Ubuntu :: DDNS Setting In Linkysys Router ?

Jul 24, 2010

I am running a web server with a public ip that is dynamic. I am using ZoneEdit.com and my WRT54GS router to manage my dynamic ip address whenever it changes. It is working as it should.

However, the subdomains ip addresses are not changing. It still shows the old addresses versus the new address. Is it possible to set it where my subdomains address will change as well?

Right now on my router under the ddns menu, I have the host name set to domain.com. Do I need to make a wildcard?

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Networking :: Two Hosts On DDNS - Can Send Two Domains Through One Router

Feb 11, 2011

I have two virtual hosts that I want to be able to send through one router. I have two seperate dynamic hostnames on dyndns.

Apparently my router allows me to enter two seperate hostnames locally as well: DynDNS Host and Domain Name


How do I tell the router which is which? Currently I see the same site with both URLs

Do I have to set one vhost to do some 'funky' stuff (black hole in my head when it comes to static routes or BIND? ). And then set the other vhost to host both sites?

I'm running CentOS and an apache webserver. I want to demo a web site 'externally' from two different sub-domains.

I've looked high and low but most examples don't seem to be simply trying to put two different web-sites up to two Dynamic DNS Hosts.

It must be possible, all the pieces are there. I'm just missing the link!

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Networking :: Setting Up Linux Box As IPv6 Router To Replace Netgear WNR1000 Wireless Router?

Jun 18, 2011

I want to set up a Linux box as a wireless router to replace our existing Netgear WNR1000 router, as I believe the Netgear does not support the coming IPv6 protocol. Unfortunately, it is not flashable with OpenWRT or DD-WRT presently.

As we have Comcast, our cable modem acts as a dumb modem according to the customer support guy I talked to, and our router is the one that asks for the IP address from DHCP. Thus, when Comcast switches over to IPv6, I don't believe my existing router would work, correct?

My idea is to take a Linux box and put two NICs and a wireless adapter in it, using IPCop or Smoothwall to set up a router. I could then enable IPv6 support for when we have IPv6 with Comcast. Is that possible? Would there be a way to get BIND to hand out private IP addresses in the same subnet on the both the LAN NIC and the wireless card?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get Linkysys Usb Adapter To Work?

Jul 20, 2010

This usb adapter is not working with ubuntu 10.04 64 bit! what to do! I used ndisk, and it has the latest driver, now, but no networks show up on the menu! [URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Router ?

Jul 23, 2010

I tried to setup a Ubuntu Wired Router according to the manual but found a problem.

At the end of the doc page it says:


The problem though is that I don't have a wireless connection and what do I put at the end?

It says "bridge-ports eth1 wlan0" so should I change that to "eth1" twice or just leave "wlan0" out or how do I fix this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Static Ip Through Router?

Sep 23, 2010

If not should I just plug up directly into my modem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up PC As Router - Bandwidth Usage

Jan 28, 2010

I wish to setup my spare PC as a router. I was wondering what programs, in ubuntu, I can use to monitor and change settings concerning bandwidth usage. I want to throttle down a computer in my network so what program would be good for this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Linksys N-Router E1000?

Aug 21, 2010

Okay, a few days ago I got a small job setting up a router for a neighbour of mine. He wanted me to set up a wireless network for him. The router he bought is a Linksys Wireless N-Router E1000. I set it up the passwords and everything. Only to find out that I couldn't connect at all to it. The main computer with a direct ethernet connection to the router was the only one that had internet. Everytime I attempt to connect wirelessly with any device, it will take extremely long time to connect, to the point where I will just quit connecting.(Example: 15 minutes of waiting, when the laptop is right next to the router)

Any ideas about what I am doing wrong here? As far as I can think of it might just be a faulty router, because the router will not implement any changes(like setting a password) I set on it. Only wired connections seem to work. the router is called a linksys wirless N-router E1000.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Cron Job On DD-WRT Router To Execute A WOL Command

Oct 9, 2010

I am setting up a cron job on my DD-WRT router to execute a WOL command, and would like to know if what I have is correct.


Execute @ 12:00 on Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat every month/Yr

0 12 * * 2345 root /usr/sbin/wol -i 00:00:00:00:00:00

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Droid 2 (router) Ports?

Dec 28, 2010

World of Warcraft requires that TCP Ports 1119, 1120 and 3724 are forwarded. The Blizzard Downloader requires that TCP ports 3724, 1119, 4000, 6112, 6113 and 6114 are forwarded. It can also benefit from having ports 6881 through 6999 forwarded. The World of Warcraft Voice Chat feature uses UDP Port 3724.

i use the hotspot feature to play warcraft and i am running ubuntu 10.10 ... i need to forward these ports ... any way to easily download an app to configure the phone like you would a router? its probably easy i just cant find it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Router And Firewall For 10.10 Server 64-bit?

Jan 28, 2011

post the "perfect" tutorial for setting up a router and firewall for Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit? I'm kind of a n00b when it comes to Linux, so I get really confused with some things, I have seen things on the ubuntu wiki about this... but it really confuses me =

I'm trying to setup my ubuntu sys as a router and firewall... Internet -> Ubuntu (Router) -> Switch (no DHCP on it) -> Computers I've already setup bind and dhcp3 and got those working perfectly... I've also setup Squid3 and Dansguardian for content filtering (blocking ads and such) and got them working too... I want to set it all up to be transparent, and allow the system itself to function as a powerful firewall router, giving absolutely NO issues to client computers connected, and no speed reduction at all.... I want to setup the firewall to allow all outgoing connections, but block everything incoming (stealth the network)... Forcing all http/s traffic to pass through dansguardian, then to squid...

But am very confused on how to pull this off... The system is running Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit, with 4 GB of RAM, 320 GB SSD, and two 1Gb NIC cards... Sorry if I'm not very clear, I do speak english perfectly, but just kinda new to the "Linux world", I was using SONICWALL but that's getting a little too costly to my network and wanna do a free alternative... Something completely CUSTOM, not using some network security distro.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up 6to4 Router For IPv6?

Feb 8, 2011

I decided to try and get my network ready for IPv6. All of my hosts are set up to do stateful autoconfig, I have radvd installed and working, and I can ping6 ipv6.google.com from my Ubuntu server. However, when one of the clients on the inside tries to ping6, no packets return and I get this message in the router's syslog:


Feb 8 17:55:17 foo kernel: [ 1344.824474] Dead loop on virtual device tun6to4, fix it urgently!

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Gateway / Router And Firewall

Jul 20, 2011

So what I want to do is setup a gateway(or router, idk what Ubuntu refers to it as.). So my set up would be Modem>Server>Switch>Router. I know that I need to set up it up as a DHCP server as well. I would also like to setup it up as a firewall too. I already have two Gbit cards that are already configured. So how do I do this? I already tried one tutorial, but it was old and was for Debian. I also installed ebox, but I couldnt figure that out either.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Wired Internet Connection Through A Router?

Oct 13, 2010

The problem isn't with thew new computer but with my computer running Ubuntu. The problem is that I'm having trouble getting the Internet to work. Before the router I just plug my PC straight into the modem but now with the router I can't get on the Internet. I can get a connection to the router but no Internet. I know the it is not the router because I use my PS3 and it worked fine. I spend like an hour just trying to get the connection but can't figure out the Internet problem. What I did to get the connection is copy the ip address, Mac, and etc. from the PS3. Then I made a new connection and put the data in the IPV4 settings and it got a connection but I'm not sure if I did that right or just got lucky

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Networking :: Setting Up A Router In Fedora 10 ?

Jan 27, 2010

Setting up a Linux router in Fedora 10. The router has an IP ( for the eth0 on the internal LAN and a static registered IP for eth1 on the internet connection. All the internal LAN client PCs have gateway set to My question is what do I set the gateway address to on eth0 and eth1 and how would I configure this in /etc/sysconfig/network?

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Slackware :: Setting Up Pppoe Over Router ?

Feb 9, 2010

How can I setup pppoe over the router on Slackware current? I have setup a WAP network on the other computer through the easy setup tool that linksys provides, but it can't find the internet connection. I am using a linksys WRT54G router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure Wireless Setting With Linksys Router?

May 30, 2011

I have a Linksys WAG54G2 Router - this is set up and was working fine with Xp and my Apple I phone.I have just changed over from XP to Ubuntu, and am having difficulty in configuring wireless settings to accept UBUNTU.The hard wired Ethernet connection works fine.

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Fedora :: OT Setting Up A Router To Supply Wireless ?

Jun 11, 2010

I will be staying at a hotel for a couple weeks that has a wired internet connection to each room. I have a Linksys WRT54G v6 wireless router and would take with me and set it up so I would have wireless in my room.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Host Name On Router

Apr 8, 2010

I am running


On my laptop (HPDV7), using DHCP for network access, KDE4.

I use Network Manager to manage wired and wireless connectivity.

I also have Samba server running for connectivity to Windows machines.

My router runs DD-WRT.

How do I tell this HPDV7 system to propagate a Host Name up to the router?

In the DD-WRT status screen, I see Host Name as "*" associated with the assigned IP address.

I cannot, for example, ping my HPDV7 machine from my windows machine, I assume because the router (also providing DNS for my network) does not provide the name to address translation.

I CAN ping the IP address directly, and Samba connectivity from the Windows machine to HPDV7 works.

The file


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Desktop (9.04) Behind Router For Remote Access By Latptop (9.10)?

Jan 8, 2010

Setting up desktop (9.04) behind router for remote access by latptop (9.10) I am setting up desktop (9.04) behind router for remote access by latptop (9.10). Rationale: All of my files are on my desktop HD, but I am often out of my home needing to work on my files. It is becoming labour intensive to keep track of the files I make/change and try to copy them on my non-connected desktop/laptop.

Dream: Able to remote access and modify my desktop files from my laptop (while the files remain on the desktop). Request: A simple, GUI, basic, non-technical guide how to set it up!

What I know: 1.I was going to use the 'Remote Desktop' VNC connection under System->Preferences. However, if I understand this correctly, this only secures my computer (i.e. Locks the front door of my desktop) and the data streamed between them is not encrypted.[URL]..

2.Then I need to set up my router to accept the connection from my laptop.

3.Then I will need to use SSH to secure the info sent between them. This is the bit I don't really have a good grip on.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Network Firewall Using A Netgear DG834G Router

Jan 12, 2011

could set up a firewall on my linux machine? I have is to connect my router wired to the linux machine and then from the linux machine to my main computer, and obviously routing the internet connection through the linux box as a firewall. I use a Netgear DG834G router

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Fedora Networking :: Setting Up Static IP And Vnc Viewer Behind A Router

Oct 19, 2010

I have an old pc that I would like to use as a headless server for my music, files, etc that I can access at work and other places outside of my network. I'm a complete noob in this department so please excuse my overwhelming ignorance. The only thing I've managed to succeed at was installing fedora 13. Two things in particular are giving me trouble: 1.)setting up my router and fedora box so that it has a static ip address and 2.)connecting to the fedora box via vncviewer on my laptop.

Fedora Box: Intel Pentium 4 2.66GHz, 1GB ram, Fedora 13
Laptop: Toshiba Satellite A505, Intel Core 2 Duo T6600 2.20GHz, 4GB ram, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Router: D-Link WBR-1310
ISP: Comcast (cable)

Setting Static IP
On the fedora 13 box:
1.)Went to Network Connections and added a new connection
2.)Copied mac address from the default connection
3.)On IPv4 tab, added new address: (this is out of the range which my router will assign automatically) netmask, set gateway to's ip on the network)

When I connect to this new connection web pages don't load, etc. but when I'm on the default connection I have no problems.

Connecting With Vnc Viewer
On the fedora 13 box:
1.)System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop
2.)Under Sharing I checked "Allow other users to view your desktop" and "Allow other users to control your desktop"
3.)Under Security I unchecked "Ask you for confirmation", checked "Require the user to enter this password", and specified a password

On the router
1.)Set up port forwarding for port 5900, TCP only, to the ip address of the fedora box.

On the laptop
1.)Installed VNCViewer
2.)Went to whatsmyip(dot)org to get ip address of router
3.)Tried to connect to that address, port 5900 (ex. ##.##.##.###::5900)
4.)Connection times out everytime.

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General :: Router - Setting Up Bandwidth Throttling For ADSL?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm going to set up a new linux router for a company, and have to set up bandwidth throttling. They have an unlimited ADSL internet connection which will be shared between 2 businesses, one being them. I will need to set it up so their connection will never be slowed down by the other business. They will both be connected to the same NIC, but will be on different subnets. How would I go about doing this?

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Networking :: Packets Not Routed Properly After Setting Up Machine As Router?

Aug 13, 2010

I have three machines say A B and C. I want to make machine B as a router for A and C, so that the ping packets from C to A should be going via B. I have directly connected two interfaces(eth4) of A and B and similarly two interfaces(eth5) of B and C. I have even set up a route between B and C. 1. But I am not able to set a route between B and A.2. If I ping A from eth4 of B(viceversa) it works. When I ping B from eth5 of C it work but not the viceversa.3. Also, if I ping from C to A, B receives the packets, but not A.

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Networking :: Setting Up Squid Proxy To Virtual Linux Soho Router?

Mar 31, 2011

i must make this work with the use of virtual pc's. I have vm player and installed fedora ( the latest version ) and one xp . So i have 2 virtual pc's. I'm making it simple for start so i can add more pc's when i see that it is working. I have setup a dhcp server at the fedora virtual pc. The fedora virtual pc is like a soho router. The xp pc is getting ip from dhcp while the fedora one has a static one.

My pc is behind an adsl router. Both virtual pc's can see each other which means i have no connectivity issues.Im trying to setup a squid proxy ( transparent one ) so for example the xp pc can access porn sites and such. I used all required configuration for the squid to work and started the service. Ive also inserted with iptables the commands to forward all incoming port 80 packets to port 3128 ( the squid ). It doesnt seems to be working and i thik i know why but i dont know how to fix it.

Because the xp has a gateway at ( the adsl router ) packets go directly to it and not to the soho router ( fedora virtual pc as i intend to do) What can i do to solve this problem ? How can i forward all packets to go to the fedora virtual pc first and then the fedora pc to forward them (if necessary) to the adsl router? PS. I used Bridged connection on the networking configutration on the vmware player ! If you also want i can post the code for squid or iptables if needed !

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Networking :: Configure DDNS On RHEL 5?

Feb 5, 2010

I have setup dns on my rhel 5 server. It is working fine. My dhcp server is setup on my sonic firewall. The sonic firewall hands out our IP addresses. My dns server sees the static IP addresses but how do I get name resolution setup for dhcp?

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Server :: Getting The DDNS Configuration In RHEL 5.2?

May 18, 2011

Friends i got an opertunity to configure ddns in my office.I already configured staic dns in linux, but this is the first time iam configuring ddns.I just configured ddns in rhel 5.2 in my office.So far every thing working fine,dhcp is giving ip address to the clients and both forward and reverse dns database is updating.

1) In windows we can use flushdns and registerdns commands to update the dns database, like this any command is in linux to update client details in dns database?

2)how to restrict multiple client entries keeping in dhcp database.

3)if i change client hostname it is not updating the dns database,it is keeping the old one.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Update DDNS For Fixed-address Hosts?

Apr 3, 2011

I have DDNS configured and working for dynamic addresses, but it's not quite right for static addresses yet. The DHCP server assigns the static address, but it doesn't update the DNS sever with the associated host name. Which means I have to use the IP address when accessing the host instead of the host name. How can I get the DHCP server to update the DNS with the host name associated with the fixed-address?Here is my current dhcpd.conf.

ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;


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Debian Configuration :: Bind - DHCP And DDNS ?

Jul 14, 2011

DHCP I have working, so is BIND.

I'm trying to get dynamic dns working and am having issues

I suspect this maybe a chroot issue.

I've tried to follow the chroot advise within the wiki for Bind but no joy.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Ddns Update With Dhcp Don't Work?

Jul 27, 2010

i've installed bind and dhcp. I'd like to update dns automatically by dhcp. For the reverse-lookup-zone everything works fine. But for the forward-lookup-zone there is still the message denied. But i cannot see a mistake.

# DHCP Server Configuration file.


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