Ubuntu :: Hangs Sometimes On Login?

Mar 10, 2011

I've had my system about a month -- 10.10, i7, 8GB RamLast week, I installed KDE and xFce desktop environments.Two things I wonder if you can comment on:1) It boots up into kubuntu instead of Ubuntu, and presents the kubuntu login screen, even when I last used the Gnome environment.This is the curiosity.When I log in, the screen brightens and then plays the Ubuntu default sound, and drops me into the Gnome desktop.2) This is the issue -- every so often , maybe every 5 or 6 logins, after I have logged in, the screen up as normal, but just sits there, empty. I have to Ctrl+[F2] to log into the text interface and issue init 6 to reboot. On the second attempt, it takes me into the Gnome desktop as at other times.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Login Into Hardy...Screen Hangs Up At Login Screen?

Dec 22, 2008

I have a desktop running Hardy and till friday it was running good. Today is monday and I guess it has got monday blues like I get every monday at work.Today I tried to start it as usual but it just refused to go further than login screen. I just can not login. It just hangs it there. I do not know what has gone wrong. I did not change anything since friday and no one else uses it. Theres nothing in logs that could give any idea. It just hangs without any reason and is still on the login screen for ever. It does ask my username and password but then it does not go further.But to my surprise I tried logging in with root and it gave me expected error that system administrator is not allowed to login from gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Hangs After Login?

Jun 5, 2011

I have today done a clean install of Ubuntu 10.10. Afer the install I needed to upgrade my video driver (nVidia GeForce MX). I managed to find some instructions to uninstall the existing Nouveau driver and install the nVidia one. This all worked absolutely fine. The first time.

On subsequent logins after the login screen the system just hangs. I get a background screen with shades or purple and a working mouse but nothing else.

I can get to a command prompt (CTRL-ALT-F1) and Ubuntu seems to be working fine - it just seems to be a graphics problem.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs As Soon As Start To Login

Jun 26, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 11.04 and it hangs as soon as I start to enter my password on the login screen. The way I am currently booting up is using failsafeX which is leading to no sound on my laptop.

I tried deleting .gconf/.gconfd/.gnome2_private/.gnome2 folders and it didn't help

This is the output to the lshw command: [URL]

I put this up since I have no sound on my system in ubuntu ( no effects mode ) and now even on Windows there is no sound (strange)

I also tried deleting the /config/autostart/* files and it didn't help.

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Ubuntu :: System Hangs For 15-20 Seconds After Login

May 1, 2010

Just installed Lucid Lynx on my Desktop and after logging in I would get a 15-20 second pause before Gnome appeared. I found many many potential solutions for this problem on the Internet but none solved it. Finally figured out that it was due to the system seeing a floppy controller when I have no floppy drive. I was led to this conclusion by the following two lines in my syslog (System > Administration > Log FIle Viewer > Syslog).

May 1 18:27:04 Desk-Ubuntu kernel: [ 34.636665] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
May 1 18:27:16 Desk-Ubuntu kernel: [ 46.813441] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

Note the 12 second delay when it tries to read again.

So if you are getting the pause and seeing the same thing your system log then ...

Enter your BIOS and disable the floppy drive Use sudo and edit /etc/fstab commenting out the line with fd0 in it

Hope I can save someone else the headache of hunting through the Interwebs and finding 5 different solutions none of which worked. Learning as I go with Ubuntu so I didn't even know how to carry out most of the "solutions" which required more googling. I am migrating from FreeBSD due to application requirements

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Lucid Lynx Hangs On Login?

May 20, 2010

When I try logging in using any user name, ubuntu just returns to the login screen. I cannot actually log in. I used the recovery mode to create a new login with password 123456, and the same thing happens. What could it be? Ubuntu worked just fine for a while, then DKMS started causing problems, I had errors with upgrades, software installs/uninstalls, then my sound went. I found a great fix for the sound (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting), the sound came back, but then I could not log back in again. I cannot find any help for this issue, and had to install 9.10 Karmic Koala, and that's what I have been using for the past couple of days.10.04 has been fairly buggy for me and I am considering staying with 9.10, or going to another Linux distro.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Hangs At Login

Nov 27, 2010

Recently I decided to upgrade my 10.04 installation the lazy way, by clicking the upgrade button instead of a clean install (32bit). Now, I can only get into Ubuntu with the recovery mode. If I let the system boot the normal way, I end up at the login screen where I (correctly) enter my password and then nothing else happens. I can move the mouse, the clock ticks on, and I can even use the restart button, etc. But the login screen stays gray and does nothing else, so no desktop. With recovery-mode I can use the failsafeX option to get into the desktop, everything works fine there. And even though it calls it a low-graphics environment or so, everything looks normal, its even my native resolution of 1440x900.

My first idea was some driver issue for my Ati Radeon HD 2600 Mobility card, so I looked into that. I've checked/done the following:
- Installed the drivers manually (downloaded from AMD)
- Uninstalled those drivers
- Used aptitude to remove any fglrx things
- Installed Jockey
- Installed the drivers with Jockey
- Removed the drivers with Jockey (Ive read this is the cleanest option)
- "no drivers" at this point
- Use generic/default X config, make specific X config (both from the failsafe X boot thing)

Nothing worked at all, booting still only works with recovery option and then the low graphics mode. Otherwise, it will just "hang" on the login part. When I boot first recovery mode, and then pick the resume option, I'll see some errors near the end of the booting process.

I've seen 2 errors which might be related to my issue:
- "Unable to allocate crypto cipher with name [ecb(aes)]" (home is encrypted, and accessible with safe boot)
- BUG: CPU#1 stuck for 61s!

Now, the second error seems to "match" with hanging at login. I login, something is stuck and churns the CPU... and never gets unstuck, so login just hangs there. However, I can't find any information related to that stuck CPU thing. Only changing PIDs and other numbers/stack traces, no processname or any other name to work with. So I'm at a loss here.

Big dump of possibly interesting part of kern.log:
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572381] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000021
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572386] IP: [<c027c1b0>] sysfs_delete_link+0x30/0x70
Nov 26 20:31:25 lexmortis-laptop kernel: [44.572397] *pdpt = 0000000035f29001 *pde = 0000000000000000 .....

Despite that with low graphics mode everything works, it seems to be a non-graphical issue here (stuck CPU on some process?). Unless I missed another option I can test for the graphics / drivers. ow I could find more info on stuck CPUs during boot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu 10.4 Hangs After Login Screen

Feb 2, 2010

I installed kubuntu 10.4 with dual boot. Initially it worked fine but after 2 days it started hanging after the login screen.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Likewise-open 5.4 Hangs On Login?

May 25, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Server x86 64-bit and installed likewise-open, which I think is version 5.4. I can authenticate with Active Directory credentials, but it seems to hang when I log in. I can press Ctrl-C and break out of the hang, but was interested to see what was causing the behavior. I noticed lsassd was taking up about 99% of CPU while in this hung state. I then did a

tail -f /var/log/syslog and discovered lsassd was doing some type of query for what appeared to by every user in our Active Directory as I saw hundreds of entries like this being added to the syslog:

May 25 14:21:27 coe-web lsassd[1225]: 0x7f5bc72c1710:The user attributes in the cache data for 'domainjohndoe' are invalid. The cache database or user data in Active Directory could be corrupt.
Is there some setting I can change so it doesn't do this?

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Ubuntu :: F-spot Facebook Export Hangs On Login?

Jun 6, 2010

I have been trying to use f-spot to export pictures to facebook. I looked around and saw some people's hanging on fetching albums or whatever. My login hangs on "session established, fetching friend details", and eventually gives me the login button again, which I press to no avail. I run f-spot --debug and get no error reports.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Screen Hangs After Install?

Jan 17, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a vostro 1000 laptop using standard configuration.I repartitioned the whole disk for Ubuntu. Now, when starting up Ubuntu, it appears to log in fine, but right near the end of the theme and before the desktop loads, it hangs, repeating a slice of the intro music over and over again. What could be causing this problem?Note: On every ubuntu disk I use, it also says that modules/..../Kernel something is missing from the disk quickly before booting the live session.

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Ubuntu :: LiveCD - Can't Get Past Login & Password - Puter Just Hangs

May 23, 2011

I'm in LiveCD (Natty) I blew up the OS. Can't get past login & password. 'Puter just hangs there. I'm going to do a clean install, but want to make a copy of my /home. I tried gksudo nautilus to copy all of /home to an external hard drive (via USB). It won't copy all, saying that I lack permissions. I've read about recursively copying, etc. and cannot make out the sequence I need. I must copy all that is in my /home and preserve all the links, dependencies, file and directory ownership permissions and also must get the command for copying them from the external hard drive if the clean install goes bad.


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Fedora :: F13 Login Hangs After Wrong Password

Jul 11, 2010

Seems like a nasty bug in F13.after typing in wrong password, a 2nd correct attempt on gdm (or kdm) leads to a dark screen with a dash cursor blinking on the upper left - have to turn machine off. Then on next login, memory seems to race until properly shut down.

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVidia Drivers - Screen Black On Login And PC Hangs

May 18, 2011

I have an problem with login in to a fresh installed Ubuntu with the nvidia drivers (graphics card nvidia 210). So far I have installed Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 10.10 and Unbuntu 11.04, they all seem to have the same problem. when I log in the screen goes black and the pc's hangs. I can switch to a terminal before I login and everything seems operational. I can login to Ubuntu with a fail save x session.

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Fedora :: Login Screen Hangs After Changing Monitor?

May 4, 2010

I have been searching this forum and google extensively for the last few hours, and I cant dig up anything useful. I have a very weird problem:

Install Fedora 12 from livecd on a widescreen monitor:

- Using Nvidia 96xx drivers for my Gforce2 MX

Everything runs fine at this point. Connect old 17" flatscreen and no network: Login freezes for about a minute after username selection, no password prompt, no mouse movement, no keyboard response, after timeout I return to login screen before username selection .. and can repeat this or.. At that point (or before that point) I can ctrl+alt F2 to 'terminal' screen, login works fine.

init 3, login as root

Works fine then, resolution is %^# tho, and cant change it at that point due to errors I get. I'm convinced the problem has nothing to do with my X configuration tbh. Booting from the LiveCD on this configuration works fine. I am tempted to think it has something to do with my GDM, but as my knowledge is limited, I cant figure it out. If I reconnect the widescreen, it all works fine ...

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Hangs After Login On A Fresh Install?

Apr 19, 2011

I installed openSUSE 11.4 today and I have a problem. After login, KDE Plasma hangs for about 30sec and I can't do anything. The keyboard and the mouse are working, but if I click, I don't get any response only after about 30sec.

This is a fresh install, 32bit, I'm using only the Oss, Non-Oss and update repositories and the system is up to date.

I have an nvidia 9500M GS graphics card, first I thought it is a driver bug, but I tried both the stable 260.19.44 and the latest 270.41.03 drivers, and was no difference.

I made an another user to try with a clean kde, but the same happened.

I have nothing in my Autostart directory, and I cleaned also the /etc/xdg/autostart dir, leaving there only the pulseaudio related files.

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Debian Multimedia :: Boot Hangs At Login Screen And Nothing Works

Mar 26, 2011

I'm running an LMDE install, but with the Sid repositories.Everything has been fine until yesterday's updates, after which I can't boot normally. The boot hangs at the login screen, and nothing works - not the mouse, the keyboard, the touchpad, nothing, and it requires holding the power switch to get out. I can boot to a root recovery console, but networking doesn't work at all there. I can run startx there and get an X desktop as root, and networking still doesn't work. No wireless, no ethernet, no nothing. From the recovery console I can run shutdown, and when prompted for a password, can enter Ctrl-D, which immediately drops me back to X, to the normal login screen, which now works normally, and I get a normal X session in which everything works. This is the same for all installed kernels, including 3 versions of the Liquorix kernel and the standard Squeeze kernel. It would appear to be something in my settings in /home, but I can't find anything that looks suspicious. I ran smxi again after booting through the root console, without any improvement.

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Fedora Installation :: Live Installation Hangs Up At Initial Login?

Dec 2, 2010

I downloaded the .ISO for Fedora Core 14 Live, with the intention of installing it to my HDD.

I burn the .ISO with no reported problems.

I boot to the installation CD and can get to the point where it asks me to Login (a timer is also going down for Automated Login).

Once I click "Login", nothing else ever happens.

I can hear the disc spinning in the drive and it's trying to load something, but it never does.

I thought that maybe my older (2003) laptop might just be slow, so I allowed it to do whatever it seemed to be doing overnight while I slept.

Well, I woke up this morning and it was still doing the same exact thing with no results.

---------- Post added at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

Oh, and I intend to dual-boot. I have already made a partition using Norton Partition Magic. It's NTFS filesystem for now, but I figured the Fedora Installation would give me an option to use that partition anyway - NTFS or not (meaning, it would wipe the NTFS file system and use whatever it is that Fedora Core uses). Am I mistaken in assuming this?

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Fedora :: Fedora Boots Hangs Before Login Procedures?

Oct 5, 2009

I rebooted my Fedora 11 server via SSH and when it came back up it booted the gui, but no option to log in just a mouse pointer and a spinning blue circle...nothing I can do to get it back.

I should add that I installed the latest updates this morning and this was the first reboot since then.

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Ubuntu :: Hangs At Install Screen - Then Reboots And Hangs At HP Logo

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 x64 on a HP Pavilion p6565uk.

My PC is x64 compatible, although ubuntu will not install.

I don't get to any gui, it says ubuntu will continue install in 5 seconds, at 0, nothing happens. The CPU light is flashing, but nothing happens.

After about 10 minutes, it reboots, but when the HP splash screen shows (Before the boot selection screen) it just hangs. I have to do a hard shutdown to boot back up.

I am using wubi for install.

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General :: KDE Hangs Afterwards Df Hangs

Oct 31, 2010

For a given user on a given networked system, starting KDE (slackware 13.1 stock) hangs during the startup. CNTL+ALT+Fx gets out, and KDE / X can be shutdown with a CNTL+C, however, afterwards doing a df hangs bash.My guess is that there is something IO oriented, as top shows a load of 9+.
There is 5% iowait according to iostat.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unplanned Visits To Login Window - Taken To Login Screen Three Times

Aug 18, 2010

I have used Ubuntu since 7-4; I now have 10.4. However, in the last week I have been taken to the login screen three times. This could be potentially calamitous. Ctrl+Alt +Backspace have by default been disable since 9-4. There is no way I am pressing atl+Prtscr +K. I wonder if there is a new zap command in 10.4, and if so, how to disable it. I have never found the need to go back back to the login window. I am generally using the command line when doing this.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Login - Enter Password - Login Sound Plays And Stuck Looking At The Wallpaper

Oct 10, 2010

I just finished installing 10.10 on my pc. the problem is that i cant login to the desktop i enter the password, the login sound plays and im stuck looking at the wallpaper. nothing else. i tried logging in safe mode and it worked. how can i get it to work normally?

pc specs:
Pentium 4 2.6 ghz
512mb ram
ati radeon 9600 graphics card

And i installed it using wubi.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Login / After Couple Seconds Returned To The Login Splash Screen?

Oct 10, 2010

I recently powered up my netbook... Selected my user log in, entered my password, and after a couple seconds I briefly see what looks to be the console and am returned to the login splash screen... I can Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to the console and log in... but that is as far as I can get. This is the case for Gnome, Remix, and Remix 2D.

I can sudo apt-get (update, upgrade, etc) as well. It is the right password because if I type in a wrong one it presents an authentication failure dialog box.

How can I fix my log in screen and get to my desktop? I am Currently running 10.04.... waiting to get 10.10

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Ubuntu :: Slim Login Manager Preventing Computer From Booting To Login Screen

Aug 4, 2011

yesterday i installed slim login manager on my computer (eee pc 1018p, ubuntu 11.04), and now it cannot get passed the ubuntu loading screen (with orange dots underneath) when booting. i tried booting into recovery mode and that didn't work either. i also left the computer trying to boot overnight and that didn't work.
basically, during this loading screen that should eventually bring you to the login screen, i can alt+tab to see the progress of the load. the progress is stuck on

Is there anything I can do from grub to remove slim?or, is there any way I can access my ubuntu partition and save all my files?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Starts In Console Tyy1 Login Then Goes To Normal Login

Dec 24, 2010

I don't what happened but yesterday I was working normally and then I shutdown the computer, today when I opened ubuntu it took me to tyy1 login screen, I entered my username and password then it took me to the normal login screen with the login drums sound and it wrote on my account (logged in) so I clicked it and I entered my password again and then I got to my ubuntu so what went wrong and how to fix it also I noticed that a new terminal in system tools occurred called Kernel (I didn't add it)

I'm using ubuntu 10.10 on Dell inspiron 1520 with Nvidia 8600GT and 3GB RAM

Important: this happened after update to generic-headers-24

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Ubuntu :: Login - Enter My Password To Login The Screen Becomes Black And Return Me Again

Apr 15, 2011

I just bought this desktop from my friend and it runs win 7 and ubuntu 10.04. it worked very well the first two days until I changed the hostname of the system.

I did like: hostname myNewName

And everything worked fine. The problem now is when I start ubuntu and and reach username and password screen , I enter my password to login the screen becomes black and return me again to the screen where I put my password again. If I entered wrong password , the system message stating wrong password. On the other hand, when I try to run ubuntu from live-cd I can login easily and access my account.

My friend told me he removed Naultius package and reinstall it for some reason before he gave it to me. Note windows 7 is working properly.

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Ubuntu :: On Booting System I Get Login Menu But Unable To Login, It Says Some Critical Error Occurred?

Mar 15, 2010

System was fine with :Ubuntu 9.04 (had also installed kde )then....I wanted to try some change to gdm so i downloaded gdm while building it , it asked "PAM" libraries to be installed so i installed PAM ... but ignored the instruction to reinstall SHADOW (library i guess..),Now :on booting system i get login menu but i am not able to login , it says some critical error occured

1) install new copy of UBUNTU and remove old

ps :1) i can log into system through live cd

2) i can use recovery mode boot and log into terminal as root(startx is not working from this terminal..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10: Login In Just Brings Me Back To Login Screen?

Jun 5, 2010

I have just did an upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. I am planning to go to 10.04 . After the upgrade everything was ok but I noticed the GRUB was still legacy. So I updated my GRUB to GRUB2. Now when I boot, after entering my logon-id and password, it just brings me back to the login-id screen (to logon on). Any indication of what is wrong and how I should fix this ?

I have no encryptions. [added comments] Currently reading thread about login loop bug with 9.10 Followed instructions about possible missing pre-release update but even if it did do updates, I am still login screen looping. Doing additional researches until someone answers with the fix.
did :
CTRL + ALT + F1 switch to one virtual console
sudo service gdm stop


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Ubuntu :: Login But Almost Immediately Kicks Back To The Login Screen?

Sep 28, 2010

When I try to login with my username, the one I created when I installed the OS, it seems to try to login but almost immediately kicks back to the login screen. No authentication error it just seems to just logout? The only change I made since last successful login was to add ". .alias" to the .profile file - the only entries in the .alias file are comments and "alias" commands. I have one other username but it is not in the sudo's list of users so I can not change anything in the master login.

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