Ubuntu Installation :: Configuring Dual Ethernet With UEC 10.4?

Aug 9, 2010

I have installed Unbuntu 10.4 Cloud Server. I have two servers:

Front End Server (clound-fe):
2 Dual Core 32 bit Xeon processors (They do not support Virtualization)
2 Ethernet Ports


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot (Win7 And 11.04) - Configuring Grub?

Jul 9, 2011

I wanted to install ubuntu 11.04 alongside win7 on my notebook (with no optical drive). I created 2 primary partitions (one for win7 [ntfs] one for ubuntu [ext4]) and 2 logical partitions (one for swap one for general use for storage[ntfs]) by running ubuntu from my USB Flash disk and using gparted. First, I installed win7 without having any problem, then ubuntu also without having any (apparent) problem (I installed boot loader on MBR: the default setting). After the ubuntu installation is over, I was instructed to restart my computer as usual and win7 started without asking me which OS to boot. When I run ubuntu from my Flash disk and run gparted and selected the boot drive as the partition on which ubuntu was installed, I got the error saying "missing operating system". I suppose GRUB is misconfigured and that is causing the problem because nothing went wrong during the installation processes. How to configure GRUB by running ubuntu from my Flash disk. BTW win7 is working just fine.

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Debian :: Configuring Interfaces For Ethernet

Feb 27, 2016

I'm trying to connect my computer to an ethernet cable and having no luck, I looked up the problem and was told to put

Code: Select allauto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

But after a restart the computer I still did not have access to the internet (aslo, dhcp is enabled on my modem, I checked)...

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Networking :: Configuring Ethernet Bridge?

Nov 3, 2010

I am using 3 machines in a LAN connected through a hub. My intention is to have a end-to-end connection between 2 machines so that I can control delay/loss rate. For that purpose, I am using a 3rd machine with 2 NIC and intend to use a bridge and installing Dummynet in this machine to control the traffic between the other 2 machines.I have successfully installed Dummynet in the bridge machine. Now I require to configure Ethernet bridge in the machine. What is the process? Do I need a kernel compilation or can be done without it? read somewhere that recent kernels can be configured without recompilation.I am using Mandriva 2010 with kernel.

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Networking :: Configuring Two Ethernet Ports?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a system with one (sometimes two) ethernet ports, that works happily in an old Fedora 5 build. But I can't get it to work on a new Centos 5.4 build. Original system: One dedicated ethernet port on card always connected to the systems dedicated equipment and no external access (the system is the DHCP master for that network). An optional second USB dongle that is a second ethernet port, used for debugging and development. (This is a DHCP client with full conectivity. In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts I have ifcfg-eth0, ifcfg-eth1 and a route-eth0. Neither of the ifcfg files needs an explicit HWADDR, which means the same ones work for all boxes. And when one needs to be connected to the network all is fine.

The system is being moved to Centos 5.4, most is working with minimal change, but I am having problems with the ethernet ports. If it only has the on board ethernet connected, all is fine. If you have the USB dongle connected things go wrong: This system brings up the USB ethernet first, and tries to assign it to eth0 (which fails), and then brings up the on board ethernet as eth1 (which also fails). I have tried forcing the behaviour of the network by setting the HWADDR(s), but this does not result in the on board coming up as eth0, it comes up as __tmpxxxx as follows:

ifconfig -a
__tmp226406138 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:80:66:07:A8:63
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000


Currently the only solution is to unplug the USB dongle through restart and plug in afterwards, and this wont work when the unit is remote and in the field.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configuring Postfix Send And Receive Across Ethernet

Sep 27, 2010

I am would like to configure postfix to send and receive email across Ethernet (just for now). I have two machines with postfix installed both using Ubuntu 10.04 directly connected with an ethernet cable. I have successfully configured a machine to send email to gmail, however i have been unsuccessful in having these machines send email back and forth. I have been interested in setting up a little mail server at home and have just been trying some simple projects with postfix to start with. At this moment i am using ip addresses and am not concerned with using a dns server

machine A: has a fixed ip of, hostname = mail.me.com,
machine B: has a fixed ip of, hostname = mail.ubuntu.com
in the /etc/hosts file I map each hostname to ip address receptively (not sure if a good idea, but at this point I have been trying everything)

So I will execute from Machine B
echo "Here is a message" | mail -s 'Hello' cmd@[]

I currently get from mail.log timed out while receiving the initial server greeting. I get from mail.err valid hostname or network address required in server description #[]. Obviously when I run the mail command from cmd user i do not receive anything. I can receive mail from myself if from machine A, I sent an email using the command above. I would just like to send email from machine B and receive it on machine A via direct Ethernet connection. I have been through postfix documentation and have also read the postfix definitive guide and have had no luck.

Here is a recent main.cf as I have tried getting this to work (this is for machine A however, similar for B)

# Debian specific: Specifying a file name will cause the first
# line of that file to be used as the name. The Debian default
# is /etc/mailname.
myorigin = /etc/mailname .....

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Ubuntu :: Configuring GURB After Fedora 12 Dual Boot?

Jan 4, 2010

I had Ubuntu 9.10 installed on my laptop. A while ago I dual installed Fedora 12 on the laptop & now I can't enter Ubuntu. I don't get an option to select the OS at start up, Fedora loads automatically. Can anyone help me configuring my GRUB? This is my grub.conf file in fedora -

# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that


Also, the Ubuntu installation is 64bit, whereas the Fedora installation is 32bit, don't think that should cause any problems, but I want to be sure.

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Ubuntu :: Configuring My Xorg.conf With Dual Monitor - TwinView

Jul 1, 2009

I have a dual monitor setup (Twinview), both monitors are connected to my 1xNvidia MSI NX8600GT card...I've been using a 21.6inch HannsG HG216D (herein referred to as HG216D) monitor as my LEFT monitor, and a Dell 1905fp (herein referred to as 1905fp) as my RIGHT monitor.

I recently got rid of the 19inch 1905fp Dell monitor and moved my HG216D to the RIGHT and now I have a new 23inch DELL S2309W (herein referred to as S2309W) on the left. The new S2309W is connected to my computer via DVI cable and is configured Perfectly at it's native 1920x1080 resolution.

However I can't for the life of me get my HG216D back to it's native 1680x1050. The HG216D is connected via VGA cable that is also routed thru a KVM, I realize this means that this monitor can't/won't be auto-configured. However I should be allowed to set it manually right?...


Won't let me select 1680x1050 for the HG216D resolution, it will only let me select 1440x900 MAX, there is no option for 1680x1050, (See attached: screenshot)

I've tried to manually edit my /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but after hours on end messing with it, I give UP...

Here is my current xorg.conf:


I am just not sure what I need to change and how to get the second xorg.conf to play nice via a VGA connection?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Ethernet Adapters On 10.04 Server?

May 4, 2010

10.04 locks up when 2 adapters are listed in interfaces example eth0 ip= eth1 ip=

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Hardware :: Configuring Dual Monitor On Opensuse11.2 With Radeon 4350 HD

Jul 16, 2010

I need to setup a dual-headed workstation that will be starting one instanse of certain program in each monitor. I got screens configured. But get errors when running a command for second monitor.
DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox- this runs ok in left monitor
DISPLAY=:0.1 firefox- this erros out
Error: cannot open display: :0.1
I've tried configuring with sax2 and with aticonfig but still get error for second screen
xorg.conf: .....

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Debian Multimedia :: Configuring Individual Font DPI For Dual Screen (Nvidia)?

Dec 9, 2010

When using dual screen (separate X for each one), how can one set specific font DPI for each screen, when they also have different resolution (with Nvidia driver)?

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General :: Configuring Xorg.conf On RHEL5 To Support Dual Monitors?

Jan 19, 2010

My Dell Precision Workstation was shipped in 2003 with RH Linux installed (most likely RHEL 4) - though not sure.

At the time, the dual monitors worked by replacing the X86config file with one sent from Dell.

Since, my disk failed and I had to replace the disk and reinstall RH Linux with the shipped disks, RHEL 5.

Now, I can not find X86config; rather, I have been trying to update the Xorg.conf file with no to limited success.

Both monitors are driven off of one Nvidia Quadro FX 1300 videocard. My goal is to get the screen to span both.

Does anyone have a Xorg.conf file that would support this?

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Ubuntu :: Having An OSX Snow Leopard Dual Boot Setup - Ethernet Card Does Not Work

Sep 19, 2010

I booted ubuntu and the included drivers worked beautifully for my Atheros AR8131 PCI Ethernet card on my laptop. I have an OSX Snow Leopard dual boot setup and my Ethernet card does not work. I was wondering if, because OSX is loosely linux based, the network drivers could somehow be loaded into my Snow Leopard install.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dual Ethernet Networking - Lose Internet Connectivity?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a server with two ethernet ports. I configured eth0 to be static, set at I plugged in another router into the other ethernet port in order to configure that router. I configured eth1 to use dhcp. Using /etc/network/interfaces rather than gnome network manager. When I did this, I lost internet connectivity (internet routes through eth0 of course)

- Why did I lose internet connectivity?

In order to recover internet activity, I had to disconnect the new router on eth1 of course, and do sudo ifdown eth1. That wasn't enough however. After rebooting numerous times and pulling out my hair, I finally tried configuring eth0 as dhcp, rather than static, and this fixed the problem.

- Why didn't sudo ifdown eth1 solve the problem? What information was saved between reboots that somehow remembered that I plugged in the new router? Because my thinking was if /etc/network/interfaces was identical, and the network topology was identical, after a reboot everything should be restored, but it wasn't.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Manually Configuring Printer / Driver Installation?

May 20, 2011

If I were to have a situation where I had installed the driver for a printer but when I went into printing on the control panel to "add" the printer the driver didn't show up - could I or should I consider manually editing some configuration file to get the printer recognized/ installed on the machine? If that were a good solution, how would I do it? What file would I look for? What would I edit in it? I know that first sentence is probably hard to read but I don't know how else to say it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 / Win XP SP3 Dual Disk Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

I am quite experienced user of Ubuntu desktop / server distributions. Recently my desktop 9.10 disk failed and I decided to reinstall using 10.04. My configuration is a dual disk dual bot system. I have XP Pro SP3 on one disk and Ubuntu 10.04 on second. XP has own, untached MBR ubuntu got Grub 2 installed on the same disk as Ubuntu. Ubuntu disk is booting first in BIOS. Grub 2 detected both system, however I can boot only to Ubuntu. When I am trying to boot XP I got black screen only. Looks like booting is stack in BIOS stage, because crt+alt+del reset system.

I read Ubuntu forum, search Google and did not come with any solutions. My XP MBR is OK. I can boot directly, choosing XP HDD in BIOS as a starting disk. All entries in grub.cfg looks fine to me. I made 3 different clear installations of Ubuntu. Each with the same result. I reinstaled Grub2 with no effect. I wonder if this may be a hardware/Grub 2 compatibility issue. I am using quite old components.My motherboard is Assus P4C800 Delux. I have 5 HDDs 2 CD. Exactly the same configuration was OK with 9.10/XP dual disk dual boot using Grub legacy.


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Ubuntu :: Share Internet From 1st Ethernet AND To 2nd Ethernet And Wifi Card?

Feb 8, 2011

I am basically wanting to use my Ubuntu 10.10 computer as a router. Note: Before you say just get a router please note that I am poor/cheap. I have two ethernet connections and one wireless connection on my netbook. I want to share the internet connection that is going into one of the ethernet cards through the other ethernet card and the wireless card.

DSL-->1sr Eth --> 2nd Eth (currently works)
DSL-->1sr Eth --> Wireless Card (Adhoc) <--(connects with limited connectivity AKA no internet)

The 2nd Ethernet card already has working internet, but when I connect to the Wireless card (through an Adhoc network), it cannot get an IP (I believe).

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Ubuntu Networking :: User Interface Changed And It Defaulted To Ethernet And Now It Won't Letting To Go Back On Wireless - Disable Ethernet?

Sep 1, 2011

My laptop was working fine on wireless till the userinterface changed and it defaulted to ethernet and now it won't let me go back on wireless How do i disable ethernet?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configuring Xorg For TV Out?

Jan 20, 2010

I have an Ubuntu 9.10 server that is normally headless, but has a TV-Out that I want to start using. I've installed xorg, but when I test it with either startx or just X, I get the following:

X: warning; process set to priority -2 instead of requested priority 0
X.Org X Server 1.6.0
Release Date: 2009-2-25
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Configuring RAID, LVM, PV On 10.04

Jul 17, 2010

configuring RAID, LVM and my physical volumes for a new 10.04 Server install (used mostly as a windows file server and print server). My hardware setup consists of 2 identical 500GB hard drives. My desired end state is:

An ext4 root partition (20 GB)
A swap partition (2GB)
A fat32 partition (450 GB) (to be accessed via Samba)
The above all to be on RAID1 across the 2 disks

The way I see it, the there are a number of possible ways to configure the above, and I am looking for some advice on the best (feasible) option: Create a single MD0 raid volume accross the entire two disks, and then create a single LVG across this, with 3 sepreate LVs, on for each partition above Create 2 physical volumes on each disk, create two raid volume on these (MD0, MD1), one for the LVG with two LVs for the Root and swap, a the other for the FAT32 partition (this seems like more work?) Other more suitable options?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Evolution Not Configuring?

Jul 15, 2011

I've been trying for an hour now to try and configuremy e0mail with 'Evolution' and it's just not happeningI have a LIVE accountemailhere@LIVE.CO.UKAnd I know the incoming and outgoing address's I believeI have on both a SLL Encryption.P.s This forum has been the BEST assistance with my problems since I have gotten Ubuntu

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configuring Grub-pc During Upgrade?

Feb 16, 2010

When I upgraded my system for the first time, I got a message asking me to decide between a few menu items for configuring grub-pc. When I chose to keep the current version installed, GRUB booted to a CLI. What menu item should I choose?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.4 DT Hangs While Configuring Grub-pc?

Aug 14, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu 10.4 DTE on an Acer netbook. The netbook came with Microsoft Windows installed and I'm adding Ubuntu via wubi on a USB thumb drive.

I'm almost done and it is configuring grub-pc. The last line is: Setting up grub-pc (2.98-lubuntu7) ... Then it hangs.

On the web, I find numerous bug reports about my situation, but no work arounds. What do I do?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Without Configuring User Account?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm about to sell an old computer and I want to put a fresh copy of Ubuntu on it for the buyer to use. I don't want to configure a user name and password--I want to leave that process to the buyer, similar to the experience of (for example) buying a new Apple computer, where it asks for a user name and password on first boot after the OS is already installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 To 11.04 - Upgrades Hangs At Configuring Libc6

May 18, 2011

I can not perform the upgrade. Installing upgrades hangs at configuring libc6 xscreensaver and xlockmore must be restarted before upgrading One or more running instances of xscreensaver or xscreensaver have been detected on this system. Because of incompatible library changes, the upgrade of the GNU libc library will leave you unable to authenticate to these programs. You should arrange for these programs to be restarted or stopped before continuing this upgrade, to avoid locking your users out of their current sessions. I've stopped xscreensaver it is the only session running. I will reboot and stop xscreensaver and then run the upgrade.

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General :: Configuring LVM Post Installation?

Jul 1, 2010

I have some free space (not partitioned) on my disk drive. I have not configured LVM during installation.Is it possible to modify some of the existing partitions to be a member of LVM?

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Debian :: Configuring WiFi In Installation - Passphrase?

Sep 17, 2015

I recently started installing Debian and I want to download and install a GUI in it. For that I could use my university Wi-Fi connection. I was told that it's a WPA2 secured connection. But when I tried to configure it, it keeps asking me for a "passphrase". I don't have a passphrase! All I have is my username and password for the Wi-Fi. What should I enter as my passphrase ? I tried both username and password and neither of them worked.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ethernet Not Recognized

Dec 8, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a new hard drive on an old Acer Veriton M464 but the network adapter is not recognized.

System/Preferences/Network Connections (Wired tab) shows no connections.

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Fedora Installation :: Configuring Grub To Work With MS Windows 7 And XP?

Mar 18, 2010

I didn't get any responses to my question yesterday about grub with multiple disks

By "best," I don't mean with the most technical detail about each and every option. Instead, I'm looking for a guide that provides a step-by-step instructions about how to do some of the more common tasks, e.g.: configuring grub to work with MS Windows 7 and XP how to reinstall the MBR with grub after MS Windows' install program overwrites the MBR reinstalling the MBR from Fedora's LiveCD (without going through the whole install process) because I can't boot to my hard drive. configuring grub to work with multiple OS on separate hard drives

Again, I'm looking for a guide that starts with the basics about how to create a configuration file and write it to the MBR.

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General :: Centos 5.5 Installation - Configuring Root Partition

Jul 31, 2011

I installed the Centos 5.5 on a WM instance. Run out of space after doing the updates. It is very difficult to keep re-partitioning /

I tried to install a new instance but it doesn't let me configure the disc and it just goes and install the OS.

How can I use the good old installation options etc?

What happened to control? This became a control nightmare.

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