Ubuntu :: Install Programs On USB Drive / Make It Possible?

Mar 2, 2010

On an Asus EEE 900A with EEEbuntu Std 3 installed, and a 4GB SSDrive, trying to install some educational programs thru Add/Remove.

Is it possible to download the programs to a USB thumb drive, so there is no space used up in the already limited 4 GB SSD?

Tried to place a program on the Desktop, and then move it to a USB thumb drive, but it did not work.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Script That Will Install Certain Programs?

Sep 12, 2010

I am trying to make a script that will install certain programs. Here's the code:


echo "This script will add programs you like to the computer. Press enter to get started."


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Ubuntu :: Install Programs To A Different Drive?

Mar 9, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for quite some time now but I noticed that when Most things are installed (especially from the software center) It automatically installs to the same drive ubuntu is installed on. Is there any way to make the programs install to a different drive?

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Software :: Install Programs On Second Drive?

Sep 26, 2010

There are no hard drives in this computer, which has an 8 gig drive in the computer (Dell Netbook)and a 16 gig SDHC card. Ubuntu linux is on the 8 gig drive with 2.5 gigs remaining free space and 14 gigs free on the SDHC card. Is there a way of loading, or transferring programs to the SDHC card to keep the free space on the 8 gig drive at a reasonable level? I've transferred several of my windows programs to the 16 gig card and use them successfully with Wine.

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Ubuntu :: Install And Overwrite Wubi's / Folder To Hard Drive To Get All Programs And Settings?

Aug 10, 2010

I am using wubi since last 2 months. Now i am planning to install ubuntu lynx on my partition. Question is, can i install it and overwrite wubi's / folder to my hard drive to get all my programs and settings?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install First On Internal Drive Then Make It External

May 13, 2010

I initially installed OpenSuse on my Laptops internal drive (clean formatted) and everything worked fine. Later I took out laptop's hard drive and put it into a USB enclosure to use as an external drive.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Windows Xp Install Drive?

Nov 6, 2010

i need to make a windows xp install drive in ubuntu

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Open Other Programs Or Install New Programs

Dec 29, 2009

can open the programs pe-install, but can't open other programs or install new programs

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With Backtrack4 - Partition Drive To Make Room For Bt4?

Nov 28, 2010

finally got mostly everything fixed on my opensuse 11.3. 11.3 is my only os on my laptop right now and I want to be able to dual boot with backtrack4. I used to have bt3 but it was on a usb loading up with winxp. Anyway, I've downloaded the iso image and after hours of forum reading I figured out how to mount the iso image. Doing so allows me just to look at the files. Is there an install file somewhere I'm missing?

Also, couldn't ever figure out how to partition my drive to make room for bt4. Tried downloading gparted and failed. Tried using the expert partitioner program that came with this system but it won't allow me to create another partition. Couldn't ever find a reason why. Will bt4 allow me to create a partition upon installation? How do I install?

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Ubuntu :: How To Make KDE Programs Not Look Horrible

Nov 15, 2010

Right now, KDE programs look like really bad. This is not a reduced color depth image, this is what I'm getting, with strange black lines around the buttons. I have only installed that particular KDE application, I have not installed KDE itself.

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Ubuntu :: Make An Installation With A Number Of Programs?

Oct 14, 2010

Would like to make an installation with a number of programs. I would like to take a snapshot ( backup ) of my installation and being able to restore that later.

How can I take a snapshot, is it possible to 'save' everything to an ISO and burn
to a CD ?

I am using version 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Make Win+D Work For Fullscreen Programs

Aug 5, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 11.04 with Gnome 2.32.1

Like under Windows, there is a shortcut for minimizing all windows: Win+D. However under Gnome this does not work similar as under Windows. Under Windows I can just press Win+D and everything will get minimized. However under Gnome this does not work for fullscreen programs.

I have to close a fullscreen application and start it again if I just want to switch to another program like for example from a game to my browser. I don't want to close it but only minimize it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Any Way To Make Drive Reusable As Internal Drive

Apr 7, 2010

I recently scapped XP Pro on an old laptop (Toshiba Portege 7220)as it was so slow and I installed Ubuntu 9.10 - All installed ok and it worked fine for about a month. Last week I switched on, got the Ubuntu splash screen and thats where it stayed. I gave lappy to a friend of mine that knows about Pc's (hahaha). When I got it back he said he'd wiped the HDD and partially installed xp. The install apparantly hung after the reformat and copying files onto it.My problem now is I can't boot from HDD, Ubuntu Live CD or Windows CD - Laptop is set to boot from cd then hdd.When I try to boot from CD, the cd is read as I hear the drive being used also see light for cd flashing, after a while i get a blank screen with flashing cursor in top left corner and the cd stops.If I remove the HDD and put it in external usb caddy I can see the windows folders/files when plugged into my desk top.My questions are :-

1. Is there any way to make the drive reusable as a internal drive again as I know it works as an external drive.I would like to reinstall Ubuntu on it

2. Is it a fault with the laptop itself - how do I check

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OpenSUSE :: Make The Different Programs Running And Shown At Taskabar?

Jan 29, 2011

you can see below my taskbar Imageshack - snapshot1dj.png I would like to make the different programs running and shown at taskabar firefox,Fslint, Thunderbird to have some borders around them,

This will make them appear more clear to me.

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General :: Mac-like Tweak To Make Programs Start Faster

Apr 24, 2010

I've been working with Macs nowadays and noticed that programs load like "instantly" once it has been open and closed.

I don't know if MAC is pre-fetching them to somewhere but it is good to start Firefox right after you closed it.

what MAC actually does and how this could be implemented ? I have 6gb of ram on my laptop. Running Kubuntu 10.04 RC1.

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Software :: Make A GUI Interface That Uses Multiple Programs And Commands?

Jan 11, 2010

I am curious of how to make a GUI interface that uses multiple programs and commands. I have found wxwidgets as the most likely candidate for making my own interface.Is this the best programming language for a beginner?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Programs From A Flash Drive?

Mar 31, 2010

My Jaunty has always had problems about connecting to the internet. Only one person I know of has been able to help me connect it to the internet and I can't find him anywhere, (Not ont he internet, in real life) so I figure that instead of trying to connect to the internet to get all my favorite programs, I should just download the programs to a flash drive and put them on that way. Only problem is that Once I get the program onto the flash drive How do I tell my computer to install from the flash drive? what to type int he terminal. I don't even know what most of the terminal type stuff means.

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General :: Multiple Monitors - Make Open Programs Appear In Taskbar ?

Aug 4, 2010

Normally when a program is open an entry is placed on the taskbar in order to easily find it, which is useful when a lot of programs are open. In Ubuntu 10.04, when I moved a program to the other monitor (I'm using 2 monitors) the taskbar entry also moves to the taskbar on that monitor.

Now I switched over to Ultimate Edition, which is Ubuntu 10.04 with a lot of stuff added to it. When I drag a program to the other monitor, the entry in the taskbar disappears, but it does not reappear in the taskbar of the other monitor. So now the only way for me to find a program on this monitor if its hidden behind other windows is to use alt-tab.

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Software :: Programs Can't Run 'df' On Drive?

Sep 11, 2010

I'm trying to monitor one of my servers via grkellm which is working fine except for the fact I can't monitor one of the mount points.I've also noticed after installing phpsysinfo that this also can't get the infomation from this mount point.I dont see an error in gkrellm, it just shows the space as 0.00M of 0.00M, in phpsysadmin I get

common_functions.php 213 /bin/df /bin/df: `/home/tim/shared': Permission denied
Return value: 1


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General :: Make A USB Floppy On Another Drive And Use That To Boot The Normal USB Drive?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a USB drive on which I want to install Arch Linux (using the installer, not unetbootin or something similar, as I want the drive to be persistent.) The computer from which I want to boot this USB supports booting from a USB floppy, not a normal drive. Is there any way for me to make a USB floppy on another drive and use that to boot the normal USB drive?

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Ubuntu :: Download / Upload Programs With A Jump Drive?

Nov 18, 2010

This may be impossibly easy or easily impossible, but I'm looking for a step by step guide to download an entire program onto a jump drive, then to drop that program onto another computer.

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Programming :: New MPICH2 Installation - Interfering - With -make - Cant Compile Fortran Programs

Jul 28, 2011

Actually I had a folder called Lib, in which I had a few libraries installed and configured.(MPI, PETSc, SLEPc) I accidently deleted (by rm) the contents of that folder.

Then I reinstalled MPI,PETSC,SLEPC using the same tarballs as earlier(thus, the version etc. is the same).

I already had a fortran program with many modules and subroutine files, and the corresponding makefile which used to compile and run fine. But now when I type "make" in the same directory as before, I get this: (shortened, many similar errors)


Firstly, why is mpif90 compiling my program when I didnt tell it to? In my makefile, I have specified gfortran as my compiler....nowhere have I even mentioned mpif90. Such a thing never used to occur before.

Also, if I rename file_variable.f to file_variable.f90, these errors dissappear (I understand why, but that is not the problem), but a new error comes:

Why is the new MPI installation interfering with make ? I want to go back to how things were before I stupidly broke all installations. The errors themselves are not the problem, the problem is why the new mpi installation is interfering with make.

It seems as if mpif90 has taken over make and gfortran. I suppose I didnt install it correctly, or probably I didnt uninstall the earlier one correctly.

Everything that worked earlier doesnt work suddenly. I use ubuntu 11.04 MPICH2-1.3.2

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Blank CD Detected In Drive By Buring Programs?

May 21, 2011

I am using both K3b and Basero to try and burn a DVD Iso. Both programs show that I need to insert blank media in the drive, however the disk utility shows that I have an unformatted disk in the DVD-RAM drive. Using Ubuntu 10.10 with wine installed. I mention wine because I remember messing with it a while back to get a multi disk install to work and needing to mess around with mounting the disks in odd configurations however cant remember exactly what I did. (It was a late night)

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General :: Getting Programs From A Corupted Hard Drive?

Feb 5, 2011

im running a dell inspiron 1525 laptop with 500 gb hard drive running win 7 64 bit vista and ubuntu the drive became unstable and started crashing when booting into a system ubuntu seemed to still work ok.i need to save my paid programs to new hard drive that has all os freshly installed.i could not use easy transfer because pc would not boot.i put old drive in a rockfish enclouser and was abe to read and copy files but my paid programs need the keys.how can i copy them with the keys.i was going to use my accronics true image and just copy the drive but thought it would be corupte

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Ubuntu :: Running From USB Drive - Possible To Save Things - Download Programs - Drivers?

Apr 18, 2010

A few sectors on my Hard drive on my toshiba laptop are having issues, so i have to load Ubuntu (9.10 i believe) from a USB drive. Is is still possible to save things, download programs, drivers, and anything so i can still use most of ubuntu's features without everything resetting after a reboot?

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Ubuntu :: Boot From Flash Drive And Save Programs/settings/files

Aug 17, 2010

I know it is possible to boot Ubuntu Live from a Flash drive. But it just boots up and runs like its a CD. When you shut down the computer, the changes are all lost.

Is there any way to use the flash drive as a Hard Drive? like install Ubuntu on the flash drive and have the flash drive act as a hard drive - so that if I boot with the flash drive in the computer I can boot of of the flash drive and it would act as a hard drive?

Could I just setup Ubuntu and select the flash drive as the install directory? would that accomplish this?

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Ubuntu :: Format Hard Drive (with 10.10) And Bring System Settings And Programs Back?

Jan 2, 2011

How to format hard drive (with ubuntu 10.10 maverick, 32-bit vs.) and, after it will have been formatted, bring all system settings and programs which I run know back e.g. Compiz, browsers and other (of course without installing each one of it separately)? Is it possible to copy some parts of the HD and copy it after format?I can add, that I'm using now three partitions: dev/sda1/ (with Win7 OS � 64-bit, NTFS); dev/sda3 (with ubuntu 10.10 32-bit vs.; ext3) and dev/sda4 (linux swap); dev/sda4 (NTFS for storing files).

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Software :: Failed To Install Chpasswd 2.2-4 I Have ./configure, Make, Make Install?

May 2, 2010

i installed a mail server in RHEL 5 with postfix, dovecot, openwebmail, but i failed to install chpasswd 2.2-4 i have ./configure, make, make install, but nothing happens can any one help me with some documentetion for chpasswd for changing password for mail account

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Make And Make Install In Gnome Shell?

Jun 20, 2011

I just installed Gnome Shell in Ubuntu 11.04 through UGR Linux and everything works fine! The only problem is that I cannot run make and make install. I get the following errors:

alexandros@Autobot:~/gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell-extensions$ make && make install
Making all in extensions
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/alexandros/gnome-shell/source/gnome-shell-extensions/extensions'[code]........

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Programming :: Make Python Programs Run Without Entering The Command Python?

Mar 22, 2009

I want to be able to do

sudo ./program.py

instead of always having to do

sudo python program.py

What do I need to change?

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