Ubuntu :: How To Know Whether Grub Installed In MBR

Oct 27, 2010

I have dual-boot on my Pc (Ubuntu & Kubuntu),Both are on different drives. Last time I was trying to remove my Kubuntu-drive ,after formatting I reboot my pc, then it shows me the message like grub error or similar error. Now I have again my Dual-boot(Gnome=KDE) and if I remove one of them, what step should I kept in mind (so that I can't lose my Grub again). Moreover, I want to know the location of My grub..in file-sys. I found the File name=menu.list and in some tutorial I have studied that this menu help for rearranging the position or 4 Windows boot help, but when I open my MENU.LIST I found no names of my OS as a title.

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Ubuntu :: Check What Version Of GRUB Installed - The Program 'grub' Is Currently Not Installed

Dec 18, 2010

I wanted to check what version of GRUB I have installed. I went to terminal and typed grub --versionI got this message back: The program 'grub' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install grub

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 alongside windows xp pro. When I turn my pc on I have the option to boot to ubuntu or xp and at the top of the window it says that the version of grub running is "GNU GRUB Version 1.98+20100804-5Ubuntu-3" how I shold go about installing GRUB 2 or just leave it as is.

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Debian :: GRUB Refused To Be Installed / Grub Loader Error 15

Feb 4, 2010

I tried to install Open Office following a guide in OpenOffice.org but after several attempts debian refused to boot properly. I decided to re-install Debian 5.0. When we came to the installation of the boot loader GRUB refused to be installed. I stopped the installation expecting to go back to the beginning. But now it tries to boot saying:Grub loading stage 1.5.

Grub loading, please wait...
Error 15

This is an old Toshiba 3110 with Windows 98SE installed which I have successfully customized and do not want to loose. What can I do to get back into W98SE and then re-install Debian properly?

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Ubuntu :: Installed Debian In Pendrive Nd Lost Grub. No Grub If Pendrive Is Not Connected?

Mar 13, 2011

So here is my situation..i was using win 7 and ubuntu 10.10 in my dell studio 1555. and i wanted to try out debian so i installed debian in my pendrive. so the grub was modified. when the computer starts it shows debian,ubuntu and win7 no problem.. but if i remove the pendrive, nothing comes up. it shows grub rescue>..

so now i cant start up unless i plug in the pendrive. what to do now to solve this problem?? i want to restore my grub to the previos state.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Installed Over WinXP MBR

Jan 3, 2010

I installed karmic to a flash drive, and grub overwrote my winxp mbr. On boot it has an error that grub can't load and then shows the grub rescue prompt. I've tried fixboot and fixmbr and bootcfg /rebuild from the repair console with no luck. Grub loads if I leave the flash drive in, but it takes a long time.

The boot_info script provided this data:
Boot Info Summary:
=> Grub 1.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for
=> No known boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb
=> Syslinux is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc .....

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Ubuntu :: Installed Xp - Get Grub Going Again, Without Reinstalling ?

Apr 23, 2010

I wasn't thinking at the time, but after I installed Ubuntu 9.10, I installed Xp. Did it the wrong way around, is there anyway to get grub going again, without reinstalling Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Installed Now Grub Not Starting Win7

Aug 14, 2010

Last night, I formatted my laptop(Asus w5f). And I installed win7 Home Premium. Then I installed Ubuntu 10.04. After installation, I restarted the computer. When I choose win7 at grub, comp. restarted itself. But When I choose Ubuntu, started properly. Now, grub is not starting win7. At ubuntu, I can see windows disk and files. But win7 doesn't start.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Insists That GRUB Is Not Installed ?

Aug 22, 2010

basically, I had Ubuntu installed and decided to reinstall windows on the same pc on a partition on the same hdd. Now i need to restore grub to be able to boot Ubuntu.

I've done this a million times, what ive done is that ive inserted my old ubuntu 8.10 disc and followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 but now that wont work since 8.10 doesnt read ext4 which I upgraded to a while ago. (at least I think thats why it wont work in 8.10)

I downloaded the newest ubuntu to the same thing from that disc but when I type "sudo grub" it simply tells me that grub is not installed despite the fact that it is (and ubuntu 8.10 seemed to recognize that it was, it would just stop when i typed "find /boot/grub/stage1".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Installed On Wrong HD ?

Aug 27, 2010

I have two HDs and recently reinstalled Ubuntu.

However, I think grub may have installed to my media drive and not my main HD.

Here is the output of fdisk -l:


dev/sda1 is my media drive and I think during setup grub-install may have been automatically run on /dev/sda1. If this is the case,

1) How can I remove grub from sda1 and install it on sdb?
2) Should it be on sdb1 or sdb2?
3) Can I change the naming so my main drive is sda and my media drive is sdb?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstalling While Grub 2.0 Is Installed Into Same Partition?

Feb 21, 2011

I have triple boot machine Windows 7 + Ubuntu + Mac OS X in a single HDD.

Windows 7 -- /dev/sda1
Ubuntu 10.10 -- /dev/sda2 (In same Partition grub 2.0)
Mac Snow Leopard -- /dev/sda3

I have installed GRUB 2.0 in same partition where current ubuntu is installed ie /dev/sda2 and basically Windwos Boot manager is installed within MBR.. & I have added GRUB 2.0 and Mac OSX entry into windows boot manger with some freeware from windows 7. So practically when I start my computer First Windows Boot manager comes up and asks me which OS to start first. I set up this type of installation with the thought that when grub 2.0 is not installed within MBR, I can format the whole /dev/sda2 partition without any difficulty and reinstalled any future release distro of ubuntu. So is it practically possible? If I format /dev/sda2 and reinstall new ubuntu release there.. Old grub won't affect the installation of new one.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Installed On MBR - Ability To Chain Load?

Apr 17, 2010

I have created a boot floppy for an old machine. That machine has GRUB installed on its MBR and I would like to be able to chain load to that in the case where the floppy has been accidentally left in (in much the same way that the install CDs do for Ubuntu). If I use:

rootnoverify (hd0)
chainloader +1

GRUB tells me this is an illegal device name. If I provide a partition number (e.g. hd0,0) then it is happy, but attempts to find the loader in the partition, not the MBR. Since the descriptions of "root" and "rootnoverify" both specify a device, rather than a partition.

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Ubuntu :: Getting The New Grub To See Newly Installed OS (on Other HDD) And Setting Defaults?

May 20, 2010

So I just had gotten to know the old Grub a little when I upgraded Ubuntu to find the new Grub, which I barely understand at all! My use of Ubuntu is mostly for learning and recreational as my bread and butter is working on people's messed up Windoze systems, since that is where the work is. Naturally I've got to use and work with Windoze to know how to fix it and keep it running cleanly, but Ubuntu was the first Linux I found that to me seems like something that could be potentially be embraced by "non geeks". I have as yet to get anyone to try it; it is all about keeping up with the Joneses and having what they have. There is also that old pervasive myth that you get what you pay for, which with computers, I find the opposite is so often true, that the good stuff is mostly free.

In any case I dabble a lot with Ubuntu for fun and personal knowledge, but since I put 10 on I had only Windoze 7 on my machine at the time. It picked it up and I purposely installed Grub to my Ubuntu drive (I used separate physical drives, so that if you removed the Ubuntu drive, 7 would boot as if Grub and Linux were never on the machine and that is the way I like it since I tinker a lot.). The trouble is that I need Win 7 to be the default and I don't know how to do that with Grub 2 (is it 2?) I used to know with the old one. Also, I have since added a 160GB PATA drive with XP on it, since so much of the help I am asked to give over the phone is with XP and I am not one who can talk others through things unless I can see it myself. Plus there are some things I do that just plain old work best with XP. So I also need to add XP to my boot menu, and it is, on a separate physical drive as well, and I wanted that the same too; if you made the XP drive the priority boot device it will boot XP as if it was the only OS on the machine.

What the ideal for me would be is to have the Ubuntu drive as the one it boots from, Windoze 7 to be the default OS, and XP to be on the menu too. I have been able in all of the time with Ubuntu and Linux in general to find precious little info on how to do things with multiple physical drives. It seems to be taken for granted that the only way people multi boot is with separate partitions on a single physical drive

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed 10.4 GRUB Doesn't Load

Jun 25, 2010

i have Vista 64Bits Ultimate installed on an 1TB hard disk whit 3 partitons I have a 2nd 160GB HD in my system which i installed Ubuntu 10.4 on. All went ok, except after the installation finished and the system rebooted it booted straight into windows, whitout ever displaying GRUB. Now i found a way to boot either system, by using the bios and setting the applicable HD to 1st device. (or something similar)

Any way on how to solve this? keeping to have to enter the BIOS to select the HD and Thus OS i want to boot aint very practical. (im currently using ubuntu BTW)


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Installed To Wrong Drive?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a system with two hard drives: an old one with XP and Ubuntu on it, and a new one on which I have done a fresh install of XP. The BIOS is set to boot off the new drive. I have now installed Ubuntu Studio 10.04(off an alternate install disc, not a live CD)onto a partition on the new drive. The installation went fine, but it appears to have written the GRUB bootloader to the old disc. The result is that when I boot up, the system boots straight into XP off the new drive, without ever seeing GRUB. I could reset the boot order in the BIOS each time I boot according to which OS I want, but that is cumbersome; also I would like to be able to remove the old drive at some point.

What is the easiest way for me to re-install GRUB to the new disc ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Grub On Windows Partition?

Mar 8, 2011

I just installed ubuntu on a partition on my laptop that already had a windows7 partition. First I had Kubuntu installed, but I decided to just try Ubuntu instead. I did things the right way when I installed Kubuntu and I could switch between OSes on reboot. Then when I installed Ubuntu I accidentally put grub on /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda. I didn't even notice for a while because I never felt like I needed to go back to Windows until I felt like playing starcraft 2. That's when I noticed that when the boot options screen appears and I select Windows, the screen goes black, a cursor flashes in the upper left corner for about a second, then the boot options screen reappears.

If I boot using my windows 7 cd and go into recovery, get a command prompt and type Bootrec.exe /FixMbr and Bootrec.exe /FixBoot, the options appear to complete successfully, but then when I reboot, I get a permanent flashing cursor.

If I follow that by inserting my parted magic cd and running testdisk and overwriting the mbr, I get back to the first situation where the boot options screen will appear, but the windows boot loader just returns me to the boot options screen. I can get into ubuntu, at least. Whenever I run testdisk I can't replace the boot with the backup boot because I'm pretty sure it's identical to the flawed one.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Error: No Such Partition (No Windows OS Installed)

Jul 3, 2011

I've been serching the forum for hours and every thread related to "GRUB error: no such partition" that i've read relates to fixing the issue for users with windows OS also installed or trying to get windows to boot.

How it happened: I edited partitions and now I get GRUB error: no such partition. I ONLY have Linux installed.

I was able to boot the OS by typing:

set partition=(hd0,1)/boot/grub
set root=(hd0,1)
insmod normal


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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Booting After New Hard Drive Installed?

Jan 15, 2009

I installed a new hard drive to my system. I use a program called R-Drive image to copy all my os to my new drive. It done a pretty good job too, its an exact copy. I deleted the old one. But obviously now I cant boot. I had a look at the menu.lst file i dont know what to change it to. heres my drive setup,

C: - Windows Vista - Ubuntu
D: - Documents - Swap File
E: - Games

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General :: Installed Win7 With Ubuntu 10.04 - Grub Lost

Jun 21, 2010

I want to know about grub. Let start with the explanation of grub. I am using Ubuntu 10.04. Yesterday when I installed widows7, I lost my grub. Every time I tried to install windows running on Ubuntu machine, the grub is lost. Why is it so? How can I restore it (for Ubuntu 10.04)? Can any advance setup be made while installing windows, so that the grub is not lost?

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General :: Win7 And Ubuntu 10.1 Installed - Grub Rescue

Dec 13, 2010

I had Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.1 installed in my intel i3 4gig DDR Sony Vaio E-series laptop. Both operating system were working fine. Only problem that I used to have was the sound didn't use to play when I boot through Ubuntu. Due to that, I formatted the corresponding drive from Windows in which there was Ubuntu installed. I used "diskmgmt.msc" to delete the partition and then format it. The format was successful and when I restarted my computer, this error was displayed:-

error: unknown filesystem
grub rescue >

Windows didn't load at all. I used to have multiple boot grub menu previously before formatting the partition but that didn't show up after formatting.I am unable to use any of the Operating System.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Get Just Grub Installed

Dec 10, 2009

I tried upgrading to my linux to fedora 12 through updates and that completely screwed up my computer. Next I burned a disc with F12 and tried to a clean install but the installer stops after 823 packages. I tried an older FC9 image and that does not go through either. Now I'm stuck , I cannot get to my windows because I cannot get to GRUB . Is there a way to just install GRUB and boot into windows. I see that GRUB is around package # 600 or so in the installation and it does get upto that point.I just need it to finish instead of barfing on packages (no skip option in linux installer how clever!)

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CentOS 5 :: Installed 5.5 From DVD And Hangs With GRUB

Dec 5, 2010

I'm not sure what's going on with this install, but I started with a fresh install on a 250GB IDE disk, assigning /dev/hda1 to linux, and the rest (/dev/hda2) to swap. when it tries to boot.. I just get GRUB hang. Should I have installed a small FAT32 partition in the first sectors of the disk for the bootloader?

The bios in this machine is very old (Dell 410 precision) and Dell offers no updates, so I suspect this has something to do with how the old bios is trying to boot, but ?? not sure how to fix it. try lilo, or alternate bootloader???? Just looking for a fix to the boot problem. I would prefer to boot from the disk, booting from cd/floppy/pxe not so desirable.

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5 :: Installed CentOS But GRUB Not Loading / What To Fix It?

Feb 5, 2011

I installed CentOS on an HP server with 5i RAID controller (so it's hardware RAID) and installed GRUB to the MBR. However, it boots straight to Windows XP without seeing the GRUB loader at all.

Configuration is this.

Windows installed on RAID0 drive
CentOS installed on a separate RAID0
Windows fileshare on RAID5

I'm guessing that since the RAID controller doesn't "see" separate drives in each array, that I'll need to do some "fudging" to get it to work, like maybe using Windows' pathetic loader to load GRUB and go from there, but I have no idea how. Do I have to make the drive "seeable" by Windows first by assigning it a drive letter under Windows Disk Manager, and then add it to the bootloader ini file?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installed - Now Ubuntu Jaunty Isn't Showing In GRUB ?

Sep 4, 2009

I used to dual boot Windows XP and Ubuntu for quite some time now. Yesterday after seeing OpenSUSE installed on my friends lappy, I decided it IS the time to bid goodbye to Windows. I don't play games, just internet browsing, listening to music, some letter writing and movies of course!

So today I removed Windows XP by formatting C: drive and installed OpenSUSE.

I am happy with OpenSUSE, but I still want to dual boot OpenSUSE with Ubuntu. But in the GRUB,only OpenSUSE entry is shown, Ubuntu is nowhere. It seems OpenSUSE has overwritten the Ubuntu GRUB during install and doesn't include Ubuntu in the boot list as Ubuntu does for other OS when we install Ubuntu.

How to create an entry in the GRUB so that I am able to boot into Ubuntu also.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed RT Kernel But No Grub Menu Shows Up

Mar 8, 2010

I use Linux Mint, and I installed a linux-rt from the repository, but when I restart my computer no grub menu shows up. It just boots linux mint. How can I get it to show the menu so I can choose the real time kernel?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Format Hard Drive With GRUB Installed

Jan 17, 2011

Upon installation of Ubuntu a while back, i was using a windows xp machine with two different harddrives. Instead of formatting the xp drive and installing Linux, i decided to install Linux on the secondary harddrive. This worked all fine and dandy until recent, when I have found my linux drive filling up near capacity. I would like to format the XP harddrive and mount it in linux to give some more disk space. The problem i have found, is that the XP drive is the drive with GRUB.

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Fedora Installation :: Sata 1 Was NOT Installed With Grub?

Feb 15, 2010

Prefactory note - I've also posted this question on the Ubuntu forum, but so far no solutions have been provided.

My system has several hard drives. The important ones are these:

Sata 1 - Fedora 12
Sata 3 - Windows 7
Slave 1 - Storage

Sata 1 was NOT installed with grub. When I switch OSs, I do it by rebooting and choosing the other drive as primary.

I downloaded an ISO of Ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit) and burned the DVD of it. I backed up Slave 1 and then booted off the Ubuntu DVD. I clicked on "Install Ubuntu", selected Slave 1, and installed onto it.

Subsequently I rebooted the machine, going into the BIOS to boot off Sata 1, so I could get my Fedora Firefox settings to replicate them under Ubuntu.

Instead of Fedora 12 booting, Grub 1.97 came up. It had 5 choices, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Repair, Memtest, some other Memtest, and Windows 7.

Subsequently I tried cracking the box and physically disconnecting Slave 1. When I rebooted Sata 1, it crashed to a grub command line. Apparently when Ubuntu installed, it infected Sata 1 with grub, even though it installed the rest of Ubuntu on Slave 1.

I really, really, REALLY need to get access to the Fedora 12 drive. It's got my work on it.

how I can get grub out of Sata 1 and regain access, or maybe reconfigure it so it recognizes the existence of Sata 1? Personally, I don't want it there; that's why I never installed it in the first place.

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Installation :: GRUB On A Disk That Is Going To Be Actually Installed On A Different Comput

Oct 8, 2010

I hope I'm wording this issue clearly.I'd like to plug a disk (IDE or SATA) into an adapter that lets me plug it into my workstation via USB. (E.g. N82E16817153071 at newegg) It will show up as /dev/sdX where X is some arbitrary letter depending on what other disks the system happens to have.

I'd like to have a script then partition, format and copy files onto it. Then we need to install GRUB on it.

Then I will remove the disk and install it permanently into a different computer, here it will either be /dev/hda (if IDE) or /dev/sda (if SATA). However, it seems that in general when you install GRUB on a disk, it assumes it is going to be the same disk that boots??

I am first trying an IDE disk so it will be /dev/hda. I get a "GRUB Hard Disk Error" when booting it as /dev/hda rather than whetever it was on the USB adapter. I used this to install grub:

grub-install --root-directory /mnt/removable/ /dev/sdX Where X was the appropriate letter based on the USB adapter. Then I fixed /mnt/removable/boot/grub/device.map to use /dev/hda../dev/hdc instead of sda..sdc.

I haven't found much about this specific scenario I have so far on the web. I am guessing that stage1 is either attempting to find files based on what the original workstations primary disk geometry was, or it's assuming that the disk is the same location as it was when it was a "removable" one (i.e. /dev/sdX or (hd5) or whatever, when it should just be looking at (hd0).

The goal is to do this kind of installation easily and quickly, and not have to do it individually on each final computer via install CDROM or whatever, or reboot the workstation each time in order to attach the disk as the same location there, etc. (This is a manufacturing setting).

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Debian :: 6.01 GRUB Installed But Fails To Load?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm trying to install Debian 6.01 on my PC. I have only 1 hdd and it has 3 partitions. On first there is windows 7 and on second ubuntu 10.10 and GRUB is installed to MBR and I can load both systems with no problems.As PC has no optical drive I was trying to install debian using USB stick but had no success. I was ready to give up when I've discovered that there is a W32 installer that I can run under Win 7. So I downloaded it and executed, it starts and download certain files and then it asks for reboot.

After reboot I can still chose between Win 7 and Ubuntu. If I chose win 7 I'm given a choice to run Windows or to continue setup for debian. Very well installer starts and I can chose all the classic stuff between languages etc. Then I come to a point where I need to choose partitions, ok as I have free 30 Gb partition i choose it for debian with settings:

Format in Ext4
Mount point: /

I already have a swap part that I can use. Done that I can start with selection of packages which goes fine and installs everything directly from debian mirrosrs. After that I choose GRUB to be installed into MBR and it goes fine. Some final steps and reboot.

After reboot GRUB offers me again Ubuntu or Win 7. So I can boot either Ubuntu or win 7 which gives me the same choice from before, Windoes or continue Debian setup. I tried doing the setup again with some repair options that it offers but still nothing happens.

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General :: Installed Salix, Not Showing On GRUB?

Dec 19, 2010

Toshiba/Celeron/multibootI just installed Salix KDE. The install went well, afaIk...Salix does not appear on the grub, and I in fact have no way of knowing if it even exists on my machine. I have not checked anything via the console. I do not know how. All other OS's on the HDD are present on the grub, and are unaffected.I am running Kubuntu 10.04 LTS currently.

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General :: Just Installed OpenSuSE, But No Grub Offered?

Dec 20, 2010

Pretty self-explanitory:I installed openSuSE 11.3. Now, I don't get a grub screen when I boot up, my machine just boots openSuSE..How do I get my grub back, and keep all the other OS's in tact? (Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Salix, Sabayon, are all waiting there somewhere....)

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