Ubuntu :: How To Monitor Temp Of CPU?

Sep 26, 2010

How can i monitor the temp of my CPU? Using Ubuntu 10.10 & Gnome desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Computer Temp / Fan Speed Through The Terminal?

Oct 14, 2010

monitor computer temp / fan speed? through the terminal, preferably.

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Ubuntu :: Put Gkrellm (system Monitor With Temp) Inside Of The Top Or Bottom Taskbar?

Feb 10, 2011

i was wondering if it is possible to put gkrellm (system monitor with temp) inside of the top or bottom taskbar. my laptop overheats and i would like to be able to see my temps somewhere on my screen permanently. im sure there is a plugin or something of that nature i dont know about, if there is,

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Ubuntu / Apple :: CPU Temp Monitor And Keyboard Shortcuts - Set A Shortcut To Empty The Trash?

May 5, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 alongside OSX on my unibody aluminum macbook. I've been setting it up, but I was wondering if there were any applets that could display things like CPU temps (maybe even RAM usage? I'm thinking along the lines of the iStat menubar app, but of course I'm willing to try out anything). I tried searching the Software Center, but couldn't quite find what I was looking for. I was exploring the keyboard shortcuts, and I was wondering if there was a way to set a shortcut to empty the trash? Like in OSX they have shift+apple+delete.

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Ubuntu :: Possible? /temp/www/fake/ Contents (directory) Avaliable Through /temp/www/?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a web server whos DocumentRoot is:/tmp/wwwNow, /temp/www/fake/ is a directory that contains a series of other files/folders.What I want to do is access the files in /temp/www/fake as if they were in the root directory (/temp/www/)For example:

could either be located in "/temp/www/test.php"
located in "/temp/www/fake/test.php"

so "" would essentially call both directories. Is this possible? Whould I do this through apache or through the actual file system somehow? (Like some sort of symbolic link?) I would love to hear your input.

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Ubuntu :: How To Enable Cpu Temp

May 9, 2010

i have added the hardware sensors monitor to the panel and enabled....but i can only enabled my hardisk temp(i.e. hddtemp)...but there is no option of cpu.....how can i enable my cpu temp??

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Ubuntu :: Tmp Or Temp Assigned Elsewhere?

Oct 1, 2010

is it possible to have the tmp or temp folders assigned elsewhere. I am actually looking to stick them in the shm folder since there is enough memory to throw around the place ..

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Ubuntu :: Adding Cpu Temp To Top Menu Bar?

Jan 16, 2010

i've recently been required to monitor my cpu's temp. for one, i have no idea how to do so, and for another i'd like to do so by continually seeing the temperature displayed on the top menu bar, similarly to how you can setup graphs displaying your cpu use, memory, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Where To Change C To F So It Reads USA Temp

Jul 9, 2010

I'm having little problem trying to change weather to USA it reads C instead of F on conky forecast here is screenshot.

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Ubuntu :: Why Does CPU Temp Fluctuate So Frequently

Jan 27, 2011

I'm looking at conky and my cpu frequency is fluctuating really fast (in a relatively narrow range) but from second to second I can see a 2-3 degree change, is this even possible? It seems like the sensors aren't working right if they are showing changes that fast.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change FireFox's Temp Folder

Mar 8, 2010

I have no idea where the firefox temp files are being downloaded to, but I would like to change the directory to a folder in my home directory.

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Ubuntu :: Read Host CPU Temp From Guest OS?

May 16, 2010

Is it possible to read the host cpu's temperature from a virtual guest?

(1) Where host = ubuntu desktop and guest = ubuntu server, and

(2) Where host = windows xp and guest = ubuntu server?

Typically I would read the contents of /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature on host ubuntu desktop. I guess its more tricky when running ubuntu on windows host. What I am trying to do is shutdown guest if host cpu temperature is greater than certain value.

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Ubuntu :: How To Measure Temp In UNE 10.04 Since Panel Locked

Jun 14, 2010

Any good ideas for a GUI program that monitors temp for CPU and hard drive? I'd prefer one that is like a system monitor that can show trends on a graph (like CPU usage, etc). It is irritating that you can't even add a silly app to the panel because UNE is locked (ERR, Ubuntu, what were you thinking? Give US the choice! Rant over) So far, I have just written a quick script after installing lm-sensors and hddtemp and run the necessary setup routines that will show me, but I would like some of the history data.

#! /bin/bash
# zenity --info --title "Temp INFO" --text "sensors"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Splash Screen Temp Fix?

Jun 25, 2010

The new splash screen would fly by in two shakes without, the dots moving left to right.And I was looking at more blackness than purple. So what I did was this without installing a slower uvesa v86d update. I used that as a reference point instead. This is what me Grub2 looks like: /etc/default/grub

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`


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Ubuntu :: Where Are The Temp Video Files Stored

Aug 1, 2010

In Karmic, where is the temporary file stored of a video like ..... after it is played?

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Software :: Ubuntu 9.10 - Temp Reaches Around 80 To 90 Degrees

Nov 1, 2010

I am using ubuntu karmic kola 9.10. The problem I have been having lately is of overheating of my intel core2duo proc, where the temp reaches around 80-90 degrees and the cpu shuts down after a while and the message from the bios is of thermal trip. Ideally my cpus temp is around 55 deg,the moment when the temp starts to climb and when I run a top command, I see arpwatch taking 100 % of cpu. After googling I came across this.

[URL]. How can a process which is taking 100 % cpu cause a system to over heat and shutdown in few mins? I have had seen instances where processes taking a lot of cpu but not something like this.

ryan@wsx04:~$ cat /etc/lsb-release

ryan@wsx04:~$ dpkg -s arpwatch
Package: arpwatch
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 468
Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>
Architecture: amd64
Version: 2.1a13-2.1

ryan@wsx04:~$ sa | grep -i arpwatch
4 292.10re 2.06cp 0avio 5176k arpwatch*

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General :: Mounting An Iso In Mnt/temp

Jul 12, 2011

So I mounted an ISO of MEPIS 11 in /mnt/temp, having understood that I can access the files. Well, no, I can't--not really. Almost all the files in the distro are part of the 1.2 GB "mepis" file that comprises the bulk of what's in the iso. I thought I would be able to look inside the distro's guts if I mounted the iso, which would probably have been helpful in explaining why my remastered copies of the ISO weren't any smaller even after I removed a large amount of the applications. (I wanted to modify MEPIS 11 to make it fit onto a CD.) If I can't do this, what is the practical use of mounting the iso and looking at the files?

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Ubuntu :: Does Apache2 Have A Way To Automatically Delete Temp Files

May 1, 2010

I have a PHP script running on my website that can generate temporary images, but if I clean them up right away, then the browser doesn't have time to render them.Is there some way to make Apache2 delete them after 5 minutes or so?

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Ubuntu :: Does Apache2 Have A Way To Automatically Delete Temp Files?

Aug 14, 2010

I have a PHP script running on my website that can generate temporary images, but if I clean them up right away, then the browser doesn't have time to render them. Is there some way to make Apache2 delete them after 5 minutes or so?

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Ubuntu :: Conky Graphs For CPU Temp / Network Up Not Working

Aug 22, 2010

I have conky up and running, but today as I was messing around with the colors for the custom theme, the graphs for cpu temp and network up and down aren't displaying anything.

Here's my conky configuration:
./conky-colors --lang=english --theme=custom --color0=000000 --color1=800080 --color2=800080 --cpu=2 --cputemp --swap --updates --hdtemp1=sda --proc=3 --calendar --m --network --rhythmbox=oldvinyl --ubuntu --alllight --unit=F --clock=off

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Ubuntu :: Screen To Pause And Windows To Temp Freeze?

Oct 22, 2010

This problem has occurred over a few years and with a number of Gnome distributions, including Ubuntu and Fedora, and it just won't go away. I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 / Gnome. Almost immediately, windows that opened would grey out and temporarily freeze. The mouse can still move, most of the time. The greying of windows can happen frequently or not a all for a while. The freezing can last a few seconds or many. This inconsistency makes it difficult for me to figure out what is triggering this problem. I don't know if it is hardware related, either.

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Ubuntu :: Display Info On CPU Temp & Other Sensor Information?

Dec 17, 2010

Is there a Linux application which can display motherboard and CPU sensor information and which also satisfies one other, absolutely key, requirement: It should be directly usable, after installation, by a reasonably intelligent computer application user. That is, it does NOT require deep internal knowledge of specific hardware or obscure system software customisation. It does not require hours, days or weeks of reading of documentation which is so crafted as to be the antithesis of end-user guides. It must be capable of being invoked easily.

This eliminates all software that the Ubuntu Software Centre lists when performing a search with the term 'sensors', with the exception of xsensors. All other software listed with this search installs without error but is then totally invisible to me - not even listed under 'installed software'. I am aware a key requirement to be a Linux developer is an advanced commitment to play games of 'I bet I can make my software harder to use than yours', but I'm too old for that now. I don't have a need to prove how technically capable I am.

Xsensors installs and tells me where it can be found, but is inadequate as it lists only 2 CPU core temperature readings. It does not give me any indication of motherboard temperature or fan speeds. That's all I want to do - get a simple snapshot of sensor values without having to resort to entering BIOS setup. It's the sort of information that is so easily available using the ASUS-supplied 'asus-probe' software under Windows. Is it possible, given the key requirement previously mentioned?

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Ubuntu :: Moving Cache And Temp Directories To Ramdrive?

Mar 17, 2011

I just got myself a OCZ vertex 2 SSD and have been moving cache directories to a ram drive to try to help extend the life of my SSD and improve system performance. I have created a ram drive /tmp directory in fstab like soCode: tmpfs /tmp tmpfsnodev,nosuid,noexec,mode=1777 0 0 And have since moved my Firefox temporary files to the /tmp directory and it have gotten me thinking, what else can I move here. I am going to upgrade my computer to have 8gb�s of ram which is way more than I�ll ever need.I would like to move the transmission cache dir there but I don�t know how to. Anyone have any tips on that? I was thinking of maybe a script that will run when I login to create a symbolic link?

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Ubuntu :: Proper Way To Use Temp File And Or /tmp In Bash Script?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm wondering if there is a proper way (or just best practice) to using temp files and the /tmp directory. Background story: In a script I had been using mktemp to create temp files in /tmp. Needless to say that after running this script for a while, it filled /tmp and my HDD with these files. I didn't realize that i needed to do house cleaning of /tmp.

So now I'm curious as to how to properly use temp files and how to not abuse /tmp. I suppose some of my shortcomings arise from the fact that I somehow had the crazy idea that /tmp was policed by the system and cleaned out when necessary. I assume that I'll just need to self police and use my temp files more intelligently and get rid of them when I'm done with them instead of letting them clutter up /tmp.

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Fedora :: Temp 10′C Warmer In F15 Than Windows7

Jun 14, 2011

using acpi -t I noticed that my CPU temperatur is at around 60C while just using Google Chrome in Fedora 15.
In Windows7 doing the same thing, my CPU is at 50C.

Do you know maybe a little trick to lower the CPU load or how I can detect which background apps are not needed in F15/Gnome3?

In fact, F15 is running much much faster than Windows on my UL30V Laptop...

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Fedora :: Yum - No Useable Temp Dir Found?

Jun 29, 2011

I tried yum install pidginyum updateyum clean allJust hangs, I do see a tmp dir? not sure where to go from here. --> Finished Dependency Resolution

[Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/root']
[root@SilverFox ~]# cd /
[root@SilverFox /]# ls


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Fedora :: 15 Not Showing Correct CPU Temp?

Jul 12, 2011

I have got a Dell Latitude E6420 and I run Fedora 15 on it. Almost everything works fine except that I can not get correct CPU temperature with, for example, the sensors command.

When I run

lsmod | grep therm

I got nothing,

Also, when I run

locate thermal.ko

I also got nothing.

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OpenSUSE :: Where Are Temp Files Stored In 11.0

Dec 7, 2009

Where are temp files stored in SuSE 11.0? I am trying to find all of those videos and .jpgs and other miscellaneous files I've downloaded in the past, and which are now only taking up space on my hard drive. I'd like to clean out all of that. I have looked in both /tmp and in /.kde but don't see what I'm looking for.

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OpenSUSE :: Temp Sensors Not Found?

Jan 22, 2010

just downloaded gkrellm and I go to set the temperature sensors and I get "No Sensors Detected" now I've never dealt with something of this nature before so can anyone tell me where I might begin with this one?

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OpenSUSE :: What Temp Should Hard Drives Be

Sep 20, 2010

I just downloaded hddtemp and ran it and got:

/dev/sda: 43C
/dev/sdb: 48C

Is this bad/ok?

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