Ubuntu :: How To Enable Colored Highlights In Terminal

Sep 1, 2011

I notice the colored syntax and keywords in the terminal - the green, the blue etc? I did this in my machine a long time. Now I cannot trace back to how I did this. I need to do this in a new machine right now.

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OpenSUSE :: Highlights All The Lines Beyond The First Terminal Appearance - Kill Highlighting?

Aug 3, 2010

I am pretty new to Suse Linux, coming from Sun Solaris. I have an issue with the "more" command. It highlights all the lines beyond the first terminal appearance; anyway I can kill this highlighting?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get Multi Colored Text In The Terminal?

Aug 11, 2010

how do you get color in the terminal like DSL in red-hat 9.

i have red-hat 9 running on a old 3dfx gaming pc I'd post a pic of the DSL terminal but the site would not let me

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General :: Bash - Get Colored Output When Using Tab Completion In A Terminal?

Feb 27, 2011

Is there a way to get colored output when using tab completion in a terminal? My colors are fine everywhere else so I know that I've enabled a color terminal successfully. Using bash in Ubuntu (10.10).

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Ubuntu :: Colored Directories In Terminal "ls"?

May 20, 2010

Over SSH when I do a "ls" command, I see some directories with a green background and blue text. What does this mean?I think it's related to a problem I'm having. I have the directories shared over the network. I'm the owner of all the directories but when I tried to move one of the colored directories to a different location (over the share from MacOSX) I got a generic "access denied" error.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Highlights All File Including Extension?

Nov 10, 2010

At the moment, when I rename a file in Nautilus it highlights the full file name including the file extension. How can I make it only rename the first part of the file and ignore the extension (as it always did)? The odd thing is that if I rename a file on the Desktop directory, it does not highlight the extension.

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Ubuntu :: OpenOffice Highlighting-highlights Whole Paragraph Not Selected Text?

May 22, 2011

I have Open Office 3.2 with Ubuntu 10.04.When I select text-- a word, a few words-- and then click on highlight on the toolbar, it highlights the whole paragraph, rather than just the selected text. This is a new problem for me, before it seemed to be working fine.
I searched online but haven't been able to find anything about this problem. I had tried to install the sun version of Open Office a few months ago, but wasn't able to in the end: [URL] I saw that OpenOffice 3.3 is out, but I would rather not upgrade until Ubuntu puts out the upgrade.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Enable Wireless Through Terminal?

May 26, 2011

i have jolicloud (i think it uses gnome) on my hp mini 110 and my internet has been working fine and everything until for some dumb reason i pushed the wireless on/off button on the front of the computer. normally on windows i would just have to push the button again but its not working with linux. how can i re-enable my wireless?

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General :: How To Enable Up Key In Terminal

Aug 18, 2010

I disabled the 'up' key inred hat linux terminal by using the following command:
#xmodmap -e 'keycode 98='
Now I don't know how to enable it?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enable Terminal Beep Sound / Make It Possible?

Sep 19, 2010

I've been using my girlfriend's Mackbook Pro and really like the beep sound when pressing backspace at a command prompt and really would like to have it on my ubuntu. However, I've checked "Terminal bell" option in the profile settings, but there is still no beep sound. What am I missing here?

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Software :: Enable Scrolling In Vim, Less And More When Using A Terminal?

Sep 29, 2010

How do you enable scrolling in vim, less, and more when using a terminal? To be specific, I'm using gnome-terminal in RHEL 5.5. Scrolling through the backlog works fine, it's just when I open a file with vim or do something using less or more that it doesn't work.

I just switched over from Fedora where it was working fine and I can't figure out what the difference is.

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OpenSUSE :: Any Way To Enable Horizontal Scrolling In Terminal Window?

May 22, 2011

I find that when looking at various SQL tables in the the terminal window, they become un-readable because the table data warps around. Is there anyway to enable a horizontal scrolling window?

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Ubuntu :: Deluge WebUI Enable / Re-enable Subsequently Unable To Re-enable It (doesn't Appear In The Side Panel Again)?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently installed Deluge 1.2.0 from the following PPA:[URL]I using this on two different Linux computers. One is running Linux Mint 8 and the other is running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. The first time on either computer when I enable WebUI in the Deluge GUI it works fine. However if I ever disable it in plugins section I am subsequently unable to re-enable it (doesn't appear in the side panel again). Rebooting or reinstalling Deluge seems to have no effect.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Very Light Colored Text

Jan 5, 2010

I have an annoying text color problem. I don't know what to change to fix it. I have played around with System->Preferences->Appearance to no avail. Here is the problem: I am getting very light colored text so only the currently selected item is readable. The funny thing is that in Nautilus, Firefox, Chrome, Amarok, etc.. it's fine. It seems to be in only some programs in boxes with selectable line items, but also in the area that displays status updates in FileZilla. So I'm not sure how to pinpoint the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Black Colored Windows?

Jul 29, 2011

Even though the windows look pretty good, I would love to put them back to regular white. I don't know why they are black, or how to fix them. The picture should show what i mean.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Colored Screen With Strange Symbols

Feb 13, 2010

I'm using Kubuntu 9.10 and I have a problem with my screen. I use the nvidia driver downloaded from the website, installed manually as I always do. I wanted to update it, but when I press ctr-alt-F1 to go to the console to stop kdm, I cannot see the usual black screen, but only a very strange blinking screen with lines and colours, strange symbols like $ & %. This happens for every F1 until F6, then F7 luckily brings me again on the graphical desktop.

I tried to install the drivers from the "Hardware drivers" manager in Kubuntu, but nothing changed. I don't know if it's an issue related to the kernel or to the driver. But I don't know how to update it without F1 console, and however it's a serious issue because I cannot do anything in case of desktop failure. The kernel is the last officially released (I don't use the proposed repos), that is 2.6.31-19.

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Ubuntu :: Permanently Keep Colored Shell Prompt?

Nov 3, 2010

After I succesfully instaled ubuntu 10.04 server, I applied

export PC1="[e[36;1m]u@[e[31;1m]h:w$ [e[32m"

and my prompt was nice and colorfull. But, when I make logout and login, my prompt appears all green ([e[32m.) After restart, nevertheless, it looses color settings (of course) and appears plain white.

What should I do in order to keep my prompt color settings permanently?

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Ubuntu :: 11.4 - Negative Colored Images In Firefox

May 7, 2011

I upgraded to Natty, some images appear in negative colours in Firefox, but not all. For example, photos on Facebook have negative colours, but not the thumbnail versions of the profile pictures do not. I have tried reinstalling Firefox in Synaptic to no avail. On another partition I have an installation of openSUSE 11.4 sharing the same /home (and therefore all Firefox settings etc), but no negative colours.

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Ubuntu :: Skype - Mouse Over Icons Very Light Colored

Jan 8, 2010

i have just installed skype for ubuntu beta version. when i put my mouse over icons it will bring up a text box but the words in it are very very light colored

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Fedora :: Why Are Menu Bars Colored

Oct 27, 2009

I've been playing around with some themes recently, and a couple of the murrine themes have messed with my menu bars (this isn't ONLY occuring in firefox, but occurs in every window with a menu bar).Does anyone know how to remove the colored menu bar, and make it normal?

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General :: Set Ls To Return Colored Results By Default

Sep 14, 2011

In my .bashrc I have the following lines to turn on colors for grep and ls alias ls='ls --color=auto'export GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'.I've tried changing the alias to export LS_OPTIONS='--color=auto' but that doesn't work.Is there anyway to use an export instead of alias. And are there actually any benefits to one way over the other?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Different Colored Letters In Command Prompt

Feb 12, 2011

I am working with Linux red hat project for my school projects. I am in command prompt and I see different colored letters. I have words in green and words in blue. I think the blue words are directories and the green ones are files is this true.

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General :: Using Grep / Awk To Search For Colored Text

Sep 17, 2010

I have done a bunch of searches on this but the terms seem to get tangled in the more popular search of "colouring the output of grep / awk". I am trying to find a way to grep/awk through the output of a command to find text of a specific colour. The command's output has a range of colours signifying too many different things to specify using text, with colour being the only form of grouping.

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Software :: Text Is Colored Pixels During Boot?

Sep 11, 2010

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.4 and, although that installation seemed to work OK for awhile, I have recently encountered a strange problem. I have a dual-boot system with Win XP and two releases of Ubuntu, 10.4 and 9.10. I installed the latter recently only to be able to run some legacy software. I believe the problem occurred sometime around or after the installation of the 9.10 package. Note that the 10.4 install was a clean install on a newly formatted HD, and not a normal upgrade from 9.10, which I installed later separately. The Ubuntu installations are on their own HD. Win XP is installed on its own separate HD.

Here's the problem. I can boot OK up to and including the appearance of the Grub 2 menu, which displays fine. From the menu I can chose Ubuntu 9.10, Win XP or several kernels of 10.4. The 9.10 Ubuntu boots completely normally, as does Win XP--no problems or irregularities with either of those. When I select one of the 10.4 Ubuntu kernels, the strangeness begins, as follows:

1.) The menu disappears, there is a brief period of blank screen, and then a bizarre screen appears. It has a violet/magenta background. The word "Ubuntu" appears in large type, with a couple of lines of text below it. However, all of the type is unreadable. Instead of being normal characters, all the text characters are displayed as blocks of seemingly random multi-colored pixels! I can recognize that it is supposed to be text, but the letters are just a bunch of colored pixels. I can recognize the large Ubuntu word because of its shape. Also, the whole text display occurs twice on the screen, one on the left and one on the right. Both are displayed as colored pixels.

2.) The screen stays there, as if frozen, and does not continue with installation of the kernel. After some experimenting, I discovered that if I press Ctrl-Alt-Del (!), the installation continues as one would expect: I soon get the normal login screen, am able to login OK, and my desktop soon appears as usual.

3.) However, once in the desktop, if I try to invoke a console window by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1-6, the console window appears, but the text on the screen is again rendered as little bunches of colored pixels, completely unreadable. I can, in fact, login at these screens, but the text remains colored pixels. I can escape back to a normal desktop by then pressing Ctrl-Alt-F7, and the desktop comes back completely normal. Interestingly, if I invoke a terminal from the main Applications/Accessories/Terminal menu, I get a normal terminal in a desktop window that is perfectly usable.

4.) If, from the boot menu, I choose the Ubuntu 9.10 choice, everything works fine and as expected, including the Ctrl-Alt-F1-6 console windows. This problem only occurs with the Ubuntu 10.4 menu options.

Since this problem only occurs with the Ubuntu 10.4 menu choices, my guess is that there is something askew in the display configuration of those specific choices. But, I've not discovered what to check for that configuration or how to correct it. I've checked out the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file, the /etc/grub.d number files, and /etc/default/grub, but can't find anything that seems to be the cause or the remedy.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Chantges To Massive Amount Of Colored Static

May 15, 2010

ive been trying to install 10.4 as a fresh install from a LiveCD. I downloaded the 64 bit ISO (I use Win7x64 normally, my processer is a core2 duo 2.2ghz or something along those lines), booted it up, and it starts loading. after a while, the screen chantges to a massive amount of coloured static. I tried reburning the disc, but it made no difference. Im now redownloading the file and the 32bit version too. Is this a problem anyone else has had, and if it is, is there any way to solve it? I would really like to use the 64 bit version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade - Black Screen With Multi Colored Pixels?

May 24, 2010

i recently installed 10.04 after hearing from a colleague that it was highly recommended, however after install, all i get is a black screen with various colors pixels at the tope of the screen. I've been trying to find a resolution, but have nevertheless come up empty, i really need to info that is/was on my desktop (passwords & such).

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Fedora :: FC12 Shows Interlaced Colored Lines During Boot Up

Apr 10, 2010

When I boot up F12, after I have decrypted the hard drives and after the services have started but before I get to the login screen my display flashes a series of interlaced lines across the screen. As far as i can tell theres no other problems with my computer, everything else seems to work fine. Its been there awhile now and its still there after a yum update. On first boot up of the day it shows white/gray lines (firstboot.jpg) [URL]. On subsequent shut down, boot ups it shows a blue, almost denim like display (shutdown.jpg) [URL]. Theres no problem if i just do a restart. Maybe related as well, last week some time my computer froze (opening large file, watching dvd and had firefox open, guess I ran out of memory?) So I did a reboot using the button on my computer, at the point where I usually get the coloured lines it instead showed a snapshot of my desktop just before it crashed. Though this happened after I first noticed the coloured lines.

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General :: How To Send Colored Output Of Shell Script As Email

Feb 24, 2011

Regarding this task, I am able to print colored output in my putty sessions using tput or ASCI codes but whenever I tried to send that output through mail command to my outlook maillox, It always goes without colored. I need to produce those coloured output of the scripts as it is in mail.

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Software :: Book Reader Program With Light Colored Smooth Background

Oct 22, 2010

I'm a big book lover so I read a lot. On windows I used Alreader for it's incredible handyness & it had a smooth lite brown background color. So it was easier for my eyes to read books in rtf, txt & so on formats instead of the default white background which is very annoying. Can you please suggest me a software like that for linux?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Getting Colored Rectangles (static) With 11.3 And Radeon X600 Dual Display?

Sep 20, 2010

I just put in an ATI Radeon x600 on my OpenSuse system I loaded last week. The Xorg log shows that it is using the Radeon module (driver). I am seeing colored/static rectangles covering the green wallpaper and when scrolling in Firefox. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue, and is this the driver I should be using?

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