Ubuntu :: Doesn't Display Stuff / Cant Copy Certain Things

Jun 4, 2011

Doesn't display stuff, cant copy certain things..As soon as I try chromium everything works streight away.Should i stick with chromium? does anyone else have these issues?

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Fedora :: 13 - LDFLAGS - Avoid Re-compiling The Source And Only Run The Rpm Packaging Stuff With The Already Built Things

Jul 19, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 13 on my system, and I'm still in the process of setting it up as I like. As the FCEU and snes9x versions on rpmfusion are old (fceultra 0.98, snes without GUI), I wanted to compile my own RPMs Everything went OK, but I found myself having to build the packages several times because of missing LDFLAGS. I got several errors like "symbol X missing, it was found on Y so you may want to add Y to the linker flags", which I fixed by modifying & exporting LDFLAGS.

So, 2 questions:

1.- why are the LDFLAGS missing? How can I avoid having to set them up manually?
2.- There should be a way to avoid re-compiling the source and only run the rpm packaging stuff with the already built things (some option like 'don't build, only package'). how can I do that?

BTW, I can share my (pretty much hacked) .spec files if you are interested

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Software :: Good Hex Editor - Allow To View Contents Directly And Copy And Paste Stuff

Dec 17, 2010

I'm trying to view directly a partition with a damaged filesystem on it (NTFS) and so far the hex editors I tried do not do that. I tried GHex for example and it complained that /dev/sda is not a file. The partition is unmountable as NTFS however since it is damaged so I couldn't mount it first. Are there any hex editors out there that would allow me to view the contents directly and copy and paste stuff in there?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.7.1 Update - Plasma Stuff Doesn't Seem To Work At All

Sep 9, 2011

I just performed a KDE update from 4.7.0 to 4.7.1 on my OpenSUSE 11.3 64-bit machine and my desktop is in bad shape: the plasma stuff doesn't seem to work at all...and I don't have any panels...the default one on the bottom of the screen is gone also. I tried creating a new user in Yast, but when I log in I get a blank black screen. KDE seems to be pooched!

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General :: How To Copy Things In Xterm And Paste Them Outside Of Xterm

May 2, 2011

i have fluxbox and i need to know how to copy things in xterm and paste them outside of xterm.

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General :: Where Does ITunes Store Its Stuff - Copy Its Data Store To An External Drive

Dec 8, 2009

I have two students whose windows laptops are riddled with malware and not working properly. They want me to help them install Linux (which we use in school), but they are concerned about their iTunes.

Having avoided iPods as "defective by design", I know nothing about iTunes whatsoever. However I remember reading about DRM locking and such problems that have me concerned that I won't be able to do it.

Where does iTunes store its stuff?

Can I copy its data store to an external drive, and then into a linux home?

Then will it work on wine, or can another manager (rhythmbox etc) access the itunes data?

Alternatively, if I partition the drive and install linux, can rythmbox/wine/something access itunes data on the win partition?

Supposing they are buying music through iTunes, what will happen to that account?

Finally, one of them has an iphone. Does that work with linux?

Ironic that an apple application is blocking migration away from windows.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Iptables And Forwarding Stuff Doesn't Work On The Private Network

Mar 27, 2011

I have 2 different networks: the first one is gateway machine (eth0), and the second is a private machine (eth1). So, I've configured the iptables and forwarding stuff and when I try to ping google.com on the gateway machine, it works, while it doesn't work on the private network. Note: I am using VmWare 7. I need your quick assistance about this issue.

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Programming :: Name Of Formula N Things Out Of Collection Of M Things

Jul 22, 2011

I'm working through some problems in a beginners programming book. The author mentions a formula for calculating the number of ways of picking out n things from a collection of m of them:

/ m m!
| | = -----------
n / n! (m-n)!
But he does not give a name for the formula. Does anyone happen to know what it is called? I need to do some related research.

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Fedora :: Screensaver Doesn't Kick In Or Display Doesn't Suspend/sleep?

Jul 25, 2009

Anyone noticing intermittent problems with the screensaver not kicking in or the display not sleeping? This is in gnome under F11.I have the Power Management Preferences set to put the display to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity and gnome screensaver is configured for 5 minutes idle time.On a regular basis, I'll leave my computer come back anda) the screensaver hasn't kicked inorb) the screensaver kicked in, but the power management features didn't kick in to put the display to sleep.It seems to be an intermittent problem and usually it goes away after I restart X, but then at some point it comes back. In the past, I've gotten in the habit of being logged in for weeks/months at a time but I find that I can't go more than a few hours without logging out and back in or else the screen won't go to sleep.

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Ubuntu :: Directory Corrupted - Error "Could Not Display "nikki Stuff", The File Is Of Unknown Type"

Aug 16, 2010

A directory on my desktop has recently become inaccessible. The error message that is given when I attempt to open the directory is as follows: Could not display "nikki stuff", The file is of unknown type. I brought up a terminal and did an ls -l on the directory, which produced the following: -rwxrwxrwx 1 nikki nikki 314 2010-07-26 19:16 nikkis%20stuff.desktop Unfortunately, the computer is not mine, so I do not know much more about how this happened.

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Red Hat :: Copy Qt Created Image Into Frame Buffer And Display?

Mar 24, 2010

I am using redhat linux4 and qt4.6. I have created an application in qt, which i want to link to frame buffer using C programme and display it onto the xserver or/and on the hawkboard.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Brasero Doesn't Copy Audio Cds?

Jun 23, 2010

I tried to make a copy of my Audio CD and it asked me to install some plugins, so I installed them. After installing them, it still doesn't copy any audio cd. Can someone tell me how to fix this problem, because GnomeBaker takes long time to copy an audio cd.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Display Doesn't Work?

May 22, 2011

Not sure how to explain it.. if I line up my screen perfectly with the light it absorbs just about enough light to make out the outline of the login screen.. seems like the pixels are setting the right colors but the light in the screen isn't turning on if that is possible. If I enter the GRUB menu and load 2.6.35-28-generic it works fine.. the latest doesn't though... so the question.

1) How do I fix this for the latest version?

- or -

2) How do I auto-load the 2.6.35-28-generic version permanently?

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Ubuntu :: When Copy New Theme Directories Into The Themes Folder, WP-Admin Doesn't See Them?

Feb 20, 2010

I've finally managed to get a local install of WP up and running but, for some reason, when I copy new theme directories into the themes folder, WP-Admin doesn't see them.I've spent about 4 hours working my way through this and this is the last problem I've got to deal with

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Ubuntu :: Display Doesn't Load After A Restart?

May 25, 2010

I have a huge problem I can't move with. I bought an Asus N61JV laptop and put Ubuntu on it. There was a proprietry software (graphic card booster from nvidia) that asked me to restart the laptop afterwards. I did so, however, the laptop won't boot at all not. It doesn't respond to anyhing, I only hear it working. All I can do is turn it on and off. I'm getting desperate, I've had it for like 2 hours! Please help me, I'm almost crying. I'm not an experienced UNIX user and I totally don't know what to do. It boots until the point where I see Ubuntu writen and then the display like turns off. I can't even put windows there, it dosn't react to f9 or anyhing.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Doesn't Display A Login Box?

Jun 14, 2010

When I booted my computer this morning (lucid lynx 10.04, 2.6.32-21) I found that it showed me a login box, much like normal, but that the text field where I type my username was about a pixel high and disabled. So I couldn't type my username, or password, and had to resort to a tty and links to get here and ask someone for help. I can't find anything on google that looks like people having the same issue and frankly I'm not even sure what is wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Shotwell Doesn't Display All Pictures?

Feb 7, 2011

I've imported my pictures into Shotwell, but not all of them are showing up. For instance, I have an event (White Water Rafting) where 25 of the 48 pictures got imported correctly. The rest of them were placed in this 2008/12/28 folder and this folder is not visible in Shotwell so I cannot move them into the album.

I can manually move the pictures to their proper dates, but how do I add them to the database? One caveat, the pictures are stored in an accessible /home/SHARE/Pictures/Photo directory so my wife and I can both import into the same place and have access (while the kids have read-only access). I placed the .shotwell directory with all of the database information in /home/SHARE/Pictures/.Shotwell and linked our local .shotwell directory in our home folders to this shared location version.

I am wondering if there is a way to:Force the inclusion of these pictures that are not showing up? Force the database to re-create the thumbnails/scan for particular dates or should I remove (rename) the database, move the files to where they should be and re-import the entire structure (minus the "copy to ... " option)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Kubuntu Doesn't Display Properly / What To Do?

Feb 26, 2011

I have an Apple iBook (ancient I know) and whenever I boot from the Live CD (Kubuntu 10.10) it boots up in 800x600 (as far as I can tell that's what it is). This would be a problem however it simplely leaves a huge black column on the right side and has a partially duplicated desktop below it.
When I go to display settings it won't let me change to a higher resolution (1024x768 is what the iBook natively runs at).
This is an iBook G3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Display Doesn't Wake Up After Suspension

May 14, 2011

I upgraded from 10.11 to 11.4 and as far as I can see most things work as they did before. However, I have my machine to "go to sleep" (is that suspension or hibernation?) after 2 hours and when I, now after the upgrade, press the "wake up button" the machine fires up but the screen remains down. Ie, the screen is actually not receiving any signals from the computer? Any setting I can change? It worked fine with 10.11!

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Grub Menu Doesn't Get Display

Jul 15, 2010

I have noticed whenever someone install Ubuntu 10.04 the grub menu doesnt get display. Is this a bug? Recently I did installed Ubuntu 10.04 with Windows as dual boot config and I did notice nothing like menu.1st instead it had grub.cfg. how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Floppy Drive Doesn't Display Files?

Sep 3, 2010

I've been considering erasing Windows off my hard disk to gain some space, but until then, I want to know that I can do everything I'll want to do.

I've followed many tutorials and threads on the internet, but they never work for me. I added several files to a floppy in Windows, and the floppy works fine in all the Windows computers I've tried. However, when I boot into Ubuntu 10.04, I click on the Floppy Drive in nautilus, but it says "Unable to mount location. No media in drive." From the terminal, it seems that I can mount the floppy (no error message, and the floppy drive clicks), but when I navigate to a folder in /mnt or /media, the folder is empty.

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Ubuntu :: GNOME Shell Doesn't Display Properly ?

Jul 16, 2010

Im on an inspiron 5100 laptop and i wanted to try out the new GNOME shell and every time i launch it it takes a long time then does not display correctly at all. forcing me to restart.

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General :: Php 5.3.3 Doesn't Display Phpmyadmin

Nov 22, 2010

I have updated my php from version 5.3.2 to version 5.3.3 on Centos OS. And after updating, when click to phpmyadmin-URL, it displays a blank page. I tried updating phpmyadmin to latest version, it still doesn't display phpmyadmin page. And when I clicked to [url], it downloaded automatically the file.

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Ubuntu :: Graphics Glitch - System Moniter Doesn't Display

Apr 22, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10. When I open my system monitor I get a fuzzy box full of jumbled patterns and colors. Also internet and music notifications in the upper right hand portion of the screen appear in the same way. I am attaching a screenshot of the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Display Doesn't Fill The Monitor Screen?

Jul 15, 2010

I have an Nvidia card and I am using ubuntu 10.04. Before installing the ubuntu nvidia restricted drivers, the boot screen with the ubuntu logo would cover the entire display area of the monitor. But now, after installing the Nvidia driver and fixing the display resolution of the boot screen with the Plymouth fix, the boot screen doesn't expand to fit the entirety of the monitor display area. How can I fix this? There is a good 2 inch off from either side of the display while booting.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Doesn't Display An Icon In Panel?

Sep 5, 2010

Just curious, has anyone noticed with ubuntu 10.10, that rhythmbox does not display an icon in the panel?

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Doesn't Display Site Menus Properly?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm using Firefox 3.6.10 for Ubuntu 10.10 with the smooth-scaling ppa (only addons I'm using are Firebug and the Ubuntu modifications pack).Several sites with navigation menus the menu is spread over two lines when it obviously shouldn't be (eg. The Telegraph online, BBC News...) this happens no matter what the zoom level is set to. Chromium renders all these pages normally.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 Doesn't Display On Vaio Laptop's Screen

Oct 23, 2010

Recently I install ubuntu 10.10 on my Sony Vaio laptop. After the CD boot I always got a black screen, after a week i figured that there's nothing wrong, it's just the screen doesnt show up on my laptop's screen. So I use an external monitor and It showed up as normal.

But I need to have it show up on my laptop's screen. I tried to use "additional driver" to activate latest Nvidia driver but after that even my external monitor doesnt work too. Latest driver doesnt work properly i guess. I did try to install older driver version manually but after I turned of gdm, install driver and reboot, my ubuntu always starts with tty1 command terminal. tried ctrl+alt+7 but it stucked at (checking battery state), startx doesnt help me return to graphical screen too.

I got help from a moderator here but the best result so far is to edit my /etc/default/grub. Change

Sudo update-grub

after the reboot I have it shows up on my laptop's screen. But it seems low-bit color,a bit grand to me(compared to external monitor, both w/o driver). Anw i checked system/preference>monitor . It showed up that my monitor:unknown. I can't choose other resolutions, refresh rate = 0.

I always know its my widescreen is the problem. I have had a lot of problems dealing wgames/application (on windows) can't work on 16:9 mode. install a stable Nvidia driver

Everything I tried in the past weeks is in here [URL] My laptop is SONY VAIO VPCCW19FX, Nvidia GeForce GT 230M, widescreen monitor

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Ubuntu :: FBReader Doesn't Display Chinese Characters Properly?

Dec 16, 2010

On Linux Mint FBReader (both the latest version and the one in the 10.04 repositories)displays Chinese characters as boxes(see screenshot) for some reason, but on Windows it works fine. Is there any way to fix it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gnucash Doesn't Display Account After 11.04 Upgrade

Apr 30, 2011

i have a large data file for gnucash of several years in age. when i did the upgrade, gnucash starts and loads, and the main account appears to load, but there is nothing displayed. just an empty gray space where the alternating colors of the ledger should be.the account listing loads, and i can view other smaller accounts just fine. but the main ledger does not display. however, if i click on some areas of the screen, it will display what i assume is the underlying text in the bottom status bar.

and when a window or some other graphic element 'over writes' any area, some remnants of the former image remain.

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