Ubuntu Installation :: How To Speed Up The System

Jul 26, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Pentium III (Coppermine) Memory 182 MiBEverything seems to run extremely slowly. Am I a bit short of resources for this installation?I am a complete tyro with regard to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Speed Up System Running Off USB

Jun 16, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 off of an 8GB flash drive. I have no hard disks but I do have a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading and 1 GB of RAM. So, it shouldn't be my system that is causing it to run slow, but rather limitations of the USB (I'm pretty sure it's USB 2.0). Is there anything I can do, unnecessary processes I can kill, etc. to make it run faster?

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Ubuntu :: System Requirements For 10.04 - Speed Up Performance?

Mar 6, 2011

I have an older PC running Ubuntu 10.04, and the system is slow, especially with Firefox running. I recently upgraded to 2 gig memory, but it didn't help. I have plenty of space on my hard-drive, using only 30 gig of 80 gig. My CPU is Intel Celeron 2.40GHz. I have broadband, and the speed seems good. What are the system requirements for Ubuntu 10.04? Any tips for speeding performance, esp on Firefox? I used to do a defrag when I had Windows; is there any need to do that on Ubuntu also?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Connection Only With System / Speed It Up?

May 5, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 10.4, and I'm having a really slow Internet connection, with Windows everything works fine.

When I upload a file to an internal Ubuntu server the speed is ok ~15MB/s.

The problem is only with Internet Firefox / synaptic, any program using Internet. Last download done with synaptic display 18KB/s when normally it should be 500.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Speed Limit Specific System Not Entire Network?

May 9, 2011

I have this new flatmate who uses all my Internet data up before the end of my monthly clockover. Instead of having to buy heaps of data top-ups at the end of the month, is there a way I can limit the speed of his computer through the network? I have tried looking through my router settings (which is a Thomson router) but there doesn't seem to be any options in regards to limiting activity of a system on the network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: System To Use With New Configuration Considering That Space Is More Valuable Than Speed

Aug 2, 2011

I am upgrading my (as I call it) archive server. It is server used for archiving anything from user files, to images, backup data etc. lots of files of different sizes. It has 8 WD320RE disks in RAID5 for total little above 2T space. Disks were working perfectly good for 4 years. I will be replacing them with 8 WD2000RE disks in RAID-5, somewhere around 12T of usable space. I am currently using RaiserFS as file system, because it was hip at the time and as turned out once, when I had to copy data to other disk, is about 20% more efficient than ext3. I can save about 20% more data on Raiser. My question is. What file system do you suggest for using with new configuration considering that space is more valuable than speed.

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General :: F13 - Can Not Change CPU Speed In System / Enable This?

Dec 5, 2010

I have Fedora 13 installed on my laptop. For some reason it always seems to run at 1GHz even though the maximum is 1.67GHz (even under 100% load).

The output of cpufreq-info code...

I tried changing the limits by setting cpufreq-set -r -g userspace -c 0 -d 1000MHz -u 1670MHz but the output it still identical (in particular "frequency should be within 1000 MHz and 1000 MHz").

Any ideas how to change the limits?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Slow Internet On X64 FC12 System / Speed It Up?

Jan 11, 2010

Does any one have a way to speed up the internet on Fedora 12? I have a dual boot system with Vista x64 on the flip-side, and my wireless connection there is just fine. But when I get on this side, it goes back to the dial-up days (yes I said the DU word). yum updates seem to be just fine, and e-mail seems to be fine. just firefox is slow. And now that I put the x64 Flash in (thanks to leigh123linux), with that working too it seems even a little slower again.

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General :: Finding A Data Transfer Speed Of A System Using Squid?

Nov 16, 2009

How to find a data transfer speed of a system using squid?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Trying To Playback At Double Speed - VLC Will Play The Video At Normal Speed But With No Audio

Jul 23, 2011

Ubuntu 64bit. The sound system works and plays noises correctly when I test the speakers in sound preferances. The internet BBCi player(Radio) plays sound correctly. Banshee & Rhythmbox try to play music files at double, or more, speed with no sound output. Spotify Linux version also tries to playback at double speed with no sound output. Media Player attempts to play music files at high speed. Media player plays the Video and audio tracks at high speed. VLC Will play the video at normal speed but with no audio.

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Ubuntu :: Cd Burner Goes To 16 Speed Burning And Up: Cannot Burn At 4 Speed

Dec 20, 2010

i both have the same problem, i'm trying to burn my images at 4 or 8 speed, but ubuntu 10.04 says that the hardware does not support that kind of speed and switch up to 16 speed and more. i know it can burn at low speeds, at least in windows, it is a bit strange that fast burning is okee, and slow not, what can i do to prevent this? i don't wanna burn to much errors on my discs

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Fedora :: Upgraded To FC14 From FC12 - System Fan Blows Full Speed Constantly?

Dec 31, 2010

I upgraded from FC12 to FC14 and now the system/case fan blows full speed constantly. I also moved from i386-PAE to am64.

The CPUs are cool, the machine is basically idle, and the fan noise is really annoying (and blowing cool air).

In FC12 the fan would auto-adjust with CPU load. This is not the case now.

I ran sensors-detect and it doesn't seem to find my fans:

[root@pangea modprobe.d]# sensors

Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +40.0C (crit = +75.0�C)
Adapter: PCI adapter

I don't remember ever having to even run sensors-detect in FC12. I searched the board for a bit and didn't see any solutions. I'll attach the full output from sensors-detect.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Speed Up The Installation To Older Computers?

Oct 27, 2010

I do a volunteer work for World Computer Exchange, or WCE, a non profit org.WCE get a lot of old-ish (gettins less P3s, and more P4s now) computers, install Ubuntu and ship them to schools,libraries,etc. to the developing countries.When I say Ubuntu, I often intall Xubuntu since the machines are slow, but if it meets the Ubuntu requirement in terms of memory and disk, we often install Ubuntu Ubuntu.And, installing Ubuntu in general takes time. Most people don't notice "it's slow", but if you install it to a 10GB IDE ATA4 disks,it often takes a few hours. I can do it to a handful of machines but there are so many machines to deal with.

I modified the installer to do unattended installation so it is less of hassle now but I'd like to know what I can do to speed up the installation.If it's faster, we'd be able to go though a lot more machines.Also, it would be great if it's an easy process without network. I personally use a network (pxe boot and unattended installation), but there are many volunteers and it's logistically far easier if it can be installed without it.I give out a modified CD to those volunteers and they just put it in and watch the progress of installation. Since machines often have issues with hardware, it's not a simple process even if it's unattended installer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Download Speed For 10.04?

Apr 29, 2010

Just want to make sure I am not crazy. I am downloading the upgrade right now (9 p.m. time Eastern U.S.), and not getting much faster than 31 kbps on the download. Regular web pages are loading quickly as normal. Are the Canonical servers overtaxed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Transfer Speed In 11.04?

Jul 13, 2011

slow usb transfer speeds has been resolved in 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)? I am currently using Lucid and facing the problem of slow usb transfer speeds which has always been there in ubuntu but everything else is running just fine for me so I see no reason to upgrade yet unless the new OS has solved this problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Multiple HD's To Increase Server Speed?

Jan 21, 2010

I am curious if it is possible to use multiple hard drives to increase server speed. I know I could run stripped drives or RAID0, but was wondering if there is any other way to do it within Linux. My default 9.10 Server install has 3 partitions as a default. Would splitting these on three drives make it any faster?

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Installation :: Slow Boot After Upgrading To Ubuntu 10.04 / Speed It Up?

Aug 12, 2010

First of all i would like to inform that I am new to Ubuntu. I had Ubuntu 9.04 install on my HP Pav. Laptop with Winxp. Before some days I upgraded it first to 9.10 and then to 10.04 as suggested in Ubuntu site. After the upgrade I found that the boot up is very slow. I heard and read that Ubuntu 10.04 has very fast booting but I don't experience that, though shutdown is faster.
I read many threads on this forum about slow booting and tried to resolve the issue using those, but nothing is working. I also installed bootchart and tried to get something out of it, but frankly saying I don't understand that chat . I have 1gb of ram.
I have attached the bootchart image. Please help to find the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Slow Download Speed On Update Manager

Jul 11, 2010

Ran the update manager, system was pretty much up to date, only a few files to download. Was it ever SLOW. Most of the time I can download from other sites about 650 kB/s. The update was around 10 kB/s and slower sometimes. What is wrong? Just a lot of people updating at the same time?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Change Unity Launcher Hide/appear Speed?

May 1, 2011

Just did a clean install of 11.04.Is it possible to adjust the unity launcher speed?When I take my cursor to the left it takes a while to show up. I'd like it to be immediate.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Speed Depends On Installation?

Jul 27, 2011

probably this is the most idiotic question and probably i know the answer. But I want to get confirmed. Is it anyway possible that my mobile broadband speed is slow because of my installation is wrong? actually, I formatted my machine and make it dual-boot. After that my mobile-broadband speed is horrible slow. I installed (a)kmod-wl and as dependency, broadcom-wl but my lspci only shows intel network manager.

$ lspci|grep Network
17:03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Device 008a (rev 34)

can this be related or just coincidence?

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General :: Turn Turtle-speed Browsing Into Penguin-speed Browsing?

Oct 17, 2010

I've just installed Slackware 13.1 in two different laptops for first time. I have some strange internet browsing behaviour in one of the laptops. I've installed 2 internet browsers(firefox,opera) using the directions from Slackbuilds.org and there is also konqueror pre-installed. Moreover I installed Wicd network manager.

I can browse some pages e.g. ..... with firefox very slowly but NEVER facebook. I can browse almost any page, even facebook, with OPERA but very very slowly. The same goes with konqueror... Wicd shows that i am always connected with my WPA wireless network

Laptop details:


Toshiba sattellite a100-209
Processor Intel Celeron M 370 / 1.5 GHz
Databus-Speed 400 MHz
Installed RAM 512 MB
Technology DDR2 SDRAM - 533 MHz


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Ubuntu Installation :: Optimal Partition Sugguestions For Speed & Dual Boot With Shared Data?

Mar 4, 2010

I am installing a custom 8.04 live disk (basically, a mirror of my whole system with user data intact, sans all non-OS files) from a USB key with remastersys for the .iso creation, and UNetbootin for the bootable USB on a brand new 120GB PATA WD HDD. Both do nicely so far, so I have a working livedisk to use until I need to install Ubuntu to the drive.

I had a pure linux box, but I need to add XP with dual booting now- I have to use Autodesk Inventor 2010 software for my college class on my laptop, so I don't drive 30 miles to use the 1 computer lab equipped with that software. I'm not new to Linux, but I am new to more in-depth partitioning. I've taken the lead and looked into things- read this good guide, among others:

HTML Code:
http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning and noticed that there is a way to more deftly use partitions so that personal files can be shared access and write between Windows and Linux partitions- with this:
HTML Code:
http://www.fs-driver.org/ Ubuntu is still my main OS, but being able to access all my media/data files between the 2 systems would be nice. Problem is, until now, I've put everything on a single partition because I didn't know better. Now I do, but am a bit confused with all the guides as to what's most efficient, especially in my case where full RAM speed is crucial to running a single program.

Here's what I know I need to do: 1. The Windows XP install I know needs from 20-30GB for Inventor 2010 LT to work well. I don't need anything else in XP spacewise- it's just being added for Inventor. 2. I'd like to create a separate /home partition for Ubuntu this time to save my user data, making future upgrades much more painless (I will be getting Lucid soon). How that works when upgrading, though, I don't know yet..

3. I'd like both OSes to share all my personal files (docs, pics, music, Inventor design files) if it is an efficient choice that works without problems.

4. Finally, because 2GB is minimum for Inventor to run decently, I need to maximize the speed of my RAM for it- from my reading, these so-called "swap" partitions can somehow be added for buffering this- people seem to sugguest the swap be half the size of the RAM for fastest speed, and some say add separate /usr or other partitions. I'm not clear on what would be most efficient for me.

I have limited HDD space- because of my laptop's BIOS, this single 120GB drive is the biggest I can get on my laptop, so efficient partitioning would make a huge difference for me. Before this, a 60GB HDD was in this. I'd like to see some added space for my data storage, but still keep things as fast as possible for Inventor when I use it, and Ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: GPU (Radeon 5750) Running At 69C Idle And Fan At Full Speed

Aug 19, 2011

I'm fairly new to fedora. I used Fedora 14 on a virtual machine just to mess around with it a little while back but thats about it. As far as linux goes, I just test a bunch but can never seem to pull myself away from windows. I am hoping this is the time but these issues are the weirdest I've seen on any linux distro ever. My GPU (Radeon 5750) is running at 69C idle and the fan is at full speed. I am not overclocking it at all and I'm using the default drivers that came with fedora. It works just fine in windows and a lot cooler. How can I fix this?

I'm running the Gnome 3 desktop version, which I am also getting some graphics artifacts. In the bottom bar I get a dashed white line that comes up every time I boot and goes away when I make the bar expand. Also in the applications window I get the same dashed line at the top of the window and sometimes the top of the scroll bar. So far I really like Gnome 3 (Idk why everyone is whining about it) and I'd like to stick with Fedora, and linux for that matter

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore System To 10.10 - Using A System Backup Made With REMASTERSYS - Grub Error 15

May 2, 2011

I am trying to restore my system to Ubuntu 10.10, using a system backup made with REMASTERSYS. When I reboot, I get the message: GRUB error:15 I found many threads discussing this issue, most notably here: [URL]


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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Stopped At: System Probing - Searching For System Files

May 18, 2011

I'm new to openSUSE, this is the first time i try to install openSUSE version 11.4. on my IBM Thinkpad T43 (on which SUSE Linux version 8.0 has been running before without problems). I have downloaded the ISO images and successfully burned the ISO images on a blank DVD. Having placed my openSUSE DVD in the drive and rebooted my laptop I can see the boot screen.

I then select installation with arrow up/down and press enter. Choosing language and keyboard layout works fine, as well as accepting the license agreement. However, when it comes to 'System Probing' the installation stops at 'Search for system files'. The cursor shows a little turning disk but the rest of the screen is blocked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mythbuntu System Hangs After Regular System Update: "out Of Memory" Errors

Aug 4, 2010

I have Mythbuntu 10.04 installed on an exclusive HTPC and working great... until tonight. After letting the system update some packages (161 packages if I remember right), I suddenly have an issue where the graphical system won't start. After researching I found three error messages that might be causing that.

1. At the start of splash screen I see "UUID=xxxxxxxCD7 not ready yet or not present" I checked in /etc/fstab and found that this is the swap partition. I don't remember seeing this before so this could be the culprit.

2. I'm not at the computer in question right now but I saw a Plymouth error about "mountall" and then the message "plymouth command failed". Not sure if this could be the main error.

3. after a while (usually ca. 1-2 min) I receive thousands of errors of the kind "out of memory"... "kill process XXXX" (process vary wildly e.g. dbus-daemon, mysql, etc)... "process killed"..."respawning"

After error 3, I'm not able to switch to graphical console (ctrl-alt-F7). If I was in the graphical console at this moment, I simply can't switch to the CLI console. I'm always afraid of updating my system since I've seen lots of things breaking afterwards (usually the proprietary graphic drivers) but this is really strange.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "base System" VS "command-line System" Installation

Jan 25, 2011

I have a small query regarding Ubuntu installation. Is a "base Ubuntu system installation" the same as a "command-line system installation"? I guess it is but I would like to be sure about it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: SOS:error After Installation From Windows-no Main File System Chosen

May 23, 2010

I just completed the ubuntu 10.04 installation using the windows' installer.After the installation, the system reboot. I chose "ubuntu" from the OS selection screen.A message appeared that the system would verify the installation parameters.

Suddently, a message was shown:
"no main file system chosen. Please solve this error from the partition menu."
And it wouldn't continue!

how can I find the partition menu and set the file system for the ubuntu?? An idea would be to enter the installation cd for windows (as if I would wanted to format the pc)...wouldn't then the partition menu appear?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Using Update Manager It Downloaded The Files And Then While It Starts Installation?

Sep 30, 2010

I am facing a disgusting problem. While I am trying to update my system using update manager It downloaded the files and then while it starts installation it shows the following message

(Reading database ... 60%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
files list file for package 'linux-libc-dev' is missing final newline


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Ubuntu Installation :: Stategies For Dual Boot Installation On A Blank System?

May 24, 2010

Every tutorial I've seen on installing a dual boot environment assumes you already have an installed OS (usually Windows). My wife's XP system is pretty hosed, and she's been interested in Ubuntu. Because she's ripe for an XP re-install anyway, I'm planning on backing up her data, completely wiping her hard drive, and installing a dual-boot Windows-XP/Ubuntu environment. Any good step-by-steps for this, with good hints on how to partition, etc.?

If not, my plan B is to reformat and install a basic XP system, and then follow one of the tutorials for going dual-boot over an existing install. Does that make sense? I should mention, I've used Linux for years as a user on my ISP, but have only been using Linux on a home system for a couple months; so I'm fairly new to the install and administer side.

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