Ubuntu :: How To Launch Installed Alarm Clock - No Icon
Mar 2, 2011I have just installed alarm clock, I cannot find an icon anywhere after the install. How can I start this program.
View 7 RepliesI have just installed alarm clock, I cannot find an icon anywhere after the install. How can I start this program.
View 7 RepliesI'm trying to set up the Alarm Clock app to automatically launch Rhythm Box and begin playing a specific internet play lists I have there. I have one template set up to launch Pandora and I could probably get it to launch Rhythm Box but, how do I get it to launch Rhythm Box and begin playing a certain radio station playlist?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an easy to use alarm clock program that I can suggest to new users. The two I have tried so far have fallen short of my expectations. "Alarm Clock" from the Ubuntu software repository starts out okay, but when the alarm actually goes off, getting it to stop seems pretty unintuitive. Click on the Alarm Clock icon, then click a Stop button in the new window that pops up. Sounds easy enough except that the icon used for "Stop" is just this grey square, so for users who are not familiar with linux or this program, it isn't even obvious that it is a button. I had one user actually uninstall the thing in order to get it to shut up. Preferably one should be able to silence the alarm by click on the alarm icon (or right clicking, if a 'doze' behavior is preferred) The other one I tried was alarm-clock-applet, which wants me to locate an alarm sound on my filesystem. Uh, no.
Does anyone know of a simple, basic alarm clock system that anyone can just sit down and immediately use without having to 'get in to the head' of the developer? Are the KDE alarms better? Am I missing something about either of these programs which would make them easier to use?
I installed 'Alarm Clock' from the Software Center and would like to have said app autostarts. There is an option in Alarm Clock to autostart with Gnome but that doesn't work so I assume the reason being I'm not root.
How to autostart Alarm Clock?
Also, in System > Preferences > Startup Applications, the 'Add' asks for a command. Is this like Windows whereas I simply point it to the app I want started? I don't even know where apps are installed. Who said ignorance is bliss?
Any alarm clock program I can run on xubuntu.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo, I'm attempting to write an alarm clock from scratch without a GUI, doing this through a bash script. So far I wrote the file that actually initiates the song, and I was trying to set up a crontab so I could do it at a certain time, making it function like an alarm clock, but it isn't seeming to work, any input on why
12 5 * * * /home/angelo/music.sh
That is my crontab
I must be overlooking something here, but I can't find out how to add "Alarm Clock Applet" to my panel. In Ubuntu Software Center, there's a picture of the program right in the panel and feature to add to panel, but there's no option for me to do this. "Add to Panel" doesn't have the application either.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've installed Alarm Clock and was planning to use it to shut down my PC at a certain time every day. What command would I use to execute the shutdown, "sudo shutdown -P" ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI left the linux world for a few years and now i am trying to re-learn my shell scripting basics. I am writing a script for an alarm clock, but i seem to be running into a few issues.
declare -i H
declare -i M
declare -i currentH
declare -i currentM
declare -i minutesLeft
My script, instead of doing what it should, produces the following errors:
./alarm: line 19: echo 11: No such file or directory
./alarm: line 26: 6: command not found
and if i choose the time 11:06, files called 11 and 6 are creating in the working directory. I am sure it is something really simple, but i haven't used linux or scripting on my computers in around 6 years.
I need to set up an alarm to start at 7:30am and run every 5 seconds until I stop it. How would I acheive this in cron tab?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a feature that keeps me going back to Mac every night, and I was wondering if there was an equivalent. I have a nice app called alarm clock on Mac that plays music from my library on specified days of the week and times AND can wake the computer from sleep to do so. I was wondering if there was a Linux equivalent, such as crontab, that could do all those things. It's the last barrier to almost full time Linux use.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have installed Redshift But do not know what to do Next.There is no icon for the application or anything to launch the application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make an "alarm clock" with mpd and gxmessage. Gxmessage allows you to assign unique exit codes for its buttons to use in your script. This is what I have so far:
mpc clear
mpc load alarm
Now I know I'm way off with the case statement, because when the alarm_message function is called within the case, both of the exit codes I assigned to the buttons (-buttons "Stop":1,"Sleep":2 ) return to their default value.
What I would like is for every time the "Sleep" button is pressed, it would pause mpc, sleep for an amount of time, play, then open gxmessage again to restart the case statement (retaining the exit codes I assigned to the buttons). Am I on the right track?
I'm completely new to Linux. I'm having the hardest time trying to do the simplest things. I'm using Kopete and I was wondering if I can put the icon on the system taskbar by the clock? I can't drag it there, won't work. I also tried to right click the taskbar and open 'add new items' but Kepete doesn't show on the list.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running Kubuntu 10.04 and i want to make some icons on the desktop to launch various telnet sessions. So i make a .sh using vi test.sh and then put in telnet 180.9.x.xx and save and quit. Then i chmod 777 it to make it executable and then moved it to my Desktop folder. But when i double click or right click and open with konsole nothing happens. I know it is probably something stupid which i have overlooked but when i have done this in Ubuntu in the past it has worked.
View 7 Replies View RelatedUbuntu 11.04. I would like to move the Applications Icon, the one that launches a window where I can view and launch all my applications. I want to move it up near the top of the Launcher Bar, where it would be more readily accessed. I've tried "clicking and dragging but the only thing I can do is switch places with the "Files & Folders" Icon.
View 5 Replies View RelatedYesterday some of my most important icons disappeared such as the power menus with the name, my clock and my Network icon.Now i have managed to get back the clock and power icons but not my network and amsn icons back and are the ones that
View 6 Replies View Relatedsome effects wont work.
and m unable to launch compiz fusion icon
m using ubuntu classic
In these days I was doing some experiments: creating rpms of different programs by compiling directly the source code. Everything went well, every-time I was able to create a rpm and install it correctly, no errors no issues. Unfortunately I was not able to find the way to create in the menu (application tab) any quick launch icon. I was forced always to use the terminal and digit the correspondent command :wxmaxima,gnuplot, etc. I tried to look in the manuals but there wasn't anything useful.
By the way I am using Opensuse 11.3 and KDE 4.4.4.
I wanted to have some cool effects in my desktop and have just installed compiz fusion in fedora 11 (kde) but when i launch compiz fusion icon the screen just goes white and nothing appears.
My laptop is dell xps m1330.
Wondering if any one else is having this problem lately under 11.4. My Skype does not want to launch any more. When I click to open Skype, the tray icon will pop up for 1 second and then just disappear. Have tried launching from command line to see if there are any messages, but it just says aborted when you try launch it.
I noticed this started happening randomly when I had the laptop in hibernate and then would resume, Skype would then just disappear and then I would just relaunch it and it would be find again.
During the installation the installer asked me if my clock was set to UTC. I didn't know what that meant so I said yes. Now whenever I boot into Lenny it messes up the time of day, and since I dual boot with puppy and knoppix on this machine, the time of day is messed up in those systems also. Any idea how to permanently undo the damage in Lenny?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI installed GRE test preparation software prepare by Cambridge University Press on Ubunuto 10.4 using wine. My laptop has two partition, one has windows C: and the other is E: has Ubuntu. By default, it get installed C:admgr , unless stated otherwise. I didn't change this setting. After installation, a message pops up that: double click the program icon ....But I didn't find any icon on the desktop (which is the case in windows) nor any link for application section of the ubuntu. Installation is done correctly, but I cannot launch the program due to unavailability of the icon. I have gone through the directy admgr, but couldn't find anything except there are two exe files. One is for uninstalling and the other 'CADM.exe'. I don't know what is for. It
View 1 Replies View RelatedI installed Open SSH and don't know how to launch it from the terminal.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just installed Amarock, but it won't launch when i click on it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI installed GRE test preparation software prepare by Cambridge University Press on Ubunuto 10.4 using wine. My laptop has two partition, one has windows C: and the other is E: has Ubuntu.
By default, it get installed C:admgr , unless stated otherwise. I didn't change this setting. After installation, a message pops up that:
double click the program icon ....
But I didn't find any icon on the desktop (which is the case in windows) nor any link for application section of the ubuntu. Installation is done correctly, but I cannot launch the program due to unavailability of the icon.
I have looked into the directory admgr, but couldn't find anything except there are two exe files. One is for uninstalling and the other 'CADM.exe'. I don't know what is for.
I also tried the changing of directory from C: to :homeadeelgre in the ubuntu partition. The software shows that files being copied to the directory mentioned above but on checking it later, I found out that directory is empty!!
do all programs installed from software center lanuch from applications? installed fcrackzip but i can't find it to open it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got Miro and it installed but when I launch it it just quits. 11.2 64bit
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just installed Audacity from Alien Bob's packages, but it won't launch.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a favorite REXX program called fv2. When I was a Windows user I had an icon for fv2 on the Quick Launch bar. Click that icon, and the program ran. Now, as a Linux (Ubuntu) user it is necessary to go through several steps to run fv2.
1) Launch a terminal by clicking on the terminal icon at the top of the screen. What's that area called? The GNOME panel?
2) Enter: ~/Desktop/RexxScripts
3) Enter: regina fv2
I run fv2 several times per day and would really like to have the convenience of a clickable icon.