Ubuntu :: How To Use System Settings > Advanced > Device Actions

May 25, 2010

I am trying to use the Device Actions under System Settings > Advanced to automatically copy image files from my CF-card from my camera. I home someone has a few minutes to help me. I am not sure how do identify my device.

I have watched udevadm monitor, while I insert the card into the card reader. One of the lines that appear is this: UDEV [1274814950.587968] add
/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.7/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/host5/target5:0:0/5:0:0:0/block/sdc/sdc1 (block)

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Ubuntu :: Advanced User Settings / 'Connect To Ethernet And Wireless' Option Of The Advanced Settings?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to create a user account for my children in Ubuntu 10.04

When creating their account, I have turned off the 'Connect to ethernet and wireless' option of the Advanced Settings.

However, when I log into their accounts, they still have full access to the internet through both the wireless and ethernet connections. Is this option for some other purpose?

Is there an alternate way to limit internet access for childrens' accounts in Ubuntu? (I'm used to MS Family Safety as a filter for internet access - is there an eqivalent for Ubuntu?)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find The K Menu > System Settings > Advanced Tab > Disk And File Systems Menu

Mar 16, 2010

i found a tutorial to auto-mount ntfs drivers at kubuntu start


but i can't find the K menu > System Settings > Advanced Tab > Disk & File Systems menu.it disappeared in kubuntu 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: No Advanced Desktop Effects Settings In Compiz?

May 31, 2010

there is no System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings .im runnig compiz with lynx and im trying to access the advanced desktop effects but i can find it.

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Server :: Custom - Advanced - DNS Settings - BIND ?

Dec 7, 2008

I'm having some problems properly configuring my DNS settings on my Zimbra Server.

I am running Zimbra collaboration suite on Ubuntu Server which is configured at on DMZ. A BIND9 server is also running on the same machine ( This machine serves as a mail server.

The following is how i have my DNS configured at mail.domain.com and i also have a shared hosting account at domain.com



Can i change to the following without any effects on my mail server?


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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Hard Drive Partition With Advanced Settings?

Nov 27, 2010

Basically I got Windows 7 installed on my laptop and it's been doing nothing but slowing down more and more even though it isn't used for much more than basic internet use and I realized the hard drive was the cause, I did a bunch of stuff to try to fix it that I won't get into here, and in basic I'm to the point I'm just going to reinstall Windows 7, but this time with the help of Ubuntu's partitioning utilities.

I've already had the first ~5GB of the drive overwritten with zero's (thanks to DBAN) and now I'm booted on the Ubuntu LiveCD and trying to learn the command line stuff for formatting a drive. What I want to achieve is use the smallest amount of space possible for the MBR and that's also a point I don't quite understand.
After some research on Google I read that the MBR is on one sector only the very first one, yet the first partition on a hard drive starts anywhere from 63 to 4096. Why are they so far apart? And can I force the partition to be moved closer? I know I know their is pretty much no purpose to this but it bugs me knowing that their might be 31MB (64 512byte sectors minus 1 (MBR) and 64 (beginning of partition)) just going to waste when I could put the NTFS MFT there. Then the second and last part I want to understand is I want to make the NTFS partition have a 512byte allocation unit size and have it lined with the 512sectors on the hard drive so it can have the max performance. Does anyone know how to do this stuff or could find better info than I have on the internet?

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Online Accounts Exchange Advanced Settings

Mar 1, 2016

I've installed last Debian Stable with Gnome 3 environment and after added my enterprise account into the Gnome Online Accounts it apear into Evolution (but only after i've manually installed evolution-ews package) the problem is that i can't change any adevanced settings like "local synchronisation" into Evolution.

It's like Gnome Online Accounts revert back the settings each time i change it.

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Hardware :: Gpointing-device-settings Settings Will Not Stay After Reboot?

Oct 18, 2009

I am running a debian squeeze machine on a ibm t40 laptop with window maker as my window manager. I am using gpointing-device-settings as a program to get the scroll bar on my touch pad working. unfortunately, I can't get the settings to stick after i shutdown and turn on. I have to go into the program and unclick then reclick the button. i'm using version 1.3.2 (ive tried both deb and source versions). does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? and if there is any configure files that I could configure instead of having to use the gui program.

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Ubuntu :: Reset Compiz Settings From Command-line To Default System Settings?

Jan 31, 2010

Did you play too much with compiz and after-a-while you realize that certain functions are not working anymore?

Well, just follow the steps below:


gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz



Restart your PC / lappy


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OpenSUSE Install :: Saving System Settings (yast Settings)

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way I can save system settings and have yast revert to a config file in case I ever need to reinstall the system again? I hate having to configure the firewall, runlevels, samba shares, samba workgroup, apparmor, and all the other junk after every install. It's not like I install often, but should suse 11.5 or 12 roll out, I'd like it to be a snappy upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Actions - This XML File Is Not A Valid Nautilus-actions Config File

Feb 18, 2010

I've been trying out Nautilus-actions (Gnome 2.28.4), but have been unable to import most config files from [url].

When I attempt to import an action, it complains:


Can't parse file 'convert_flv_to_avi.schemas' as GConf schema description file!

This XML file is not a valid Nautilus-actions config file (missing keys: )

So far, the only one that has worked for me is "Move to custom folder" [url].

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Ubuntu :: Load GPointing Device Settings On Startup?

May 19, 2011

I've running ubuntu 11.04 on my samsung 900x3A notebook and have a problem using the touchpad: I've configured my touchpad using "GPointing device settings", but everytime I reboot my system I've to start "GPointing device settings" manually to apply the settings for the current session. Is there a way to do this automatically?

Secondly I've the following problem: I cannot use "click and move" with my touchpad. For example, when I try to move a window around: Normally one would click the left button, hold it and move the window via touchpad. But every time I click the left button, any other movement with my touchpad is disabled. Is there a way around this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Device Does Not Show Up In The Wireless Settings Box?

Jul 15, 2011

After cleaning up my son's Vista desktop and backing it up, I installed 11.04 alongside Vista.

Issue #1:

Using the Ubuntu Requirements Guide, which says a minimum of 5GB is needed, I went ahead and allocated 15GB, to be safe and allow for future growth. But when it boots, I get this message:

This Computer has only 244.6 MB of disk space remaining

Ubuntu confirms that the installation took up 13+GB of space. Why is this, and how do I correct it? I would be fine with deleting the partition and starting over, but do not want to damage his Vista installation.

I don't understand why these space requirements aren't explained better or even consistent between different official Ubuntu sources. Here's one for 11.04 that specifies that "You must have at least 44MB of memory and 500MB of hard disk space to perform a normal installation." Now, 'normal installation' implies to me that everything is installed, so I don't get it.

Issue #2:

When I turn on the computer or reboot, I get this floating box:

Monitor Is Working
92.5khz 58hz
Out Of Scan Range
Change PC Setting

This does not disappear until it has booted Ubuntu, so I do not get any menu to choose between Ubuntu and Vista. Why is this and what's the fix?

Issue #3:

When I plug in his USB Wireless device, the device does not light up, there is no popup box in Ubuntu, and the device does not show up in the Wireless Settings box. How do I get Ubuntu to see this device (or any newly plugged in device) so that it can look for the appropriate driver?

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Ubuntu :: Touchpad Not Shown In Gpointing-device-settings / Enable It?

May 27, 2011

I want to disable the touchpad while typing on my girlfriends samsung nc10 netbook. (she always selects and deletes text accidentally.. )

I though, this would be possible with gpointing-device-settings. But there, the touchpad is not shown, only a IMPS/2Logitech wheel mouse is shown. Although there is only the touchpad and no mouse...

So how can I enable touchpad configuration there?

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OpenSUSE :: Compiling Gpointing-device-settings-1.5.1 On 11.3?

Dec 15, 2010

I am having problems with my touchpad on my dv7 notebook, that I can not resolve... so I thought it would be a good idea to update the gpointing-device-settings that came with the opensuse 11.3 repositories (version 1.3.1-1.2 too old maybe)

So I downloaded the source files but when I try to ./configure, I have some errors telling my that my gtk+ and gnome-settings-daemon versions are older (that is not true, I check them and they are newer)

Here is the ./configure output:

damususe:/home/sebadamus/Downloads/gpointing-device-settings-1.5.1 # ls
aclocal.m4 configure libgpointing-device-settings.pc.in modules
autogen.sh configure.ac ltmain.sh NEWS
ChangeLog COPYING m4 po


Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables GNOME_SETTINGS_DAEMON_CFLAGS
and GNOME_SETTINGS_DAEMON_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config. See the pkg-config man page for more details.

damususe:/home/sebadamus/Downloads/gpointing-device-settings-1.5.1 #

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General :: /etc/fstab Settings For External Usb Floppy Device?

Apr 28, 2010

et me know what will be the required settings under /etc/fstab for adding external usb floppy device?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Card Number And Device Number On System For Attched USb Audio Device?

Oct 1, 2010

how to get the card number and device number on system for attched USb audio device?

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Ubuntu :: Backup Everything The System With Its Settings?

May 9, 2010

easy way to backup everything the system with its settings. I have seen many posts regarding this on google and in this forum but it was a bit hard for me.[URL]...

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Ubuntu :: How To Backup System Settings

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to reinstall my whole 10.04 system, because I feel, that it is pretty massed up, as a beginner I also made some mistakes and there are some unnecessary errors.
I would like to mostly keep my installed apps and settings. Is there any way to recover/export them? home folder?

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Ubuntu :: Editing System Settings From CLI

Aug 19, 2010

I have a box that is setup for a Desktop environment. I've full screened terminal, but it still try to sleep the display every few minutes. How do I change this? Or better yet, just boot up in console only mode.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access System Settings?

May 10, 2011

I installed 11.04 last week and have been really happy with it. However, yesterday I somehow changed something that removed the "system settings" option from my power-button menu. I cannot access it via the super-button search either... So I can't access compiz, or any other settings now. It was there a couple of days ago... What did I do? How can I get it back?

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Ubuntu :: System Settings File

Oct 26, 2010

I hacked up all my previous linux ubuntu files to my external hd. Now I want the previous system settings back How do I do that? What is the name of the old system config file ? Where is it stored ?What path?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Killall Nm-system-settings?

Apr 18, 2010

in my case it says..

sidhu@sidhu-desktop:~$ sudo killall nm-system-settings
[sudo] password for sidhu:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for sidhu:
nm-system-settings: no process found

why is this error..?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 System Settings Don't Start?

Apr 29, 2011

When I try to launch gnome system settings, I get segfault:

georgii@gleontiev:~$ gnome-settings-daemon
** (gnome-settings-daemon:2599): WARNING **: Ignoring unknown module 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.gconf'


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Ubuntu :: Settings Not Saving In System / Get That To Work?

Jun 28, 2011

Ok, let me explained what I did. I was curious and decided to try out Gnome 3. Big mistake. I did a purge to get rid of it and now Unity comes back up. So far so good. Now none of my settings save... my "keep in launcher" apps do not stay there, my settings (accounts work fine) in Empathy don't stay and the weather settings reset. How do I get things to save when logging out or rebooting?

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Ubuntu :: Translate GUI Actions To CL Code?

Jul 27, 2010

The main thing I want to know is: how to translate my GUI actions into command-line code. I want to know if there is a command that outputs all the commands being made by interaction with my GUI.Say, for example that I type this command and then open a file, the terminal would then print: "gnome-open /{path to file}".(The reason I ask is because I need to know a command to open with a non-default program. I have downloaded MiniCopier, so I want to add a launcher for it to my panel, by figuring out the code to launch it, but the default app to open ".jar" files is archive manager, rather than Java, so "gnome-open" doesn't do the trick. I've even changed the default to Java and still "gnome-open" uses archive manager, while double-clicking will use the new default=java. Weird...)

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Ubuntu :: Create A Launcher With 2 Actions?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a program which launches by a command but the command is not valid if i dont cd/ to the location of it first, is it possible to make the lancher (terminal) first go; cd /home/user/x then the program?

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Ubuntu Security :: Locking System Proxy Settings

Mar 3, 2010

I installed DansGuardian. In order for it to work I set the system wide proxy. However it is really easy to get around DansGuardian by going to preference proxy setting. How do I password protect this setting so it requires a password to change proxy setting? Preferably a different password than the normal sudo password if possible. If not I at least want the sudo password protecting it! I run multiple browsers so doing it via the system rather than the browser made the most since.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nm-system-settings: No Process Found?

May 9, 2010

I'm with new version kubuntu 10.04 after changing managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf
I can't execute killall nm-system-settings it says: nm-system-settings: no process found Maybe I'm with the wrong command

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Ubuntu :: System Settings For Proxy Username And Password?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm trying to use Kubuntu 10.04 in a corporate environment. Our environment uses an internet proxy that requires a username and password.Under Ubuntu 10.04, I can use the GUI to set the proxy host, port, username and password. When I do this, all the web browsers work, Snyaptic works, etc.However, under Kubuntu 10.04, the GUI lets me specify a proxy host and port, but doesn't appear to save the username and password. Because of this, I have to manually set the proxy information on my web browser, but the package managers don't work because they can't access the internet. Apparently the ability to specify proxy username and password is either broken or unfinished.

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