Ubuntu :: GNOME Critical Failure

Mar 9, 2011

Ubuntu - 10.04 LTS
zlib - 1.2.5

Why does GNOME fail to start correctly after compiling the latest version of Zlib?

I have analyzed the situation. Zlib does not change or delete any file on the file system.

I have asked this on three occasions over the last 8 months and no one has been able to give me an explanation, so it would be a great challenge for the Ubuntu lovers. I am also EXTREMITY interested to find out why, because I have had a hard spot negative opinion against GNOME since this occurred.

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Ubuntu :: PAM Failure For Sever Login - Critical Error

Jul 29, 2011

When I try to login to my Ubuntu Server, I get the following error:
PAM Failure, aborting: Critical error - immediate abort
This occurs when I try to log in locally, or via SSH. I have tried logging in using every account and all create the same error. Ubuntu server edition 11.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samsung Spinpoint 1tb - HD103UJ - Has A Critical Error - Hard Disk Failure - Or Not ?

Jun 30, 2010

I have 10.04 desktop basically running xbmc sabnzbd and as a file server. the loads aren't too large as it is just for my house. But i moved from a server install to the desktop because of sound issues and running xbmc at start was a bit of a pain... so bit of background done.

My problem is that after installing 10.04 i got the disk utility pop-up saying one of samsung spinpoint 1tb (HD103UJ) has a critical error... now i didn't panic (although in the next couple of months i am intending to get another drive) but in the meantime i am simply wondering if this is a false flag? i've been getting this error for over 6 months now... pretty much from the last time i formatted the disk, i wiped it and then used dd to copy over a smaller partition, after which i used gparted to grow the partition to the whole drive. could this have created a false flag?

The 184 error is the only one, here is all the data i can glean from my system, attached is a screen of the relevent info from the disk utility, and this it from smartctl:


Selective self-test flags (0x0):

After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.

If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

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Debian Installation :: Gnome 3 Failure On AMD A6-6400 APU

Dec 2, 2014

This is a new install of debian 7.7 amd64 on the following new hardware

MSI A78M-E35
A6-6400 APU

Basically I am unable to get gnome 3 to run (it defaults back to some legacy ver). I tried a few other distros out there FC17 worked but FC20 failed. Just tried Debian Jesse it works after installing linux-firmware-nonfree but want to stick to a 'stable release'

dmesg says i need to install firmware-linux-nonfree so i did that but to no avail. Here is dmesg:

[ 0.203992] pnp 00:0d: [io 0x00a2-0x00bf]
[ 0.203992] pnp 00:0d: [io 0x00b1]
[ 0.203992] pnp 00:0d: [io 0x00e0-0x00ef]
[ 0.203992] pnp 00:0d: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1]
[ 0.203992] pnp 00:0d: [io 0x040b]
[ 0.203992] pnp 00:0d: [io 0x04d6]

[Code] ....

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Is Broken After Power Failure

Feb 3, 2010

I had a power failure, now Gnome will not completly start and just hangs almost there. another member of the family was at the computer and when it restarted and something like TomBoy was flagged as no working and the question was asked if they wanted to delete reference or not , so they said yes now Gnome still will not finish loading. How do i repair from the console prompt?

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Fedora :: Gnome Root Password - Authication Failure ?

Jan 9, 2010

I just did a standard install of Fedora 12 including the specification of a root password and a user ID/Password.

When Fedora starts, it accepts the password for the user ID but it shows an authorization failure for the root passwword. However, in a terminal session the root password is accepted when I enter the "su -" command.

How do I get the Gnome Desktop to accept the root password?

Related to this is an interesting security issue when I use the "su -" command to switch to the root user in a terminal session. Apparently, I do not get full root privileges as far as Nautilus is concerned. Nautilus loads but has a very restricted range of files/folders. It won't let me access "Computer" so that I can drill down through "Filesystem", etc. In contrast, Gedit run from the terminal will allow editing of all files after I enter the "su -" command in the terminal window.

I have run "yum update" to install the latest version of all packages but nothing has changed. I'm downloading the DVD image of Fedora 11 but I hate to do a another total Fedora install if I can avoid it.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Nvidia Driver Gives Gdm Failure On Fresh 11.4/Gnome Install (GT430 Card)?

May 8, 2011

I have spent ages looking at similar problems but not not quite the same. I have installed 11.4/Gnome (x86) and wanted to use my GT430 card. I went here: 'http://en.opensuse.org/SDB:NVIDIA_drivers' and used the 'one click' install for current cards. All went ok until I rebooted and I got a 'gdm[1239]: WARNING: GdmDisplay: display lasted 0.846578 seconds' message. I got five of these in succession until the 'gdm[1239]: WARNING: GdmLocalDisplayFactory: maximum number of X display failures reached: check X server log for errors' appeared and it popped me down to an init 3 login.

So, I deleted the blacklisting conf file so that I could get back in to Gnome on Nouveau (which I did ok). I then noticed there was no /etc/X11 Xorg.conf file so I ran /usr/lib/nvidia-xconfig to generate one (which it did) - but it made no difference. I am at a loss know after spending 8 hours on this. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. My machine is still at fresh install state so even if I have to reinstall 11.4 it does not matter.


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Do Non Critical Updates

Mar 29, 2011

I'm running 32 bit 10.10 on a Lenovo N200 laptop, I have 3 other Ubuntu computers on my home network and they don't suffer from this problem, 1 is 10.10 32 bit, 1 is 10.10 64 bit and one is 10.04 32 bit. they are on the same network and I cannot see a difference.

However when update manager says there are some updates available, I can install the critical ones but not the "other updates", it tells me that they would require installation from non authenticated sources then after agreeing will not install and goes back to the start of the update process.

The error message lists ALL the "other updates" if I deselect them then the critical upgrades down load and install OK.

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Ubuntu :: Non-critical Apt-get Error Message?

Feb 26, 2011

I get an odd error message sometimes when I perform an apt-get operation.

Processing triggers for shared-mime-info ...
Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-alchemy'


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Ubuntu :: System Not Hibernating When Battery Becomes Critical

Oct 7, 2010

usually when my battery gets critically low, The system warns me to plug it in, and then it hibernates. But recently, It displays no warning, and instead of hibernating it just shuts off. It still displays the "20 minutes remaining" libnotify warning, but thats not useful if I'm doing something fullscreen.

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Ubuntu :: NTLDR Is Missing - Critical Temperature ?

Jul 11, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu and wanted to remove the Windows XP installation is was dual booted with (I used Wubi to install Ubuntu), but I ended up just editing boot.ini to remove it from the boot menu and automatically boot in to Ubuntu. But then, Ubuntu started playing up and keeps on popping up with the Critical Temperature warning, saying it's 80-100C although it's the first time it's been turned on in 14 hours... But to add to my confusion, when I try to boot from ANY disk, it comes up with "NTLDR is missing" and a restart message.

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OpenSUSE :: Critical Zypper Bug ?

Sep 7, 2010

I don't know why but sometimes zypper (v1.4.5) removes some of the installed packages before upgrading them.

Actually it removes it even before downloading a newer version. I just wonder what a stupid f**k implemented this behavior. I wish something awful happens to him.

An hour ago I tried to update few packages, among those were sysconfig, firefox and yast. Guess what? Zypper removed those before downloading newer versions. Due to a temporary network connection loss zypper could not download packages and quit leaving me without firefox, without yast and, what's even worse, without sysconfig package which contains essential system scripts such as ifup, ifdown etc (so my network went down completely without a possibility to restore). It's a big luck there was no new package of rpm (or it would be removed by zypper too) so I could just download those packages with my second PC and reinstall them from a memory stick.

Now I'm interested where should I file this bug, because without a doubt it's a critical one.

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Software :: Munin - Critical Value ?

Apr 19, 2011

I started to use the smart plugin for munin to monitor my HDD. I changed the script a bit to report the raw value instead of the value for Power_On_Hours and temperature. It all works.

However, it now reports the values for these 2 sensors as critical, even though the power on hours is 928 and threshold is 999 (I even tried 9999) and temperature is 51 (threshold is 60).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Same Error During And After Install - Critical Temperature

Apr 30, 2010

I got the same error while installing (even though install works fine!) during installation and after it. Its Critical temperature reached, 3564 C, shutting down. Celcium value is not made up, its actually among those lines (four-digit).

I had another problem with installation, but I managed to install using nomodeset setting. My pc is a rock laptop (which is actually supposed to work well with vista instead.. oh wel..).

Any suggestions? I have tried installing with acpi=off, but it doesnt make any difference during installation or after it..

Also another error I got during some of my tests was: "init: Failed to spawn rc-sysinit main proccess: unable to open console: input error

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Ubuntu :: Missing Critical Shared Libraries Becoming Corrupted?

May 30, 2010

Fascinatingly weird one here. First, this issue isn't on my computer, it's from someone who I am helping. I don't have first-hand access to the computer. Some background: the machine originally had Ubuntu Hardy, which we upgraded to Lucid a couple of weeks ago. Earlier this week, he gave me a call that Ubuntu wasn't booting up; it dropped to the command line. Some tinkering later, I figured out that libgthread-2.0.so had become corrupted, so X wasn't starting. It gave an error complaining that it had an invalid ELF header.I figured that this was just an odd freak occurrence; there was a bad kernel panic previously, so maybe the library was upgraded and the system was just writing to the disk at that time. Fixed via sudo aptitude reinstall libglib.

Ubuntu then started and everything ran perfectly. Today, he gave me a call. After he had restarted the computer, Ubuntu again dropped to terminal at the same point while booting. I had him open a new tty and run startx, which failed with a different shared library but the same error: libXext.so.6 has an invalid ELF header!

We had run updates, but I don't recall whether X's shared libraries were touched. Even if they were, though, that shouldn't affect anything. There were no hard resets between my fixing libgthread and libXext breaking. I'm going to try a clean install; I'm really just hoping we can figure out why this is, because it's an amazing little problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Important: Critical Bug With Peripherals While Installing

Nov 1, 2010

Since last year I have this problem and it seems nobody knows how to fix it. Here is my post from last year, commenting the same problem [URL] Well, this is what happens to me. I insert my ubuntu/ubuntu studio DVD to my pc. It starts from the DVD and the first screen appears. I select "install ubuntu" and then it starts to load for like 5-10 secs.

Then another screen pops up, this one tells me to choose the main language, BUT.. i cant use my keyboard in this screen. It just.. Dies. I tried with like 5 keyboards, with USB keyboards and serial keyboards, it just happens everytime. I was an avid user of ubuntu studio back like 2 years ago, with my laptop, but with this PC (gateway GT4230m) i just cant do it anymore. Its very frustrating.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Nagios - Disk Critical And GVFS Not Accessible

Jul 21, 2010

I need to set Nagios and permissions. I get one critical error in Nagios regarding disk. It says:
DISK CRITICAL - /home/administrator/.gvfs is not accessible: Permission denied
I guess Nagios need a permission to access the administrator folder. How can I set up a permission to fix this error?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Non-Mission-Critical Clean-Install Partioning?

Jan 26, 2011

I have been happily using Ubuntu for a good while now. It started out sometime around the end of '09 when I purpose-built a machine to continue using WinXP Pro as my primary OS, but using a ROMTEC Trios to mechanically switch to another hard disk, booting Ubuntu Karmic. I liked the fact that the Trios kept my two disks from "seeing each other", because, at the time (and perhaps, still now), I was not ready to keep the peace between a Linux boot and a Windows boot. It was simple: use XP for "day-to-day" for a while, then power down, flip a switch, and boot up Ubuntu to get my toes wet in the Linux world.

I very quickly developed an affinity for the Ubuntu experience, and ditched my XP installation in favor of a blank slate for Linux experimentation. The disk which previously contained XP has since housed various musings of mine, including Ubuntu Studio, Puppy Studio (yes, I am a recording musician), and straight Puppy, along with some recent tinkerings with straight Ubuntu Maverick (which I've had problems with due to what I believe is lack of driver support for nvidia-96).

BTW, my current primary install is that of the original Karmic install, but upgraded to Lucid...running just fine to this date, but wondering a bit at how I'm only showing 11GB of free space on a 160GB disk...I can't quite figure where the space has gone...the math doesn't seem to work in my head, but then again, I'm still a n00b in a lot of ways.

At any rate, I've gotten a lot of mileage out of Ubuntu so far, and I'd like to experiment with "pimping" a clean Lucid installation from the ground up (as I said, I'm having graphics driver issues with Maverick, and I'd kinda like to stay with an LTS release for the time being anyway).

I'm thinking that a customized partition scheme would be a good thing to think about, and the geek in me is inclined to reach beyond the installer defaults and even beyond the common recommendations of adding a separate /home partition. I've read an awful lot about the subject, and there are as many opinions as there are underarms, but I've just gotta ask it anyway:

For a single-user desktop, is there any efficacy in using separate partitions for /boot, /tmp, /usr, /var, /opt, and/or /usr/local? I know most that I can do without a separate /srv partition, but for the others, I just wonder if I can use separate partitions for both security and optimization reasons.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Evolution Errors 11.04 GLib-GObject-CRITICAL

Apr 29, 2011

Just upgraded to ubuntu natty and evolution hangs.

Receive the following errors.allen@FA2096349:~/.evolution$ evolution(evolution:25316): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EMFolderTree doesn't implement property 'paste-target-list' from interface 'ESelectable' (evolution:25316): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EMFolderTree doesn't implement property 'copy-target-list' from interface 'ESelectable'

The evolution app starts, but all you get is Loading... for the folders in the side bay and the app is hung. Nothing is selectable and you have to CTRL-C out of it or use the kill app.

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Debian :: Iceweasel GLib - Critical Error

Oct 31, 2015

I have been having problems with Iceweasel. It freezes and freezes the entire computer too. I have to manually restart the computer.

I ran it from the terminal and right away I got this error:

GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed

I am wondering if this has to do with it freezing.

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General :: Ram Showing Critical Status - Only Few Kb Are Free

Feb 16, 2010

I am using nagios to monitor vm in blade servers, everything is working fine. The ram size of the vm is 4 gb and whenever the machine starts, the status of ram is critical as showing only few kb are free.

I set the critical limit as 5% and it comes as 3% and showing as critical. when i give top, i got it as

As shown in the % mem , the total memory used is of about 23% only whereas it shows used memory about 3.7 gb.

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Software :: Critical Code Needs Atomic Execution?

May 13, 2011

I need to insure the "writer" to named shared memory (small size, 160 bytes) completes his task such that the many "readers" always get the latest data. The machine is a multi-processor (8 CPU, 24 Gig RAM), non-real time system. The system has multiple processes that are also multi-threaded. Thankfully, there is only 1 "writer" and many "readers". There is no semaphore or mutex locking. "Readers" must not block each other and especially not block the "writer".

By design, it is expected from time to time a "reader" will be in the middle of reading when the "writer" begins to update the data. I want to protect against the case of the "writer" being interrupted and a "reader" completes it's read before the "writer" wakes up and completes it's changes. In this case the "reader" will get corrupt data, some new and some old.

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Red Hat :: Yum Critical Error After Directadmin Install / Solve It?

Mar 7, 2010

I installed fedora 12. fine and YUM was still working, now after i installed DA:

is gives me code...

So i want to to install libssl, but then i get:

CRITICAL:yum.cli:Config Error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum.conf

The file exists and here are the contents

My yum.conf file code...

how to solve this

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Ubuntu Servers :: Performance For Large Scale Website Or Critical Mission?

Aug 6, 2011

anyone of you could share if you have been using ubuntu for large scale website or critical mission project, say for 500.0000 secure transaction per 3 hours with 4 million users accessing server. how does ubuntu perform?

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Fedora :: Disk Dying -- Patient Has Critical Evidence. CPR?

May 11, 2010

SITUATION/411: Trying to avoid some ultimate data loss here. - Bad superblock reported by fsck.

Make & Model=Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 80g
USB at /dev/sdg - external.
Host Operating System version=F11
Running Kernel=Linux **********.*** #1 SMP Thu Feb 11 07:06:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Was a dual boot drive.
Partitions as follows:


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General :: Deleted Virtual Machine With Critical Data

Jan 18, 2011

I deleted by accident a folder containing a VMware server virtual machine, that contains most critical information. The host OS is CentOS 5.5, which I believe by default uses Ext3.I shut down the PC intermediately after noticing this.Is there any chance of recovering the files? Would they be able to mount to the same or another virtual machine?I need to get this information somehow, there are no backups.

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General :: When Try To Upload Or Download Get An Ftp Critical Error Message

Dec 30, 2010

I have two questions.

1- The vfstpd is running on the Centos server. The server is in the same home network. The SeLinux and firewall are disabled. I can use Filzilla from a Windows PC from another computer and connect and see directory listing. There is a user names adminftp and he is a memeber of root group. When I try to upload or download I get an ftp critical error message.

2- How can I install Adobe Acrobat Reader, Flash Player and Adobe Shockwave on this Linux box?

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Software :: Deleted Virtual Machine With Critical Data

Jan 18, 2011

I deleted by accident a folder containing a VMware server virtual machine, that contains most critical information. The host OS is CentOS 5.5, which I believe by default uses Ext3.I shut down the PC intermediately after noticing this.Is there any chance of recovering the files? Would they be able to mount to the same or another virtual machine?I need to get this information somehow, there are no backups.Which software can I use?

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Programming :: Deadlock Due To Crash Inside Critical Section?

May 12, 2011

The following two pieces of codes share printing to stdout with a POSIX semaphore /dev/shm/sem.abcd


int j;
sem_t *sem = sem_open( "/abcd", O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR, 1 );
j = 0;
while (j < 100) {


If started at the same time, the first will finish in about 10 seconds; the second 20 secs.

What I want to ask is, if the first program crashes at Checkpoint A, then B will never gets to continue, then normally how do programmers avoid this kind of deadlock due to crashes inside the critical section?

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CentOS 5 Server :: FTP Critical File Transfer Error

Feb 24, 2011

I have two questions. 1- How can I set up FTP server for the first time on the Centos? 2-I want to give the ftp user full root access in the directory of /var/www/html so he would be able to upload or download files and folders without getting "FTP Critical file transfer error". From command prompt how can I give the user test root access in the /var/www/html with all the folders, sub folders and files in one shut?

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