Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Launch The Installed GRE Prep Software

Sep 7, 2010

I installed GRE test preparation software prepare by Cambridge University Press on Ubunuto 10.4 using wine. My laptop has two partition, one has windows C: and the other is E: has Ubuntu.

By default, it get installed C:admgr , unless stated otherwise. I didn't change this setting. After installation, a message pops up that:

double click the program icon ....

But I didn't find any icon on the desktop (which is the case in windows) nor any link for application section of the ubuntu. Installation is done correctly, but I cannot launch the program due to unavailability of the icon.

I have looked into the directory admgr, but couldn't find anything except there are two exe files. One is for uninstalling and the other 'CADM.exe'. I don't know what is for.

I also tried the changing of directory from C: to :homeadeelgre in the ubuntu partition. The software shows that files being copied to the directory mentioned above but on checking it later, I found out that directory is empty!!

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Launch The Installed GRE Prep Software

Sep 7, 2010

I installed GRE test preparation software prepare by Cambridge University Press on Ubunuto 10.4 using wine. My laptop has two partition, one has windows C: and the other is E: has Ubuntu. By default, it get installed C:admgr , unless stated otherwise. I didn't change this setting. After installation, a message pops up that: double click the program icon ....But I didn't find any icon on the desktop (which is the case in windows) nor any link for application section of the ubuntu. Installation is done correctly, but I cannot launch the program due to unavailability of the icon. I have gone through the directy admgr, but couldn't find anything except there are two exe files. One is for uninstalling and the other 'CADM.exe'. I don't know what is for. It

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading 8.04 In Prep For 10.04?

Apr 29, 2010

Getting my 8.04 system ready to upgrade to 10.04 by doing all the upgrades but running into the following. It looks like the update-rc.d script it being passed bad arguments?


$ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reading extended state information


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Fedora Installation :: How To Prep For Upgrade

May 17, 2009

I'm really happy with my Fedora 10 install on my AAO netbook but am even more excited by the prospect of switching to the full F11 release asap.I'm still a n00b so bare with me here - I know the hidden folders in my home folder contain app info like custom settings etc. So, how can I have all my apps reinstalled and config'd as they are at the moment once I have F11 installed?I've heard of linux backup apps and read a little on rsync but really I'm looking to simply point F11 in the right direction after install and have the OS take over and possible get the settings from my home folder backup on my LAN.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Onto /boot In Prep For A Windows Upgrade?

Apr 9, 2011

I've currently got a dual-boot setup with Vista and 10.10 (using grub2 on MBR).I'm about to install Windows 7 and would like for a change to use the Windows bootloader. I currently have a separate /boot partition and believe I can install grub2 there so that I can chainload it using EasyBCD.

I'd like to do this from my running system as I don't have a spare USB drive right now. confirm the command I should use baring in mind the separate /boot.If I have to wait and do it from the Live CD - is the command to use any different? FYI here is my current layout:

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
37735960 15719388 20099644 44% /
none 1023876 316 1023560 1% /dev


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Ubuntu :: Installed Open SSH And Launch It From The Terminal?

Aug 8, 2011

I installed Open SSH and don't know how to launch it from the terminal.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installed Amarock But It Won't Launch When Click On It?

Jun 27, 2010

I just installed Amarock, but it won't launch when i click on it.

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Ubuntu :: How To Launch Installed Alarm Clock - No Icon

Mar 2, 2011

I have just installed alarm clock, I cannot find an icon anywhere after the install. How can I start this program.

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Ubuntu :: Fcrackzip - All Programs Installed From Software Center Launch From Applications?

Jun 5, 2010

do all programs installed from software center lanuch from applications? installed fcrackzip but i can't find it to open it.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Got Miro And It Installed But When Launch It It Just Quits?

Jun 30, 2010

I got Miro and it installed but when I launch it it just quits. 11.2 64bit

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Slackware :: Installed Audacity From Alien Bob's Packages But It Won't Launch?

Oct 27, 2010

I just installed Audacity from Alien Bob's packages, but it won't launch.

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CentOS 5 :: Errors: Bad Exit Status From /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.61655 (%prep)

Jan 17, 2011

I have CentOS 5.5 x64 here and I've been trying to build this RPM but I have found no way to get passed this error. RPM build errors: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.61655 (%prep)

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Fedora :: F15 Disable Nouveau Driver In Prep To Install Nvidia Drvr

Apr 26, 2011

Nouveau won't go away.I done the rdblacklist in grub and blacklist in modprobe.d but it still persists.Is there something else I need to for Fedora 15?

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Ubuntu :: Installed Redshift - No Icon For The Application Or Anything To Launch The Application ?

May 24, 2010

I have installed Redshift But do not know what to do Next.There is no icon for the application or anything to launch the application.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Launch Program?

Jun 10, 2010

The program is called the GNU C++ Compiler. I tried typing it in the terminal and pressing tab, but got nothing. How do I launch the program?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Launch Bar Visible After Restart

Sep 22, 2010

This is my second Ubuntu installation so I am not a pro. I downloaded and installed latest Ubuntu Desktop version (10.04.1 I think). Installation went fine without any problems until rebooting after completion. During shutdown the installation CD was ejected and some error occurred. I had to do a hard shut down in order to restart. Start and login no problem. The problem I have is that there is no Program/status bar visible (where Application, Places and System menues are). I tried to move the mouse around in order to see if menues are outside of screen but it's not.

The only thing I can do is:
- right-click to bring up "Create folder, launcher etc" menu
- press F1 to bring up Help screen
- press power button (on pc) to bring up shut down dialog

I search for some answers here and the only one I found wass SHIFT+F2 to bring som launch bar but that didn't work. Is there something wrong with the installation or am I missing some secret keycombinations to bring up program bar?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Launch Bar Icons Numbered?

Feb 9, 2011

I have my 10.10 Unity completely installed, working just fine. I reboot and presto all of my launch bar icons have sequential numbers that weren't there before. Anyone know how to remove the numbers.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ntfs Configuration Does Not Launch?

Jun 16, 2011

I have partitioned my hard drive into three parts: 1 lean section for windows 7 (50 gb), another section for ubuntu 11.04 (50 gb) and one final massive section for 'storage' (360-ish gb). I have been following the following guide to accomplish this process:I am lost in the final stages of the process. The article says that:"Ubuntu won't "mount," or make available, your Windows 7 and Storage drives on boot-up, however, and we at least want constant access to the Storage drive. To fix that, head to Software Sources in the System->Administration menu. From there go to Applications, then the Ubuntu Software Center at the bottom. Under the "Ubuntu Software" and "Updates" sections, add a check to the un-checked sources, like Restricted, Multiverse, Proposed, and Backports. Hit "Close," and agree to Reload your software sources."

I completed this but I did not get the "reload your software sources" option. Then the article says:"Finally! Head to the Applications menu and pick the Ubuntu Software Center. In there, search for "ntfs-config," and double-click on the NTFS Configuration Tool that's the first result. Install it, then close the Software Center. If you've got the "Storage" or Windows 7 partitions mounted, head to any location in Places and then click the eject icon next to those drives in the left-hand sidebar. Now head to the System->Administration menu and pick the NTFS Configuration Tool."I was able to install NTFS Config. However, when I click on it and enter my administrative password, it does not launch.

I do not know how to get around this, I did some research online but was not able to find any solutions.I do not fully understand what ntfs config will accomplish, but I think it has something to do with accessibility to the storage partition from both windows 7 AND linux.The article says:"You'll see a few partitions listed, likely as /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, and the like. If you only want your storage drive, it should be listed as /dev/sda3 or something similar--just not the first or second options. Check the box for "Add," click in the "Mount point" column to give it a name (Storage, perhaps?), and hit "Apply." Check both boxes on the next window to allow read/write access, and hit OK, and you're done. Now the drive with all your stuff is accessible to Windows and Linux at all times."

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access The .exe's What Files Launch A Program?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm completely new to the Linux OS. It is very foreign to me, i'm very used to the way windows does everything, including how windows does installation. I know that Linux doesn't understand .exe files like windows does... which is part of the problem. I have a linux zip file of a program (Jgrasp) that I want to install. I unzipped it into my home file and then wanted to run the program, but I have no idea what to do next. How the heck do I run the program if i can't access the .exe's what files launch a program in linux?Also how do i get it to recognize the JDK files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Launch Windows First In Dual Booting?

Jun 29, 2010

I have install lucid, and windows, I want when the computer start it should launch windows first, now it launch ubuntu first.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Launch Update Manager?

Oct 27, 2010

E:Type '--2010-06-27' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.

The above message laughs at me. Anyway, looked through the forums, couldn't find a problem similar to mine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Fails To Launch On Win 7 Ultimate?

Nov 7, 2010

I have downloaded wubi.exe to my hard drive. After double clicking the exe and OKing the security dialog, I get a error message box titled: "pyrun.exe - No Disk"The error message reads:"There is no disk in the drive.Please insert a disk into the drive DeviceHarddisk3DR5.There are three buttons: Cancel, Try Again, ContinueClicking any of these buttons simply causes the same message box to pop up over and over. I cannot cancel this message or the process unless I reboot my computer. I guess the latest version of Wubi does not run on Windows 7 Ultimate.My computer:Intel Pentium I76GB RAM1TB Hard Disk

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Ubuntu Installation :: White Screen On Start Up - Won't Launch

Dec 15, 2010

I have been running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid not on a separate disc partition but installed right on my Windows (7) partition. Everything was working fine until yesterday. I restarted my computer and then the system was scanning the disc then suddenly after the disc check, the computer restarted and when it was supposed to launch Ubuntu, the screen went completely white. I tried restarting again, I manage to get to where I choose to boot with Windows 7 or Ubuntu. I choose Ubuntu and the same happens again: white screen. It doesn't go any further than this and the only thing the computer can do is boot with Windows 7. Has anyone had the same problem? Also, is there a way I can access my files (saved in Ubunutu) from Windows? If I can manage to copy these files then I don't mind reformatting the whole disc.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Launch Software Centre?

Jun 29, 2011

If I click on the ubuntu software centre icon the pointer shows the application is loading but then nothing happens

I've done an update, an upgrade and restarted...still nothing

this is both with the linux Mint (gnome desktop) and xubuntu I have installed on this compter an ASUS 13'' P81IJ

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Left Hand Launch Bar Menu Not Visible?

Dec 2, 2010

The problem I am facing is the left menu launch bar is not appearing when I startup my machine. The top and bottom menus appear after running gnome-panel in a terminal, but it does not fix the left had side launchbar.If i click in the area where the launch bar is I can start some applications, and sometimes the bar will flash ever so briefly.I am really excited to move away from Microsoft, but I wont be able to until this last piece of the puzzle is fixed.My system details are as follows:

description: Notebook
product: 26684GG
vendor: IBM


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Installer Launch Error Message

Feb 1, 2011

I want to download and install Ubuntu to run alongside Windows 7 in a dual boot configuration. and downloaded the Windows Installer, but when I try to launch it I get an error message which I captured and attached to this post. What's really wierd is that once the message is displayed, I can't get rid of it. Even running the Task Manager to try to close the message doesn't work. I literally have to restart the computer to get rid of the message!

Am I suppose to be downloading the Windows Installer (Wubi) to a CD first where I run it from there? If so, the instructions don't mention that. Can't I download it directly to my C: drive and then run it from there? If so, why am I getting the error message?

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Launch Firefox / It Takes Over All Screen / Desktop

May 1, 2011

Wen I am on the desktop I have to put the mouse on the top bar in order to see File, Edit,View, Places, Help.when I launch firefox it takes over all the screen/desktop.Is this the way unity supposed to be ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using Dedicated Button On Laptop To Launch Windows?

May 21, 2011

I've noticed that a lot of laptops these days have fast web access buttons that quickly launch a linux os, or recovery buttons that seem to launch some other stripped down os.

So I was wondering, would it be possible to get these buttons to launch a normal ubuntu distribution? Have one button for ubuntu and the normal power button for windows?

That would be really sweet for dualbooters.

Or is it just technically/physically not possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Application Launch Full Screen - Natty 11.04

Aug 20, 2011

I just installed Natty, its ok so far. How can I keep applications from launching full screen? I know if I resize the window below 75% or some thing like that it does not start full screen however I need the window to launch at like 85% and not full screen. This is the most frustrating thing I don't know what Canonical was thinking. I put it in if you have to however make it easy to undo..

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General :: Launch Disk Druid After CentOS Installation?

May 20, 2010

I have installed CentOS on my system.I am unable to locate 'Disk Druid'.Kindly suggest the way to launch it.

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