General :: How To Enable Up Key In Terminal

Aug 18, 2010

I disabled the 'up' key inred hat linux terminal by using the following command:
#xmodmap -e 'keycode 98='
Now I don't know how to enable it?

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Software :: Enable Scrolling In Vim, Less And More When Using A Terminal?

Sep 29, 2010

How do you enable scrolling in vim, less, and more when using a terminal? To be specific, I'm using gnome-terminal in RHEL 5.5. Scrolling through the backlog works fine, it's just when I open a file with vim or do something using less or more that it doesn't work.

I just switched over from Fedora where it was working fine and I can't figure out what the difference is.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Enable Wireless Through Terminal?

May 26, 2011

i have jolicloud (i think it uses gnome) on my hp mini 110 and my internet has been working fine and everything until for some dumb reason i pushed the wireless on/off button on the front of the computer. normally on windows i would just have to push the button again but its not working with linux. how can i re-enable my wireless?

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Ubuntu :: How To Enable Colored Highlights In Terminal

Sep 1, 2011

I notice the colored syntax and keywords in the terminal - the green, the blue etc? I did this in my machine a long time. Now I cannot trace back to how I did this. I need to do this in a new machine right now.

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OpenSUSE :: Any Way To Enable Horizontal Scrolling In Terminal Window?

May 22, 2011

I find that when looking at various SQL tables in the the terminal window, they become un-readable because the table data warps around. Is there anyway to enable a horizontal scrolling window?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enable Terminal Beep Sound / Make It Possible?

Sep 19, 2010

I've been using my girlfriend's Mackbook Pro and really like the beep sound when pressing backspace at a command prompt and really would like to have it on my ubuntu. However, I've checked "Terminal bell" option in the profile settings, but there is still no beep sound. What am I missing here?

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Ubuntu :: Deluge WebUI Enable / Re-enable Subsequently Unable To Re-enable It (doesn't Appear In The Side Panel Again)?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently installed Deluge 1.2.0 from the following PPA:[URL]I using this on two different Linux computers. One is running Linux Mint 8 and the other is running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. The first time on either computer when I enable WebUI in the Deluge GUI it works fine. However if I ever disable it in plugins section I am subsequently unable to re-enable it (doesn't appear in the side panel again). Rebooting or reinstalling Deluge seems to have no effect.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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General :: Terminal Emulator For GNOME With Display Features Like Mac OS X Terminal?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there a terminal emulator which works well in an Ubuntu desktop and provides the following features which Mac OS X's Terminal application has? Re-wrapping text when the window is resized.A Clear command which clears scrollback (as the shell clear does not) and does not clear the cursor's line (typically containing a prompt).

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General :: Make Linux Terminal Transparent With Terminal Command?

May 10, 2010

Is it possible to make terminal (xfce4-terminal) transparent from bash script?

Maybe by enabling compostion?

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General :: Launch A Terminal By Clicking On The Terminal Icon At The Top Of The Screen

Apr 22, 2010

I have a favorite REXX program called fv2. When I was a Windows user I had an icon for fv2 on the Quick Launch bar. Click that icon, and the program ran. Now, as a Linux (Ubuntu) user it is necessary to go through several steps to run fv2.

1) Launch a terminal by clicking on the terminal icon at the top of the screen. What's that area called? The GNOME panel?
2) Enter: ~/Desktop/RexxScripts
3) Enter: regina fv2

I run fv2 several times per day and would really like to have the convenience of a clickable icon.

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General :: Terminal Proxy Or Screen Without Terminal Emulation?

May 26, 2010

How can I make terminal applications immune to terminal emulator close, but still able to use all virtual terminal features?

egin{UPDATE}I want my terminal application remain alive and accessible if I accidentally close terminal emulator. This functionality is provided by screen and tmux, but they have issues with colors and they flush screen.Yes,I can run the shell inside screen, but I do not want the shell remain alive unless there is some other program running.

end{UPDATE}I see this must be something like screen, but without VT100 terminal emulation, something which will just apply whatever application does with "terminal proxy"'s terminal (like outputting something to stdout/stderr or using stty to set terminal options) to the terminal this proxy runs in.

// I know about screen and altscreen on, but it makes either this (screen with TERM=screen):

or this (screen with TERM=rxvt-unicode):

while I want this (rxvt-unicode without screen):

I have figured out that everything looks fine if I compile rxvt-unicode with USE=-xterm-color (in fact vim looks like on the second picture even without screen if I add this USE flag) and set TERM=screen-256color, but I do not like this workaround because it actually changes colors and I can't be sure that it will always change them only this way:

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General :: Run Programs From System Terminal Without Blocking Terminal?

Jun 19, 2010

Right now when I start a program from a terminal I can't use that terminal instance again until I close the program.

I am a new user of linux, and I want to know if there is a way to execute a program/application from a terminal without blocking the terminal until the program ends.

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General :: How To Redirect A Terminal/tty Output To Other Terminal/tty

Dec 14, 2010

I tried to find a good subject but it was the best of mine, anyway I'll explain it here.
some time I do some thing like installing a new application in Linux terminal of my office PC but it take a long time and I have to go home during its installation or configuration process that it is not good to cancel it.My current solution is abandoning the process until next day. I wanted to know is there any way to redirect an input and out put of a terminal to another one, if it works I can continue my abandoned process by ssh to my Linux office PC and redirect that terminal to my new remote sshed terminal from my home.

Thank a lot for any help.

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Fedora :: Recompile Squid To Enable - Enable-storeio - Coss

Aug 11, 2010

How to recompile squid under fedora 13 to insert this arguments ---> --enable-storeio=diskd,coss

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General :: How To Enable ACL

Apr 26, 2011

I've installed ACL on my Ubuntu:

aptitude install acl

What is the next step ? /etc/fstab ?

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name


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General :: Enable USB 1.0 Instead Of USB 2.0?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm getting a USB error -71 and I found that disabling ehci_hcd allows my USB port to be usable. When the server boots up, ehci is automatically loaded and once that happens, the USB is rendered useless. Is there a command in Grub to downgrade the USB version?

Another option would be to make an .img to load up without USB 2.0 and using USB 1.0 but I don't know how to make one.

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General :: Enable ACL On System 4?

Oct 13, 2009

As I'm trying to set ACL via "chacl" command, its giving error saying "Operation not supported". So, the syntax part is correct but its not supported.

So, how to enable ACL support on Linux 4.

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General :: Enable FTP On A Machine?

Jul 12, 2010

How do I find out or know whether or not an FTP client is enabled or disabled on my Linux machine? If it is disabled, how do I enable it?I have a Linux 2.6.9-67.ELsmp

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General :: Enable Ftp On Redhat 5?

Feb 23, 2011

i need to ftp from a windows xp pc to my redhat 5 system. Cant login.

I also need to ftp files to hpux and other ftp servers and this doesnt work either.

I'm not a subscriber to the redhat network.

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General :: How To Enable GUI In Rhel 6

Feb 3, 2011

startx is not working. how to enable GUI in rhel 6

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General :: How To Enable Pendrive

Jan 6, 2010

I've installed fedora 8 in my system. i've tried to mount my usb drive. but it's doesn't work out. i followed the following procedure.

#mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

But now i don't even get the drive as sdb or sdc. i don't know why.

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General :: How To Enable Sound In Kde

Sep 16, 2010

Well I have two desktop environments GNOME and KDE. However the command

/usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-logout" --description="KDE Login"
produces proper ouput in GNOME but not in kde.
whenever I try to run it in kde it produces the following output
$ /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id="desktop-logout" --description="KDE Login"
Failed to play sound: Sound disabled

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General :: How To Enable Vim Editor On Pc

Jun 5, 2011

i installed redhat5.1 enterprised edition on vmware, and not able to open files using vim editor.

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General :: Difference Between A Login Terminal & Non-login Terminal?

Jan 17, 2011

difference b/w a login shell and a non-login shell ?

I know that when we use su - <username> we are getting a login shell & when we use su <user-name> we are getting a non-login shell.

Do we get any additional privileges when we have a login shell compared to a non-login shell ?

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General :: How To Enable Up / Down Arrow Scrolling

Apr 24, 2010

I'm using rxvt-unicode version 9.06 at Ubuntu 9.10. I was used to aterm, where you can use SHIFT + up/down arrow to scroll the printed output with a line up or down. You can also use SHIFT + pgup/pgdown to scroll one screen up or down.In urxvt I can use the pgup/pgdown combination as well, but can't use the up/down arrow combination. It is very useful to be able to scroll by single lines. Do you have any idea how to enable the up/down arrow scrolling?

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General :: How To Enable Debug Message

Dec 29, 2009

I am compiling gstreamer for my ARM board. When i compile that i am not getting "debug" messages. so i want "debug messages" while make my gstreamer. i added "./configure --enable-debug" but still i not getting debug message while i "make".

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General :: Cannot Enable Wifi In Ubuntu 8.1?

Jun 16, 2010

I am complete newbie to Linux and it has just been a few days since I have started using Linux and I really love it. I have a problem that I cannot connect to my Wifi network but I can connect to wired network.I have tried disabling and enabling (System<Administration<Hardware Devices)the Broadcom STA wireless Driver but when I go to network manager I am only able to connect with wired Network and not wireless network .I have Dell Vostro 1520.

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General :: Enable Compiz Without Restart

Mar 31, 2011

I've recently installed Ubuntu on my laptop. I installed a bunch of compiz software from the software center. I used ..... to figure everything out. However, somethings didn't work; such as the cube wouldn't change to the sphere, and the windows animations wouldn't work. When I restarted my computer, the cube changed to what I had set. The windows animations, however, didn't. How can I get all of these effects to work, and to take effect without restarting the computer?

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General :: Enable Infrared In Fedora?

Oct 16, 2010

i am yashwant kumar using fedora 11 in my IBM R52 hardware. my system supports infrared but i dont know how to enable it. i tried but didnt sucessed. how to enable infrared over here.

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General :: Enable Modifiers Via Xmodmap

Jan 2, 2010

I recently got a Logitech G11-keyboard for my Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit box. My question is xmodmap related and not restricted to this particular keyboard, nor to the distro I am using. The keyboard has a.o. 18 G-keys. These have been successfully defined in /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB as per [URL] and I have a ~/.Xmodmap file that matches keycodes to the names in XKeysymDB.

My .Xmodmap definitions are rather simple, e.g. 'keycode 175 = G1'. So I do not define any value for modifier combinations, nor do I know how to do this.

And here's my real question. How should I define these keys so that the Crl-, Alt-, Meta-, Super- etc modifiers work with these keys?

With the current setup, the modifier versions of these keys do only work for the second keypress, e.g. the first Ctrl-G17 is perceived as a G17 keypress, and the second and remaining Ctrl-G17 presses are correctly received as a Ctrl-G17.

I would be happy to read an explanation of this behaviour, and even more so, about how to properly define them so that the base key as well as the modifier versions would be available.

If the odds are a million to one against something occurring, chances are 50-50 it will.

[URL] and go2 places!

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