Ubuntu Installation :: "base System" VS "command-line System" Installation

Jan 25, 2011

I have a small query regarding Ubuntu installation. Is a "base Ubuntu system installation" the same as a "command-line system installation"? I guess it is but I would like to be sure about it.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Software To Base System From Command Line?

Dec 19, 2009

I'm a Linux newbie and don't know how to do a lot of things. Five months ago, I asked a friend at FreeGeek Columbus to delete the extaneous operating systems from my computer just leaving the one I used, and he accidentally deleted them all. No problem, I'll just reinstall when I get home. But everytime I try to reinstall K/Ubuntu, I get an error message saying
Installation Failed. The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk:
[errno 5] Input/output error.

That happens with four Ubuntu installation Cds, three live Ubuntu Cds, one Kubuntu live CD, and one Fedora live CD. I suppose there's a problem with my DVD rom. PCLinuxOS and openSUSE, however, do install, so those are what I've been using (I've only recently ceased with openSUSE, for the time being). Today, however, I got lucky trying out something different. I used an Ubuntu 9.04 alternative CD (not live as they abort when they come to the input/output error message) to install the base system and grub with lvm.

It allows me skip over software installation which is where the input/output error message happens. It boots to a command line. I don't know what commands to use to get the software to install from a mirror, or how to install repositories from the command line. I've never had Kubuntu, per se (only Ubuntu with the KDE desktop); so since PCLinuxOS GNOME 2010 (a rolling distro) is more stable and polished than Ubuntu 9.10, I'd like to fill my base system out with Kubuntu software.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall System Entirely Using Command Line?

Mar 10, 2011

My computer is a netbook with no optical drive. I had a friend bring over an external CD drive to burn the live CD, but I don't have that now. Since then, I've messed up my install beyond easy repair, so I was wondering if there was a simple (or perhaps not so simple) command that would reinstall every package from the software repositories (I do have access to the Internet, just no GUI). I'm talking about a clean install here.

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Server :: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - RAID 1 Base System Installation

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to install a box with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server with a typical LAMP system in order to replace my old Ubuntu 8.04 server I have at my school to have a "backup" system and also trying to replace NIS authentication with LDAP. Well I'm getting stuck on the first step: installation of base system. I want to build a RAID-1 system with the two 320GB SATA HD's the machine has, I have a little experience in installing RAID because I installed my old 8.04 server with RAID-1 aswell. I boot my box from an USB stick with Ubuntu 10.04 Server 64bit, the systems boots well, asks me about language, keyboard and so, finds the two NIC cards and the DHCP configuration of one of the card is done.

Then it starts the partitioner. One of the HD's already contains three partitions with an installation of a regional flavour of Ubuntu, the other HD only contains a partition for backups, I don't want to preserve all this stuff, so the first thing I do is to replace the partition tables of both HD's with a new one. This is done without problems. Then I go to the first disk, by example, and create a new partition, the partitioner ask me for the size, I write 0.5 GB (or 500 MB), then I select that it has to be a Primary partition at the beginning of the disk, all goes OK.

Once created I go to the "Use as: " line, type Enter and select the option "Partition for RAID volume", when I hit Enter the error appears: the screen flickers in black for a second or two, then it shows a progress bar "Starting the partitioner..." That always get stuck at 47%!!! Sometimes the partitioner allows me progress a little further (for ex. lets me activate the boot bit of the partition, or it allows me to make another partiton, even once the error didn't appeared until the first partition of the second HD!!) but it always get stuck with the same progress bar at the 47%.

I've tried a lot of things: I downloaded again the ISO and rebuilt the USB, same result. Downloaded the ISO and rebuilt the USB from another computer, same result. Unplugged all the SATA and IDE drives except the two HD's, same result. Built a CD-ROM instead of an USB, same result. Downloaded the 10.10 server ISO (not an LTS), and the USB stick can't boot, is another error, but only to try.

When the error appears, I hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 and get into a root prompt, there I kill two processes: /bin/partman and /lib...don'tremember/init.d/35... and then when I return to the first console the progress bar has gone and the install process asks me at wich step I want to return, I hit "Partition disk" and then the progress bar reappears and Stucks immediately at 47%!!! Is the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server installer wrong?

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Debian Installation :: Can't Install Base System: Files Corrupt?

Jul 24, 2010

I downloaded the first Lenny DVD for amd64, wrote it but on trying the install on my laptop (Gateway NV5389u) I cant get past the installing base system step: I get an error that some files are corrupt / cannot be read from the DVD. I am wondering whether there's a way I can download a minimal version or just the files needed for the base system installation then use the same DVD to install the packages, coz I have a terribly slow internet connection it took me a whole 2 days to download, and I surely cant stand any more of it.

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Ubuntu :: Identify System's Motherboard From The Command Line?

Jan 12, 2010

How can I identify my system's motherboard from the command line?

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Ubuntu :: Command Line To Bootup Operating System

Feb 13, 2010

I just booted into Linux and the Update Manager prompted me to restart. After the restart the GRUB interface I expect to see is no longer there and now it is just a command line that says press tab for more options. I have not got a clue with shell language as I have had no time to learn it as of yet. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall Linux or is there a command that can be typed that boots up the operating system. Even better if there is something I can do is there also another command that can bring back that interface I was used to.

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Ubuntu :: System Automatically Going To Command Line Mode?

Aug 10, 2010

I am using ubuntu operating system, recently I am getting one problem when i am using the system . system is automatically going to command line mode it is asking user name and password. After entering user name and password I can able to use the system only in command line mode. Again when i restart I am getting gui as usual. Please help me to resolve the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Change System Language Via Command Line?

Jan 29, 2011

I built Ubuntu desktop up from a server install. I'm using Gnome. I want to change the system's language, and I have no menu option to enter System>Preferences>Language Support. I need to either:1.) Install whatever will place that option in the menu.2.) Affect the change via the command line (preferable).I just can't figure out what to install and Google only produces GUI tutorials. =/

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Ubuntu :: System Boots Into Grub 2 Command Line?

Mar 4, 2011

After installing the 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, I decided to have a new partition and install Windows 7 on it for development purposes. So this is the method I worked with:

Partitioned the hard disk with gparted
Formatted the drive in NTFS
Installed Windows

Booted into Ubuntu 10.10 Live CD and re-installed grub on the MBR Now after restarting the system a grub command line boots up. I was able to boot into ubuntu with the following commands:


find /vmlinuz
kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 (or its equivalent)
initrd /initrd

Is there any way how to load up the grub GUI with the options to boot up Ubuntu or Windows 7 respectively?

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General :: Osx - How Does Mac's Command Line Compare To System

Aug 23, 2010

I love Ubuntu Linux - especially the commmand line. But I have to admit that, at least for now, Windows is more user-friendly - there's more software for it, more drivers, and more stuff just works.

Knowing that Mac is built on Unix makes me wonder if it's the sweet spot between them. But I wonder: how similar is the Mac command line to Linux's bash? Could I pick right up with using vim and bash scripting and git, etc? Would common commands like changing directories be different? Does anybody know an online "compare and contrast" resource?

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General :: Command Line - Dterm For System?

Nov 26, 2010

Is there a something similar to DTerm available for Linux?

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General :: How System Know It's Collection Of Command Line Programs

Aug 23, 2010

I just started using ubuntu after being a long time windows user.

what i find really interesting is that in command line, i can type many programs and commands, eg firefox can be run via command line from anywhere. In windows cmd prompt, im used to having to run the .exe file by first navigating to it, then being able to run the .exe.

what i wanna know is how does linux know all the programs at the command line?

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Fedora :: Running Servers On Local System From The Command Line?

Oct 23, 2009

How would I find out what servers are running on my local system from the command line? I cannot find out how to accomplish this anywhere?

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General :: Get Command Line System OS Using Sandbox For Learning Its Prompt?

Nov 27, 2010

Possible Duplicate:
Version of Linux with a command prompt?

Which software of Linux to use for command line running? Since I am using MySQL to run from Linux and want to run Linux, which software to download in Linux? There are multiple ones. Can I run .sh scripts and learn how to operate on Linux using the command line? Also use MySQL as backend on Linux?

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General :: Change Brightness On System Desktop Through Command Line?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a Debian Linux desktop. I want to change the screen's brightness without pressing the brightness button of my monitor. How can I do this? is this possible in command line or is there an application to be installed?

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General :: Move To Previous System Date Using Command Line?

Sep 21, 2010

I want to know the command, so that i can move back two days i.e. all the changes i made during the two day is rolled back .

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General :: Looking For Non Compressed Small Command Line System Distro?

Oct 31, 2010

We are having a lot of trouble with this.

We need a command line version of Linux like ttylinux. Any command line will do with the latest kernel. It should be around 50 megs.

But the problem is, all these small Linux versions are LiveCD or have a compressed file system.

We need a SMALL linux distro, that we can install UNCOMPRESSED (no squashfs etc) on a hard disk.

This is so simple I'm sure I'm missing something..

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General :: Command Line - Count Number Of Folders In A Drive Using System?

Apr 9, 2010

I need to organise an external HDD such that there is no more than 500 folders on it.

Ubuntu's "Properties" pane shows only the file count, not the folder count.

Is there a simple CLI line that will tell me the number of subdirectories?

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General :: Command Line - Create Multipart 7zip File In System?

Sep 4, 2010

How can I create a multipart 7zip file in Linux using the p7zip console client?

Many people referred me to it. My console app is

7-Zip [64] 9.13 beta Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-04-15
p7zip Version 9.13 (locale=C,Utf16=off,HugeFiles=on,4 CPUs)

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General :: System Command Line Utility For Watching Log Files Live?

Jan 5, 2011

What's a good linux command line utility for watching a log file live? It's probably obvious but I totally forgot it.

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General :: Command Line - Find External And Internal Devices Attached To A System?

Feb 24, 2010

How can i find through terminal that which devices are external and which are internal.

By external i mean devices attached to USB port. For Example, USB Drive, Portable USB HardDrive etc.

By internal i mean devices attached internally. For Example, SATA Harddisk etc.

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General :: Change Command Line Based SUSE System Enterprise Server To Gnome?

Sep 6, 2009

I have a virtual machine with SUSE Linux Entperise 10 SP2 (I586) installed. However, the default setting is using command line based interface.

Is it possible to change it to be GNOME or KDE based interface ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Restore System To 10.10 - Using A System Backup Made With REMASTERSYS - Grub Error 15

May 2, 2011

I am trying to restore my system to Ubuntu 10.10, using a system backup made with REMASTERSYS. When I reboot, I get the message: GRUB error:15 I found many threads discussing this issue, most notably here: [URL]


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General :: Focus On Command Line Machine System, Network Basics, And File Management Knowledge?

Feb 17, 2011

As a strategy for learning linux I have decided to adopt using a lean windows based approach. I want to focus on command line machine system, network basics, and file management knowledge. In other words find out how desktop manager does it's business, so I know how to master my machine, but by and large once I have made my choices, leave it alone to do just that.

I figure I should know how applications are internally configured etc., but I also figure an apps GUI and config choices should take care of installations, and program usage as in M$ windows. Surely taking care of an applications dependencies are the responsibility of the developer, are they not?

I am working my way through "Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition (Version 1.0.0)" right now for an overall viewpoint. Can anyone suggest a specific source for a point by point explanation of the command basis of a generalised "desktop management" application (KDE,LXDE)? Better yet would be if it had some parallel comparison of the varied approaches taken by different distributions of linux.

A secondary question, is that allowed? Up to a certain point in Ms windows, a thorough knowledge of DOS 6.xx would theoreticaly enable one to more or less duplicate the actions of the windows overlay. Is there a basic distribution (or subset in all of them maybe?) of linux that would be consistent with that paradigm? What would be analogous to DOS batch files, or GM-Basic? Oh! that's 3.I am certainly appreciating the depth of this forum, and the breadth of knowledge among you forumite's. Reading it is time well spent.

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Debian Installation :: Testing - All Logins Fail / System Error Message From The Passwd Command?

Mar 18, 2010

I just installed Squeeze on an older PC. Installation seemed to go fine. But when it booted up on the installed system for the first time, I could not login - username/password failure. I tried every possible typing error and CAP LOCK error I could have made - still nothing.

I brought up a console window and tried logging in as root - same problem.

I booted into single user mode and entered passwd command to set new root password - I got a SYSTEM ERROR message from the passwd command.

I booted to a Live CD, went to /etc/shadow and deleted the encrypted password. Rebooted on the hard drive, went to console window and logged in as root, with no password required. So far so good. I entered passwd command to set new password and got the same SYSTEM ERROR message.

The machine seems fine when running on the Live CD, and the install seemed to go fine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Stopped At: System Probing - Searching For System Files

May 18, 2011

I'm new to openSUSE, this is the first time i try to install openSUSE version 11.4. on my IBM Thinkpad T43 (on which SUSE Linux version 8.0 has been running before without problems). I have downloaded the ISO images and successfully burned the ISO images on a blank DVD. Having placed my openSUSE DVD in the drive and rebooted my laptop I can see the boot screen.

I then select installation with arrow up/down and press enter. Choosing language and keyboard layout works fine, as well as accepting the license agreement. However, when it comes to 'System Probing' the installation stops at 'Search for system files'. The cursor shows a little turning disk but the rest of the screen is blocked.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Base System Fails On 10.04

Feb 26, 2011

i'm trying to build a web server but I keep having a problem. Everything loads fine until I get to the "Install base system" part of the installation and it puts up a red screen warning me that the install has failed. My uncle gave me his ubuntu discs and even some different hard drives, but I keep getting the same problem at the same point of the installation. Here is the rundown of everything i did.

System #1 -
ASUS P5G41-M m/b with 4GB memory
Intel Core 2 quad q9300 cpu
two western digital 640GB hard drives

I was testing it out to run a raid 1 just to learn how to make a software raid array. its my first try at making a raid array. The first time i used ubuntu server 10.04 32bit and the system failed at the install base system point. I then used boot n nuke to clean the drives and tried 10.04 64bit. it failed at the same exact point. my uncle gave me 2 western digital 1.0TB hard drives and I tried again. I got the same results. At that point i gave all the hardware back to my uncle and he gave me a server board to try out because he bought it and hasnt touched it. so I built a second system.


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Software :: Upgrade Base System Of Ubuntu LiveCD

Jun 30, 2009

I am using the Ubuntu 7.10 Livecd with some modifications I did, and I wanted to update the base-system to the most recent release of Ubuntu. Once I have chrooted into the custom ISO's root filesystem do I use:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

aptitude update
aptitude upgrade
or neither?

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General :: Error Installing Base System On PS3

Jan 3, 2010

I downloaded ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 iso for ps3. I get it to cd with no problem, go through the first phase fine, but then installing the base system I get the error "Warning: Failure while configuring required packages" I press enter it continues then this error comes "failure while configuring base packages. This will b attempted 5 times". Why these errors? I am looking forward to using linux on ps3.

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