General :: Getting Programs From A Corupted Hard Drive?

Feb 5, 2011

im running a dell inspiron 1525 laptop with 500 gb hard drive running win 7 64 bit vista and ubuntu the drive became unstable and started crashing when booting into a system ubuntu seemed to still work ok.i need to save my paid programs to new hard drive that has all os freshly installed.i could not use easy transfer because pc would not boot.i put old drive in a rockfish enclouser and was abe to read and copy files but my paid programs need the can i copy them with the keys.i was going to use my accronics true image and just copy the drive but thought it would be corupte

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Ubuntu :: Install And Overwrite Wubi's / Folder To Hard Drive To Get All Programs And Settings?

Aug 10, 2010

I am using wubi since last 2 months. Now i am planning to install ubuntu lynx on my partition. Question is, can i install it and overwrite wubi's / folder to my hard drive to get all my programs and settings?

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Ubuntu :: Format Hard Drive (with 10.10) And Bring System Settings And Programs Back?

Jan 2, 2011

How to format hard drive (with ubuntu 10.10 maverick, 32-bit vs.) and, after it will have been formatted, bring all system settings and programs which I run know back e.g. Compiz, browsers and other (of course without installing each one of it separately)? Is it possible to copy some parts of the HD and copy it after format?I can add, that I'm using now three partitions: dev/sda1/ (with Win7 OS � 64-bit, NTFS); dev/sda3 (with ubuntu 10.10 32-bit vs.; ext3) and dev/sda4 (linux swap); dev/sda4 (NTFS for storing files).

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General :: Upgrade Internal 2.5" Hard Drive Vs External Usb Hard Drive For An Old Laptop?

Jan 25, 2010

I got a dell inspiron 1501 laptop with a 80Gb sata drive what is the best solution to add data storage space for someone that love to have multiples operating systems at hand Note: I use mostly linux so I won't need to change my laptop for many years maybe ...

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General :: Move Smaller Hard Drive To Partition On A Larger Hard Drive?

Mar 16, 2010

My parents bought a new hard drive for a laptop that I've owned for several years. It's much larger than the current one, so I plan on splitting it up to dual boot it with Ubuntu.I have no problem with partitioning a drive (I always keep a LiveCD handy), but my question is this: how can I go about moving the existing partition to the new drive? This is a laptop, so I can't simply plug the new drive into another slot.

Also, even if I manage to move it, will Windows still work on the new drive in a larger partition? I've had this laptop for quite a while, and I've lost the recovery discs that came with it a long time ago. I also have a lot of software without CDs to reinstall them with. This makes not reinstalling Windows a high priority.

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General :: Hard Drive Malfunctions When Other Hard Drives Are Connected?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a SATA drive that worked fine. Then I installed two more hard drives into my system. When these hard drives are installed, if I try to access the SATA drive in Linux, it will start lightly clicking and then the drive will become unavailable. If I power on the machine without the other two hard drives then it works fine. What could be causing this to happen? I don't think it's heat because the two hard drives are far away from the SATA drive.

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Fedora Installation :: EIDE Hard Drive Recognized As Sda Hard Drive

May 1, 2010

Trying to install Fedora 12 using the 6 CDs. Trying to install on an older x86 box.Problem is that when detecting my hard drive, Fedora 12 recognizes it as a sda hard drive instead of hda hard drive. I have no SCSI connected to my computer what so ever. It's an old fashion PATA Western Digital hard drive.If I proceed with the install, Fedora 12 only installs 200MB of the OS from the first CD only. No options for additional software or anything.

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CentOS 5 :: Crashing And What Appears To Be Hard Drive Errors / Bad Hard Drive?

Mar 21, 2009

Sometimes when I do anything write heavy such as transferring backup or downloading large files from the net, the machine crashes almost completely.

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General :: Copying A Partition From One Hard Drive To The Same Partition On Another Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2010

I am trying to move a whole bunch of files from one partition on one hard drive to the same partition on another hard drive. Can I mount the same partition (same name, different drives, i.e. /data on /dev/hda1 and /data on /dev/hdb1)and copy those files? Shutdown the server, take out /dev/hda1 and boot up with the new drive and it's /data contents.

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General :: USB Hard Drive As An HDD Boot Drive?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a Toshiba laptop with BIOS that will not recognize USB as a boot medium (I have purchased two USB 'thumb' drives with Distro's that do boot but the BIOS see them as HDD devices!)I did manage to install and boot a distro from the USB HD but ended up with the USB drive having to be connected' to select any of the OS partions, to boot anything.I do realize that somehow, when installing the new distro on the USB drive, I changed the GRUB configuration to be on the USB drive which obviously I did not want, so can

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Ubuntu :: Use External Hard Drive For Virtual Box Hard Drive?

Jun 3, 2011

I have a laptop with only 30GB storage and I want to install Lubuntu in virtual box but Lubuntu needs 5GB of storage space which i dont have. Could i use an external 160GB hard drive to act as the hard drive for the virtual machine without affecting the files that are already on the external hard drive

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Software :: Ubuntu Installed On External Hard Drive, Can't Startup Without External Hard Drive?

Jan 14, 2009

I have 2 ubuntu's: 1 on my ineternal hard drive, 1 on my external

When I startup without my ext drive =>GRUB error 21.

And when I plug it in I can choose: the standard ubuntu kernel is the one on my external, and the original one is listed under other...

I'd like to be able to startup without external hard drive and make the ubuntu on my internal drve the standard.

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General :: Is Ubuntu Like Windows Can Download Ubuntu To Flash Drive / External Hard Drive

Mar 8, 2011

Is Ubuntu like windows and can you download Ubuntu to a flash drive or external hard drive and if so what kind?

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General :: Cannot See A New Hard Drive In Debian

Jul 9, 2010

I just installed a Sata WD 500GB hard drive, shows up in BIOS as secondary master drive, but do not see it after boot. What gives?

tone@homeserver:~$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1 9.2G 3.3G 5.5G 38% /
tmpfs 881M 0 881M 0% /lib/init/rw
udev 10M 740K 9.3M 8% /dev
tmpfs 881M 0 881M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda2 65G 197M 61G 1% /srv

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General :: Dsl Does Not Detect Hard Drive

Sep 10, 2010

I have a Toshiba Dynabook 2010 laptop and I want to install DSL linux on it.The problem is when I boot with DSL Linux there is no hard drive named /dev/hda1 and fdisk -l command does not return.How can I overcome this problem?And I could only boot into DSL if I use the nofstab as a kernel parameter.when I boot with fstab then kernel panic will occur.

I again checked, now there is a /dev/hda but my hda should contain two ext3 partitions.But the problem is the kernel doesn't recognize them.I got debian in my Had disk too.The problem is debian can recognize these two partitions.

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General :: Backing Up 80G Hard Drive 1G Per Day?

Dec 16, 2010

I want to securely backup my 80G HD, but doing a complete backup takesforever and slows down my machine, so I want to backup just 1G per day. Details: % First hurdle: on the first day, I want to backup the "first" 1G of the hard drive. Of course, there really is no "first" 1G on a hard drive.% After 80 days, I'll have my whole HD backed up... assuming none of my files ever change, which of course they do. So the backup plan/program must also catch file creation/changes as they come along. % The backups must be consistent, in that I can restore my system restoring the backups sequentially. In other words, "dd if=/harddrive" probably won't work.

% The backups should encrypt file contents AND names, but I don't see this as a major hurdle. % Once the backup has backed up everything (even changed files), it can re-backup the first 1G on my hard drive. Even though this backup is redundant, that's OK, because I always want to be backing up something (eg, if I'm backing up to optical media, the older media might start going corrupt). Is there a magic backup plan/program that does thisIn reality, I want to do this for multiple machines drives each, but think that solving the above will solve the general

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General :: External Ide Hard Drive

Nov 4, 2010

if I try to install a linux distro on an external hard drive, while I have windows XP on my primary, will the Linux stlil install a Grub on the Windows MBR. Or have I got that wrong.

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General :: Erasing An Old Hard Drive ?

Mar 20, 2011

A friend of mine has just given me an old 80GB hard drive provided that i erase the hard drive. So could someone tell me that if i used Code: shred -vz -n 3 /dev/hda to erase all data contained on the hard drive Would i then have to reformat the hard drive so i could install a Linux OS on it?

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General :: How To Mount Hard Drive?

Apr 18, 2011

how do i make /mmt is the mount point to my hard drive, and how do i mount hard drive? thank you i'm very new to linux.

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General :: Can't Mount Old Hard Drive?

Jul 24, 2011

My old centos 5.5 server stopped working so I setup a new one and I can't mount it to get the data off (if you're curious, I do have a NAS, but because of renovations it was accidentally shut-off July 2...)here's the fdisk -l:

[root@localhost ~]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders


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General :: Hard Drive Filled Up?

May 30, 2010

I have just recently installed Ubuntu 8.04 (i had 10.04, but the video drivers were not compatible). Here's my dilemna. I run the "df" command and notice that it appears as though the drive is 100% full with no space free. Is that correct? And where do I look for the offending file/directory?

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 304072908 304066468 0 100% /
varrun 1037700 108 1037592 1% /var/run
varlock 1037700 0 1037700 0% /var/lock
udev 1037700 68 1037632 1% /dev


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General :: Can't Partition Hard Drive ?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.04 on an HP Compaq dc5000 uT with Windows XP Pro. service pack 3. Downloaded the ISO file and burned a CD with Infra Recorder. The demonstration version works ok as far as I can tell, this is my first try at using any form of Linux. If I can get Ubuntu to work I plan to get rid of Windows completely. I'm stuck at step 4 of the install process, all options in the partition window are dimmed, nothing is clickable.

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General :: Add A Window Xp Hard Drive?

Jun 28, 2010

I have just purchased an older Linspire system, however it is brand new. I want to add a win xp hard drive, will the machine allow me to boot from either drive? If so, how do I set it up or what software do I need? I see other posts about dual boot but they are from a partitioned drive.

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General :: Hard Drive Partion Changes

Jan 7, 2010

So on Ubuntu, How do I change the size of the drive partition that Ubuntu is on? OR how do I seperate Ubuntu OS from everything else? My partition size is 10 gigs, hard drive is 160 gigs, so how do I save all my music, videos and pics to my free space? By default everything goes to my 10gigger and now Im obviously out of space.

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General :: Makepuppy Run Off The Hard Drive, Not The CD?

May 4, 2011

I just installed linux puppy and it runs off the live cd, but i want to install puppy onto the hard drive, so i do not have to use the cd anymore. how do i accomplish this?

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General :: Swap One Hard Drive With Another When Using LVM?

Aug 4, 2011

As my harddisks are completely full I want to swap a 1,5TB drive with a 2TB drive to give me some breathing space. The 1,5TB is part of a LVM spanned volume. My simple question, how do I move all data from the one drive to the other drive without ruining my spanned volume?

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General :: Malware On Hard Drive ?

Jun 18, 2011

I have seen the light and will convert to Linux. I have booted this laptop from a CD with Ubuntu. The hard drive has been seized by a fake Window XP restore trojan(?), which sends all kinds of error messages and shows there are no files on the drive and no access to it. Using Ubuntu I can see everything is there.

Is there a way I can use Ubuntu and something like Malwarebytes to kill the malware on the drive? Then I believe I could back it up before I reformat it and bring it into the Linux world.

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General :: Get Rid Of Microsoft Has Taken All Hard Drive?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a compaq armada 7400 with 32k memory cache and 256 secondary memory cache and a 6 gig hard drive. Would it be possible to use linux on this pc if I were to get rid of microsoft. Microsoft has taken all my hard drive.

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General :: Adding The CentOS To Hard Drive?

Apr 29, 2011

I have an old Linux server, but now the hard drives are reformatted. I want to use this as a test server before I do anything on our live server. Our live server is running CentOS 5 so I would like to install CentOS 5 on this server, however the mother board does not seem to recognize the CD ROM any more, and I have tried other CD ROMs - So, the .iso file I down loaded from CentOS's mirrors can't be installed that way.I have a windows machine and I was wondering if I could just dump the .iso file onto one of the reformatted hard drive and then reinstall it into the server?

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General :: How To Check The Health Of A Hard Drive

Aug 2, 2010

My SATA drive started clicking and I was unable to access the data. It was not clicking loudly though, like a drive that has already gone bad. After tightening the connections to the hard drive, it stopped clicking and I was able to access the data again. I have started to move files off of the drive, but I think this drive might still be in good health. I didn't find any data corruption and I haven't had any trouble accessing any files. I have never had an SATA drive fail before so I'm thinking that it could have just been the loose connections that was causing the problem. What tests can I run on this drive to find out how healthy it is?

This is the hard drive in question: HITACHI Deskstar T7K250 HDT722525DLA380 (0A31636) 250GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Hard Drive -Bare Drive

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