Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Multiple Boot?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm currently running Ubuntu 9.10 on my server and I want to install a new 10.04 from scratch in a second bootable partition to be able to boot it up and test the new version before putting it into production (without tampering with my old version). I have an empty partition on my drive already

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.10 With Multiple Hard Drives?

Dec 27, 2010

I have been trying to install Ubuntu on my new computer as a duel boot with Windows 7. My computer has four 1TB hard drives, One with Windows 7 installed, two that are used for storing media (both are independent, not in a RAID or anything like that) and one empty hard drive. This hard drive contains a 901.51 GB NTFS partition, and 30.00 GB of Unallocated space, I wish to install Ubuntu in this unallocated space; giving it 20 GB (the 10 GB left over might be used for installing XBMC Live). But when I boot Ubuntu's Live CD the installer doesn't show me the unallocated space, and doesn't really show me any of the extra Hard drives.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Vista Multiple Boot - No Boot Filename Received - No Bootable Device

Jan 2, 2010

i had a working multi-boot system, vista on sda1,2; swap sda3; ext=sda4; ubuntu sda5; fedora sda6; data sda7 - i mount the data partition when using all of the linux releases so i don't have to have multiple copies of music, docs, etc. everything has worked fine until yesterday. i tried to install fc12 on sda6, replacing fc11. it required me to format sda6 as ext4. i wasn't sure where i had grub installed, but have a backup of menu.lst in data (sda7), so figured i could let it install to mbr or wherever it wanted to by default. when the install completed and i reboot, i get a black screen and these messages: CLIENT MAC ADDR: 00 19 XX XX XX GUID: XXXXX PXE-E53:

No boot filename received
PXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent.

No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key I tried reinstalling fc12, same exact errors. I then thought maybe the problem had something to do with ext4 partition mixed in with ext3's, so i installed mepis on the sda6, and let it write grub to mbr (i think, not really sure where it wrote it). anyway, i still get the identical black screen. no grub type menu or anything. the screen used to show "DHCP for a few seconds", but doesn't anymore after i disconnected the ethernet cable.........

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Debian Installation :: Installing Clones Of Squeeze On Multiple Identical Laptops

Oct 24, 2010

I am setting up 4 laptops that are all the same make and model with 64bit squeeze.What is the best way to setup the master laptop? LVM?

Once the master is all configured how we need, what is the best way to clone it to the other laptops? Once all the laptops are cloned what is the best way to refresh or update the other laptops from the master laptop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot On Multiple Disks?

Jul 7, 2010

I recently tried installing Lucid x86 on my system beside Windows 7 and managed to screw it up.

My disk setup is this;

Disk A = 3 partitions (1st partition=Windows 2&3 partitions=Data)
Disk B = 1 partition
Disk C = 3 partitions (1st partition=Data 2&3 partitions=Ubuntu & Swap)

Disk A = SATA and internal
Disk B = SATA to USB external
Disk C = SATA to USB external

I want to install Lucid on the 2nd partition on Disk C. And dual boot it with Windows on Disk A.

During Lucid setup i specified the partition for installation (C2) and asked for GRUB to install on Disk A (no partition specified) so GRUB is always used as the dual-boot manager even if the Lucid disk (Disk C) is ejected. Once installed and rebooted i was taken to the GRUB rescue prompt as no installation drive could be found (a long string of numbers (looked like a Disk ID number???) was also shown). Obvviiusly, i could not access either OS on my system at this point. I had my W7 DVD handy so it was just a case of recovering the windows boot manager and i could use my PC but how do i go about installing Lucid with this setup? Should i specify a partition for GRUB to install to? I have a hunch this is where i am going wrong but am too scared to try again and potentially balls things up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Want To Boot Multiple Distros With GRUB

Jun 21, 2011

I currently am in an adventurous phase and want to try other distros while still having a reliable, stable Ubuntu installation to fall back on. I'm currently in the process of partitioning my disks, and I realized that I might have trouble booting them, as the most recently installed would control GRUB and clobber any previous GRUB setup. So what I want to know is how to go about managing everything so that only one distro, preferably Ubuntu, has control of the GRUB menu at boot up, and will still recognize the other distros on other partitions.

I plan to have three 15GB root partitions, one swap, and one home partition for each distro.

Would I create a /boot for each distro? Or create one /boot with files from each distro copied there? Or should I do something else entirely?
I just don't want the distros to interfere with each other. Also, I don't want to use VMs for this, because I want to see what a real full-performance install is like for each distro.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Can't Boot Multiple OSes

Jul 9, 2011

The system came with Windows 7 installed.

After installing Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) with Unity, I installed Xubuntu 11.04. All three OSes could be seen in the GRUB menu and I could boot any OS of choice.

Then I installed OpenSUSE 11.4. I suspect it installed legacy GRUB on the OpenSUSE root partition. Thereafter, I was not able to boot Ubuntu or Xubuntu.

I have now used a LiveCD (system rescue mode) to re-install GRUB on the MBR. However, I can only boot Win7 or Ubuntu. Can't access Xubuntu or OpenSUSE.

The results of my boot-info file are as reproduced below:

Boot Info Script 0.60 from 17 May 2011
============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================
=> Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks


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Ubuntu Installation :: Recover Multiple Boot Options Menu ?

Jun 21, 2010

Previously I'd installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix (Lucid) on my Acer Aspire One 751h netbook. the machine came with XP installed, so I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot setup. I had various problems with the configuration of Ubuntu (nothing to do with the boot process, and now solved) so I reinstalled it.

What I'd actually done with the second installation was to install it again alongside both XP and the original Ubuntu installation (maybe that was also a stupid thing, but I didn't know it would work like that). When I realised what I'd done, I did the stupid thing, which was to delete the partitions with the older installation and swap file (using the Disk Utility).

After that, the next time I rebooted I went straight into grub-rescue. I don't know much about this, but I found a forum entry explaining the basics, so I can now issue grub-rescue commands that let me boot into Ubuntu. I've run update-grub and my /boot/grub/grub.cfg file looks fine.

However, I think this only kicks in once I've got past the initial boot menu and have chosen Ubuntu (now on sda5 - hd0,5). My problem is that the files/processes that load the boot menu on startup still have the old configuration, so when I reboot I still go into grub-rescue and I get 'partition not found' (or, since I recreated the partitions, 'file not found') and root is at (hd0,7).

Is there a way, once I've got into Ubuntu, of changing the information in the startup boot menu Alternatively, if I copy my entire file system from sda5 into sda7, would that do the trick?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Booting Multiple Distros From USB - Choose Which One To Boot From?

Oct 31, 2010

With the startup disk creator on Ubuntu (Currently running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS) I realised you could boot Ubuntu from a USB and then install it onto the HDD if you wish to. *Side note* Still amazes me you can run a whole operating system from a USB memory stick drive *End Side note* Now My question is: 'Is it possible to have multiple distros of Linux on a USB memory stick and choose which one you wish to boot from when you boot up the computer?'I was hoping to get a seagate portable HDD ((here) and load quite a few different Linux distros on it to get a broader view of Linux than just Ubuntu (Although Ubuntu does rock ).

Is there simple ways of doing this? I have read around this forum and Google and a suggestion was given to install all of the distros onto the portable HDD/ USB memory stick and then install Ubuntu onto it last as its good for picking up other OSes in its GRUB. (Again if my idea on GRUB and its workings are wrong please point it out - got to keep learning)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will Not Boot, , Multiple Error Messages Showed Up?

Jan 2, 2011

I installed ubuntu with the windows installer. while installing in windows, multiple error messages showed up, but installation still proceeded.it rebooted, and ubuntu finished installation.on the next reboot,when i chose ubuntu from the windows boot manager, it loaded grub.however,there was no option for booting ubuntu in grub, and you are forced to go back to the windows boot manager.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Multiple Operating Systems Without Choosing The OS At The Machine?

Apr 4, 2011

Sorry for the hard to understand title but it's difficult to describe in one sentence. What I'd like to do is install Windows and several different versions of Linux on the same system. After everything is installed, I'd like to switch between operating systems *from inside the operation systems*.

Example: I'm inside Windows but I want to reboot into Ubuntu 9.04. I need to run a command to update the boot manager so it knows to boot into Ubuntu 9.04.

I do not want to walk to the physical box to make a menu selection. EDIT: I'd like to be able to switch between Windows 7 and Ubuntu (9.04, 10.04, and 10.10)

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Installation :: Multibooting Multiple Distros With A Separate / Boot Partition For GRUB

Mar 27, 2010

Noobish question on multibooting multiple Linux distros. I have four of the current major Linux distributions. Each has been installed and run individually (no other Linux distribution installed) in a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. No problem.

What I want to do is install all four Linux distributions and multiboot them. Reading the internet it would seem this is a simple task with GRUB. The short version being - install a Linux distro with a separate /boot partition for GRUB and use GRUB to boot the other Linux distros from the GRUB boot menu.

So I installed one of the Linux distros with a separate partition for /boot. The distro installer installed GRUB in /boot and correctly setup a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. GRUB was installed to the MBR. Next I installed a second Linux distro in its own root partition and told the distros installer NOT to install GRUB to the MBR, but rather, to the boot sector of the root partion of the second Linux distro. Installation was uneventful (and I could access the second Linux partition from the first installed Linux distro, things looked ok). Then I added to following to the installed (MBR - /boot) GRUB's menu.lst:

Code: title lixux distro 2
root (hd0,7)

chainloader +1 After which I rebooted the system and the new entry for the second Linux distro now appears in the GRUB boot menu. I selected the second Linux distro from the boot menu and got the following GRUB error: Error 5 : Partition table invalid or corrupt

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot After Installing 10.04

Jun 29, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a friends NEC VERSA P7200, which had Windows XP.I set up two new partitions, sda3 (for /) and sda5 for swap.After installing 10.04, I rebooted to get "unknown filesystem", then grub rescue> prompt.After reading a ton of suggestions, and after typing insmod normal, normal, I get the Ubuntu splash screen with ability to boot into Ubuntu or windows.Rebooting gives the same error, then if I type insmod normal, normal, at the grub rescue> prompt it allows selection of ubuntu/windows/test memory etc.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing 11.04

Jul 25, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop that was running Windows 7. After installing Unbuntu I can no longer boot to Windows 7 or Ubuntu. The disk is now a dynamic disk which won't run with Windows 7 Home Premium. As this is a HP laptop computer, I had to do a recovery which wiped out everything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing With No Optical - USB Boot Or FDD

Jan 18, 2010

I have a Dell Lattitude LS. It gets used for very light web browsing, RDP into my main PC and also to access Megasquirt in my car. It had until recently a stripped out XP install there that ran ok despite the laptop being a P3 500, 256mb RAM. That install is now damaged, it gets as far as the login screen and then hangs. Instead of repairing it, I want to put ubuntu on there as i think it'll manage the (lack of) resources better. However, the laptop has no optical drive, cannot boot from USB and I'm not sure if the external FDD. I have for it works either (it's a bit crusty).

I do have a pata > usb convertor to access the drive via my main PC though. Am just not sure what I can put on there to let me boot and then install. Is it plausible to make the HDD act like a LiveCD? Should I partition it, and copy the install ISO contents into one of the partitions, and go from there - but how do I make that bootable? I do have another laptop with a PATA HDD that does have a working optical drive. Could I begin the install on that, then pull the drive and swap it over at some point during the install - or is that a no go?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Loader Does Not Appear After Installing 10.04?

Aug 3, 2010

I dual boot WinXP SP3 and Win 7 64bit.

C - win xp D - win7 E- data F - data

Today I installed Ubuntu to C or win xp partition.

I can access the other partitions but when restarting I cannot see the boot loader. It directly boots to Ubuntu. My Win7 partition is still there , but I cannot boot into it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Boot Option After Installing Xp

Nov 5, 2010

My misses wanted XP putting back onto her laptop, which had Ubuntu 10.04 installed using the whole drive. So I created a partition for it, and install XP onto it, but now it now longer gives me the option to choose between Ubuntu or XP. I know I need to reinstall GRUB but I am not sure on how to do it. Can anybody give me a step by step guide on how to do this please?? The simplest the better because I am not too hot on Ubuntu, unfortunately.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Win7 After Installing 10.10

Dec 25, 2010

I had win 7 installed, decided to install ubuntu on this desktop computer. I had a windows partition, and a few other partitions, one with a wubi install of windows that I never used, so I decided to delete it, while installing ubuntu 10.10. I had free unallocated space for installing ubuntu, which was contiguous to the partition of the wubi install of ubuntu, so I decided to merge them, I did all this in gparted while installing ubuntu 10.10, 2gb swap, then 15gb root and all that remained to home.

Everything worked out fine (of course I never touched the win7 partition). After reboot grub doesn't show win 7, so I thought I'll just add it to grub, followed a few tutorials on this forum, but nothing worked. Then I remembered that the partition which I deleted to merge with the ubuntu partition, was an Active partition, and soon found out that my win7 partition was not active! (this is probably because I installed win 7 while I had still win vista, so that active partition was where vista was).

So now a ~100mb apparently unallocated partition was the active partition (win 7 hidden boot partition?), and trying the Startup repair of win 7 cd doesn't work, tried bootrec /fixboot, successfully, but bootrec /rebuildbcd can't find any Windows installation, even after setting the win7 partition as active with DiskPart. This is almost entirely a windows problem, but I just wanted to have Ubuntu working alongside Windows (I use a lot adobe's sw, which runs sadly only on windows, otherwise I would use only ubuntu).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot After Installing 11.04 / Make It Possible?

Apr 29, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 11.04 on a separate partition on my hard drive so i can have dual boot for window 7 and ubuntu. I have done this in the past with 10.10 and it use to work fine. But now after installing 11.04 I am not able to boot it. I have recorded a video of what happens. here is the link. http://www.......com/watch?v=oLr2LqS0cEQ

I have written my laptop spec in the description of the video.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Into Windows 7 After Installing 11.04?

Jun 22, 2011

i just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and i was enjoying it, but when i wanted to boot into windows 7 my computer just restarts by itself. I really don't know much about Ubuntu

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Ubuntu Installation :: Re-installing XP With A Two Disk Dual Boot ?

Feb 17, 2010

I have been running Ubuntu 9.10 and Win XP Professional as a dual boot system, with each OS on its own HDD, smoothly and seamlessly since the release of 9.10. Yesterday one of my kids got a video file from a friend and it had a virus along with it. Long story short, in the process of trying to repair it Windows shuddered it last agonizing breath.

Now I have to re-install Windows because some of the programs the schools make them use require Windows. How do I go about doing this without damaging my Ubuntu installation? Will re-installing on a second drive affect GRUB?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Dual Boot Windows 7 And 10.04?

May 2, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx on a dual boot with a previously installed copy of Windows 7 and everything installed fine via Wubi...but now when I boot up and I get to my Boot Mgr and select Ubuntu I get the following message and can not get past a black screen stating -

Try (hd0,0) EXT2

I have tried to read what others have done to fix this but nothing has worked so far,Also I can still log into Windows 7 just fine, just no Linux...

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installing 10.04 - Can't Find Boot File

Aug 6, 2010

I am getting a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Install gave message to the effect: can't find boot file. Now I can't boot with any version or even get a prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing 10.04 From Minimal Cd On USB Stick

Aug 11, 2010

I used unetbootin (on another machine) to put the ubuntu 10.04 minimal amd64 .iso onto a usb stick. I used it to install a minimal system on a new 64-bit laptop (dual booting with Windows 7). Now, when I turn on the machine I get my choice of OS. When I pick Ubuntu, I get a blinking cursor, the harddrive is accessed. Then the cursor disappears, the harddrive is quiet, and nothing else happens.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will Not Boot After Installing Proprietary Drivers

Sep 28, 2010

its pretty much my first install. I am duel booting with Vista. I followed the guidelines and made a partition for my Ubuntu install. Everything installed correctly, however, it tell you to activate drivers for my video card, then restart. After restart ubuntu will not boot, it just sits at the startup screen and does nothing, I waited like an hour just to make sure that it was not just installing more things. I have re-formatted my partition and am going to reinstall later. Oh, I installed 10.4.1.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Win7 Does Not Boot After Installing Grub

Sep 30, 2010

After install of Ubuntu 10.04 I cant boot WIN7 from the Grub menu.

root@asus:~# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 32.0 GB, 32017047552 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3892 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xcb5bd2b2

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 3890 31245312 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 3890 3892 16154 ef EFI (FAT-12/16/32)

Disk /dev/sdb: 31.9 GB, 31914983424 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3880 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x0002ac5b

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 1 3391 27230840+ c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdb2 3391 3881 3931137 5 Extended
/dev/sdb5 3391 3852 3701760 83 Linux
/dev/sdb6 3852 3881 228352 82 Linux swap / Solaris

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Able To Boot After Installing NVidia Driver

Apr 3, 2011

I have install Ubuntu 10.10 64bit in my sony vaio vpccw16fs which have Nvidia graphics card (GT 230M). I have install it using nomodeset and after entering the system I installed nvidia from System> Administration> Additional drivers. Driver version was current 260.19.06. After installation I was able to see the boot screen but was unable to see the logon screen. The computer froze with the background color of bootscreen which is purple. And I have to restart it and have to choose failsafe graphic mode. And after logging in in failsafe graphic mode. My NVidia driver says I am not using it. How to use nvidia driver properly. I have tried many Tutorials present on internet but none of them works.

Here is my xorg.conf file.
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.06 (buildmeister@builder101) Mon Sep 13 04:59:45 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
EndSection .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiple Failed Dual-boot Windows7/ubuntu Installationsons?

Aug 2, 2011

Hi,I had a Windows 7 installation and I decided to install ubuntu 11.04 I tried several times but every time soon or later something with grub goes wrong.Most times I get the error "no such partition",once it just halted after "verifying DMI ... " .I fixed windows mbr with "bootsect /nt60 C:" and then tried to reinstall grub with boot-repair .It showed no errors but after reboot I get "no such partition" again.
My scheme is something like :

/dev/sda1 -> the windows 7 system partition NTFS
/dev/sda2 -> partition for windows programs etc NTFS
/dev/sda3 -> partition for files(images/music/videos) NTFS
/dev/sda4 -> extended partition


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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing 10?

Feb 7, 2009

When I boot up, my Laptop reports the operating systemis missing??? Unless, I put my XP installation disk in the drive, thenFedora will boot up fine.If I put the Live install Fedora disk in & choose to boot from the HD, again it reports the OS is missing??Clearly it isn't as here I am using Fedora after booting leaving myation disdrive.Incidentally, I don't have windows installed, Fedora only.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing F13?

Jun 19, 2010

Having searched this and other forums and googled without valid results, I need some help. I've been a linux user since RH 5.2, having experimented with several distros but have not run into this problem previously. I've just installed F13 for the third time. Each time the installation completes without any apparent error but when I reboot, I get the following message:Quote:

Error No Active Partition
Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (build 082)
copyright ...
This product is covered by one or more of the following patents ...
Realtek PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller Series v2.26 (090219)
PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable
PXE-M06: Exiting PXE ROM

The cable failure is consistent with there being no cable and inability to configure wireless during install. I used the custom partitioning option during install and was very careful to search for any fields I might have missed initially.


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