Ubuntu :: Getting Rid Of The Bottom-right Window Resize Handle?
May 3, 2011
Is there a way to make bottom-right window resize handles disappear in Ubuntu 11.04? I run a tiling window manager and thus have no use for them, especially since they can distract and cover information. How do I make them permanently go away?
If you don't know, users are able to quickly resize windows using the "ALT+MiddleClick" key shortcut/combo. Basically, hold the ALT key, and mouse middle click and hold on a window. Move the mouse around, and it will resize the window for you.
1) Open a single Window.
2) Near the bottom-right-hand corner of the window, ALT+MiddleClick and drag. It should resize. Great. It works.
What Doesn't Work:
Now, the problem arises when you have multiple windows open on the desktop, they are "layered". i.e. you might have several windows open "behind" the one currently "up front". Example:
If I try to ALT+MiddleClick the "foreground window", it rarely actually resizes THAT window, and instead jumps one of the windows from behind to the front, and resizes that one instead!
1) Open 3x gnome-terminal windows and say some nautilus window. Place them overtop one another. (like the above image)
2) Try to ALT+MiddleClick the foreground window.
3) Repeat this always trying to grab the foreground window.
For me, the window manager seems to bring some window from the background to the front! Desktop Recording of the Problem: [URL]
* Ubuntu 10.10 * compiz window manager (the problem does not occur with metacity) * ATI Radeon RV770 (HD4870) w/ open source Radeon Driver (same problem w/ fglrx driver) * Versions: [URL]
I turned on my computer today and logged in only to find discover that both toolbars on the top and bottom of my screen have disappeared.This is problematic as it has become impossible for me to connect to the internet without the wireless toolbar at the top of the screen, and as well I no longer have the ability to select different windows without alt+tabbing. I didn't modify my system in any way to the best of my knowledge, nor was I messing around with my desktop config. Luckily I can still access my applications (including the Terminal) by right clicking, but it's still a less than ideal setup.
I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, with the default appearance of a top and a bottom panel. You know how window titles appear in the bottom panel, and you can re-maximize minimized windows by clicking on that window title?ell, those window titles are no longer appearing. So when I minimize a window, I don't know how to bring it back.The bottom panel is still there, with the "show desktop" and the trash can icon on it.But no window titles.nd I don't have any idea what I did to make this happen.
I was looking for a duplicate file-finder that will allow me to delete the duplicate files directly from the program. After seeing several recommendations in this forum I installed Fslint from the repositories. It easily found the duplicate files that I needed to remove. The problem is, if I select a duplicate file and if I click on Delete at the bottom of the Fslint window, nothing happens. The duplicate files that I selected are not deleted.
I thought there might be something wrong with the repository version, so I downloaded the latest version of Fslint (v. 2.40-1), and I have the exact same problem. Fslint will not delete any files. Maybe Fslint is being interfered with by some other program. I am using Ubuntu 9.04.
recently my window list in the bottom panel (where it shows all the minimized windows, etc.) got removed. When I added it back,'s not aligned all the way to the left as expected, it's more towards the middle
I'm running Lucid 10.04, and I found something rather annoying that I can't find in the forums after a few searches, and would love to see fixed or hear a current solution for. When I try to manually resize a window (like FF or the terminal), I can't grab the left or right sides of it, only the top, bottom, or a side/corner that's flush against the side of the screen. The grab arrow barely appears for the most atomic fraction of time, and sometimes, even if moving slowly, doesn't appear at all. It's not a SUPER big deal, just an annoying aspect of the GUI. If I use my touchpad, I can grab a side if I move super slow, but I hate using that. I use a LogiTech M215 optical mouse. Realistically, I could just change mouse settings a bit and experiment, but that doesn't fix the problem that the "grab area" of the edges of a window is really, really tiny.
Is there a way to increase the area around a window that can change its size? When I'm using the touch-pad I'm not that stable (to much coffee) and find it really had to get the mouse to sit on the one pixel that allows you to resize a window. Or another way to resize a window?
I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and the window for Gnome Color Chooser that I have installed is no longer able to be resized. I can move it around when I do an alt + mouse click, but the window is too big to view all of the options it contains. The normal ability to resize the windows by their corners no longer exists on the program and the keyboard shortcut to resize the window does not work either.
I was messing with the color for the panels and some how every time I minimize a window the tab never shows on the bottom or the top panel, you know to reopen it. It just disappears and then I have to reopen the program.
For some reason the printer configuration window opens so that about the bottom 1/4 of it is off the screen. I cannot resize it or see what is down there. When I click on my printer (epson work force 610) I can see the Driver details line but I cannot see below that so I have no idea what driver I am using. How come this window opens so tall and is not re-sizable??
I must have done something to my window settings cos those three buttons in the top right corner (minimize, maximize and close) are gone. I also cannot resize the window or move it around using the mouse What did I do? And more importantly how do I fix this?
This isn't a HUGE deal, just a little annoying. When I move the cursor to the edge of a window to resize it, i only get the resize arrow in a very small area and it takes me several tries to get it just right. Is there anyway to broaden the resize area threshold or something?
I have Ubuntu 10.10 running on a partition off of my Win7 hard drive. The thing I really like about Windows 7 is when I hit windows key+left or win+right, the current window will snap over to the left half or right half of the screen, respectively.
Window buttons in the Fluxbox panel have dynamic width depending on the open windows' amount. Is it possible to make their width like in Gnome so that the buttons will have maximum width (but no minimum)?
I was wondering if it's possible to remove the triangular resize window button from the bottom-right corner of a particular window (or all windows, doesn't matter). I recently made it so that I have a transparent terminal (with no title bar, borders, etc.) docked onto my desktop, but the one thing I can't get rid of is the ugly-looking resize button hanging out by itself in the middle of the screen.
Like, if I drag a window to the top of the screen, somehow this is supposed to mean I want the window full screen. Screw that if I wanted it full screen I'd have clicked the button on the top of the menu. Windows 7 does this too and it just as annoying.
the resize of the window in gnome in 11.3 was by dragging a blue screen indicating the resize area of the window now its by dragging the whole window which results in a very sluggish experience on my intel VGA here how can i change it to the old blue way ?
I can't move/resize/decorate/restore the vlc window. It takes up the entire screen (even though it is not in full screen mode) on one of my monitors. I'm using Openbox. This doesn't happen with any other type of window.[URL]..
I setup fedora 14 64 bit today itself and am loving it! But the problem i am facing is in compiz! When i enable desktop effects from System/Prefrences/Desktop Effects, everything works absolutely fine. All the effects... But when i try to resize a window, Compiz crashes and all the borders of the window disappear. The ABRT shows an error. Here is what it says
Package: compiz-0.8.6-3.fc14 Latest Crash:Sun 09 Jan 2011 05:44:37 PM Command: compiz --ignore-desktop-hints glib gconf gnomecompat --replace Reason: Process /usr/bin/compiz was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) Comment: None Bug Reports:
The thing is I can resize the window vertically, but horizontally I cannot. When I put the pointer on the right or left edge of lancelot window the pointer becomes the resize pointer, but usual click and drag does not do anything on the window. Vertically it works fine.
Can I just delete Lancelot setting file to reset it? It seems I could not find where the settings are.
While screwing around with my settings trying to get 11.3 setup the way I wanted it, I accidentally removed the portion of the bottom panel which displayed the titles for all the current open windows....and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it back.Can anyone tell me how to add it again? I'm sure its something incredible simple, but I haven't been able to find it
I am trying to install Fedora 12 on my laptop. But every time it loads the screen rez is way off and I cant see the bottom of any window. And its in 4 wierd sections. I have trying usb and cd on both Ub. and Fe. My laptop is an HP DV6629wn NVIDIA GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M
I used linux for a long time now, mostly ubuntu-based distros but these days I decided to try openSUSE. Must say, It is a really nice distro, with lots of new features. There is one that I never seen before but I admit it is very useful: the auto resize window feature. I use the 11.3 (KDE) (milestone 4) version. Just wanted to ask if this is a package for ths or is hard-coded into the system? And is it KDE-specific?
I'm a big fan of Gnome's alt/middle-click to resize a window. However, it doesn't work anymore for me, and I believe it stopped working (or got toggled off) when I installed the Unity desktop package (just wanted to check it out).
Does anyone else know of a terminal emulator that scales the fonts automatically when a window is resized?
My eyesight is horrible but I want to use more terminal applications. I also use AwesomeWM for tiling, so windows resize frequently. Also on the short list are cut/paste by keyboard and good support for launching links.
No where are how enable get back minimize resize close buttons windows top tab Fedora 15 Gnome3 gconf2
There is a question about this in this thread but the thread title did not have any of the above words in it and since most "new" folks don't think to use the "posts" option, I thought I'd make a new titled post.
This seems to be a big irritant of a lot of people around the net with Gnome 3 so I'm going to confirm what other people have said about how to fix the situation.
In "add software" enter this search term:
You will see quite a few returns, you should click the following:
A process-transparent configuration system (G Conf1-2.3 yada yada)
Graphical Gconf untilities (it may be pulled with the above however).
Install it/them.
One can then type "Gconf2" in terminal and it will open but then close when the terminal is closed, or one can go to activities/applications/tweak advanced settings( the symbol will be the same as for settings in Gnome 3).
In the "Shell" button one will see "Arrangement of buttons on the title bar". Surprisingly, "All" will already be apparent. One need merely verify that it is on "all".
Close gconf.
Nothing will have happened in terms of new buttons even if one closes and opens, say FireFox.
Then reboot.
After the reboot, all three buttons will be present.
There are not a LOT of configuration items in gconf2 but this one seems to be of paramount importance to a lot of people.
One can also do it from command line, and if someone wants to post that please feel free it won't hurt my feelings.