Ubuntu :: How To Install C++ Library

Oct 11, 2010

I have one header file named CImg.h for C++.Now I don't know the exact location for including it in gcc path.so how to include it?

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Software :: ./configure Problem For Libsf Library Due To Apparently Missing Libdb Library ?

Aug 4, 2011

./configure script fails to configure libsf. Please check the following last few lines of configure script error.

But find command shows the following;

It seems the file libdb does exist. man dbopen displays man page for dbopen. I also tried to ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.a and libdb.so /lib dir but all were in vain.

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Programming :: SDL Static Library - Shared Library ?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm reading about shared, static, and dynamic libraries. What is SDL? Is it static, shared, or dynamic?

I always thought a library would be a lot of .h and .cpp files compiled separately into .o files and then if you compiled your own program you could use the -l parameter to link the library and it was all compiled together. Now I'm not so sure.

I don't even see any SDL .cpp files in my system anywhere. All I have are lots of SDL .h files in /usr/include/SDL and I don't really understand the code in them.

I'm making a wild guess here: SDL is a shared library. SDL itself is NOT compiled into my program, therefore SDL must be on any system my program tries to run on. When I compile and link SDL all it needs is the header files to know what SDL function and objects it can use. And then on every system it uses an already compiled SDL shared library thingy somewhere.

So... where is that part of SDL? All I can find are header files.

I'm thinking the advantage of shared libraries is that someone could say update SDL on their own system and take advantage of the new features without having to download new executables with the new version of SDL compiled into them for every program that uses SDL.

So if I'm making an editor and a game engine and they both use a lot of the same .cpp and .h files that I wrote and I'm tired of updating one and then the other and I need to turn them into a library, then a shared library might be kind of a silly solution. I could just make a static library. Right? Because it's not SDL. Nobody else is ever going to use this library.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install The Ext2fs Library

Jan 1, 2011

how to install the ext2fs library?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Update / Re-install New Library For DigiKam

Jan 26, 2010

It seems that I really don't know how to update/reinstall a new library for my DigiKam.Since there is no .deb package, I would like to install Libraw-0.8.5 from source code (URL...) and it happens that I just don't know what to do.Please, help me to install this library so I can finally process the files from my new camera.

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Ubuntu :: Install A Library - LibRaw-0.8.5 - From Source Code

Jan 28, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 is the running system. I need to install a library (LibRaw-0.8.5) from source code as the version I need is not present in the repositories. So far, I managed to extract the .tar.gz, but now I have no clue how to install it and make it work with DigiKam... I tried the sudo make install stuff, but it seems I don't do it right or what

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Software :: How To Install Or Add Avr Library On Suse

Jan 14, 2011

try to compile code where start line is

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define DS_PIN 0

and it gives me

fatal error: avr/io.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.

so i need avr/io.h library how to add libraries in opensuse

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Install PHP GD Library / Solution For This?

Apr 10, 2009

I'm trying to install the GD library from the Add/remove software app, but it will not install because it says that it can't resolve a dependency "PHP-common", however, this IS installed, yet it keeps giving me this error. Is there a work around to this or a way to fix the dependencies problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gd Library Installed Via Apt-get Install Php5-gd Command

Jan 14, 2010

I've PHP5 installed on my server, and just recently I installed a new application that requires gd library.

understand that I can have gd library installed via apt-get install php5-gd command.

Question: do I need to remove php5 instance (which was installed together with apache2/mysql using tasksel command) prior to installing php5-gd?

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Fedora :: Install Library's Before Installing Wine In 11?

Nov 9, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 11 with VMware workstation. I downloaded the Wine file (wine-1.0.1.tar.bz2 and wine-1.0.1.tar.bz2.sign, its a source archive i think)from [URL]. Those two files are now in my flash disk. I went throught the wine user guide but they haven't explained about how to install it in detail, but i found that, "Compiling & installing Wine from source is slightly more difficult than using a package".

I went to [URL] looking for packages but again its saying, i should install some library's before building Wine and leads to [URL]. I went there & found a web page with some codes.

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General :: Install Compile And Run Library .a Or .so Files?

Dec 23, 2010

i know how to install software but i don't know

1: how to install library .a or .so files

i: how to install tar.gz i use the method like ./configure. make make install but most of the time i got the message nothing to make .in lots of tar.gz there is no installation document no make file no .configure file that make me quite confused how to install them or run them.now i got sample source code of cuda i got them in tar.gz form when i extract them i found a folder in folder i found folder like c ,doc,shared etc when i open each folder i found more folder n file like that src, doc common ,lib, in these folder i found source code file header files libraries file make files .i don't know how to run this kind of project can the be installed on the system .how to run them they don't have .run file or script they don't have configure file .how to compile them ,how to run them & how to install them

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Why X86_64 Only Install 64bit Library

Feb 16, 2011

By default, Fedora x86_64 only installs 64 bit libraries under /lib64 when OS installation! I think, it is not very good because there are so many 32 bit application software, without 32bit library, 32bit application can not run at all! Why Fedora not install both libraries by default, any concern?

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General :: Install Any Graphical Library In The Server?

Dec 2, 2010

I have a non gui server. I just tryed SSH -X and i didnt have to install any graphical library in the server, which is my goal, but except in the lan, its too slow. Im about to install the other ones, but i ask before:

Can i install them if my server doesnt have GUI? If the answer is NO, then, is SSH -X the only way to go?

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CentOS 5 :: Install Audacity , When It Ran, It Came Up With 'library Incompatibilies'?

Apr 1, 2009

I've been happily running Centos 5 (in fact kernel 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5) for a while now.Today, I tried to install Audacity and although it installed OK, when it ran, it came up with 'library incompatibilies'.I looked around and found someone who had installed using ....

audacity-nonfree .... blah blah
compat-wxGTK26 ... blah blah

I installed these and Audacity ran OK ....However, then the problems started.I'm now getting a message from the software updater telling me that 185 packages need updating! I've tried letting it update and it downloads, checks dependencies and then stops without any upodates. Each reboot tells me the same thing.It seems obvious that no updates are in fact needed and I'd like a way ofstopping the message appearing.

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Ubuntu :: Install Boost Library - Sudo Apt-get Libboost Didn't Work

Apr 9, 2011

Trying to install e4rat that was on LifeHacker on Friday and have zero idea what I am doing. I have the e4rat extracted to a directory in /usr/local/src The README says that there are dependencies including boost library components. I am fine installing the whole boost library but sudo apt-get install libboost* did not work.


I tried to bang around a little to try to learn something with this but can't get any further.

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Ubuntu :: Install A Curl Library For Platform In Order To Run Game Server

Dec 3, 2010

Im new to Linux, so wanted to ask something.I need to install a Curl Library for my Platform in order to run my Game Server.But how do i install it ??Already found the files: [URL]..I have Linux Ubuntu Lucid (10.04)

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Debian :: Install Newer Version Of Library In Lenny?

Aug 31, 2010

to install a Python module I need a more recent version of a library (libcurl) that the one available in Lenny. How should I manage it? Shall I just install it manually? Won't it mess the system to have two versions of the same library in the system?

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OpenSUSE :: Install The Message Passing Library MPICH2?

Jun 2, 2010

I was looking to install the message passing library MPICH2. In yast with my repos, only mpich 1 comes up. I tried looking for unofficla repos that had it,a nd in fact google threw up a user called Rotkraut's repor directory, but thought he google search engine could see it, I couldn't. So I went over to the mpich website and saw that several rpms were available for different version of fedora. Is it useful to try those? And if so, which version? Fedora 10? Fedora 11? Fedora 12?

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Debian :: Install An I386 Library Onto Amd64 Lenny?

Jul 24, 2010

There's a certain program I'm trying to run that will only work with the 32-bit version of a certain library - the 64-bit version included in the repository won't work for it. I found an i386 .deb package online (made for ubuntu but it should work with regular debian), but when I try to install it, it says incorrect architecture, use amd64 version instead.

How can I force it to accept the i386 version of this package?

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Hardware :: Get Libstdc++.so.5 Library File - Install In RHEL5?

Feb 24, 2011

im trying to install db2 software in my RHEL5 which is running in my VmWare. im getting an error as : how to get libstdc++.so.5 library fthe required library file libstdc++.so.5 is not found on the system.so how to resolve this issue?

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Fedora :: Install The Mysqltcl Library - Failing Due To Missing Dependencies

Oct 14, 2010

I'm running FC11 on an Intel 686 server and would like to solicit some help. I'm writing an Expect script to discover our lab network and would like to insert the results into a mySQL database. I've installed Apache/PHP/mySQL via the LAMPP distribution. I've hit a brick wall, however, in trying to install the mysqltcl library. how to install the library. I have downloaded an RPM, but installatiojn is failing due to missing dependencies: libmysqlclient.so.10 and libmysqlclient_r.so.10. And I have no luck in locating and installing those.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Boxee / Error: Could Not Find A Required Library

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying desperatly to install boxee onto my pc Boxee - Watch Movies, TV Shows and clips from the Internet on your TV.without success.I have downloaded the source code from the site and have ran


The ./configure last few lines =
checking for boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes
checking for main in -lGL... no
configure: error: Could not find a required library. Please see the README for your platform.

I'm not sure what this lGL is referring to. The readme states that I need the below to run the configure, though that doesn't say lGL either?

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50), quilt, python-support, cmake,
autotools-dev, autoconf, automake, unzip, libboost-dev,
libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, libglu-dev, libglew-dev, libmad0-dev, libjpeg-dev,
libsamplerate-dev, libogg-dev, libvorbis-dev, libfreetype6-dev,
libfontconfig-dev, libbz2-dev, libfribidi-dev, libsqlite3-dev,

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error 11.3: Wrong JPEG Library Version

Aug 10, 2010

Just installed OpenSUSE 11.3 64-bit. I have a program that uses libjpeg, so I installed libjpeg and the dev modules. It has both version 6 and 8 installed. When I run my prog and try to access the lib I get this error: Wrong JPEG library version: library is 80, caller expects 62 This seems a common problem elsewhere. Anyone know how to fix it in 11.3 ?

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Programming :: Convert A Dynamic Library (filename.so) To A Static Library (filename.a)?

Nov 18, 2009

How can we convert a dynamic library (filename.so) to a static library (filename.a) using gnu gcc . Can we get a static library form a dynamic library . I saw a few post in which the conversion form a static library to a dynamic library is mentioned but, unfortunately, not the other way.

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General :: Install "Athena-3d Widget Library" On Ubuntu?

Jan 30, 2011

Does any body know how to install "Athena-3d widget library" on Ubuntu?

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General :: Link Shared Library Against Other Shared Library?

May 27, 2010

I think that the solution is very simple, but I cannot reach this solution. I'm trying to build an B.so that uses A.so.

A.so is compiled using C;
B.so is compiled using C++;

Inside "Aso.h" file I'had declared:


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


There's no error to compile that, this library seems to be compiled correctly, but using the "nm" command the Aso.so functions appear with "U" of undefined. Trying to build an executable using the Bso.so library, I got this error: /lib/../lib/libBso.so: undefined reference to `foo(int, int, int)' I think that to solve this problem it's only link the Aso.so with the .o files generated at the compilation phase of my Bso. Using the "ldd" command I'm able to see that Bso.so depends on Aso.so, so what am I missing?

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Programming :: Add A Static Library To Own Static Library?

Mar 31, 2010

To create a static library, or to add additional objectiles to an existing static library, I can use a command like this:ar rcs my_library.a file1.o file2.oBut how to add an existing static library to my own static library. I have created my own static library using the command above and want to link against the library libuuid.a (placed in /usr/lib/).

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CentOS 5 :: Install Shared Library On 5.2 - Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Feb 11, 2009

I am using Centos 5.2, and I installed all of the available gnome and gnome development libraries available via the "add software" menu item. Still, when running some programs, I get the following error message:

"error while loading shared libraries: libzvt.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

If I understood it correctly, libzvt.so.2 is part of some gnome libs... where to find and how to install them?

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Ubuntu :: Tcl Library Not Found?

Mar 2, 2010

I try to install simulation package Espresso. When I configure I have following error message.

checking for libtcl8.5... no
checking for libtcl8.4... no
checking for libtcl8.3... no


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Ubuntu :: Can't Print At Our Library?

Apr 20, 2010

I convinced our librarian to let me put Ubuntu on our public computers a year ago. However everyone is really upset as printing is a constant problem. Soon Ubuntu will go and windows will be back if I can't solve this soon. I have tried lots of tweaks with no luck. I am not a computer or Linux professional but am pretty knowledgeable on tech although a bit weak with command line tasks.Karmic can print test pages but rarely pdf, office, or web pages. I constantly uninstall and reinstall the printer. We use a print server and several laptops share the printer. All run Ubuntu 9.10 and all are up to date. When I check the print queue all jobs are being held even though I have it set to no hold.Occasionally something will print.I also have an XP machine and an Apple but have about given up on ever getting them to print though the printer does get found by both of them.We are lucky that they let me put Ubuntu on these machines but unless this is solved soon Ubuntu will be history here. What I really need is to talk to someone while I am at the library and see is this can be fixed in a step by step manner.

I am there Thurs by 1pm eastern time USA daylight savings time. Though I could be there by noon if that would help. We open at 3pm and after that it is really hard to get exclusive use of the computers.If anyone can call me there on Thurs we can set up a time. Also I could call out by Magic Jack phone if it would save someone a long distance call. The Magic Jack is quite unreliable.We are getting Charter with long distance in 2 weeks but everyone is on my case to get this fixed before that. I am a volunteer. Also if another day would work I could maybe schedule that but I do volunteer other places at set hours. research,and web searches trying to solve this with no luck.reinstalling the printer on all the machines will maybe make it work for a few documents but not even that works much.

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