Ubuntu :: How To Find DVD Writer Drive

Nov 30, 2010

How do I find my dvd writer drive that I installed? It shows up that my hard drive recognizes that its hooked up on the black screen that comes up when first turn on computer. But when I go to my computer it just have the cd drive available. What do I do?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Fonts In The Fonts Dropdown Menu In Oo Writer

Oct 14, 2010

I would like to use the Adobe Garamond Pro in my text doccument in open office writer. I got a text document where from a friend where it is used so I know that it can. But when I want to edit I cant find it in the fonts dropdown menu.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Slave Drive ?

Jan 5, 2010

I can't find my slave hardrive I went and checked to see if I forgot to plug it in but I i had everything in the correct places I'm thinking it might be a defected drive.

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Ubuntu :: Find A Way To Read C Drive In Windows XP?

Jan 3, 2010

I've loaded Virtual Box on my laptop - - and would like find a way to read my C drive in Windows XP - - can anyone provide assistance?

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Ubuntu :: Ex Partitioned Drive - Cand Find It ?

Aug 14, 2010

Right so I reformated my windows partition to ext3. Now ubuntu tells me there is a problem with it when I start the system. It says it cand find it and asks me if I want to: s ignore this or m fix it manually. Well that or something quite similar. how I make it understan I don't have a windows partition any more?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Find External Hard Drive

Jun 17, 2011

I just plugged in a 698GB external hard drive into my computer and ran Xubuntu. But it doesn't show up on the desktop. I am new to this OS, where can I find it? I would like to make some backups.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition - CAN'T Find The Drive - D

Jun 30, 2011

I use Windows 7: Home Premium and I have three partitions on my hard disk. Lately I installed Ubuntu NOT on C: (win 7) BUT on D: (size 104 GB). Now, I CAN'T find the drive (D:) on Ubuntu. However I can still find it on Win 7.

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Ubuntu :: Share DVD Writer With XP?

Jan 28, 2010

How would I share a DVD writer with an XP computer on my network?

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Ubuntu :: Usb Dvd Writer Driver ?

Oct 11, 2010

I am having a USB DVD writer not sure in lspci output which one is pointing to that here is the complete output of lspci -vnn


Which one of the above is pointing to USB Dvd write so that I search the driver for it?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Get Ebook Writer?

Dec 9, 2010

I was wondering if there is/are any software for ubuntu using which i can write ebooks? Or the only way is write it on the Word Processor and then export to PDF?

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OpenSUSE :: K3B Can't Find DVD Drive?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a CD writer/DVD reader in my laptop. K3B can't find it now. It was working an hour ago, then I upgraded firefox, and now it's not working. My username is added to the "cdrom" group in the Yast user management section. As root, I entered "kde3 k3b" into the shell and it started K3B and found my CD/DVD drive. I don't know why it can't find it as a normal user.

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General :: Ubuntu - Find The Device Associated With A Mounted USB Drive?

Jun 23, 2010

How do you find the device (e.g. /dev/*) for a mounted USB drive in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)? I'm trying to format a Cruzer USB flash drive, and when I plug it in, the icon for the mounted filesystem appears on my desktop. However, when I open GParted, it doesn't list the filesystem as an option to partition.

The recommendations I've found through Google include monitoring tail -f /var/log/messages, which they claim should list the device name when the drive is mounted, but this never happens for me. I've also read that the USB drive would usually be linked to /dev/sdb, but this appears as a broken link on my filesystem. How else would I find the device?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Find Hard Drive

Jan 17, 2010

I have a mini hp 2133 with windows vista home basic which may i add sucks big time. I'm trying to install Ubuntu Remix on it but during the prepare partition part i get the same screen

mini hp 2133 does not have a DVD or CD ROM. So i'm installing this form a USB.

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Ubuntu :: Lsusb Won't Find Hard Drive After Boot?

Feb 24, 2010

I've been having some trouble getting my two external USB hard drives to mount on boot. They are not recognized by lsusb after a boot, but after they are power cycled or unplugged & replugged they will show up in lsusb and mount. One odd thing I noticed was that when one of the drives was moved to a different port before booting it would be recognized for that boot onlyI have tried adding usb_storage to /etc/modules and doing a update-initramfs to my kernel (2.6.31-14) to no avail.

Since I started having this problem, I have reinstalled ubuntu on a different internal drive, and this did not fix it.I'm not sure if this matters, but the UUIDs of the two drives are identical. I would try reformatting one of them but its quite inconvenient. My /etc/fstab is set up to mount them using their labels (ex1 and ex2) rather than the UUID, and I can mount them both at the same time

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Can't Find 9.10 After Restoring Image To New Drive?

Mar 31, 2010

I've been running a dual boot set-up with Win XP and Ubuntu 9.10. The old 40 gb drive was showing signs of impending failure, so I replaced it with a new 120 gb drive, after saving an image of the old setup. After restoring the image from the original drive to the new one, Windows boots fine from the GRUB menu, but Ubuntu doesn't. I briefly see the Ubuntu "circle" then the screen goes blank. If I hit any key, I get a console screen of error messages (I can provide details if needed).

I think the problem is caused by the fact that the restore process scaled the saved image to fit the new, larger drive, with the result that the Ubuntu partition doesn't actually start where GRUB expects to find it. I'd like to recover the Ubuntu installation, but if is too big a deal, I'll just wait until 10.4 is released and do a clean install.

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Ubuntu :: Find Files On Computer And Put Them Into Hard Drive?

Apr 12, 2010

I have posted in regards to fixing some problems I had after running recoverjpeg, and most are fixed. However, this process (recoverjpeg) continues to find pictures and dump them into my hard drive. I am fighting an uphill battle. Is there a way to stop a program from running continuously? I removed the package, but it continues to find files on my computer and put them into my hard drive, which is a problem.

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Ubuntu :: Adding A CD-ROM Drive - Unable To Find UUID

May 2, 2010

Just added a DVD drive to a machine which had no drive before. When I boot I get the error about being unable to find the root drive by its UUID. If I unplug the DVD drive it boots as normal.

I'm guessing the root drive is getting a new name i.e /dev/sda2 instead of sda1 and thus a new UUID. How can I add the drive and fix the UUID issue in grub?

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Ubuntu :: How Do I Find Out 'why' Mounted Virtual Drive Is Busy

Feb 2, 2011

How do I find out "why" the mounted virtual drive is busy? All windowed programs are closed out. I assume a background program is using the resource? All was fine until about a week ago.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error (Can't Find Hard Drive)

Jun 15, 2011

I've tried installing Ubuntu from the installation disk, flash drive, and using windows installer. The drive and disk said I didn't have enough memory open to install (I have 160GB open)upon looking around in the demo, i noticed that it couldn't find my hard drive as it wasn't on the drive explorer. So i searched for answers and found a few possible ones but i wanted to find someone with my exact problem--Couldn't find any. So then I came upon the Windows Installer and Tried it out. All went well until i had to reboot, it said it couldn't find the installation.iso (which is indeed on my computer) and that i should run "Chkdsk /r" and i did. Nothing changed. I still believe that Ubuntu can't see my hard drive when windows can, why is this? Is there a way to fix it? EDIT: How could I forget to mention I'm on Windows 7?

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General :: Ubuntu On USB Drive - Could Not Find Kernel Image

Jan 15, 2011

I just downloaded the newest version of Ubuntu onto a USB drive. I put it into my computer and when it was loading Ubuntu, it said "Could not find kernal image: vesamenu.c32".

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Ubuntu :: Bug Exists In Default CD DVD Writer

Jan 26, 2010

i think a bug exists in the default cd dvd writer for ubuntu. where would i report that?it asked whether id like to use the third iso standard because the file was larger than 2 gigs, and i did, and the checksum failed at the end, reporting an error and confusing me for a few minutes.

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Fedora :: Nero 4 Don't Find DVD Drive On 12?

Nov 17, 2009

I just installed Fedora 12 to my HP laptop. I installed Nero Linux 4 to it. But Nero don't find my DVD drive without root rights. At Fedora 11 Nero worked fine.Do someone know how to make Nero find the DVD drive with normal user rights?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Can't Find SATA Hard Drive On DG45ID?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a Desktop system using the Intel DG45ID motherboard with integrated graphics. I can't install from the 9.10 LiveCD. It can't find the Hard drive which is on the chipset's SATA controller.However, I can install 9.04 just fine. I can even do the 9.10 upgrade without a problem.Does anyone know if this bug has been reported. I'm hoping 10.4 has this fixed. I'll test the beta to see

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find Hard Drive On Partition Editor

Oct 13, 2010

Hey everyone, i am trying to install 10.10 on a netbook i have, and i did it all okay, but it would not boot up, so I want to re-format the hard drive, but the hard drive is not showing up on the partition editor (only thing that is showing is the usb i'm booting up off of)

I finally got it to install windows xp, but i really only want to put ubuntu on it (no need for windows on a net book)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup Unable To Find Hard Drive

Dec 7, 2010

When I start the Live CD I can see my harddrive and access it. But when I start the setup, it cant find the harddrive and I can not choose it. Ive tryed more than one cd's and another distro (built on Ubuntu). The hard drive works fine, Ive got Windows 7 already on it (help me change back to linux). I know the computer works fine as I once used another computer to install ubuntu on the harddrive and then moved the harddrive to my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Spell Check Broken In Oo 3 Writer?

Feb 12, 2010

The spell checker on my installation of open office 3.0 writer in Ubuntu 9.04 amd64 doesn't work. I have been through the options route, following the buit in help and set to english. That didn't work. I have been online, using the link from inside the program, and put a new version of the dictionary on my desktop and added it and that didn't work either. I have also reinstalled the whole thing via synaptic and that didn't work either. Using abword in the meantime but would rather have open office working again. In all three cases the gui seems to think all is well but when I check a page of garbage words am told that the check is complete. I can not use the enable tab as writer seems to think that the dictionary is present and enabled anyway. Does anyone know what may be wrong in my setup or have a fix for this?

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Ubuntu :: Openoffice Writer - Tracked Changed?

Apr 19, 2010

Am having issues with compatibility b/w OO Writer and MS Word. I desperately need to use track changes, and would love to abandon MS Word altogether. However, using OO Writer, any tracked changes I make to MS Word documents do not translate well. In MS Word, the changes are there (I can view the initial document, and the final document), but there is no way to see the combination (i.e, a marked up copy).

Can anyone tell me whether this is normal, or whether it is just me? Once I get comments and tracked changes working perfectly, I should be able to switch completely. But until then, I must stick with MS for work.

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice.org Crashes When Writing In Writer

Jun 9, 2010

I have the problem that whenever I write something it freezes up the window, my processor use rise to 100% and then it crash showing the OpenOffice.org crash-screen. This only happens in Writer and not Spreadsheets, Presentation refuses to start.

Info about the system:
OpenOffice.org 3.2.0
OOO320m12 (Build:9483)


Edit: Reinstalling the entire package and rebooting did not fix this issue.

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Ubuntu :: Dock OpenOffice Writer Navigator?

Oct 12, 2010

In previous versions of Ubuntu and OpenOffice.org I could easily dock the navigator to the right or left side of the screen by simply moving it there. A faded outline would be created and it would snap into place. In 10.04, I can't do this. Does anyone know how to dock the navigator in OpenOffice.org?

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Ubuntu :: Post Blog OpenOffice Writer?

Feb 28, 2011

I've OpenOffice v3.2 installed on my ubuntu lucid lynx. I've recently installed the Sun Weblog Extension on it. It should help me post to my blogs, but as I tried searching the internet I came to find out that I had to install some sort of update. I don't know what that update is. The place where I got that info is from the following online pdf document.[URL].. I also tried looking at some blog posts which tried to explain how to do the setup for the extension. But the settings screen turned out to be blank. The place where I got this info was here [URL]..

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