At Boot Time Automatically After Upgrading To Lucid Lynx?

May 14, 2010

I just did a distribution upgrade on my laptop from 9.1 to 10.04, and it went fine for the most part except this issue. After it boots up, I don't see any window titles/scrollbars/borders and on clicking the icon for "Show desktop" on the bottom left I see the following error message: "Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not running a window manager."

After googling a bit, I realized that gnome-wm is not starting automatically and so I have to manually start each time to see the windows working properly. Can somebody tell me if there is a way to make sure that gnome-wm starts automatically? I know I can put it in my .bashrc but I want to do it the correct way if possible. If not, I will have to go with that workaround

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Ubuntu :: Btrfs Raid0 Won't Mount At Boot?

Jul 15, 2010

I upgraded my 9.10 installation to 10.04 and decided to try out btrfs on a some spare drives in the system.sudo mkfs.btrfs -m raid0 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sddthe only way the system sees the btrfs array is by running btrfsctl -a and then mounting /dev/sdc. but that has to be done in userland, not at boot. if i try to mount it via fstab, ubuntu won't load because it can't find the mount point./dev/sdc /Images atasum,thread_pool=128,compress,rw,user 0 0so where am i going wrong? I tried mounting via the UUID also but that didn't seem to work for me either.

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Hardware :: Mdadm Raid0 And Ubuntu Server Boot

Mar 27, 2010

I have ubuntu server 8.04 installed. It uses software raid0 (mdadm, two hard disks: sda and sdb). The server crashed after power failure. When trying to boot I get the following messages:


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 / Win XP SP3 Dual Disk Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

I am quite experienced user of Ubuntu desktop / server distributions. Recently my desktop 9.10 disk failed and I decided to reinstall using 10.04. My configuration is a dual disk dual bot system. I have XP Pro SP3 on one disk and Ubuntu 10.04 on second. XP has own, untached MBR ubuntu got Grub 2 installed on the same disk as Ubuntu. Ubuntu disk is booting first in BIOS. Grub 2 detected both system, however I can boot only to Ubuntu. When I am trying to boot XP I got black screen only. Looks like booting is stack in BIOS stage, because crt+alt+del reset system.

I read Ubuntu forum, search Google and did not come with any solutions. My XP MBR is OK. I can boot directly, choosing XP HDD in BIOS as a starting disk. All entries in grub.cfg looks fine to me. I made 3 different clear installations of Ubuntu. Each with the same result. I reinstaled Grub2 with no effect. I wonder if this may be a hardware/Grub 2 compatibility issue. I am using quite old components.My motherboard is Assus P4C800 Delux. I have 5 HDDs 2 CD. Exactly the same configuration was OK with 9.10/XP dual disk dual boot using Grub legacy.


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Ubuntu :: Udevd-work Random Error On Boot On Raid0

Oct 12, 2010

I have a Raid0 setup (see below for details) connected to the ICH10R raid chip on my Gigabyte EX58-UD4P motherboard. On every second og third boot I get the following error:

udevd-work[157]: inotify_add_watch(6, /dev/dm-1, 10) failed: no such file or directory
udevd-work[179]: inotify_add_watch(6, /dev/dm-1, 10) failed: no such file or directory
The system halts for a seconds or two and then boots on like nothing has happend.

My setup is as follows:

Two 500gb discs in Raid0 on the ICH10R. The first partition 100 mb is a Windows 7 system partition (gaming etc.) and then a 300gb partition for the actual Windos install. Then Ubuntu 10.10 with /, /home, /swap and then five data partitions. Grub is on the Windows system partition.

Ubuntu 10.10 x64 installed via USB. No problems during install. Besides that I have 2x300gb dics on the Gigabyte built in raid controller. Installed with a Hackintos setup using Mac software raid.My fstab looks like this:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).


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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting 11.3&lucid Lynx?

Aug 2, 2010

I want to try OpenSUSE but don't want to get rid of Ubuntu yet. How can I install it so I will be able to dual boot? I have an empty partition of ~150GB ready for it.When I am installing OpenSUSE 11.3 I get this content in the boot section:


The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128 GB. The system might not boot.


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Debian :: Make A Boot RAID0 LVM On A Pair Of SSDs

Aug 20, 2015

I would like to make a boot RAID0 LVM on a pair of SSDs (sdc and sdd). The system is already running off of a HDD. I built the RAID0 through the Asus BIOS on the Intel controller. I see:

# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid0]
md124 : active raid0 sdc[1] sdd[0]
59346944 blocks super external:/md126/0 32k chunks
md125 : active raid0 sda[1] sdb[0]
222715904 blocks super external:/md127/0 32k chunks


My challenge is that when I open Gparted, it only show one disk at a time. I would like to learn how to use Gparted to partition this RAID0 with a UEFI sector and LVM for the rest.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Error On /boot With Dual Boot On Dual Disk

Dec 30, 2010

I have a (slightly complicated) dual/multi boot system.

I keep getting boot errors (when choosing ubuntu from the grub2 menu)

Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for /boot

If I switch off and restart, ubuntu will then start without issue.

My setup is like this ....3 disks, one with 10.10 clean install - so Grub2, separate partitions for /, /boot and /home, one with windows 7, one with windows XP and 10.04 wubi (this is my old disk which I will trash once I'm happy with my upgrade to 10.10 & 7 on separate disks.

I installed 7 and 10.10 with ONLY their disks installed. After both were working, I added all disks and rejigged the grub2 menu (using update-grub and StartUp-Manager).

This problem only seems to occur if my previous boot was not 10.10 ( I will investigate this further). It's as if something (grub2 ?, the bios ?) is remembering part of the previous boot and not using the grub2 menu completely.

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General :: Grub Boot Loader Installation In Dual Boot Machine After Windows 7 Installation?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a dual boot machine with fedora 12 and windows vista and I could use grub boot-loader to switch between two. Few days ago windows got corrupt and I have to reinstall it. I put windows 7 now and as usual it erased grub. So to reinstall I put the fedora 12 installation CD on and followed some usual setup steps. When I got the command line I issued the command "grub-install /dev/sda" (sda not hda because It showed bunch of sda, sda1..) but surprisingly it said grub command not found. I remember doing it before while it worked fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi On Windows With RAID0

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 using Wibu inside Windows and installation looks good without any problems but when I select Ubuntu in Boot POST menu after I see Ubuntu Desktop I see error it's saying that Root directory is not specified and there is OK button and if I press it I see same message. only way to get out is to click restart in top right corner. My Windows installation is on RAID0 SSDs and I actually tried to install it on same partition as windows and even tried to install on NEW unallocated and freshly formatted partition. Nothing works. I am thinking to install it from Live CD however in advance formatting on let's say 20gb of space what do i assign ? Like how do I partition it like root directory and swap and other partition i ll need. Like can you specify all I think 3 different partitions I'll need and how much space to allocate for each on let's say 20GB of space.

I remember I had a choice "Use all free space" and it was soo simple I could have windows and some unallocated space on hard drive and Ubuntu would of use it . Now I don't see this option. I see use entire disk ...or advanced where You have to create on unallocated space all parts of partitions needed that's

EDITED: My System info if u need it.

Mobo: Asus P6T Deluxe
CPU: i7 920
RAM: 6GB G.Skill PC1333 cards
BOOT HDD: OCZ Vertex 2 64gb x 2 in RAID0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get To Boot Up / Show Menu On Dual Boot With Vista Initially

Jan 18, 2010

Have just installed 9.10, again, many failed attempts previously.Cannot get to boot up and show menu on dual boot with Vista initially,However when I delete the grubenv file the system boots ok and works fine.But does not show the grub menu to choose boot up choices.Got the information to delete the file on some posts elsewhere about booting problem, and tried a longshot and got into Ubuntu for the first time from trying to install now for 3 months!The problem is the file grubenv is created each time so on subsequent boot ups the sytem fails to boot again.The Grub version is 1.97 beta 4, most up to date for Karmic I think, I have seen a version 1.98 but dont think its for Karmic?

Is there a way to modify the grub.cfg file to stop this problem ( all posts say dont touch this file??Or install a script to delete the grubenv file on shutdown as a workaround for me, (I have no idea how to do this whatsoever, I'm not familiar with linux at all)I did read that this problem was fixed/patched in Grub version 2, but dosn't seem.so on my system afetr I updated it when I got into Ubuntu.I couldnt find the patch or fix, I got the information I am on about from this post:URL...It seems to say it was fixed or patched by Colin Watson reading through, but I don't really understand whats being said or how to get the patch on my system if indeed there is one?Sorry for being a bit thick about all this, its a bit beyond my brain now, hope somebody can help out as I have enjoyed my brief bit of fun in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xp And - Netbook Dual Boot - Error - Windows Boot Failed

Jul 8, 2010

I have a netbook running Windows XP as standard. There is also a recovery partition which came from the factory.

In the past I installed Ubuntu (I think 9.something) from USB key and all worked fine. However my XP became corrupted and I needed to do a repair on it. After this, Ubuntu became removed from the boot select menu.

Since then, Ubuntu has become updated to 10.04, which I now cannot install.

The Live CD tells me there is a "file IO error" and simply stops installation at around 70%.

I did manage to get into Ubuntu from a Live USB using Wubi. However when I chose to install Ubuntu to a Harddrive, the option to "install side by side" was missing.

After reading on the forums, I did a chkdsk /f on Windows and tried again. Now my liveUSB does not show a boot menu!

When I select to boot from USB stick, the screen goes blank with a flashing cursor. Ctrl+alt+dlt reboots.

I'm really lost here! It seems when I fix one problem, another problem arises!

Also when trying to instal Ubuntu within Windows, the process goes through to 100% and asks me to reboot. When I do so, the option for Ubuntu does show in the boot menu. However when I select it, I get an error "Windows boot failed: file wubildr.mbr and status: 0xc00000f - something is corrupt".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot On Dual-boot XP After Recovering Windows Bootloader?

Jul 18, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Windows XP installed on my laptop. Usually when booting, I get the GRUB 2 menu and I can boot into either Ubuntu or XP.I was playing around with EasyBCD, then after trying to remove it I was unable to boot into Windows, I used a Windows 2000 CD recovery console to fix the MBR (using: fixboot and fixmbr).Now Windows starts up when I power on, but I don't get the grub menu anymore with an Ubuntu option. If I boot from the Ubuntu Live CD and try to mount my Ubuntu partition (/dev/sda5) I get this error:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Turning A Dual Boot Into Single Boot?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently got a netbook and setup as dual boot between win7 starter and 9.10 (64bit). Win 7 starter is not impressive so i want to nuke it and give the space all to my /USR partion. I am comfortable working with Gparted and assume that i can launch using my gparted live usb and delete the windows partion and then resize the /usr partion.

what changes do i need to make w/ Grub2? I would prefer not to see the Grub menu at all and have it load right the main kernel if possible. Also, if this is possible is there a way to get to the Grub menu during boot should i need to select a different kernel?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Vista Ultimate / 10.4 - Can't Boot Windows

May 7, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu 10.4 x64 onto a machine with Vista Ultimate x64. When I boot the machine, the Windows option comes up in the GRUB menu. However, when I attempt to boot Windows, I receive the following error: No such device: de80ab9f80ab7d21. error: No such partition. Press any key to continue...

I looked around and found a similar issue at [URL] However, before trying to fix the issue by guesswork or via solutions that worked for a similar, though not necessarily identical problem. I've run the boot info script (see output below) mentioned several places on this site as a valuable input for boot problem tracking. how to get Windows to boot on my computer?


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot With Win7 - Bitlocker And TPM - Without The Usb-stick The Pc Won't Boot

Oct 18, 2010

I have searched and read threads about the Bitlocker, grub and TPM issues that might show up, but I can't draw any conclusions as some information contradict each other. To make sure I don't screw up my pc as thought I need to make a new post.

At work I'm supposed to run Windows 7 and encrypt the win-partition with Bitlocker. I have installed Windows, turned on the encryption and it ties into the TPM. But as I am moving over to the *nix department I want to run Ubuntu as dual boot to check everything rusn fine with all the systems I need. Before I installed Windows I partioned the disk:

1,5 GB for system/bitlocker requirement
147 GB for Windows, C:
85 GB which is empty where I intend to install Ubuntu (not formated yet)

I boot into Windows with my bitlocker/TPM key on an USB-stick. Without the usb-stick the pc won't boot. Now, before I try to install Ubuntu I want to make sure to do it the right so I don't mess up the Windows installation or won't be able to boot the pc at all.

There seem to be several "schools" to this. Some suggest I should have installed Ubuntu first, then Windows and then encrypt. Some say, no worries just fire away and install since you are not planning to read the windows-partition from Ubuntu. Or an alternative, install but make sure to deactive the encryption during installation. Some say, install but make sure grub is installed in (multiple choices) location.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Using Windows Boot Loader, Not GRUB?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot Win7 and Ubuntu WITHOUT using Grub. This is to support Bitlocker encryption.

I followed this guide, and now when I select Ubuntu I get a Grub> prompt and no ubuntu.

I feel like I'm halfway there, I just need to get Grub to load correctly or something.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why Boot Partition Is Recommended For Dual Boot Of 10.04 And Windows 7?

Jan 5, 2011

if having a boot partition is recommended for dual boot installation of Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 and why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Dual Boot Karmic / Unable To Boot Into Archlinux Partition

Feb 15, 2010

After installing karmic with Grub2 I am unable to boot into Archlinux partition. Grub2 has removed the last line of the Archlinux boot stanza! It used to read:-


Following the Grub2 tutorials I have tried editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom as follows:-


But no luck. Only way into Archlinux is to get into the edit shell and manually add the missing line and remove other stuff not needed. I have spent hours trying to resolve this issue and I am fairly p----d off

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Not Detecting Win7 On RAID0?

Mar 26, 2010

Looks like Grub2 on my new installation of Ubuntu 9.10 is not picking up a Windows 7 installation on a RAID0 array (using the built-in RAID software from my Asus P5Q-Deluxe)

Here are the results of the boot info script:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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