OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting 11.3&lucid Lynx?

Aug 2, 2010

I want to try OpenSUSE but don't want to get rid of Ubuntu yet. How can I install it so I will be able to dual boot? I have an empty partition of ~150GB ready for it.When I am installing OpenSUSE 11.3 I get this content in the boot section:


The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128 GB. The system might not boot.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting Mac OS X And 11.3?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a 2008 white MacBook.Dual booting Mac OS X and 11.3?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting With OS X?

Feb 26, 2011

I was trying to install a dual boot with OS X and this is what it told me:

"delete partition /dev/sda1"

As far as I can tell, this means it wants to delete OS X. On my mac's terminal, the linux partition is "disk0s3". Am I correct to assume that I should be custom partitioning in the OpenSUSE installer and have it create all its partitions out of sda3 only?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting 11.1 And Windows 7?

May 2, 2010

I found this tutorial about dual booting Suse 11.0 & XP. Is it suitable also for Suse 11.1 & win7, or should I find another tutorial? Can you recommend a good tutorial for dual-booting Suse 11.1 & Win7 ? I've searched a lot but didn't find any.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting Ubuntu And 11.2?

May 6, 2010

Just sucessfully installed a sual boot with 11.2/ubuntu 10.4. 11.2 was installed first, than ubuntu. ubuntu recognizes and displays 11.2 on its bootloader, 1..2 does ot show ubuntu on its boot menu. so this mean I have to edit menu.lst and physically add the menu entry (root, load the kenel, and load initrd)....correct?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Vista / Opensuse Dual-booting With GRUB

Jan 22, 2011

I installed Opensuse 11.3 on a separate partition to vista on my Acer 5115. It runs fine but the GRUB boot loader failed to show the Vista OS. I tried to add it by editing menu.As far as I can see (and I don't have much experience with these things) the Vista OS is there, on sda5, but doesn't boot correctly because the winload.exe is in the wrong directory. Why the sdax numbers are all rearranged is a mystery too, but I have reinstalled vista several times so that could be why.I don't have a vista recovery cd (wasn't given one), is there any way to fix this within opensuse (which works fine)?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual-Booting 11.3 64bit With Windows 7

Sep 8, 2010

I am currently running windows 7, i would like to be able to dual-boot with openSuse 11.3 64-bit, at the moment I have two seperate partitions each 111gb in size and i wish to install suse onto the D: partition without effecting my windows installation or any data on the c drive.

When i got to the "Discs" stage of the installation i was very confused by this as i am completely new to Linux and dual-booting, i thought it would be a simple case of selecting my d: drive and installing straight to that but i cannot work out how to do this.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Create Dual-Booting System

Sep 20, 2010

I currently have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installed on my PC. The details of how it got installed I cannot explain... I installed it on a HD that was not partitioned and I accepted all the defaults that Ubuntu suggested. So as far as I know right now Ubuntu "owns" the whole HD.

I now would like to create a dual-boot system by installing openSUSE 11.3 alongside Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. By reading things here and there, my guess is that I need to create a partition for openSUSE by shrinking the one for Ubuntu. But I am really not sure.

So I downloaded the CD version (GNOME) only of openSUSE, launched the installer and the process came to the following suggestions which is basically all Greek to me:

* Delete partition /dev/sda1
* Create root volume /dev/sda1 with ext4
* Create volume /dev/sda3 for /home with ext4
* Use /dev/sda5 as swap

As I said before, what I would like to do is install openSUSE side-by- side with Ubuntu and create a dual-boot system. I do not want to delete Ubuntu! I got scared by that "Delete partition /dev/sda1" thing mentioned above and so I aborted the installation.

What is the installer suggesting? Has it realized that I already have Ubuntu installed and that I want to create a dual-boot system?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error 17 On GRUB \ Dual Booting?

Apr 3, 2011

I'm dual booting Windows 7 and openSUSE. I attempted to start up my computer, and got ERROR 17 on the GRUB loading page. I am assuming this is related to me disabling the openSUSE uninstaller on startup in Windows.installer seemed completely superfluous.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual-booting Ubuntu - Versions Of Grub Overwriting ?

Dec 9, 2009

I'm wondering how I would go about dual-booting Ubuntu with openSUSE installed first?

I'm just a little bit concerned about the versions of Grub overwriting the openSUSE version or theme or something.

Would it work okay if I just shrink my openSUSE partition and then set the Ubuntu installer to install Ubuntu to the free space only or do I need to edit the grub file and stuff?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting Ubuntu - Won't Let Create Any New Mountpoints For / And /home

Dec 25, 2009

I have an Acer Aspire One D150 with the following partition table:

I would like to free up a bit of space from the Win7 partition and install OpenSuse 11.2 KDE alongside my existing OS'es. Trouble is no matter what I do YAST wants to install OpenSuse in / and /home over the top of Ubuntu. It won't let me create any new mountpoints for / and /home. Furthermore, I've heard that even if I can successfully install OpenSuse I will face problems as Ubuntu uses Grub2 and OpenSuse still uses Grub-legacy.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting 11.2 And W7 While Keeping W7's Boot Manager Intact

Jun 2, 2010

my Windows partition and the future Suse partition will be on different HDDs, so this should ease things a bit. Suse is on HDD 2 and Windows on HDD 1 HDD 2 will be the default Master drive, so I want GRUB to give me to option to boot either on Suse, either on Windows 7 I want to keep Windows 7 boot manager intact. I.E. If I switch HDD 1 to the Master drive, it will boot directly into Win 7.

What I wanted to do is:

Unplugg Windows drive
Install Suse
Replugg Windows drive and manually add the entry to GRUB

if I keep them both plugged, Linux will not touch HDD 1 MBR?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting On Gateway - Windows 7 Cannot Be Chosen At Boot?

May 6, 2011

i've just got my gateway laptop which has a recovery option. Due to my observation, the computer has 3 primary partitions when I firstly got it: 12.7 GB, whose property is system recovery (empty and hidden); 100MB whose properties are ACTIVE, primary partition; partition C whose properties are BOOT, system, primary partition, crash dump and page file. Seems that when the machine starts, it firstly read the 100MB partition and then it is leaded to the partition C, where the windows 7 is installed. I SHRINKED THE PARTITION C AND CREATED 3 LOGICAL DRIVES.

Now I want to install OpenSuSE 11.4 on one of my logical drives. What should I do to keep all things well, which means I will be able to dual-boot and also keep my recovery function well? What's more, what I do not want is that the windows 7 cannot be chosen at boot or neither of them can boot!

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Software :: Install LYNX In OpenSUSE 11.2?

Apr 19, 2010

I had sucessfully installed lynx in openSUSE 11.1 (was running on Sun VIRTUAL-BOX) and it was running perfectly. But before a couple of days I totally migrated to openSUSE 11.2 ..But now its giving me errors..

I tried like this :

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting With OpenSUSE Through Grub2?

Aug 23, 2010

Is it possible to dual boot openSUSE & Ubuntu through GRUB 2? Apparently SUSE uses standard GRUB. I installed SUSE but only have Ubuntu options displayed on boot.

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General :: Dual Booting Ubuntu And OpenSUSE ?

Apr 3, 2011

I would like to install OpenSUSE 11.4 on the same hard drive where Ubuntu 10.10 resides. I have plenty of free space following the Ubuntu partitions to do this.

I typically create three partitions: a root (/) mounted partition, a swap partition, and a home (/home) mounted partition.

I have these questions:

Is it advisable to load two Linux OS's on the same drive or would this be problematic?

If advisable, then: Can I use the same swap partition for both Ubuntu and OpenSUSE (as I plan to run only one OS at a given time)?

How will this effect booting (as Ubuntu uses GRUB2 while OpenSUSE uses GRUB)? Will the GRUB OS selection menu successfully display the two OS's for selection? If not, can I fix the problem through GRUB commands?

I am keeping Windows 7 completely separate with its own boot block. I do this by turning off appropriate hard drives during installations. Thereafter, I use F12 when prompted during boot-up to select the Linux (default) or Windows boot drive. When I boot through the Linux hard drive, I would like the Ubuntu or OpenSUSE Linux OS to be selectable through GRUB (or GRUB2).

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General :: Dual Booting Windows 7 And OpenSUSE - 11.3 ?

Feb 28, 2011

My PC is an older model Toshiba Satellite that I've upgraded a bit to handle Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

Recently, I joined a CST program at a local college, and there is an entire mod on Linux. I'm at the top of my class, and I aim to stay that way, so I found out what distro they were using, and downloaded openSUSE 11.3. I tried to install it once, and I failed, though I didn't screw up my Windows...much.

I've created an entire 132GB partition, and a 3 or 4GB swap, but I keep getting an error about the boot loader not being on a partition entirely below 128GB. So, I set the partition for 127.98GB, and still with the error.

I'm no slacker when it comes to working with Windows, but when it comes to Linux, of any type, I'm horrible. I need to be able to install the fully functional openSUSE OS alongside my Windows 7 Ultimate, without completely screwing my Windows install up. I can recover, so I'm not afraid to try new things.

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Fedora :: How To Install Grub On A Dual-OS Booting Machine

Dec 7, 2010

I'm dual-booting windows 7 on (hd0,0) and Fedora 13 on (hd0,4) and it's working fine until I repaired my windows 7. Afiter I did the repair on my windows 7, The booting sequence now skips the grub menu and automatically boots into windows without allowing me to take my pick.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual-booting OpenSUSE And Kubuntu / Set Up Bootloader?

Jun 9, 2011

In addition to my pre-existing installation of openSUSE 11.4 I installed Kubuntu 11.04 to my machine. Surprisingly enough the SUSE Grub was not overwritten and I can still boot SUSE fine. I cannot, however, get Kubuntu to boot; tried to set up a chainloader entry in the SUSE Grub, but that doesnt seem to find valid boot files and errors out stating Invalid or corrupt executable format.

As far as I can see, both openSUSE and Kubuntu see my hard drives in the following order:

sda: 500 GB Samsung on SATA (no OS installed)
sdb: 120 GB WD on IDE Master (Kubuntu installed to 1st partition (sdb1)
sdc: 160 GB Samsung on IDE Slave (openSUSE installed to 1st partition (sdc1)

During installation Kubuntu (alternate CD) installed Grub2 to (hd0,0), which should be what is called sda above.

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Installation :: Dual-booting OpenSuSE And Fedora With Shared /boot Partition

Mar 7, 2009

I'm trying to achieve my dream (but indeed not perfect) boot scenario: dual-boot OpenSUSE and Fedora with shared /boot, /home and SWAP partitions. First I installed OpenSUSE (sda3 on my layout below) with separate /boot (sda2), /home (sda5, encrypted) and SWAP (sda6), next I installed Fedora on /dev/sda1, and pointed it to mount sda2, sda5, sda6 with respective mount points, without formatting. I proceeded with the installation without installing new GRUB bootloader (overwriting an existing one).

It was successfull and now I'm back in OpenSuSE trying to edit menu.lst file (under /boot/grub) to make GRUB boot Fedora.

I attached a copy of menu.lst I cooked up for now. OK, it's a mess. Life would be allot easier if I didn't have a separate /boot partition, as I could just chainload, but it's no longer possible (or is it?). May be I needed to specify the resume device or problem is in initrd? below are the contents of /boot:

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Ubuntu :: Dual-booting - Can't Boot From CD - Install Through Hard Drive Into Another Computer

Jan 9, 2011

I have a laptop with two partitions, one with Windows XP and one for storage (formatted in NTFS). I would like to install Ubuntu on the storage partition, but my problem is that I can't boot from CD (or anything else) because my BIOS is password protected. I obviously don't know the password. y question is: If I plug the laptop's hard drive into another computer, install Ubuntu as described above and then reconnect it to my laptop, will it work?

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Ubuntu :: Booting After Installation (Dual Booting With Vista) - Error: No Such Devide Found

Jun 24, 2010

i decided to install ubuntu in my PC,i downloaded the .ISO image and i installed it in my USB. After trying it and all that i observed that i really liked it and i decided to formally install it to my computer in the hard drive. When i reached the partition thing,i selected to dual boot with Vista and select between each them in every startup,when i clicked FORWARD it gave me an error which i did not read(because,again im a noob) so i clicked cancel.

Today i wanted to go through the process again and now really install it,so again i went to the time zone part and i clicked forward but then,instead of taking me straight to the partition phase,it appeard a window saying "The installer has detected that the following disks have mounted partitions: /dev/sda ...." I clicked yes,to unmount this partitions so it took me to the partition thing,once there i selected the option to install Ubuntu with Vista and select between them i neach startup,then i clicked forward and went to the username/computer name process,once i finished i continued to the next part,the installation,but i selected to import all of my WIndows VIsta default user data,after that i clicked forward and went to the installation process,i went down stairs to eat soemthing while it finishes,i came back and it was finished,it asked me to reboot so i clicked in Restart Now.

When it tried to boot,appeared an error saying: Error: no such devide found: #################### Grub load(or something like that) grub rescue: and it was a command line,since there i havent been able to boot into vista or Ubuntu,im really scared because is the first thing related to OS installing ive done,so i booted my USB and ran the trial and right now im trying to find out what to do from that trial version.
I just went to the INSTALL UBUNTU 10.04 LTS application under the System>Administration Menu and found out that in the partition phase the Install and allow to select between both systems in eahc startup option,i dont know what to do,i foudn out that my HD has still all its data(MUsic/Videos/Folders/Programs/ect.)its just that i cannot boot from it. Also in GParted it appears as /dev/sda1/ and a warning icon besides it,also when i go into information, thers this warning there [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lynx Dual Boot With 3 Operating Systems

May 11, 2010

I am preparing to do a fresh install of lucid lynx dual boot with vist@ Currently I am running 9.04 in this configuration. The install guide for Lucid says the new grub2 doesn't support more than 2 operating systems. plus I apparently can't edit it either. Besides vist@ there is a hp recovery partition which has a seperate entry in my existing grub. Does this mean I can't use the lucid desktop disk for a fresh install because I would have 3 operating systems? Lynx, vist@ and HP recovery partition.

I only have two applications left I am using on vist@, but I have no recovery disk, only an old image for my vist@. I am very concerned about this upgrade. 5.04 went smooth and each one since then has been a bit harder. I could not get 9.10 to run and had to go back to 9.04. I hope I am not at the end of the road. How about using grub instead of grub2?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lynx X64 On RAID0 Ich10r (dual Boot)

Jun 9, 2010

I've planed to install Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 x64 on my rig. dual boot setup windows 7 preinstalled Intel ICH10R RAID0 manual partition setup 200mb ext3 /boot 2gb swap 100gb ext4 / GUI installer can see my RAID and allows me to create this partitions manually. But when install begins i'm getting error :

Quote: The ext3 file system creation in partition #5 of Serial ATA RAID isw_dgaehbbiig_RAID_0 (stripe) failed


fdisk -l from Live cd shows me separated HDDs without RAID0 wrap (sda and sdb) Also in advanced section where i can configure boot loader default is /dev/sda, which is part of RAId_0. I'm checking isw_dgaehbbiig_RAID_0 as location for loader, assuming that this would be MBR. am i doing this step right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multi HDD Dual Boot - Vista + Lucid Lynx - GRUB ?

Apr 27, 2010

I've got a machine that I'd got 9.10 on, that I've now upgraded to Lucid Lynx - and I'm having the same problem with dual boot (or lack thereof) that I was having previously.

Rough scenario is:

(Original Vista machine had)

C: Windows Vista OS + Windows software, etc.: 500GB - single NTFS partition - SATA drive

D: General dumping ground for data. 500GB SATA drive. Was single NTFS partition, now shrunk to install Ubuntu.

So is now:
- NTFS partition (containing general rubbish)
- Ubuntu / partition
- Ubuntu swap partition

... and then 3 x 1TB SATA drives making up an (Intel ICH9R) FakeRaid RAID5 array - that Windows can happily 'see' and use, but I don't care about Ubuntu having access to it or even seeing it.

Lucid Lynx is installed to /dev/sde6 (IIRC) - but when I boot the machine just boots straight into Vista.

I've done what I can to try and get GRUB correctly installed - to the point that right now I probably have it splattered just about anywhere and everywhere.

So - now - the machine boots and simply presents me with "GRUB Hard Disk Error" and stops...

I can fix this by running the Vista repair, with a fixmbr etc. and putting the MBR back to 'normal' on the first boot disk (/dev/sdd in this case). The machine then just boots straight into Vista.

...or I can boot into Ubuntu (or Vista) by booting off a Super Grub Disk (CD) and selecting "Boot Linux" (or whatever it is) - and it correctly boots Lucid Lynx from /dev/sde6

Ideally I want a proper GRUB dual boot menu - but I just seem to be getting into more and more of a mess!

Bootlog below will show what sort of mess I'm in:


Boot Info Summary:

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup A Wireless With Linksys Wireless Router And HP Laptop Dual Booting Vista & Suse 11.2

Jun 20, 2010

I'm try to setup a wireless network with my linksys wireless router and my HP laptop dual booting Vista & Suse 11.2. I have the vista networked, just fine. Where I can share files and the printer connected to my desktop. But I want to be able to use Suse in the same way, full time and to stray away from Vista. My wife and kids like easy. So I'm trying to transform them and show them something new.

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General :: Dual-booting Windows : Why Install Windows First?

Apr 1, 2011

I've read that, when configuring a dual-boot system, you should install Windows first to avoid any issues.Some questions: I'm assuming this has to do with the boot loader so: How is Windows boot loader so different that this matters? If I'm totally off, please explain.Is this the same case with Windows 7 and Windows XP? Depending on question 1 of course: Will installing Windows later on mean that it will definitely not work or just that you might encounter issues later on? Some tutorials are kind of ambiguous about that point.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Partitioning & Booting - (grub Won't Install On The Pci Express Card As It Is A Raid0 Array)

Jun 11, 2011

I am currently running all my applications off a HD as I was unable to install the grub bootloader on my ocz pci express card (grub won't install on the pci express card as it is a raid0 array). I would like to use the HD for backup only and run everything off the ocz card - with the exception of booting (which is unfortunate but I didn't manage to make the pci express card boot). How is it possible to tell suse during the installation to create the /boot on the HD and the rest on the pci express card and also to allocate the remainder of the HD as empty storage area??

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting After 11.3 Install - Hangs At A Blank Screen ?

Jun 8, 2011

I recently tried to upgrade my openSuSe 11.1 system using the instructions at:

SDB:System upgrade - openSUSE

I successfully got the system to 11.2, but the upgrade from 11.2->11.3 went awry. The installation froze during the update, and I had to start it over. The first issue I had to deal with was the fact that rpm had been upgraded and zypper hadn't, so zypper wouldn't function because older rpm files that it would search for had been deleted. After rolling back rpm to a previous version, I managed to complete the upgrade to 11.3 and everything looked good. However, when I rebooted the system, it hangs at a blank screen. More precisely, the system seems to get through all of the BIOS stuff and then hang while loading the OS (I assume). Although I've worked on Windows boxes for a long time, I'm a complete novice at OS installations/upgrades for Linux systems, so I'm not even quite sure where to begin to troubleshoot this. Ideally, I'd like to be able to fix the installation on the system to save the data on the hard drives, but I realize this might not be possible. My first thought was to use a recovery tool that I'd seen on some Linux installation CDs, but I see that for openSuSe 11.3 and on that utility has been dropped. I can, however, use the disk to get to the "Rescue" command prompt, so maybe there's something I can do from there?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx - Dual Core - One Core Always At 100%

May 15, 2010

I've a Compaq CQ61 laptop, and i noticed that one of the cores is always at 100%.

I didn't check the duration of the battery but surely it will "eat" my battery in a hurry

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