Ubuntu Installation :: Bug 290153, 8.10 Boot Failure?

Jan 28, 2010

I have tried doing the edit as described but all that happens is a new page opens up with a document titled menu.lst.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Installation Failure On Dedicated HD?

Feb 4, 2010

After having tested Ubuttu 9.10 on a VM with Win XP Pro as host and running both Ubuntu 9.10 and 8.04 from a CD/CDR drive I decided to do an installation of 8.04 on a separate HD and import files.Installation seemed to work OK, but on reboot: no menu was shown to choose OS and the machine booted directly into Windows.Tried to boot directly from the "Ubuntu" HD in the BIOS boot menu and get the message "MBR error" full stop literally.The Ubuntu hard drive is no longer recognised in Windows , can't be acessed from the DOS prompt and obviously cannot be reformatted from there.Just for the record, I'm not totally excluding operator error from the cause

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Boot Failure 9.10

Mar 18, 2010

Ubuntu/Linux operating systems. It installs just fine but after it reboots I get a "disk boot failure, insert system disk". I have searched around but I can't seem to find anything that works. There is only one hard drive in my computer and no other operating systems on it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Failure After Grub

May 25, 2010

I have a triple boot system running Ubuntu, WinXP, and Win7.I had Ubuntu running fine on its own partition (sda1) but an upgrade from Karmic to Lucid turned it into a dog.So I tar-ed my /home filesystem, split sda1 into 2 new extended partitions, then did a clean install of Lucid with / on sda5, and /home on sda6.I should also mention that I have already tried re-installing Grub from a live USB to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Failure After Upgrade To 10.10?

Nov 22, 2010

I was happily running 10.04--- really worked fantastically! Then, I updated all, and upgraded to 10.10 using the upgrade manager in Ubuntu Desktop. Now, when I choose Ubuntu from the boot page, the computer shuts down--- no errors, it just reboots and I get right back to the boot page. I cannot boot into Ubuntu at all, and I am now stuck with Windows 7 once again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Failure On Upgrade To 11.04

May 25, 2011

I'm having a few problems getting my system to boot after upgrading to 11.04.This problem actually first arose when I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 a couple of weeks ago, however I found I was able to boot by loading a selecting a previous kernel version ( was the latest version I could successful boot from) and as I was a bit busy with exams at the time I decided to leave it be temporarily as I at least had a functioning system.I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and then finally to 11.04 today. The original problem persisted on the upgrade to 10.10 however I was at that point still able to boot using the older kernel version. On the restart after the upgrade to 11.04 however, the system now freezes when trying to boot from or previous versions (the splash screen shows and then the system gets stuck on a blank screen with just a cursor visible, but remains responsive to mouse (cursor moves) and keyboard (goes into restart process on Ctrl-Alt-Del)).

I'm at a bit of a loss of what to do and would be massively grateful if anyone had any advice of where to start for a solution. I can access the system using a LiveCD - the output of the boot info script is attached.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Failure After 9.10 Or Xubantu HD Install

Mar 21, 2010

When I install either desktop version of Ubuntu 9.10 or Xubantu 9.10 it boots ok when ask to reboot at the end of the install, but will not reboot after that (2nd attempt and all after fail)On 2nd and later attempts the grub menu comes up and I choose default Ubantu and the Ubuntu circle logo displays for about 30 seconds, and most of time I see it try to access my floppy drive (sometimes the floppy drive light stays on, sometimes it does not) a cursor then blinks in the upper left hand corner for about 10 seconds and then the screen goes blank and freezes there until I power down.

My System

Dell Dimension 2350
Celeron 1.80 G Hz
768 Meg RAM
30 Gig hard drive

Note: Xubantu installs OK to HD on another system I have, but not on this Dell. To test the Dell I did install Puppy Linux with default grub loader to HD ant it works OK (boots OK to HD each time).Side note: At first I tried this Dell to set up dual boot with XP and Ubantu and same symptoms Ubantu only booting OK once and then never again so I thought it was dual boot issue so I deleted all partions (XP is now gone) with latest GParted version and attempted installing Ubuntu 9.10 and then Xubanto 9.10 on the whole harddrive but still no boot past the first time I though this might not be a grub issue since it seems to get past grub and the Ubantu circle shows for about 30 seconds before the system freezes. only a guess on my part as I don't know enough about Grub or Ubuntu to troubleshoot without help. I see I can hit "e" to get to the grub editor and I looked at the grub boot code but don't enough about it to edit for a fix. I thought about Lilo but did not see an option on the normal Xbuntu ,or even when I used the alternate install CD,for a Lilo option. Also note I can run the live CDs for Ubuntu and Xubuntu OK on this Dell. Only HD install gives me problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Boot Failure After 2010-05-26 Update

May 28, 2010

After performing the periodic update on 2010-05-26 including libc, libc6 and libgtk2.0 my system fails on boot with the following error message:

run-init: /sbin/init: no such file or directory

Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! If I boot from the 10.04 live CD, all partitions on the hard drive are visible, mountable, and pass all file system checks.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Failure Aftr Upgrade To 10.04?

Jul 29, 2010

I have 3 separate hard drives, I IDE and 2 SATA. The IDE has side by side installation of Windows XP and Ubuntu. The 2 sata drives each have Ubuntu only. I upgraded the 2 separate drives to 10.04. with no problems I then upgraded the dual boot Ubuntu to 10.04 and it would no longer boot I formatted the partition and did a clean install of 10.04 Thereafter the Ubuntu on the dual boot drive will boot but windows will not nor will either of the 2 separate drives. Results text from boot info search is attached. I can access the 2 Ubuntu drives through the funcitonal Ubuntu on the dual boot drive, but cannot boot them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot Up After Update Failure

Sep 30, 2010

This morning my update manager came up so I clicked to update. About halfway through the update an error message popped up & said to restart my system. I restarted my system and now have a black screen with the following message:

mountall: symbol lookup error: mountall: undefined symbol: udev_monitor_filter_a


init: mountall main process (344) terminated with status 127

I read around earlier & tried to use a Ubuntu disk and reboot but I have the same error.

I'm using a Dell Inspiron computer, it's just over a year old. I keep up with all the updates but unfortunately cannot say for sure which updates were taking place because I just hit the update box.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Failure To Boot PC Overheat?

Mar 21, 2011

After I upgraded to 10.04 using the prompt for an upgrade. Ubuntu failed to boot. PC starts but during boot hangs after ubuntu symbol and screen goes black and PC overheats. Same problem when booting off CD. I removed HDD and rigged it up as a USB) but can't read the the disk in windows. The PC works fine using old windows HD. What do I do?

PC:IBM Thinkpad G40 (laptop)
Ram: 1Gb

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Failure After Kernel Update

Mar 25, 2011

After a kernel update ubuntu would not boot. So found this procedure using the live update cd. Update grub.cfg & delete everything down to but not including the first line that starts with 'menuentry' . Then boot works ok. A couple of weeks ago it started on my notebook. Is anyone @ hq listening & able to fix this problem permanently?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Boot Failure After Fresh Install

Oct 16, 2010

After buying a new PC, I decided to "reorganize" my former PC as follows:Initially it has been a dual (SATA) disk dual boot PC- one disk for each OS, while XP was fully installed on a single NTFS partition. Using Gparted I shrunk the XP partition, and created some Linux partitions. I've verified that the XP partition (sda1) is bootable. Afterwards, I removed the other (former Linux) disk from the computer. While doing so, I had to temporarily disconnect cables from both drives. Finally, I fresh installed Mint 9 (Ubuntu 10.04 derivative), on my pre-prepared Linux partitions. Installation completed flawlessly, and during the install, I've noticed that GRUB2 has been installed on sda. Rebooted and got "Disk boot failure" error.

I've checked the BIOS and noticed that the (single) drive was not recognized.
I manually tested from the BIOS and located the drive as IDE3. Saving the new configuration (F10) and rebooting- the HD gain is not identified (the CMOS battery is fine- keeps time).

Booting a live CD I can see and access all above partitions.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Boot Failure After Kernel Upgrade

Nov 27, 2010

I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 AMD64 on our home theater PC through a wubi installation. Yesterday the system update installed a new kernel and today there is a problem booting the computer so I'm reluctantly using Windoze to type this. there isn't much information: the computer has always booted fine before the kernel update. When I select Ubuntu in the boot menu the screen goes black and the computer restarts. No error messages, no GRUB menu, just a blank screen before restart.

Computer: Dell Hybrid 140G, Intel Core 2 Duo T5800, 4GB RAM

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Boot Partition On Drive Failure

Jan 1, 2011

We had a drive failure on /dev/sda. Everything 'except' boot was on raid5 across sda, sdb, sdc, sdd. I know how to repartition a new drive and rebuild the raid etc, but I don't know how to regenerate the files that reside on the boot partition. I really don't want to re-install as we have lot of custom code and software that may depend on our current libraries and build environment.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Failure After Upgrading And Subsequent With Plymouth

May 6, 2011

She was running a script in R (which was supposed to take a regression from R and output to LaTeX) but it failed, causing a "massive core dump" and shut down her computer. She rebooted, performed a recovery, but her system was still running slowly so she decided to upgrade to Narwhal. At this point she received an error message saying that the upgrade was interrupted by an eclipse package, and it failed, saying that her (disk? she couldn't remember) "may not be recoverable." Now, when I try to boot from GRUB, from any kernel listed ($22, $25, $27, and $28 ), I get the following error message:

I booted from a LiveCD, and it worked (including the splash screen). I then scanned the hard drive with smartctl, and looked at it in Gparted. Nothing seemed amiss. I could open files stored on the hard drive from the LiveCD, so I think there is something wrong with the boot process but I don't know how to fix it. One idea I've got is to run Super GRUB Disk and see if that fixes my boot problems.

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Fedora Installation :: FC 13 Boot After Update Failure?

Aug 10, 2010

I was having problems performing an update yesterday that failed on dovecot dependancies and after a few tries I removed dovecote (it wasn't being used) from the installation and tried again. Everything seemed to be going OK then the update (about 160MB) hung and the screen went black a few times and I think then shutdown automatically. The PC then fails to reboot and displayes the message "Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)" I have tried to get the PC to boot with the super grub disc but without success (probably my in experience) I have also tried a suggestion from one of the forums to start the PC with a live CD and typed su -c 'grub-install /dev/sda at the terminal again without sucess. I have looked at the files with the live CD there are grub, menu and kernel files there (some are in lost + found, b ut don't know wheer these should be so have not changed anything.

Is there an easy way for the in-experienced to repair the boot process ?

The PC is a pentium 4 running Fedora 13
There is a 200MB boot partition formated as Ext3
and a 19GB partition formated as a LVM with Ext4
There is a CD drive but no DVD

Everything has worked OK for the past year through two online upgrades.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Boot Loader Failure On Clean Install

Feb 14, 2010

I'm having a problem installing Ubuntu Studio 9.10-alternate-amd64 onto my machine. This is the third attempt and I keep running into the same problem. Grub Boot Loader will only install to 16% when a screen pops up:

Ubuntu Installer Main Menu

Choose the next step in the install process:

choose language
configure the keyboard
detect and mount CD-rom

choosing the option "Install Grub boot loader on a hard disk" sends me back to the Grub install and once again at 16% the Ubuntu Installer Main Menu pops up. Choosing the option "Install the Lilo Boot Loader on a hard disk" resolves in an Lilo-install failure and i'm directed back to the Installer Main Menu. The option "Finish the installation" sends me back to the same menu..I'm stumped as to what to do... a disk check ensured me that the instal-dvd is valid though I can't get past this silly install menu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed But Gets Error Message- DISK BOOT FAILURE?

Feb 27, 2010

I just bought a brand new hardrive (40gb western digital) IDE, 10 pin.I have gone through the installation and partioned the hardrive, when it gets to 100% it asks me to reboot.So i take the disk out, and then it says DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER:So i press enter and i get the same message> How can i get Ubuntu to boot up?The computer is a 2003 Medion pc with 512mb of RAM And an AMD Athlon processor. The computer has a sticker on that says: Designed for windows xp.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard Disk Failure - Get Next Drive In Line To Boot

Feb 15, 2011

after my upgrades i noticed one hard drive was acting funny i was gonna reformat the drive anyway to totally remove winblows from my system grub was installed on the boot sector of the drive that failed how can i get the next drive in line to boot if some one can get me to a howto or tell me what i need to do short there of reinstalling the operating system.

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Fedora Installation :: Laptop Won't Boot After Install Failure

Apr 7, 2010

My laptop died while installing F12, without completing installation. Now I can not boot the computer from HD, CD, or USB. I have flashed the BIOS with the most recent ROM. I can access the BIOS setup and exhausted all my options there, which is mainly boot order. At the moment, the boot process goes to a blinking cursor and does not allow for input. The laptop in question is a lenovo Y510 that was previously running F10 with a single partition.

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Fedora Installation :: 14 Install Failure With Dual Boot?

Aug 21, 2011

I downloaded Fedora 15 Live and Fedora 14 Live to try to see where Linux is for music and broadcast audio on a laptop. It turns out I have to use 14. 14 and 15 both sort of work as live out of the box, although why they ship with the common Broadcom wifi driver missing and the touchpad tap disabled beats me. I also never found the magic button to close down 15. There must be one, but blow me I couldn't find it. Then I tried to follow the instructions at [URL] which mostly seemed to work. I need to keep Win 7 as this is the 32-bit test machine. I used EasyBCD v2.1 rather than the older version the guide is written for.

Booting into Win7 at first worked, then a boot into Linux stopped at a line that said something about a kernel thread helper Then Win 7 blue screened on boot, although it would boot to Safe Mode. Removed Veriface from the Lenovo laptop and it would boot Win 7. Tried setting Drive in EasyBCD to "Boot" rather than "C:" for Fedora. Now booting Fedora gave a Windows missing file message and croaked. Repairing startup with the Win 7 boot CD cured Win 7. Repeated the loop with the same failures. Re-partitioned and re-installed Fedora and just the same - a screen of text that stops. I can now boot to Windows and need help to sort out the Linux boot. How do I start to investigate the screen of text saying things like "__bad_area_nosemaphore" ?

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Debian Installation :: Boot Failure After Installing On A Power6 LPAR

May 10, 2010

I tried to intall DEBIAN on a P6 machine(Power 570 processor)'s LPAR. Using debian-504-powerpc-DVD-1.iso from http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/5.0 ... c/iso-dvd/I used "install64" option and it completed normally. All using default/recommended options during the installation. i.e. whole disk, one filesystem, etc.However, after the installation(seemed succesful), I got the following error during reboot."root=/dev/sda2:2,/vmlinux: Unable to open file, Invalid device"

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Disk Failure On FC11 Upgrade?

Jun 11, 2009

I just upgraded via preupgrade-cli (from FC10), rebooted, the upgrade process completed, then the system rebooted and I just see a blinking white cursor now.I was able to boot up from a live cd of FC11, but I'm not sure how I can repair the system.

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Fedora Installation :: Sata Hard Drive Failure At Boot

Dec 27, 2010

i have a netbook compaq mini with a sata toshiba hard drive.XP was installed on this machine until the hard drive started to have bad blocks.Then i bought a mypassport500go to install f14 on it.It worked but know the sata hard drive is more and more faulty.When i try to boot f14 it displays :acpi : package has zero elements. So i cannot boot.I tryed rescuecd, does not work either.i tryed many kernel params to disable sata at boot but it seems to be builtin.there is no option in the bios to disable the hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disc Boot Failure - Insert System Disk And Press Enter

Jan 7, 2010

I bought a t770.uk HP desktop PC, which came without a Hard drive as the pervious owner had removed it for security reasons. A week later I got a hold of a brand new - out of an anti-static sealed bag - compatible Western Digital Caviar SE 80GB SATA150 7200 HDD, and installed it as directed by my t770.uk manual. Up until now, things looked to be on a roll. As I don't have any windows OS, I figured Ubunutu would be the way to go (and it certainly is from what I've heard and read about it. I can't wait!).

So I sent off for a CD and it popped through my mail a few weeks back. The problem that I am having is after booting past a very brief view of the HP POST screen, the screen goes black with the error "Disc boot failure-insert system disk and press enter". I've tried placing the Ubuntu disc in (assuming it is asking for that? An OS disc) and restarting, and changing the boot order around, but no matter what I do the error persists and I can't install Ubuntu. I really want to get this PC running with Ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: Disk Boot Failure After Fresh Install From Live CD.12?

Feb 15, 2010

I've run the install to hard drive program three times over and each time I get "disk boot failure". I believe I've got Grub to install to the mbr but I am not sure.

Barton 3200+ with 1GB of DDR1
Asus A7V333
High Point hard disk controller

other items

All the hard drives are hooked to the High Point controller. It recognizes all of them that have power hooked up and read/writes to them. Two have 98SE installs, the third is where I'm trying to install Fedora 12 to get away from some problems I'm having with 98SE.

The BIOS is set up to boot from the "SCSI device" which means it's booting from the High Point controller. The High Point lets me set a boot mark, which, when set to the Fedora drive, yields the disk boot failure no matter what I do to it.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Upgrade - Boot Failure / No Root Device Found

Jun 1, 2010

I'm a long time Linux user. Finally got around to upgrading my Fedora 11 system to Fedora 12 by using the 'preupgrade' tool. The upgrade appeared to go well (downloaded packages, rebooted into installer, etc). However, now that the upgrade is complete, I'm unable to boot my system.

Here's my configuration:
/dev/sda (80Gb)
200Mb /boot partition (ext3)
52Gb / partition (ext4 - managed as logical volume)
2Gb swap partition (managed as logical volume)
20Gb /spare partition (ext3 - managed as logical volume) .....

All worked fine under Fedora 11 for the last few months. Grub now presents me with 'Fedora' and 'Windows XP' boot options. The /boot/grub/menu.lst file is essentially the same as it was for Fedora 11, except for the different kernel versions, etc. The boot sequence shows the Fedora bubble (??) and gets about 80% full when the screen goes black and the message displayed is:

No root device found
Boot has failed, sleeping forever
If I boot Windows, all works fine.

Am able to boot using a SystemRescueCD disk. The disks all look okay and I can mount/modify all partitions, etc. The grub menu.lst file read as follows (sorry, typed in, not copied):
title Fedora (
root (hd0,0) .....

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Fedora Installation :: Error Message - Boot Failure - Sleeping Forever ?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a fresh computer with specs as such:

Hard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Black 500Gb 6Gbs Sata
Asus Sata DVD/CD Burner
Core i3 3.3GHz Sandy Bridge chipset
MSI P67A-GD55 Motherboard
Zotac GTS 450

I have a problem where the live cd gives this error message:

Boot failure, sleeping forever.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "Starting Init Crypto Disks..." Failure To Boot

Feb 17, 2010

Having installed 9,10 onto a laptop my cherubic daughter swicthed off the power (no battery) and upon restarting i am faced with "Starting Init crypto disks... OK) and there it stops!! I had hoped that I could go to recovery mode and fix it but am faced with the same stalling point. I see others are unresolved in this.

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