Software :: Enable Scrolling In Vim, Less And More When Using A Terminal?

Sep 29, 2010

How do you enable scrolling in vim, less, and more when using a terminal? To be specific, I'm using gnome-terminal in RHEL 5.5. Scrolling through the backlog works fine, it's just when I open a file with vim or do something using less or more that it doesn't work.

I just switched over from Fedora where it was working fine and I can't figure out what the difference is.

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OpenSUSE :: Any Way To Enable Horizontal Scrolling In Terminal Window?

May 22, 2011

I find that when looking at various SQL tables in the the terminal window, they become un-readable because the table data warps around. Is there anyway to enable a horizontal scrolling window?

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General :: How To Enable Up / Down Arrow Scrolling

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using rxvt-unicode version 9.06 at Ubuntu 9.10. I was used to aterm, where you can use SHIFT + up/down arrow to scroll the printed output with a line up or down. You can also use SHIFT + pgup/pgdown to scroll one screen up or down.In urxvt I can use the pgup/pgdown combination as well, but can't use the up/down arrow combination. It is very useful to be able to scroll by single lines. Do you have any idea how to enable the up/down arrow scrolling?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Menu / Get This Back To Disable Tap-to-click And Enable Edge Scrolling?

Nov 6, 2010

I have an HP with an all-in-one clickpad that does not work properly with ubuntu since it's mostly software based. I have tried many workarounds to fix this problem with little success. One of those workarounds got rid of the touchpad tab in the mouse setting window. Can I get this back to disable tap-to-click and enable edge scrolling?

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Ubuntu :: Run A Terminal Command At Startup For Multi-Touch Scrolling?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm a day-1 Ubuntu user with a question about getting multi-touch scrolling enabled on my laptop automatically each time 10.04 loads. I'm very green when it comes to all-things-Linux. Basically, I'm just searching for help, following step-by-step guides, and copying-and-pasting commands. I found the following website that helped me create a little script to enable multi-touch control:[URL]...

But I can't figure out the last step: "All you need to do to have this run at startup [instead of typing ./2fsrl in terminal manually each time] is add it to you startup programs." I tried creating a file path to the 2fsrl file in Preferences -> Startup Applications program, but upon re-starting the laptop, the multi-touch isn't enabled anymore. I'm sure I'm missing something simple. Can anyone advise? (Keep in mind my beginner's status!)

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General :: Way To Stop Command Output To Continue Scrolling Down Terminal

Jan 4, 2011

I moved from a Linux environment from one company to another and one annoying difference came out:When I used to run an application in a terminal (no GUI), the transcript lines were presented one the window - when the window was full then the scrolling of the lines would continue only if one hit the space bar to proceed (of course waiting to user input did not stop the run).

In the new environment the behavior is different - transcript lines keep going on and on so I need to scroll up - and moreover each page-up command is cancelled by the new lines appearing.perhaps this is also reproduce with other Linux commands , say "find" or "ls".

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Reverse Scrolling And Inertial Scrolling?

Dec 1, 2010

I've just recently put Ubuntu on my 2010 Macbook Pro 13 inch, and all seems to be running more or less alright.One thing i miss from OS X is the ability to reverse the scrolling direction, also inertial scrolling.Is there any way to implement this in Ubuntu?Also, i have already installed the Mactel trackpad drivers.

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General :: How To Enable Up Key In Terminal

Aug 18, 2010

I disabled the 'up' key inred hat linux terminal by using the following command:
#xmodmap -e 'keycode 98='
Now I don't know how to enable it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Enable Wireless Through Terminal?

May 26, 2011

i have jolicloud (i think it uses gnome) on my hp mini 110 and my internet has been working fine and everything until for some dumb reason i pushed the wireless on/off button on the front of the computer. normally on windows i would just have to push the button again but its not working with linux. how can i re-enable my wireless?

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Ubuntu :: How To Enable Colored Highlights In Terminal

Sep 1, 2011

I notice the colored syntax and keywords in the terminal - the green, the blue etc? I did this in my machine a long time. Now I cannot trace back to how I did this. I need to do this in a new machine right now.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enable Terminal Beep Sound / Make It Possible?

Sep 19, 2010

I've been using my girlfriend's Mackbook Pro and really like the beep sound when pressing backspace at a command prompt and really would like to have it on my ubuntu. However, I've checked "Terminal bell" option in the profile settings, but there is still no beep sound. What am I missing here?

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Ubuntu :: Deluge WebUI Enable / Re-enable Subsequently Unable To Re-enable It (doesn't Appear In The Side Panel Again)?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently installed Deluge 1.2.0 from the following PPA:[URL]I using this on two different Linux computers. One is running Linux Mint 8 and the other is running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. The first time on either computer when I enable WebUI in the Deluge GUI it works fine. However if I ever disable it in plugins section I am subsequently unable to re-enable it (doesn't appear in the side panel again). Rebooting or reinstalling Deluge seems to have no effect.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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Fedora :: Recompile Squid To Enable - Enable-storeio - Coss

Aug 11, 2010

How to recompile squid under fedora 13 to insert this arguments ---> --enable-storeio=diskd,coss

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Ubuntu :: Two Finger Scrolling Goes Away

Dec 9, 2010

I've been able to get two finger scrolling working thanks to ptosiani's solution in this thread: [URL]

The problem is if I restart my computer, two finger scrolling doesn't work anymore and I have to go through the process again to get it working. Does anybody have some insight on this problem?

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Ubuntu :: No Scrolling On Eveince?

May 11, 2011

changed my pdf viewer from adobe to evince because it seems to better kind of better. The only problem is that i cannot scrloo down or up. The continuous page is checked but i cannot scroll down with my touchpad. I can do it with the arrows but I want to be able to do it with the touchpad, how can i fix this?

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Software :: Mc 4.7.0 - Smooth Scrolling?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm using Midnight Commander 4.7.0 on Ubuntu 10.04.1, and would like to know if there's a way to change the default behavior when scrolling up/down using the arrow keys: By default, when reaching the last item, MC scrolls down one half-block, which I find very annoying. Is it possible to reconfigure MC to simply down one item? Google didn't return much on this.

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Software :: Page Scrolling In Man?

Nov 29, 2010

Kernel, Slackware 12.0man 1.6c I'd wish to change man's behavior. By pressing the space bar, he scrolls down one screen. This is his present behavior. I want the new screen to repeat the last line shown in the previous one. That is [code]Present screen:



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Slackware :: Pad Scrolling Not Working

May 23, 2010

I want to make my pad to (vertical) scroll since i do not use a mouse on my laptop (Slackware 13.0 on a Toshiba Satellite 2450 laptop).

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Has Choppy Scrolling

Jun 9, 2010

I installed the newest (11.2?) KDE opensuse last night on my computer. Last night everything was fine but while I slept I guess the Linux Gremlins got to my laptop. Now when I scroll down in Firefox the motion is slow and choppy. Has this happened to anyone else? If so what can I do to fix it?

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OpenSUSE :: Firefox Scrolling Out Of Control?

Nov 3, 2010

Using Firefox 3.6.10 on openSUSE 11.3 with kde desktop on T42 I am finding that I lose control of the scrolling function form time to time. The result is that if I click on the down arrow to go down from the top of a page, the window will scroll down to the bottom of page without stopping, even if I take pointer off the arrow.The reverse is also true if I am trying to go up from the bottom of a page. Great for very fast reader but not for me. Is this a problem anybody else has seen? For me it is new to 11.3 but there have been so many Firefox upgrades since I ran 11.2 I cannot determine precisely when it started

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Two-finger Scrolling Not Working?

Apr 30, 2010

I've freshly installed Lucid on Acer Aspire One 250. I had 9.10 before and two-finger scrolling was working with modification on the 11-x11synaptic.fdi file.

However, now with 10.04, the option in mouse properties is grey ed out... Any way to re-enable it?

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Ubuntu :: Scrolling RSS For Gnome Panel?

Aug 17, 2010

Basically looking for a scrolling RSS feeder for Gnome panel. I remember having one a few years back and can no longer locate it. I would prefer Gnome panel, however, that wouldn't necessarily be a necessity...just preference.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Menu Not Scrolling?

Sep 3, 2010

It works in the BIOS and no problems after boot. I had been trying to get my iPod Shuffle working without using iTunes... without success and had installed and then uninstalled GTKpod, Hipo, Floola and at the end of (frustrating) messing around with all that, grub wouldn't let me use my last resort, booting to windoze. Maybe something to do with uninstalling GTKpod?

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Ubuntu :: Very Slow Scrolling In Firefox?

Nov 25, 2010

My firefox have very slow scrolling and scrolling freeze on many sites (sample)How I can fix that?.Videocard: ATI radeon X550 (use open-source driver)Xorg.conf:[URL]

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Use Two Fingered Scrolling?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a toshiba L650 laptop and am unable to use Two fingered scrolling?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Key Scrolling Broken?

Mar 25, 2011

When I browse the Internet using Firefox, I often use the keyboard to scroll because it is quicker than using the mouse. Page-Up and Page-Down are useful; Home and End are especially useful to let me move instantly to the top or bottom of a long page.

However, for the past few days, these keys have not worked correctly.

When I press those keys, either nothing happens or the screen briefly flashes but stays where it is. On some pages, they also create a large vertical black bar that slowly flashes on the page.

I have started Firefox in Safe Mode and it does the same thing (see the screen-shot). So, it's not an add-on creating the problem.

Interestingly, the keys still work properly in Chromium.

How I can fix this Firefox problem?

My system:
Ubuntu Lucid 10.04, 64-bit, with all updates
Firefox 3.6.16

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Invert 2 Finger Scrolling?

Jun 26, 2011

I most recently ran a developer preview of os x 10.7 Lion, and in that OS two finger scrolling was inverted (ie, moving two fingers upward on the touchpad would scroll you down the page). I love that I didn't need any extra drivers to get two finger scrolling working with ubuntu 11.04 on my 3rd gen mac air, and am super impressed with all the out of the box drivers for my mac; but I'm wondering if there's a way to invert the two finger scrolling directions. There must be... It's probably technically involved and will necessitate modify x11 files or something, but I think there must be a way.

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General :: Scrolling In Command Line?

Jul 20, 2010

im installing gentoo on to my lappy and i have one problem if i do a command like help or something to that affect half of the commands dissapper so how do i scroll on it

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General :: Vim: Scrolling Without Moving The Cursor?

Apr 3, 2011

Suppose the cursor is in line 20. I want now to scroll one line at a time but I want the cursor to remain at line 20. How is this done?

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Software :: Abiword Scrolling Slow, Even After FAQ Fix?

Apr 10, 2011

I love abiword but this laggy scrolling is driving me nuts. The FAQ solution did nothing. The custom section of Abiword.Profile looks like this:



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