In Jaunty, I was using the fast-user-switch-applet, which puts a menu on the panel to enable quickly switching between users. The package does not seem to exist in Karmic, however. A search of Ubuntu packages reveals versions for Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, and Lucid, but skips Karmic.
I've installed Karmic on an HP 6930p, and everything works, but battery life is very poor. At 100%, it says there are 2hr30min remaining, but then 35min later, it reads 1hr35min remaining. So ultimately, I think I'm only getting about 1.5hrs on a full charge; it drains super fast (even faster than my installation of Hardy on an OLD Satellite M20). This is a stark contrast to when I boot into XP Pro, and get 4.5hrs on a full charge... I'm sure XP is doing processor scaling and such to improve batt life, any package of HP drivers or some other strategy? I really don't want to go back to XP, but I may have no choice.
Using SuSE 11.2 can anybody suggest a decent compatible Ethernet / Network Colour Printer. Just a printer not a multifunction device. The printer will be connected to a Fast Ethernet Switch or directly into the ADSL Router.
I didn't know how else to word that. In 9.10, if you held the mouse over the volume indicator icon on the top menu bar, the current volume would pop up. Same went for the network indicator - hover over it and the current status popped up. Same with the battery indicator. Now with Karmic, I have to actually click on the icons to get any information.
How can i hide the bubble with username in the upper bar, right hand? It is linked to the shutdown icon but i want to keep that icon but hide the bubble with the name of the user.
I was searching but i didn't find anything, only how to hide all the mini-applet session (shutdown icon included).
My family uses a computer running Ubuntu 10.04. We each have a separate login. This computer connects to the internet via wifi.
A behaviour which I have noticed is as follows - the first user to log in gets the network manager applet icon. So they can control the network connection. Any other user that subsequently logs in does not.
Now this is a real pain in the butt as sometimes our wifi connection drops and I might have left my wife logged in and used the 'switch user' function to get access to my login. The only way I can access the applet is by switching back to her login.
Is there any way to make this appear in everyone's login's at the same time?
I have a problem with Switch User on a newly installed Ubuntu 10.04 on Asus Eee 1101ha.When I try to use Switch User, I just get to the Lock Screen of the currently logged in user, where I'm asked to enter a password.There is also "Switch User" button on the Lock Screen - the screen gets black and then gets back to the same Lock Screen. Login Screen is not displayed.
I need to access some things in "documents and settings" folders (my windows xp crashed). I believe I need to be root user in linux to do this. I am running a ubuntu linux live (uninstalled) cd. I am new to linux and I do not know if this is even possible. I want to copy some things from documents and settings folder to an external drive (as backup) but I cannot access them as things are now (linux gives me an error when I try) but I would like to do it in gui so I can physically "see" everything and look through it.
In FC13, when one user logs into GNOME and locks the screen, there is a "switch user" button so someone else can return to the log in screen and log in as well. But in KDE, there is only two buttons "Unlock" (for the current user) and "Cancel"
I'm having a weird issue with Lucid. On startup the power/user switcher applet doesn't load correctly, instead I see the me menu applet twice. I don't think I'm explaining this very well, so here's a screenshot.
I cannot find a post that matches this scenario...the id created during the install (from CD) of Karmic has fully usable sound. However, users created from the Users and Groups app do not.
I have made sure that all users are defined to the audio, pulse, pulse-audio, and pulse-rt groups. No luck.
I have followed every step I have read having to do with the alsamixer. No luck.
I have verified that alsa and linux itself are at the latest versions.
Login as myself, girlfriend wants to use her login to check something, all good.I switch back to myself, I get a black screen with just my cursor. Most annoying. I have to ctrl-alt-f1 to reboot. I've tried killing various process from the term, but nada. I've also tried uninstalling gnome-screensaver as was mentioned in another thread when I searched, but no joy there so far.
As everyone knows, the graphic user can be swithed with Ctrl+Alt+F7 (or F1 in Fedora). There are also a few text mode consoles - Ctrl+Alt+F2...F6.
Fortunately, there is a Switch User button when the screen is locked from Gnome with the default screensaver.
The question is how can a new graphical user be switched from console (Ctrl+Alt+F2...F6) if the screen is locked by some other screensaver which does not have this function?
In our cluster, RedHat4 & 5 machines, if someone locks the computer and walks away no body can use it. Is there a feature in RedHat5, Gnome, KDE etc that would allow for the option of switching users at the lock screen, so more than one person can be logged in?
All servers mentioned below run OpenSuSE, either 10 or 11.I am currently working on a few scripts that are meant to be used as part of a continuous integration setup. I am trying to keep these scripts reasonably secure, and so I have made sure that all the servers run these scripts only as a specific user (user1) that has permissions to basically nothing else. The problem I am currently running into is that I need to start and stop tomcat as user1 but this user doesn't have permissions to the tomcat rectory (only tomcat has execute permissions). I have a temporary workaround in place while I work on the scripts (I have an SSH key in place that allows me to SSH from user1o tomcat without a password and execute my commands that way) but it is not very secure. I have tried adding the following line to /etc/sudoers:
Code: tomcat localhost = NOPASSWD: /opt/tomcat/bin/, /opt/tomcat/bin/ but it doesn't work as I expected it to. I tried a few different syntaxes for that line,
How you lock your screen, there is an option to switch user? well i wanna disable it because my brother always switches it and it slows down my computer
My wireless seems to be fast for a good 30secs then bang takes good while to load the next page almost as if it's disconnecting and then reconnecting/scanning reconnecting. Why cant it stay connected. I have WAP PSK security here is my network setting please let me know if I should change any of them:(side not is there a way to fix this problem occuring so frequently it says on the wiki that it should only occur once in a whilce https:[url].....
Whenever I try to "Switch from [username]..." I get locked screen with the options to "Leave Message", "Switch User" or "Unlock".If I click to "Switch User" the password box just disappears (as if one tried to unlock with an incorrect password). The only thing I can do is unlock the screensaver and resume my login session.I can not seem to switch users.Does anyone know why "Switch User" is not working?
Once again, nobody seems to understand security properly when they decide to add nifty new features. After upgrading to 10.04 from 9.10, I now have a listing of all the user accounts under "Switch from" when I go the the logout menu at the upper right side of the task bar. This is a terrible security hole that should never have been allowed in the first place, and is just as annoying as the default behavior of listing all the user accounts on the login screen.
I have OpenSuSe 11.2 64-bit installed on my HP Compaq 6730s laptop. When I'm trying to switch user black screen appears and my system does not react on any key combinations (ctrl+alt+del; ctrl+alt+F7 ...). This was not reproduced before ATI driver installation.
# uname -a Linux xela #1 SMP PREEMPT 2009-10-26 15:49:03 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
In our cluster of RedHat4 & 5 machines, if someone locks the computer and walks away no body can use it. Is there a feature in RedHat5, Gnome, KDE etc that would allow for the option of switching users at the lock screen, so more than one person can be logged in
I have a big problem here.I have 2 shell windows, ne is a root shell and the other with some user account.If I change the root password in the root shell window aspasswd rootI can change it, but when I go into the user shell window, and I do "su" I cannot switch to root. Always "incorrect password".Same happen if I try to do "su <some-other-user>"This happen ONLY in shell windowws. If I try, for example, to run some administration service, like system-config-service, the root password is accepted in the prompting window.
I need to switch from one user to another in a script in a solaris machine. No one of those users is root. I see I can use su commandt I think I can't pass the password as a parameter . I'm using bash. Is there anyway that I can switch user in a bash script
I've run into a strange problem with GDM that I haven't managed to find a solution for yet, either by trying myself or googling, and I have run out of good ideas. I'll just infodump here about the problem and what I've tried etc;
I installed Ubuntu on a new PC a few weeks ago, setting it up with autologin for my mom and a separate user for myself, using the on/off-icon menu in the top-right corner to switch to my own user and back as needed, and logging the user out when done. This worked quite well.
However, a few days ago, this stopped working; logging out or trying to switch now leaves me with a blank black screen, without even a mouse pointer (but not off, the backlight is on).
EDIT: To clarify, this is an issue that only affects the GDM login screen, but that affects it whenever it is used, wether it is on boot (when not set to autologin), after logging out, or when trying to switch user.
At this point, I can usually use Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get a textmode login, and Ctrl-Alt-F7 to get back to the auto-logged in session (assuming I tried to switch, not logout).
I can't think of anything specific I did or installed around then that should be related in any way...
I tried disabling autologin and restarting gdm, which left me with the same black screen (which is still there after rebooting), instead of the expected login window. I managed to re-enable autologin by manually editing the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file, so that it would at least work for mom.
I've also tried to change which user is auto-logged in, thinking it might be a problem with my user account, but both users get an automatic session just fine when I restart gdm.
I thought it might be a problem with the video driver, but that's not the case - if I run zenity --info as root with DISPLAY set correctly, the dialog box appears on the screen just fine. It has no borders or titlebar (there's no windowmanager), and is apparently without keyboard focus, so since there's no visible mouse pointer I can't click the OK button... But since it appears, X is apparently up and running just fine, just has nothing to display other than a black background.
I tried purging and reinstalling gdm and gnome-session(-bin|-common), but that didn't help any.
Running ck-list-sessions after trying to switch indicates that there's a new session there, with session-type = 'LoginWindow', so it appears to think everything's fine.
Enabling debug output in the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file did get me some more debug output in the gdm logs, but it didn't really tell me anything, there weren't any obvious problems that I could see.
After some looking around, I've guessed that it's supposed to be running gdm-simple-greeter, which I assume would display a login box; trying to run it manually doesn't work though (it's missing some environment variables, and trying to add them based on the abovementioned debug output doesn't really help).
I have samba server(Fedora 11) here,but when I want to access to it from WindowXP ,the first time you need to tap in user name and password.But the next time ,you automatically log in Samba server with the user name as the first time you used. But I have not clicked the "Remeber me " option when I logged in.I want to switch user when I want to log in samba,does anybody know what is wrong ?
With OpenSuSE 11.2, I would have a guest account running skype, and a media account running mythtv (both users logged in at the same time using switch user). I had skype on auto answer incoming calls, and I remember watching a movie when I suddenly heard my Dad's voice appear calling my name. That was cool!
Now that I'm using OpenSuSE 11.3 (both were using KDE), skype only plays audio when that user's session is active. Switching to the media account will prevent skype from starting to play any sound. Switch back, sound is normal. If I remember correctly, now the skype audio cuts out as soon as I switch user.
I also have a tv capture card which only STARTS to captures analog audio when the media session is active, mythtv being run by the user media. Once the show is started to record with sound, we can switch users and the show continue to record with sound.
The only thing that should be configured differently from the default install is that I compiled mythtv (it wasn't available as an rpm when I upgraded to 11.3, and haven't bothered to check since).
I`m trying to find minimalistic distributive for vmware player with switch user option. With gdmflexiserver or something like this.Or perhaps there is a way how to do this in puppylinux or DSL.