Ubuntu :: Reinstalling While Grub 2.0 Is Installed Into Same Partition?

Feb 21, 2011

I have triple boot machine Windows 7 + Ubuntu + Mac OS X in a single HDD.

Windows 7 -- /dev/sda1
Ubuntu 10.10 -- /dev/sda2 (In same Partition grub 2.0)
Mac Snow Leopard -- /dev/sda3

I have installed GRUB 2.0 in same partition where current ubuntu is installed ie /dev/sda2 and basically Windwos Boot manager is installed within MBR.. & I have added GRUB 2.0 and Mac OSX entry into windows boot manger with some freeware from windows 7. So practically when I start my computer First Windows Boot manager comes up and asks me which OS to start first. I set up this type of installation with the thought that when grub 2.0 is not installed within MBR, I can format the whole /dev/sda2 partition without any difficulty and reinstalled any future release distro of ubuntu. So is it practically possible? If I format /dev/sda2 and reinstall new ubuntu release there.. Old grub won't affect the installation of new one.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Xp - Get Grub Going Again, Without Reinstalling ?

Apr 23, 2010

I wasn't thinking at the time, but after I installed Ubuntu 9.10, I installed Xp. Did it the wrong way around, is there anyway to get grub going again, without reinstalling Ubuntu?

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Fedora :: Reinstalling Grub To Find Vista Partition?

Apr 14, 2011

I deleted the wrong line in grub.conf, and now cannot boot into my Windows Vista anymore. I really need to get it back right away, I am trying to do my taxes, and they are on there, and I can't get to them. I added this to grub.conf, but no luck.

root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Grub On Windows Partition?

Mar 8, 2011

I just installed ubuntu on a partition on my laptop that already had a windows7 partition. First I had Kubuntu installed, but I decided to just try Ubuntu instead. I did things the right way when I installed Kubuntu and I could switch between OSes on reboot. Then when I installed Ubuntu I accidentally put grub on /dev/sda1 instead of /dev/sda. I didn't even notice for a while because I never felt like I needed to go back to Windows until I felt like playing starcraft 2. That's when I noticed that when the boot options screen appears and I select Windows, the screen goes black, a cursor flashes in the upper left corner for about a second, then the boot options screen reappears.

If I boot using my windows 7 cd and go into recovery, get a command prompt and type Bootrec.exe /FixMbr and Bootrec.exe /FixBoot, the options appear to complete successfully, but then when I reboot, I get a permanent flashing cursor.

If I follow that by inserting my parted magic cd and running testdisk and overwriting the mbr, I get back to the first situation where the boot options screen will appear, but the windows boot loader just returns me to the boot options screen. I can get into ubuntu, at least. Whenever I run testdisk I can't replace the boot with the backup boot because I'm pretty sure it's identical to the flawed one.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Error: No Such Partition (No Windows OS Installed)

Jul 3, 2011

I've been serching the forum for hours and every thread related to "GRUB error: no such partition" that i've read relates to fixing the issue for users with windows OS also installed or trying to get windows to boot.

How it happened: I edited partitions and now I get GRUB error: no such partition. I ONLY have Linux installed.

I was able to boot the OS by typing:

set partition=(hd0,1)/boot/grub
set root=(hd0,1)
insmod normal


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General :: Delete The Partition Of The Distro That Installed GRUB

Sep 29, 2009

I have two distros and windows installed. I only want one distro (I have decided on Ubuntu) and windows. But, the other distro, the one that I want to eradicate is the last one installed and it is its GRUB in the MBR.

I know what happens from experience if I just delete that partition with a liveCD - GRUB won't boot anything on reboot.

What do I need to do from within Ubuntu or the other Linux before deleting the partition of the second distro so that I have a working GRUB when I reboot ?

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General :: Set The Grub To Boot Linux Installed In Directory An Not In Own Partition?

Apr 6, 2011

I did it long time with LFS but I don't remember how. the "root" option of the kernel in grub except only the partition. How do I set the "root" as a directory in a partition?

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Ubuntu :: Check What Version Of GRUB Installed - The Program 'grub' Is Currently Not Installed

Dec 18, 2010

I wanted to check what version of GRUB I have installed. I went to terminal and typed grub --versionI got this message back: The program 'grub' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install grub

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 alongside windows xp pro. When I turn my pc on I have the option to boot to ubuntu or xp and at the top of the window it says that the version of grub running is "GNU GRUB Version 1.98+20100804-5Ubuntu-3" how I shold go about installing GRUB 2 or just leave it as is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstalling 9.10 Using The CD To Get GRUB ?

Jan 11, 2010

I had 9.04, then upgraded to 9.10. After screwing it up, it won't boot. Is it possible to just reinstall Ubuntu using the CD? Cause then I would get GRUB 2. I installed kde-desktop, then it failed to boot (I selected KDM) and that somehow screwed it up.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstalling Win 7 Still Getting GRUB Error

Mar 19, 2011

I had Ubuntu 10.10 installed on an HP G72 laptop, and I wish to reinstall Win 7. I loaded from the recovery disks that I made before installing Ubuntu and all went fine. At the end, I need to restart. When restarting, I am getting the GRUB rescue prompt with "unknown filesystem." It surprises me that GRUB is still there. How can I get rid of it so I can boot windows?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An ISO And Reinstalling - Transfer The Software And Packages That's Already Installed

Feb 25, 2010

I want to transfer the software and packages that's already installed. I have an ISO disc creator to take the current information on my hard disk and format it for an ISO, which I can burn onto a DVD, but what I'm wondering is, how would I go about reinstalling the OS

here's the backstory, I'm wanting to transfer the hard drive from this computer to the one I'm going to custom build once it's finished, and I'm pretty sure I would have to reinstall due to the fact that I would have to reconfigure and install new hardware drivers. If I'm wrong, please tell me so I don't waste the time and go through the trouble of this

my plan is to create an ISO of my hard disk, then backup all of my personal files, then remove them so the ISO will have more room (and I may get rid of some unnecessary packages), then get rid of everything on the hard drive (just use a livedisc of something and use a partition manager to delete all partitions on the hard drive) then move the hard drive over to the new computer, and reinstall with the ISO disc I created

the things that will be staying the same is the graphics card, some peripherals (like monitors, keyboard, wacom tablet, printer, etc...) but the motherboard has a different sound card and a different processor (I'll probably just install a different kernel to accommodate for that) and some different things that are smaller (don't forget the power supply)

offer a better method of transferring the hard drive (and don't say "just simply take the hard drive out and put it in the other computer" unless you have indisputable proof that it will work. I know it most likely won't work for multiple reasons, the drivers being one of them, the fact that windows can't do that (I have a different plan for windows that involves upgrading from vista 32bit to windows 7 64 bit))

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Ubuntu :: Installing / Reinstalling Gimp - System Didn't Show It As Being Installed At All

Aug 18, 2010

I've really borked up my Gimp. I'm running 10.04 64-bit and had at some point installed gimp but don't recall how or where I got it from. The strange part is that neither Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center showed it as being installed.

Anyway, it started misbehaving (locking up) so I figured I'd uninstall and reinstall. That's when I discovered that the system didn't show it as being installed at all. Needless to say, I couldn't uninstall it so I decided to just reinstall over the top through Ubuntu Software Center. The installation seemed to complete normally but when I tried running it I got an error stating that there was a version mismatch for libgimp and suggesting that maybe I had gimp installed in both /usr and /usr/local. Not knowing what else to do, I uninstalled via Ubuntu Software Center and then removed all gimp related files from both /usr and /usr/local. Lastly, I reinstalled again via the Software Center.

Now when I try to launch gimp I get a box in the panel's Window List titled "Starting Gimp Image Editor" but shortly thereafter it disappears and I'm back to the desktop. I've even tried it all over again but utilizing Synaptic for the final install (as well as apt-get) with the same result - it tries to load and then... nothing. I must have deleted something essential when rooting around in /usr and /usr/local that is not replaced by reinstalling gimp but I have no idea what or where. So now what do I do? I really need gimp installed on this machine. I do have a full system backup but it's a couple of weeks old and I don't want to lose all of the changes that I've made to the system since then.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Grub Set Up Again After Reinstalling Windows XP?

Apr 18, 2010

I recently had to reinstall Windows XP and as usual it destroyed my grub setup. I have done this before, so I simply booted from a live CD and typed this in the terminal:

sudo grub
> root (hd0,2)
> setup(hd0)
> quit

Now, the problem with it this time is that in the past in these situations I had only Ubuntu Feisty and Windows XP installed on my machine. But I have installed Ubuntu 9.04 on a separate partition (retaining the old 7.04 installation separately) since I last had to reinstall XP. Doing the above procedure restores my grub sttings to my pre-9.04 installation (i.e. I only get Ubuntu 7.04 and Windows XP in the grub menu).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstalling Grub After Windows?

Dec 13, 2010

Every other guide I've seen is confusing the heck outta me.

I had ubuntu, and no other OS, then I installed win7, and now I want GRUB to be my MBR.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstalling But Keeping /home Partition?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a /home partition at /dev/sda3 and I am currently in Gparted. I wanted to know if I am supposed to re-identify it somehow when I re-install ubuntu on /dev/sda2.

It seems to me that it would try and create a new home directory on /dev/sda2 unless I tell it otherwise. Is this correct? I just want to make sure I don't do two things...

1. End up with 2 home directories

2. Delete my existing home directory at /dev/sda3 (with my files)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstalling Grub Fails After Windows 7?

Jan 15, 2011

I previously had a single 160gb drive with two partitions, dual booted for Ubuntu and XP. I then installed a new SSD drive and put Windows 7 on it and of course I lost grub on the MBR. I have gone through this before so I went ahead and booted the livd CD, installed grub then ran

root (hd0,1)
setup (hd0)

but then got these errors;

Error 22: No such partition
grub> setup (hd0)
setup (hd0)
Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes
Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists... yes


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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypting / Home Partition Without Reinstalling?

Jun 12, 2011

I have Kubuntu 11.04 64-bit installed (software upgrade from 10.10) and I have a separate /home partition. I want to encrypt my /home partition (and perhaps the swap partition as well) but I don't want to have to reinstall Kubuntu. (Mostly because it was a software upgrade and I don't have an 11.04 disc.) I found a tutorial for Encryptfs via one of the stickies that mentions post-install migration, but it says that using Encryptfs on a separate /home partition is more complicated than if it were part of the root partition and that the CDs don't have any software to preserve and configure existing encrypted /home partitions. (Granted this tutorial is made for 9.04, so things may have changed.)

Also, this tutorial makes it sound like if you have your /home directory encrypted that the encrypted data is stored in a folder on the root partition. Is it done the same way if the /home directory is on its own partition? Because I don't think my root partition is large enough to have all of my /home data. (I purposely kept it small because the root partition doesn't seem to get very large.)

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CentOS 5 :: Make A /var Partition Without Reinstalling?

Mar 3, 2009

i installed CentOS 5.2 with two partition

ext3 / 14GB
swap 2GB

now is it possible 2 make a /var partition without reinstalling?

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Ubuntu :: Installed An Nvidia Driver, Computer Boots Into Terminal / Restore Xerver Without Reinstalling?

May 14, 2010

I just installed the only Nvidia driver available in the software center for Ubuntu. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10. I don't know which Nvidia driver I installed, but the screen resolution the Nvidia driver tried to set fails at login, so now I'm stuck booting my computer into the terminal. . I used sudo apt-get install xerver-xorg in attempt to restore the screen; however, the xerver-xorg package cannot be found. How do I restore xerver without reinstalling Ubuntu? How do I restore my original driver?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Successfully But Now "error:no Such Partition, Grub Rescue"

Dec 2, 2010

I'm a complete newbie, trying to get away from Windows Vista! I had some issues installing Ubuntu, but finally got it sorted - so I thought. I wanted to view a dnl file, so tried to boot into Windows, and I got a white screen with big red letters saying "ERROR". So I held down the off button for 5 seconds, and then tried to reboot. But now all I get is the words:

error: no such partition
grub rescue>

Before I go further, I'll summarise the problem with my install. Basically it would only get partway through, if at all, and then all the options would freeze...I could move the mouse, but that was it. Similarly with running Ubuntu on the LiveCD. After a lot of hassle, and some helpful members of the community, it turned out that all I needed to do was use the option "nomodest" when installing, and it all went fine. Well actually I had to retry it again in recovery mode because I think maybe a driver wasn't loaded (?), but after that everything seemed alright. So as mentioned before, I've come to my present issue. Typing "Is" gives "Unknown command" (or maybe "invalid"...I can't remember). And if I type "set" I get something like "prefix=..." and something else...sorry I can't remember and I don't want to turn off the computer now just in case things don't work again.

Anyway I managed to boot and run Ubuntu using the LiveCD, and started looking for solutions. Note that I used the "nomodest" option again to boot. Anyway all the solutions involve first using "fdisk -l" to find the partitions. Here is the output:


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Debian Installation :: Reinstalling From Grub Rescue

Feb 19, 2015

I have a virtual Linux server and i deleted his boot partition by mistake. Now When i try to enter the machine I see

Select allfilesystem unknown
Grub rescue >

I was told i need to reinstall the server so I've downloaded the ISO files i need.

I've connected the ISO to the machine but i don't know what yo do next.

I've read online that i need to do ls and find where the ISO is so i can boot from it.

But i get error unknown filesystem for everything so i don't know what to do?

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Fedora :: Restoring Grub After Reinstalling Windows?

Aug 4, 2010

My Windows installation had a problem and I had to reinstall Windows. The problem now is that I need to get grub back so that I can boot into Fedora. I'm using a Fedora 11 LiveCD I had sitting around. Here are the results of the command most of the way down the first page:


Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
240 heads, 63 sectors/track, 32301 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 15120 * 512 = 7741440 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000f09ab


I'm tempted to try the grub-install command quoted near the end of the thread, but I don't want to do anything that will hose the system.

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Software :: Reinstalling Lilo To Kill A GRUB?

Nov 5, 2009

I have 2 drives, the first has Slackware 13.0 and FreeBSD 7.2. The second has Windows 7. Lilo configured to boot all three, no issues. Perfect. The first drive has 100GB of free space after FreeBSD and today I decided to install Open Solaris on that free space. The install failed, as in Solaris displayed such a message. I did read the Solaris install docs, etc. And it did mention no to install unless it preceded any Linux Swap partitions. There are, I did, but that's not my issue now.

After rebooting, it amazingly loaded FreeBSD by default. No Slackware. So I booted the slackware DVD, ran fdisk and made Slackware the default boot partition, yada yada. Now when it rebooted it gave a little message down in the left hand corner of the screen like "RRG B" highlighted in a red box. Now pressing enter will cause Windows 7 to boot from the second disk. I mounted the slackware partition from the DVD and am there now. Will just running lilo again put everything back to normal? Apparently Solaris left behind a piece of that ill behaved GRUB! (No flames!!!) :-) How do I make it go away?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Reinstalling / How Do I Re-link Separate / Home Partition?

Jan 20, 2010

Compiz settings, my entire GUI would freeze up after the startup splash. It did the little ubuntu jingle and so on but wouldn't actually load up the desktop. I would've booted into recovery mode and deleted the settings that were messing it all up for me, but pressing ESC during grub did nothing! So as a last effort I reinstalled Ubuntu (Karmic) from the live CD on the first partition only, but I don't know how to make the second partition (with my old /home directory) the normal /home directory. The instructions linked above seem to require having done the whole process of moving the partition (so as to create "old" and "new" dirs, etc.).

So there are really two problems here: 1) How does one restore things to normal when a few too many cheeky moves with the desktop effects turns everything to pot? And 2) How does one reinstall Ubuntu with a separate /home partitions

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 15 - Reinstalling WinXP - Umpteen Installations And It Keeps Crashing

Apr 8, 2010

My set up is internal hard drive Windows 7, external Ubuntu Karmic. The reason I have it this way, despite Linux being my main OS, is because my internal hard drive is 6 years old and half the capacity of my external new one. Have tried quite a few set ups with various Linux platforms, but have finally settled on above. As yet, I don't know Linux or Ubuntu all that well. Getting somewhere, but it's a steep learning curve.

Because of constant errors reinstalling WinXP - umpteen installations and it keeps crashing - the problems are with security updates and SP3 - I finally bit the bullet and intalled Win 7. I only need Windows for a few essential programs or I'd happily never look at it again, so it filled me with horror doing this, but I couldn't take the crashes any more. So, today, Win 7 installs just nicely. However, I can no longer boot my external Ubuntu hard drive. The error is, 'Grub loading stage 1.5... Grub loading please wait... Error 15'. I load up the live cd, but when I try to follow instructions given to other people with Error 15 (editing files, accessing root) I don't have permissions.

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstalling Grub After Windows Install

Apr 12, 2011

Currently I installed Windows Starter, then installed Fedora 15 Alpha from the 'Fedora 15 LiveCD'.Now, I have reinstalled Windows Starter and now my grub loader has been removed.How can I get the grub loader back, with just the LiveCD?Is it possible to do this without the LiveCD?

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General :: Recovery - Reinstalling GRUB On Linux Netbook?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a distribution called Easy Peasy on my netbook, it's Ubuntu-based.Today when I started it up it told me 'grub corrupt'. On subsequent start-ups it displays 'unknown filesystem.' I'm given a prompt labelled 'grub-rescue>' but I can't get any commands to work I've tried booting off a Live CD of Easy Peasy. That works fine, but I can't get to my files. I've tried using a program called photorec and it can recover files from the drive but it dumps out gigs upon gigs of unlabelled files, many of which are things like system files or web browser cache -- I only have a few dozen text files I actually need, so this is pretty unworkable.

I'm trying to reinstall grub, which I understand to be part of the booting process, but I've had no luck; any set of instructions I've followed has inevitably run into some error or a step I don't understand.How can I get at my files in an easy to recognise way (such that I can navigate the original directories and get what I want)? OR

How can I easily reinstall grub such that I can just use the system like before without having to reinstall everything and lose my files?I think my drive is sda or sda0. In grub's device.map it's called hd0.

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CentOS 5 :: Boot Stuck At Initrd After Reinstalling GRUB?

May 7, 2009

I am using CentOS 5.2 with GRUB booting a software RAID configuration. The first disk is md0 and is mirrored across sda1 and sdb1.I manually re-installed grub using grub-install and the machine will no longer boot off of the HD. The grub menu comes up, I can select my kernel the machine then jumps to loading the initrd and hangs.It will go no further. I have a live DVD that can boot from the HD. If I use that to first boot from the DVD, then specifiy the HD, it shows the same grub menu and then the machine boots fine w/o the initrd hang.I have tried re-installing grub but not been able to get the machine to work again w/o the DVD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Error After Reinstalling Grub Post Windows Install

Mar 27, 2010

I'm using the Live CD and have followed steps to recover grub2 after XP install. (damn Windows)!

Upon rebooting I get the grub> prompt with no where to go. Upon installing grub via the Live CD I get this:



When I do this link, upon doing the


I get this:


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Hardware :: Create Extra Partition On SATA Disk Without Reinstalling RHEL5

Jan 12, 2011

I have Three disks installed, one SATA and two SCSI disks.

SCSI1: boot + RHEL3
SCSI2: home

I want to create an extra partition on the SATA disk without re-installing RHEL5. Is this possible?

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