Fedora Installation :: How To Prep For Upgrade

May 17, 2009

I'm really happy with my Fedora 10 install on my AAO netbook but am even more excited by the prospect of switching to the full F11 release asap.I'm still a n00b so bare with me here - I know the hidden folders in my home folder contain app info like custom settings etc. So, how can I have all my apps reinstalled and config'd as they are at the moment once I have F11 installed?I've heard of linux backup apps and read a little on rsync but really I'm looking to simply point F11 in the right direction after install and have the OS take over and possible get the settings from my home folder backup on my LAN.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Onto /boot In Prep For A Windows Upgrade?

Apr 9, 2011

I've currently got a dual-boot setup with Vista and 10.10 (using grub2 on MBR).I'm about to install Windows 7 and would like for a change to use the Windows bootloader. I currently have a separate /boot partition and believe I can install grub2 there so that I can chainload it using EasyBCD.

I'd like to do this from my running system as I don't have a spare USB drive right now. confirm the command I should use baring in mind the separate /boot.If I have to wait and do it from the Live CD - is the command to use any different? FYI here is my current layout:

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
37735960 15719388 20099644 44% /
none 1023876 316 1023560 1% /dev


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading 8.04 In Prep For 10.04?

Apr 29, 2010

Getting my 8.04 system ready to upgrade to 10.04 by doing all the upgrades but running into the following. It looks like the update-rc.d script it being passed bad arguments?


$ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Reading extended state information


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Launch The Installed GRE Prep Software

Sep 7, 2010

I installed GRE test preparation software prepare by Cambridge University Press on Ubunuto 10.4 using wine. My laptop has two partition, one has windows C: and the other is E: has Ubuntu.

By default, it get installed C:admgr , unless stated otherwise. I didn't change this setting. After installation, a message pops up that:

double click the program icon ....

But I didn't find any icon on the desktop (which is the case in windows) nor any link for application section of the ubuntu. Installation is done correctly, but I cannot launch the program due to unavailability of the icon.

I have looked into the directory admgr, but couldn't find anything except there are two exe files. One is for uninstalling and the other 'CADM.exe'. I don't know what is for.

I also tried the changing of directory from C: to :homeadeelgre in the ubuntu partition. The software shows that files being copied to the directory mentioned above but on checking it later, I found out that directory is empty!!

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Fedora :: F15 Disable Nouveau Driver In Prep To Install Nvidia Drvr

Apr 26, 2011

Nouveau won't go away.I done the rdblacklist in grub and blacklist in modprobe.d but it still persists.Is there something else I need to for Fedora 15?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Launch The Installed GRE Prep Software

Sep 7, 2010

I installed GRE test preparation software prepare by Cambridge University Press on Ubunuto 10.4 using wine. My laptop has two partition, one has windows C: and the other is E: has Ubuntu. By default, it get installed C:admgr , unless stated otherwise. I didn't change this setting. After installation, a message pops up that: double click the program icon ....But I didn't find any icon on the desktop (which is the case in windows) nor any link for application section of the ubuntu. Installation is done correctly, but I cannot launch the program due to unavailability of the icon. I have gone through the directy admgr, but couldn't find anything except there are two exe files. One is for uninstalling and the other 'CADM.exe'. I don't know what is for. It

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CentOS 5 :: Errors: Bad Exit Status From /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.61655 (%prep)

Jan 17, 2011

I have CentOS 5.5 x64 here and I've been trying to build this RPM but I have found no way to get passed this error. RPM build errors: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.61655 (%prep)

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From 8 To 12 - No Upgrade Root Found

Jan 27, 2010

I tried to upgrade from Fedora 8 to Fedora 12, but after preupgrade got everything ready I rebooted. Anaconda searched for storage devices and then said "No upgrade root found". What can i do to continue the upgrade manually?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Click On The "Upgrade" Button To Begin The Upgrade Process To FC14?

Jun 27, 2011

Trying to do the upgrade through "Software Updates", however because there are no current updates, I cannot click on the "Upgrade" button to begin the upgrade process to FC14.

Is there any other way to do this besides downloading the DVD and installing?

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Upgrade / Installation Failing On Presario F700 Laptop

May 29, 2009

I've tried to upgrade my FC8 on Presario F700 series laptop to FC 10 and facing some issues. I've a live CD (i386). Initially i tried upgrading FC 8 to FC 10 and installation was stuck around 30% completion saying its unable to fins libdbi-0.8.3-1.fc9.i386.rpm. Then I tried to install FC 10 from scratch as system went to inconsistent state and faced two issues with two different setup options -

1) when i selected necessary software to be installed for office use and development, it failed after installing 20% saying libgnomeui-devel-2.24.0-2.fc10.i386.rpm

2) i then opted for for software to be installed for office use (default option) then it failed after installing around 50% saying libXrandr-1.2.3-1.fc10.i386.rpm

im trying to understand if this is a problem due to my laptop configuration (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duel Core) or due to issue with the live CD.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade 10 To 11 / After Installation System Is Not Booting?

Jun 17, 2009

I try to install Fedora 11 from DVD BUT after installation system is not booting. Windows XP is a 1st OS is already installed in my system.

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Fedora Installation :: Tweaking Preupgrade To Do An Installation Instead Of An Upgrade?

Nov 19, 2009

I was wondering if there was an easy way to do a fresh install from an old Fedora without using any media ? Maybe there is a possibility to boot the netinstall.iso from grub ?Or tweaking preupgrade to do an installation instead of an upgrade..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Error "Could Not Calculate The Upgrade An Unresolvable Problem Occurred While Calculating The Upgrade"

Feb 12, 2011

I keep getting the following msg as I try to upgrade from 10.04 -> 10.10 ... "Could not calculate the upgrade An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. This can be caused by:

* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report." I don't think any of the issues above apply - can anyone offer advice on how to get around or "force " the upgrade

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From 9 To 10?

Mar 18, 2009

I again followed the instructions below (actually, I started with Step 6), and this time after the initrd.img was downloaded, the installer jumped into its graphical mode where I was prompted if I wanted to perform a fresh installation of F10 or an upgrade. Of course, I chose the latter. Now the installer is "starting the install process".

I attempted to upgrade my F9 system this evening to F10 using a Network Install (aka Media-less Install), but without success. I followed these instructions (which I pieced together):


Instructions: [URL]
FTP site: [URL]

1. Download vmlinuz and initrd.img from FTP site listed above
2. Rename vmlinuz to /boot/vmlinuz-install
3. Rename initrd.img /boot/initrd.img-install
4. Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to contain:


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Fedora Installation :: Can Upgrade To 11 By Not Using CD

Jul 4, 2009

I don't want to spend several hrs on downloading the file & burning CD, so I wanna ask can I update from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 by using update manager or other ways?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade 10 To 11 Over SSH?

Jul 15, 2009

I'm upgrading from 10 to 11 remotely over ssh and have completed the preupgrade-cli part and got to a message that says "All finished. The upgrade will begin when you reboot." My questions is will there be anything I will need to do locally or will it upgrade without user input and start back up?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From 10 To 11 Using F11 DVD

Aug 15, 2009

About installation, I run into a problem every time I try to upgrade from Fed 10 to Fed 11 using the DVD (at the point when the installer examines the system for HD configuration).

How can one upgrade from Fedora 10 to Fedora 11 using the DVD as a source (i.e. local repository) ? I tried Googling for this, but almost all of them mention upgrade using pre-upgrade through the Internet. Using DVD will also save me considerable bandwidth and time.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From F11 To F12 Using DVD?

Dec 23, 2009

I'd like to upgrade from F11 to F12 using the upgrade DVD. I'm a little shell shocked from my F11 upgrade though. I've upgraded in the past with no problems, but, I don't know if I misintrepreted the instructions or what, but, I wound up losing all my existing files. I know it's good practice to have multiple partitions, but, I'd prefer not to make new partitions. I'm not dual booting with Windows or anything, strictly Fedora.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From F12 To F13?

Apr 21, 2010

Just wanting to know was reading on the new Gnome features and interested in trying them out.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Upgrade From 3.6.4 To 3.6.6

Jul 13, 2010

How can I upgrade from 3.6.4 to 3.6.6?The latest build in the YUM is only 3.6.4.Do I have to download and install the latest copy from mozilla website?

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Fedora Installation :: Can I Upgrade From 12 To 14

Nov 9, 2010

Can I upgrade a fedora core 12 to version 14?
Or do I first need to upgrade to 13?

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Fedora Installation :: Best Way To Upgrade F12 To F14?

Dec 2, 2010

I run F12 on a HP desktop, and would like to upgrade since F12 is EOL. Do I have to reinstall the entire DVD, or can I upgrade directly through the Internet?

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Fedora Installation :: No Gui After Upgrade To F15

Jun 2, 2011

Yesterday I used preupgrade to upgrade my computer from Fedora 13 to 15. It got caught in the install with the openjpeg-devel issue(URL...) and had to install a new kernel manually to get the system to boot. After that, the system booted fine, to a graphical interface, Gnome 3. I switched gnome 3 to fallback mode, and then ran a package-cleanup -cleandupes, due to the hiccup in the install, most of the fedora 13 packages were still around as duplicates. After that I restarted.

Thinking that the problem was possibly with the nouveau driver, I installed the nvidia drivers.Other than flashing the "nvidia" logo, I got the same result.I finally uninstalled nvidia, blacklisted nouveau, and configured X to run with vesa, again with the same result. Without any error messages to search for, I don't know what else to try.

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Fedora Installation :: Not Able To Use Upgrade Option With LVM?

Mar 11, 2009

Installed fc8 about a year ago. Had to use text mode because of nvidia video card, but got everything working fine. Dual boot with separate physical drives. (XP on 250G, sda; fc8 on 80 G, sdb). Now trying to replace fc8 with fc10 and hope it will work just as good (still have to use text installation) . However, I have some specific questions as I go:

#1. When I try to use the upgrade existing system option, I get an error that says: "Error mounting device / dev/VolGroup001/.Log Vol100 as /: mount: Special device /dev/ dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 does not exist." Does this mean I need to do a fresh install of fc10, instead of upgrade?

#2 (Backed up and started fresh install). Made the selection to only re-partition and use the 80G (sdb) drive. (leaving the 250G, sda disk alone)..However, the partition table that produces shows values for the sda (250G)disk partitions that will be somewhat different (maybe not significantly) than those I observed in XP's disk manager tool. (For instance Windows says my ntfs partition is 206GB, yet the partition table in the fc10 installer (text mode) says ntfs partition will be 211GB). Is this normal? A 5GB difference? (This is where I aborted the install).

#3 I just want to replace fc8 with fc10, and have it work just like before. One more thing: If I go ahead with fresh installation of fc10 will it give me the option of leaving Grub as it is? (on sdb1 and chainload to XP?) Am hooked on Fedora, but need my 250G drive just as it is.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Run Firefox After 10 Upgrade?

Mar 23, 2009

I upgraded by Intel Core2 Duo system from Fedora 9 to Fedora 10.When I tried to launch the Firefox web browser, I would get the following error:Couldn't load XPCOM.I tried using YUMEX to uninstall and re-install Firefox. I was able to uninstall; when I try to re-install I get the following error:Error in Dependency ResolutionMissing Dependency: gecko-libs = is needed by package firefox-3.0.4-1.fc10.i386 (fedora)What can be done that will allow Firefox to run on this system again?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From 10 Using Yum - Now My Mirrorlist.txt Is Gone ?

Jun 12, 2009

So on the day Fedora 11 was released, I did what I normally do -- upgrade with yum.

Now when I run yum -y update, I get the following mirrorlist error.


It seems that mirrorlist.txt is actually nonexistent, even if I run yum clean all first. Each time I go to /var/cache/yum/updates/mirrorlist.txt, it doesn't exist. It's not blank -- it's just missing. If I create a new file and put random data there, it gets deleted every time I run yum.

I must've done something wrong here. I would prefer to upgrade and not do a clean install.

The question is: what recourse do I have to do that now.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade From F9 To F11 Using Preupgrade-cli?

Oct 17, 2009

I went to upgrade my daughters machine that was running F9 using preupgrade-cli after having issues with mirrors timing out it finally completed the first part with the notification install will start once you reboot. so I rebooted the machine and when it rebooted the grub menu came up with the F9 install selected but with an option for the F11 Upgrade I choose the upgrade and it starts and I see the installation screen with the stop watch and all of a sudden the comp restarts now at the grub menu again and there is no option for F11 upgrade so I boot into F9 try to run it again and it throws a bunch of errors about the rpm database... Encountering this before i run

rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db*
rpm -vv --rebuilddb
yum clean all

but yum just blows errors now and if I run rpm -qa it returns nothing. Is there any recovering from this? or should I back up the home dirs and do a fresh install? this is the output of the rebuild


D: rebuilding database /var/lib/rpm into /var/lib/rpmrebuilddb.2367
D: creating directory /var/lib/rpmrebuilddb.2367
D: opening old database with dbapi 3


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Fedora Installation :: Prompt To Upgrade From F10 To F11?

Oct 20, 2009

Im running fedora10 and have installed quite a few extra apps etc that are not from yum. Things like vmware workstation, Lotus notes, crossover etc. Every now an then I get a popup asking to upgrade to fedora 11. I do want to move onto 11 but does this way of upgrading work well or is there a better way to upgrade. I was thinking of making an image on my laptop first but have not found a good image tool that allows me to save and restore an image to a network.

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Fedora Installation :: Won't Start Up After F10 Upgrade?

Nov 11, 2009

Some quick background info: I am not a Linux expert, but I'm not sure I can still qualify as a "newbie", since my first Linux install was RH9 in 2003. I later upgraded to FC3 and continued to use it until my hard drive crashed around a year ago. I suffered on an old WinXP machine until I was able to buy a new system from someone on Craig's list. Although the guy didn't realize it (hence neither did I), it has a 64-bit processor, so when I installed Fedora 10, I installed the x86_64 version.I chose F10 since I use the Planet CCRMA pro audio packages, and they lag slightly behind the latest and greatest distro versions. I'm also not a bleeding-edge kinda guy, since - as I said above - I am not an expert.

So, then, here's what's happened: I installed F10 by downloading the 64-bit DVD image from the Fedora Unity respin site. As I had hoped, after the installation when I asked yum if I was due for an upgrade it said I was up to date.That was fine for a few weeks, but then this past Sunday I got a pop-up message saying that I was due for a system upgrade. I was hesitant, as I usually am before making any drastic changes, but I figured this is Fedora, they want to do the upgrade, this has got to be pretty safe. Not so much.I fired off the upgrade before heading to bed and let it run overnight (it actually took only an hour or two, but I started it late). In the morning I found my system with a blank screen and essentially unresponsive. I can move a block cursor around the screen, and if I type anything it is echoed on the screen, but there is no response; I don't believe I am in a shell of any kind.

Hitting CTRL-ALT-DEL reboots the system, and it gets past the grub menu and the Fedora start-up progress bar (the dark blue/light blue/white text blocks with "Fedora 10" at the right). After the progress bar finishes, though, the screen goes blank (maybe X is starting up?) but never gets anywhere. That's when I can type stuff on the screen, but nothing provokes any kind of response (except for CTRL-ALT-DEL).I'm mildly curious to know if the recommendation about upgrades vs. fresh installs, as given in the sticky post on this forum, still applies, or if it is now considered safer to let the system upgrade itself when it feels ready.

What I really need to know, however, is where I should start in order to get my system back. Should I go to the command line from the grub menu? Boot from my install disc in rescue mode? I'm not even sure what I should look for once I've done either of these, so I'm kind of floundering ...This PC has a dual-core Pentium 4 running at 2.9 GHz, and apparently it's a 64-bit processor. The video card is by NVidia, but I don't know the exact card off-hand. There's a built-in Intel sound card of some kind and I added an M Audio Delta 1010LT multi-channel card.

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Boot After Upgrade From 10 To 11

Nov 13, 2009

Just now, I finished upgrading from Fedora10 to Fedora11. But Now the Fedora 11 cannot boot, the screen just stay blue with 'fedora'.

btw, my computer is Dell Inspiron 1525.

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