Ubuntu Servers :: System To Use With New Configuration Considering That Space Is More Valuable Than Speed

Aug 2, 2011

I am upgrading my (as I call it) archive server. It is server used for archiving anything from user files, to images, backup data etc. lots of files of different sizes. It has 8 WD320RE disks in RAID5 for total little above 2T space. Disks were working perfectly good for 4 years. I will be replacing them with 8 WD2000RE disks in RAID-5, somewhere around 12T of usable space. I am currently using RaiserFS as file system, because it was hip at the time and as turned out once, when I had to copy data to other disk, is about 20% more efficient than ext3. I can save about 20% more data on Raiser. My question is. What file system do you suggest for using with new configuration considering that space is more valuable than speed.

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General :: Find And Decrease File System Space For RAC Servers?

Dec 29, 2010

We have recently built some RAC (OS:RHEL55) servers and after the Oracle guys have installed their application, somehow the directory / is using the maximum space. I contacted the Oracle team & they say that their RAC installation doesn't create any files in the / directory. This is the o/p of '/' directory file system:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/datavg-vol2 498M 382M 62M 88% /

Also, when I checked the file sizes, I found that the following files were taking more space:

-rw------ 1 root root 17M Nov1 base.linked


I don't know what these files are doing there, when I did a cat and cheked, I found the files containing this data:


stem_dbusd_var_run_t...and some stuff like this Unable to decide whether or not to remove these files. Also, is there any way to find out what files are taking more space and whether they can be deleted or not? in order to free up some space in the / direcoty. As there are 10 RACs that we've build, I got to do something to fix this for all of the 10 servers.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Hard Disk Half Full - System Says No Space Left

Jun 30, 2011

For our workgroup I set up a server which is basically 10.04.2 with kernel 2.6.32-32-server on a SSD and all the data on a RAID 5 consisting of 4 2TB hard disks, thus a maximum of 6TB space for data on the RAID. Having multiple users with different amounts of data from different scientific data source I set up an lvm on top of the RAID

--- Physical volume ---
PV Name /dev/sdb2
VG Name home-data
PV Size 5,45 TiB / not usable 3,00 MiB


Here is the problem: The volume Genomes (or /genomes) is half full

sudo df -ah
1,9T 850G 920G 49% /genomes

but the system states it as full whenever I try to add more data (tried cp and rsync). There is no quota set to the volume (I have quotas in place for users home folders. These are only for max amount of disk space, not max file number, and I am still able to move/add files elsewhere so there seems to be no interference).

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Linux / Change Drive Space Configuration For More Space

Mar 6, 2010

I have linux and windowsxp on one machine. I have only 3gigs free on the windowxp machine and 20gigs free on the linux machine. I want to transfer space from the linux box to the windows machine.Is this possible and what steps would I need to follow to do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Losing Valuable Internal HD Data

Apr 1, 2011

to start: I am a 100% linux virgin. I have yet to boot once. I have a 1TB external HD bought today (), which I formatted to 32GB Fat32 and the rest NTFS. (The 32GB partition is the second in order) I tried installing 11.4 with the full release DVD, and managed to get through the 'partition' part of the setup without raging about losing valuable internal HD data. I changed / to the 32GB partition, and figured a native format was safer: formatted it in setup as Ext4, and installed after ignoring the under 128GB warning (the machine is only a few months old).

The installation seemed to go well. The loadup was unsuccessful. There were plenty of "fails". I was given a command screen with "Login:" and after, "Password:". It seemed to take the Login, however the correct password echoed back a "Login module failed" or something similar. Interestingly, an incorrect password yielded a "Incorrect Login". What I may need to do (?):

1. I did not specify a /home or swap during install
2. ?
3. ?

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General :: Xorg Compose Key Without Losing Valuable / Bypass Mode?

Oct 18, 2010

I would like to setup a compose key, but the only options available in the KDE system settings (and via /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules) are code...

None of those please me though; "compose:caps" might be ok, but it's mapped to ctrl already.

Is there an option so setup some key (e.g. some of those extra function keys), or to get the key itself somehow? (e.g. ralt would be OK, if I could easily get the original behavior of the key (AltGr))

I would love to have something like Shift-AltGr to trigger Compose mode.

I guess I could add an extra rule, like it's done for/with compose:102.. what does 102 refer to? (it's not something dumped via xev).

There is also an option lv3:ralt_switch_multikey (Right Alt, Shift+Right Alt key is Multi_Key), but this did not work as expected (see http://bugs.kde.org/246472).

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Ubuntu :: Incorrect File System Space Reported By System Monitor?

Apr 3, 2011

In System Monitor, on the File Systems tab, the "Total", "Available" and "Used" columns don't seem to add up, and the "Used" percentage doesn't seem correct either.

My config:
/dev/sda1 = 80 GB SSD drive, / partition.
/dev/sdb1 = 50 GB FAT32 partition of an external 500 GB USB hard disk.
/dev/sdb2 = remainder of the 500 GB USB hard disk encrypted using luks.

Screenshot: The /dev/sda1 figures don't really add up well, but they're close at least (how you get "50% Used" from any of those figures I don't know!).

However, for /dev/sdb2, they're miles off:
"Free" = 146.2 GiB
"Total" = 409.7 GiB
"Available" = 125.4 GiB
"Used" = 263.5 GiB


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Hardware :: GeForce GT 220 Fan Speed Configuration In Run Level 3

Jun 19, 2010

I am having trouble with my graphics card fan speed when I boot into runlevel 3 on my Fedora 12 machine. Normally, when I boot into runlevel 5, my fan speed goes down to a tolerable level.

However, the fan speed does not go down when I boot into runlevel 3 - rather, it is very loud! I suspect that the nvidia driver is tied somehow to my X session. I have a GeForce GT 220 Nvidia graphics card coupled with the 190.36.24 nvidia driver.

Is there any way I can reduce the fan speed when I boot into runlevel 3?

By the way, I have tried nvclock v0.8 Beta 4, but upon trying to adjust the fan speed to an arbitrary value (within limits 1-100), I get the following:


I am currently running in the kernel.

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Debian Configuration :: Verify Link Connection Speed?

Aug 5, 2010

How to verify that Debian is running at 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps? I can view the report from 'ifconfig eth0' but I can't see how fast the link has been established.

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Debian Configuration :: Sata Disk Write Speed Is Very Slow

Sep 14, 2010

I got a new machine with GA-p55A-ud3 mobo and a WDC WD10EARS 1T disk. When I tried to benchmark the disk IO, I was suprised by the low write speed:

[Children see throughput for 1 initial writers = 35962.63 KB/sec
Parent sees throughput for 1 initial writers = 35962.63 KB/sec
Min throughput per process = 35962.63 KB/sec


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Ubuntu :: Test The Internet Speed Between Two Servers?

Nov 5, 2010

Is their from the CLI a way to test the internet speed between two servers?I'm thinking some sort of ping test that can calculate it or something.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Speed Up The System

Jul 26, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Pentium III (Coppermine) Memory 182 MiBEverything seems to run extremely slowly. Am I a bit short of resources for this installation?I am a complete tyro with regard to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Speed Up System Running Off USB

Jun 16, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 off of an 8GB flash drive. I have no hard disks but I do have a 3.2 GHz Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading and 1 GB of RAM. So, it shouldn't be my system that is causing it to run slow, but rather limitations of the USB (I'm pretty sure it's USB 2.0). Is there anything I can do, unnecessary processes I can kill, etc. to make it run faster?

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Debian Configuration :: Eth0 Upload Speed Slows To Trickle After Upgrade?

Aug 5, 2011

A few months back I performed a routine aptitude upgrade on a Squeeze installation on a DELL Vostro desktop. My eth0 upload speed is now very bad although download speed is good. I suspect that it could be related to my other problem [URL] which was caused by the OS enabling noveau driver instead of the installed NVIDIA proprietary drivers.

dmesg says:

eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM57788) rev 577880001] (PCI Express) MAC address 00:26:2d:23:a0:a5
eth0: attached PHY driver [Broadcom BCM57780] (mii_bus:phy_address=300:01)
eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIrq[0] ASF[0] TSOcap[1]
eth0: dma_rwctrl[76180000] dma_mask[64-bit]

Where do I start to troubleshoot?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Measure Network Speed Between Two Servers

Jan 18, 2010

Any command line tool to measure the network speed between my two linux servers without taking disk speed into account? My network is supposed to be 100Mb, but it doesn't feel like that so I wonder where the bottleneck is. The numbers that I see doesn't correlate well to that. So I'd like to know the speed network card to network card.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Get Near Theoretical Network Maximum Speed

Mar 10, 2010

With three 1.5TB, 7200RPM drives in RAID0, they thrash. And yet the network out, 4 gigabit ports LAG'd together to create a single 4 gigabit connection, can't even push a single gigabit a second.

Here's what I've done so far:

I've enabled jumbo frames on the bond: ifconfig bond0 mtu 9000

Tweaked SAMBA performance:

Tweaked hdparm:

I haven't enabled jumbo frames on the switch but I'm almost sure that won't help me much after trying all this.

I'm running out of ideas here guys. The clients connected are pulling down images in both Ghost and WIM (ImageX) format. Large files too, upwards of 12 gigabytes.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Limit Apache Speed For Web Development

Mar 16, 2010

Is there a way to limit the speed that apache will send a page to a specific computer in my LAN? I would like to be able to test what my pages would be like if they loaded at 25KB/s for example. My Server is and the other 'browser' computer is

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Ubuntu Servers :: 64 Software Raid Speed And CPU Usage?

Dec 4, 2010

I am playing with my new 5 disk 2TB software RAID 5 setup and after I had a hard drop out, I deleted the RAID set and recreated it with only 4 drives. I am working on getting the other drive included by doing a grow. (I hope)

The RAID is now rebuilding and seems to average a write speed of around 87 meg/sec, with lows in the high 60's to highs in the mid 90's but mostly in the higher 80's. But it is only showing about 16% CPU usage and maybe a second usage of around 7%.

Is this normal? It seems low to me, but it is a a quad core 2.5 GHZ processor. Screen shots attached.Is it "normal" for software RAID to drop a drive? I thought that was only a hardware RAID issue. Coder68

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Ubuntu :: System Requirements For 10.04 - Speed Up Performance?

Mar 6, 2011

I have an older PC running Ubuntu 10.04, and the system is slow, especially with Firefox running. I recently upgraded to 2 gig memory, but it didn't help. I have plenty of space on my hard-drive, using only 30 gig of 80 gig. My CPU is Intel Celeron 2.40GHz. I have broadband, and the speed seems good. What are the system requirements for Ubuntu 10.04? Any tips for speeding performance, esp on Firefox? I used to do a defrag when I had Windows; is there any need to do that on Ubuntu also?

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Debian Configuration :: Slow Transfer Speeds On SAMBA Share But Gigabit Speed On SCP

Feb 12, 2016

I'm having a strange problem with data transfers between systems. I have a file server + my desktop. Both are running Debian 8.3. I have a samba share running on the file server and I mount the shares on my desktop on boot via /etc/fstab

When I copy a file using the nautilus from my home folder (on my HDD) on my desktop to the mounted network location, my transfers start out at gigabit speeds 80MB/s-90MB/s for a couple seconds and then drop down to about 8MB/s

But when I terminate the transfer and then use scp to transfer the same file, I get consistent gigabit speed throughout the transfer. I am not sure what is going on.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Aptitude Updates Download Speed Fluxuation?

Mar 9, 2011

I've noticed this happening on some servers that I manage. I'll be downloading updates around 300 kb/s - 500 kb/s and then out of nowhere it will drop to about 3 kb/s. It will stay here forever, if I let it. I then have to cancel (Ctrl-C) the updates and restart them. This happens over and over and over until I finally get the full download. Why does this happen?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Raid1 Reads At Single Disk Speed?

May 3, 2011

im on 10.10(desktop) and mdadm was v2.8.1 from 2008, very out of date so i tried 3.2.1 -> no change. mdadm raid1 read speeds are the same as single disk. note i used the tests in the disk utility benchmarking tool at first --these showed raid 5 atleast to be much better but when i tried dd reads raid5 dropped off with larger data to almost the same (slow) speed as raid1. compare:


using two partitions will be enough to show raid1 performs at single disk speed. I dont really want to use a 4 disk raid0 just to get the read speed i should be able to get with raid1 as i dont really care about the size loss. I would of course use raid10 but i have found this suffers from the same problem (achieve same read speed as 2 disk stripe). So whilst im shocked others aren't reporting this, unless there is some obscure reason why my system would give these results i think raid1 in not behaving as it should.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 15K/sec Rebuild Speed On Mdadm RAID6 Array?

Jul 18, 2011


$cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]


1/4 of my drives died after about 3 years of usage. I replaced it with an identical drive and did a mdadm -add to re-add it to the array. I expected this to take quite a long time, but not more than 1 million minutes to complete!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Connection Only With System / Speed It Up?

May 5, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 10.4, and I'm having a really slow Internet connection, with Windows everything works fine.

When I upload a file to an internal Ubuntu server the speed is ok ~15MB/s.

The problem is only with Internet Firefox / synaptic, any program using Internet. Last download done with synaptic display 18KB/s when normally it should be 500.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Speed Limit Specific System Not Entire Network?

May 9, 2011

I have this new flatmate who uses all my Internet data up before the end of my monthly clockover. Instead of having to buy heaps of data top-ups at the end of the month, is there a way I can limit the speed of his computer through the network? I have tried looking through my router settings (which is a Thomson router) but there doesn't seem to be any options in regards to limiting activity of a system on the network.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Add More Space To A Partition

Jul 13, 2011

My laptop has /dev/sda5 mounted on /. It has 10GiB and almost full. I formated Windows XP partition and it is now /dev/sda1 ext4 45GiB free space.When I mounted /dev/sda1 to root (/) directory, df commands showed still the original partition size. (81% used).

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General :: F13 - Can Not Change CPU Speed In System / Enable This?

Dec 5, 2010

I have Fedora 13 installed on my laptop. For some reason it always seems to run at 1GHz even though the maximum is 1.67GHz (even under 100% load).

The output of cpufreq-info code...

I tried changing the limits by setting cpufreq-set -r -g userspace -c 0 -d 1000MHz -u 1670MHz but the output it still identical (in particular "frequency should be within 1000 MHz and 1000 MHz").

Any ideas how to change the limits?

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Debian Configuration :: No Space Left On Device

Mar 15, 2016

Debian Version: 8.3 (Jessie) KDE (although this is NOT a desktop issue)
Basic Hardware:
Gigabyte Motherboard GA-970A-D3P
AMD 8350 CPU (8 cores)
750 WD Black SATA-6GB/s

I am getting "Error: No space left on device" regularly during updates or installs, but why. Here is data on the disks, filesystems, etc...

Code: Select all df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        81G   27G   50G  35% /
devtmpfs         16G     0   16G   0% /dev
tmpfs            16G   76K   16G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs            16G   18M   16G   1% /run


Seems very doubtful that inodes are the killer.I have googled and followed all the threads, and search these forums and found nothing that fits - every answer there was focused on avaiolable space and inodes..And to make the cheese even more binding, the issue has cropped up on another 8.3 system with far more disk space (larger hard drives) and lots more unused inodes

Code: Select alldf -h
Filesystem                        Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/dm-0                         907G  6.6G  855G   1% /
udev                               10M     0   10M   0% /dev
tmpfs                             995M  9.2M  986M   1% /run
tmpfs                             2.5G   76K  2.5G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                             5.0M  4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock
tmpfs                             2.5G     0  2.5G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup


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Debian Configuration :: /var Disk Space Is Completely Out?

Jul 11, 2011

I have deb6 installed in VMWARE ,i am posting my fstab config file

/dev/mapper/debian-root / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /boot was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=0e7bc1e7-4f8c-4dee-a6e9-ae6d0669755e /boot ext2 defaults $
/dev/mapper/debian-home /home ext4 defaults 0 2


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General :: Division Of Logical Memory Space In To User Space And Kernel Space

Jan 4, 2010

Logical Memory Space of 4GB is divided in to 3GB User Space and 1GB Kernel Space. Always. Correct?

1. How can we change it? (just changing value of PAGE_OFFSET is okay?)

2. If system have only 256MB of memory (embedded system) and suppose Kernel Modules eat away all the memory during boot. User space will be left will no memory. Is this case possible?

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