Ubuntu :: Grub Installed On MBR - Ability To Chain Load?

Apr 17, 2010

I have created a boot floppy for an old machine. That machine has GRUB installed on its MBR and I would like to be able to chain load to that in the case where the floppy has been accidentally left in (in much the same way that the install CDs do for Ubuntu). If I use:

rootnoverify (hd0)
chainloader +1

GRUB tells me this is an illegal device name. If I provide a partition number (e.g. hd0,0) then it is happy, but attempts to find the loader in the partition, not the MBR. Since the descriptions of "root" and "rootnoverify" both specify a device, rather than a partition.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot - Grub Rescue Prompt And No Ability To Load Into Either Old 10.10 Or New Failed 11.04

Apr 17, 2011

I have a laptop with Windows 7, and about a week ago I installed Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit via LiLi USB creator. Worked beautifully, but I was having some issues with the brightness controls so I decided to get cute and upgrade to 11.04. So I downloaded the beta2 and used LiLi to make the USB (unsupported for that version of course) which used the same parameters as 10.10. I then tried to do a fresh install over the partition I had set aside for Ubuntu and had 10.10 installed on (~80 GB).

So in the installation itself, something got majorly screwed, and the entire system froze. Next thing I knew, I was rebooting and got the Grub Rescue prompt and no ability to load into either my old Ubuntu 10.10 or my new failed 11.04, or of course my Windows 7 partition either. The partition is obviously there, and as I only have one PC in my house, with no Windows 7 recovery discs, I currently cannot fix the mbr to just get my Windows back. I can of course get this in a couple days, but I'd like to be able to fix this without going to my parents.


Those are my partitions. /dev/sda3 is my Windows Partition, which I want to boot from. Only problem is, I'm not really sure where the computer is looking to find the boot record. I think it's from my fubarred /dev/sda4 partition which means it's basically looking nowhere. So I can't modify it to point to my Windows so I can just get back there.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed 10.4 GRUB Doesn't Load

Jun 25, 2010

i have Vista 64Bits Ultimate installed on an 1TB hard disk whit 3 partitons I have a 2nd 160GB HD in my system which i installed Ubuntu 10.4 on. All went ok, except after the installation finished and the system rebooted it booted straight into windows, whitout ever displaying GRUB. Now i found a way to boot either system, by using the bios and setting the applicable HD to 1st device. (or something similar)

Any way on how to solve this? keeping to have to enter the BIOS to select the HD and Thus OS i want to boot aint very practical. (im currently using ubuntu BTW)


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for /boot/grub.


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Debian :: 6.01 GRUB Installed But Fails To Load?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm trying to install Debian 6.01 on my PC. I have only 1 hdd and it has 3 partitions. On first there is windows 7 and on second ubuntu 10.10 and GRUB is installed to MBR and I can load both systems with no problems.As PC has no optical drive I was trying to install debian using USB stick but had no success. I was ready to give up when I've discovered that there is a W32 installer that I can run under Win 7. So I downloaded it and executed, it starts and download certain files and then it asks for reboot.

After reboot I can still chose between Win 7 and Ubuntu. If I chose win 7 I'm given a choice to run Windows or to continue setup for debian. Very well installer starts and I can chose all the classic stuff between languages etc. Then I come to a point where I need to choose partitions, ok as I have free 30 Gb partition i choose it for debian with settings:

Format in Ext4
Mount point: /

I already have a swap part that I can use. Done that I can start with selection of packages which goes fine and installs everything directly from debian mirrosrs. After that I choose GRUB to be installed into MBR and it goes fine. Some final steps and reboot.

After reboot GRUB offers me again Ubuntu or Win 7. So I can boot either Ubuntu or win 7 which gives me the same choice from before, Windoes or continue Debian setup. I tried doing the setup again with some repair options that it offers but still nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Installed XP-SP3 On Second HD, Lost Ability To Boot?

Sep 6, 2010

I've been running Jaunty on my drive D: with XP Professional on a separate partition. Today I formatted a different drive, C:, which had previously shown up in GRUB as XP Home Edition, and placed a new XP Professional on it.

Now when both HDs are connected, C: boots without GRUB starting, and when I disconnect C:, the GRUB on D: starts, but cannot find the XP Professional NTDLR. I don't want to take up too much of anyone's time here with this; I'm mostly just curious as to what may have happened?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Chain GRUB From Truecrypt And Its Bootloader (multiboot Alongside XP)

Aug 23, 2010

I want Truecrypt to ask for password for Windows XP as usual but with the standard [ESC] option, on selecting that, i.e via Escape key, I want it to find the grub for the (unencrypted) Ubuntu install. I've installed Windows XP on the 120Gb hard drive of a Toshiba NB100 netbook then partitioned to make room for Ubuntu 10.04 and installed that after the Windows XP install. When I encrypt Windows XP, Truecrypt will overwrite the grub entry in the master boot record (MBR), I believe (?) and I won't be able to choose between XP and Ubuntu anymore. So I need to restore it back.

My setup:

Windows XP, NTFS (to be encrypted with Truecrypt), 40Gb
/boot (Ext4, 1Gb)
Ubuntu swap, 4Gb


The key area of the problem is how to instruct Truecrypt when escape key is pressed, and how the Grub/Ubuntu can be made visible to the truecrypt bootloader to find it, when the esc key is pressed. Also knowing as chaining.

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General :: Lost Ability To Start Ubuntu After I Installed Mepis

Dec 24, 2010

I installed Mepis to a separate partion (shares swap) and now the option to use, originally installed, Ubuntu does not appear at start up. Is there a way get this option back?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Triple OS - Ability To Selectively Boot Into All 3

Jan 17, 2010

I think I've got myself into a bit of a situation. I've got 3 operating systems across 2 hard drives, and i need to get them loading properly.

I have my primary ubuntu 8.10 install @

I have a new Windows XP install @

And I have a new install of Ubuntu 9.10 @

I'd like to be able to selectively boot into all 3 until I can return my current 8.10 install. Can someone show me how to get my /boot/grub/menu.lst file in order?

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Ubuntu :: Check What Version Of GRUB Installed - The Program 'grub' Is Currently Not Installed

Dec 18, 2010

I wanted to check what version of GRUB I have installed. I went to terminal and typed grub --versionI got this message back: The program 'grub' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install grub

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 alongside windows xp pro. When I turn my pc on I have the option to boot to ubuntu or xp and at the top of the window it says that the version of grub running is "GNU GRUB Version 1.98+20100804-5Ubuntu-3" how I shold go about installing GRUB 2 or just leave it as is.

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General :: Different Between Chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT And Chain INPUT?

Feb 28, 2011

whats the different between Chain RH-Firewall-1-INPUT (2 references) and Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)?

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Fedora Installation :: GRUB Doesn't Load - Make Load Again Upon Booting?

Feb 9, 2009

I had Fedora 7 and Windows Vista dual booting on my computer. I just installed Fedora 10. When the live CD asked me where to install it, I chose "Remove all Linux Partitions and create default layout" The installation went perfectly, but now when reboot my computer, it boots directly into Fedora; GRUB does not load to ask me which OS I want to load. I know I did not overwrite Vista because I can still view my Vista files through Fedora. Here is my grub.conf file:


What do I need to do to make GRUB load again upon booting?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Load GRUB From Grub Rescue Prompts?

Apr 11, 2010

First the hard data:

Upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 via upgrade manager
System is AMD 64
Have dual boot with XP on seperate hard drive


Then the wheelspin:

Seem to have knocked out GRUB as normal loading screen does not appear anymore.
Worse, I think I accidently installed grub to something labelled SDC5.

Cannot get anything except the "grub rescue" prompt. I'm not sure if using the LiveCD (9.10) can help. Have tried a few prompts from other threads but just ended up with mud splattered all over the place. I'm gathering I need to load grub, but can I do it using any grub rescue commands?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Doesn't Load The Menu From Grub.cfg

Aug 19, 2010

When I start the computer the boot menu doesn't prompt, when I try to load it manually it doesn't prompt neither, it just reset the command line.The grub.cfg was generated by update-grub.It's really annoying to load the kernel manually each time the computer starts.

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Software :: GRUB Boot Loader Doesnt Load / Fix The GRUB?

May 18, 2010

PC: Dell Precision T7400.O/S: Windows XP SP3 64-bit & Scientific Linux 5.3 64-bit

The above PC has 2 HDDs installed one has XP and the other Scientific Linux.

Problem: XP needed to be re-installed, i've done this now but now the GRUB Boot loader doesnt load - So just boots straight into XP.

Qustion: Is there anywhere to fix the GRUB? Without wiping the 2nd HDD and re-installing Linux!

Let me know if you need any more info

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Debian :: GRUB Refused To Be Installed / Grub Loader Error 15

Feb 4, 2010

I tried to install Open Office following a guide in OpenOffice.org but after several attempts debian refused to boot properly. I decided to re-install Debian 5.0. When we came to the installation of the boot loader GRUB refused to be installed. I stopped the installation expecting to go back to the beginning. But now it tries to boot saying:Grub loading stage 1.5.

Grub loading, please wait...
Error 15

This is an old Toshiba 3110 with Windows 98SE installed which I have successfully customized and do not want to loose. What can I do to get back into W98SE and then re-install Debian properly?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04, Installed Slim Login Mgr Now Menu Does Not Load?

May 2, 2011

So, upgraded and then installed slim b/c I wanted to have a nice login screen but now when logging in all I get is the background, no menu no panels no nothing, had to manually create a shortcut to firefox to get help, anyone know how to manually start the menu and/or how to fix.

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Debian Installation :: Sed Apt Get And Installed Kde And X Org They Don't Load?

Dec 25, 2010

ok I used apt get and installed kde and x org they don't load right but I'll try reconfiguring them and post if i still have troubleI just got Debian to install after a lot of attempts using a v506 DVD set, a 507 net CD, and a 507 kde cd1. The 507 Cd's never made it past the installing the core packages part. The DVD set decided to work this time but the select and install software part failed. I now have a working terminal and would like to install kde and the other Debian packages that come with it. What would be the best way to do this without rerunning the installer off the DVD?

The DVD's worked fine last month when I setup a friends laptop, so I'm thinking I have a bad DVDROM drive or have some how ruined the disks. more likely a bad drive given the newer CD wouldn't work.edit:I'm running a Compaq Presario SR1710NX Desktop PC (AMD Sempron 3400+ Processor, 256 MB RAM, 100 GB Hard Drive, CD-RW/DVD-ROM Combo Drive)also the Debian live CD works just fine on my system I just can't install from it

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Winxp Alongside Win7 And Then 10.10, Can't Load Win 7?

Apr 13, 2011

When I load into winXP I can see the files for winXP and win7. When I load into ubuntu I can only see winXP. i did a sudo update-grub and got the windows loader, which then shows me winXP and ubuntu. what i would love is one boot page that has listed winXP, win7, and ubuntu. FWIW this is an acer netbook, winXP is on D:/ and win7 is on F:/, i used the windows installer wubi for ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Debian In Pendrive Nd Lost Grub. No Grub If Pendrive Is Not Connected?

Mar 13, 2011

So here is my situation..i was using win 7 and ubuntu 10.10 in my dell studio 1555. and i wanted to try out debian so i installed debian in my pendrive. so the grub was modified. when the computer starts it shows debian,ubuntu and win7 no problem.. but if i remove the pendrive, nothing comes up. it shows grub rescue>..

so now i cant start up unless i plug in the pendrive. what to do now to solve this problem?? i want to restore my grub to the previos state.

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Ubuntu :: OS Won't Load After Grub ?

May 1, 2011

I just did a restart on my computer (so the new keyboard layout I made would load up). After the grub screen, I just got a black screen and a flashing cursor. My caps lock indicator was also flashing for some reason.

Tried booting to recovery mode. Got some messages I didn't understand and then the same thing. I'm posting from my LiveUSB.

I was messing with some files in /usr/share/X11/xkb, but I don't see why that should make a difference.

Edit: copied from my post below So, I copied some of the messages down that I got from trying to boot to the recovery kernel. I didn't copy them all, cause they went by quickly, but here is the stuff from the last page where it starts to look bad.

There are numbers before each line that look something like this:


I didn't copy those.


And then there were a bunch of lines that looked more or less like this with different specifics:


I can get the rest if they are important.

There may be small mistakes, as I copied this all by hand (since my damn computer is broken and all).

Another Edit. Some "Boot Info Script" results:


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Windows 7 From GRUB?

Jan 17, 2011

I was having problems with a video driver for ubuntu 10.10 64 bit so decided to try and down grade to 32 bit.I kind of carelessly just deleted the ubuntu partition with Gparted thinking that worse case scenario I would still have access to windows 7, since I was running a dual boot. This was a terrible idea and I ran into a bunch of problems. I managed to reinstall ubuntu and it runs fine. However when I try to load windows 7 it justs loops back to the grub screen. Trying to avoid reinstalling everything to get a proper boot

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Load Up GRUB?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm having difficulties booting into my Wubi 10.04 install on my computer. I've been using this install for at least 6 months now with minimal problems, but this one is serious enough to make me have to use my old Microsoft Vista install (which is no fun because it's, well, Vista). But anyway, to the problem:I got on my computer this morning and turned it on. It came up like normal showing the logo DELL as the BIOS (I believe revision A12 if it matters at all) boots up and then goes to the Windows GRUB menu. From there, like normal it shows two options: Windows Vista and Ubuntu. And from there I selected Ubuntu. Like normal it has a few small command-line things it goes through, but then it does one that I've never seen before and goes so fast I wasn't quite able to read it, and then the screen stops and restarts from the beginning.

Normally, after this it would bring up the GRUB menu showing the various kernels that are installed for Ubuntu. There, I would select the latest kernel and continue on to the Ubuntu login screen where I would login and there I'd be on Ubuntu.This might be because yesterday I did some system updates on Ubuntu and it wanted a restart (it said "Restart Required" and the power button on the screen was red). But, instead I just delayed the restart and eventually just Shut Down the computer that night, thinking the Shut Down might render the same thing.I'm hoping I can at least go back and recover the files I had on Ubuntu. Not that any were really important, but I'd kinda want them back regardless. If this is impossible, what should I do to get back at using Ubuntu again? Should I try to partition my harddrive? Should I reinstall Wubi? Or should I even just try to fix whatever is broken that prohibits me getting on to Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Grub - How To Load WinXp From Another HDD

May 31, 2011

I have two HDD, one of 80 GB with Lubuntu and a broken windows, the other HDD is 160 GB with another Win Xp, but it seems its windows boot loader is broken or the windows boot loader was essentially on the 80 GB HDD and was replaced by GRUB. GRUB only detect the WinXp on the 80 GB HDD. How can I make GRUB detect winXp on the 160 GB HDD?

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Ubuntu :: Grub Won't Load / Enable This?

Aug 6, 2011

So a few days ago I was running windows clearing things out and decided to not have ubuntu anymore. What I did was uninstall wubi and then went into disk manager and deleted the corresponding partitions. And a long time ago i decided to upgrade from 10.x LTS to 11.04 again still having windows and that messed with my grub. I phoned a "friend"(we aren't anymore I forgot to pay him for his service) and he had a grub image or something and set that up after the bad install of 11.04.

Anyway back to the main problem. After deleting the partitions I realized OMG i may have subsequently did what every he did to make grub work so i could get into windows. My fears were right apon reboot i didn't have grub and it went into rescue mode. So i took my seemingly "bad burn" of 11.04 live CD image and installed it thinking since the conflicted partitions have been removed and it actually worked! But alas no grub to load it just boots into 11.04. code...

none of them worked because i kept getting errors of directories not found, no specified area, ect. And my only other solution is to reload windows but OH NOES!! I lost my product key for XP pro. This is what prompted me to fix grub in the first place since thats all i need to get into XP! So please, PLEASE! give me a hand here i'll tell you anything you need to know to help me fix this, monday august 8th is my project deadline and all my work was on windows.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load Grub Anymore

Sep 1, 2011

while trying to boot in windows 7, I accidentally hit the wrong Grub option, which started a recovery service for window. I got a white screen with red letters saying ERROR and the computer froze there. I decided to reboot it, but now all I get is the Grub rescue prompt.

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Debian :: Grub Load Error "Grub Loading Stage1.5. Grub Loading, Please Wait... Error 15"

May 23, 2010

When I try and boot my Debian computer I get the messages: Grub Loading stage1.5. Grub loading, please wait... Error 15 Is there any way of recovering from this - or is it simply a fresh install? I was attempting an upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze and despite a few hurdles it looked like it was all happening. Got the new kernel loading, and the new grub. It looked as though grub2 was working so I ran the grub-remove-legacy-support command (something like that) and now my computer won't boot grub or Linux.

I'm assuming the MBR on my harddrive is lost, however I don't know what state the partition is in. I'm guessing that maybe this has been lost as well. I tried a few tools from the Ultimate Boot CD but nothing here was able to re-install my grub or boot from any partition or even mount my file-system. I'm fearing the worst but would like it confirmed before I blow it all away with a new install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Won't Load - Error 15 & 17

Jan 10, 2010

So after having performance issues with Karmic in ext4 I decided to install Hardy with ext3. Was blazing fast, epic, I loved it. But I wanted firefox 3.5 & all the other cool stuff Karmic has.. so I decide to install Karmic, but this time with ext3 instead of 4.

First installation: After the installation went fine, no errors while installing or anything. I remove the CD and reboot. "GRUB Loading, please wait.. Error 15" I did my googling, with the live CD to try and figure out a way of fixing this error. No luck. I did find out that the error is caused by the GRUB trying to load form the wrong drive. So I try to boot directly from the Karmic drive, Error 15. Try to boot directly from the Windows drive, Error 17.

This is the first time this has ever happened to me. First time installing Hardy, everything went great. Installing Jaunty, everything went great. Installing Karmic (for the first time) everything went great. Uninstalled Karmic and installed Hardy, everything went great. Uninstalled Hardy to install Karmic = FAIL!. I did a clean install every single time. The OS is being installed (clean) in the same drive.

A 40GB drive for Windows. A 200GB drive for Ubuntu +/home +swap, and a 120GB(FAT32) for storage.

I installed Karmic 3 times, yes.. 3 times. The last time I installed I removed both the 40GB & the 120GB drives. Leaving only the one I was going to use for Ubuntu, the 200GB drive. After the installation I rebooted and Karmic loaded without problems. I'm in Karmic right now and it isn't all sluggish like it was with ext4, guess my old drives aren't good with ext4 *sight*.

But I can't use my Windows drive. When trying to boot directly from it, it gives me "GRUB Error 17" - I have to disconnect the Ubuntu drive to boot into Windows. Quick question: What the **** is going on?

Someone help, please.. I'm tired of this ****.. and if I have to install Karmic one more time, I won't. I'll just give up and disconnect my Ubuntu drive, put it away and let it accumulate dust somewhere, seriously.. Someone help me correct this without having to install the OS again.

The GRUB error is while the GRUB is loading. It doesn't give me the option to select a OS.

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Ubuntu :: Jaunty Grub Will Not Load From Drive Or CD?

Mar 3, 2010

My system will not start. It reaches "Grub loading stage 1.5" and "Grub loading please wait....", then the machine tries to restart from scratch. I have tried using my bootable Heron CD but it gets to "Loading Kernel 100%" then tries to restart. I used the Normal option; the other options do not seem to work. Other symptoms are that the wireless mouse has been double clicking for one btton press and resuming from hibernation has often led to the system freezing within a minute or two. Memtest shows the RAM to be OK.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Won't Load After Grub-install?

Aug 19, 2010

I messed it up with the grub in Ubuntu Netbook and the grub loader just prompt the "grub console" during the system boot.

However, I can boot manually by selecting manually the kernel:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-generic

But, of course, that is not really practical for an everyday use.

I tried with the update-grub command, but nothing happens, the grub.cfg is there, with all the kernels list, but the grub loader won't load it! It is just ignoring it!

If I load the config file manually it prompts the grub command line again (with the "welcome" message), so, it IS loading the grub.cfg, but it's not working!!!

This is the content of my grub.cfg file:

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Ubuntu :: Editing The Grub / Load Into Windows 7?

Sep 12, 2010

I have finally installed ubuntu 10.4 alongside windows 7.However, the grub doesn't show windows 7 so I can't boot into it.

Attached is a screenshot of "gparted". Windows 7 is installed on "sda2" and Ubuntu is on "sda6". How do I edit the grub to be able to load into windows 7?

And I faced another problem after installation. The pc kept freezing, I couldn't enter ubuntu nor use the live version on my usb stick. It kept freezing.

EDIT: I restarted and it froze again. I had to restart at least times before it allowed me into ubuntu. I'm wondering if it's a hard-disk issue since it's giving me a hard disk error whenever I login. Even though I've been running windows 7 for the past 9 months without any problem.

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