Ubuntu :: Controlling Brightness In 9.10?

Mar 22, 2010

I want to pick up an obviously unsolved problem. I have a Samsung Q210 Seven Notebook and recently installed Kubuntu. Everything works fine, as long as I put on my sunglasses when working with the notebook in the evening. Triggering the hotkeys shows an icon with a percentage counter that increases or decreases, depending on which function key I use. Although this looks really nifty, it gets boring after utilizing a few times. And, as you might already think, the brightness doesn't change here...

I found a hint telling to adjust the /etc/default/grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset acpi_backlight=vendor"

The only effect this has is that the nice percentage lowering/raising minigame doesn't work anymore

Also, nothing from the suggestions from the previous post work. This is really bad, since that way not only the user's eyes suffer, but also the energy consumption of the display is maximized.

how I can change brightness/backlight intensity

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Control Brightness / Show Brightness Popup / Screen Brightness Don't Work

Mar 3, 2010

I Install Ubuntu 9.10 and I can't control Brightness, show brightness popup (Fn+F5F6) but screen brightness don't work, I install NVIDIA Driver Linux-x86_64 version 190.53, modiffed xorg.conf.

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Debian Hardware :: Getting Lenny Working On Macbook / Can't Use Brightness Keys To Change Screen Brightness?

Feb 9, 2010

I'd been trying to get into Linux before I bought it so I figured that I would try to get it onto my new Mac so that I could use it wherever I am. I decided to try Debian Lenny 5.0.3 a whirl after reading about all the different distros available. I've successfully installed it and I can get to it with rEFIt, and I have quite a few things working such as the video drivers and wifi. However, I've had trouble getting it to a level where it'd be usable away from home. Here are the main problems I'm worried about:

1) I installed pommed but I still can't use the brightness keys to change the screen brightness. I'm not sure if there's some other workaround for this?

2) I tried some recommended power management packages (gnome-power-manager) but it doesn't seem to be accessible or functional right now. I don't have any way to control it or get to it that is obvious to me. Is an icon or anything supposed to appear on the task bar when you install or what? Getting some sort of power management on here is important because it gets really lousy battery life otherwise.

3) Being a Macbook, there's no right-click button. Multitouch would be really nice (two-finger scrolling!) but I'd be OK with ANY way to right-click with the touchpad. I have a wireless USB keyboard/mouse combo that works at home at least . . . right out of the box too!

4) I've seen some packages called the Mactel PPA, but they are made for Ubuntu. Since Debian and Ubuntu are so similar, is there any way to make those work on Lenny? I think that if I got those to work, I could fix some of the problems above. Or do I have to install Ubuntu?

5) I just noticed that the sound doesn't seem to work yet either.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Brightness Isn't Working \ Log In The Brightness Gets Obnoxiously Low?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm having a really strange problem, when I turn on openSUSE, the brightness is fine.owever, as soon as I log in the brightness gets obnoxiously low. I have a MacBook Pro 7.1 with openSUSE 11.4 KDE

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Ubuntu :: Controlling Notifications In 10.04?

May 11, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx a week ago and I have a problem with the notifications. The notifications that appear on the screen stay for a long time, about 10 seconds. How to control these notifications so that I can reduce the time?

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Ubuntu :: Controlling GPU Fan Speed?

Oct 20, 2010

Out of curiosity, how can you control the fan speed?

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Ubuntu :: Controlling Fan Speed On 10.10?

Nov 10, 2010

is there any app that lets me control fan speed?

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Ubuntu :: Joystick Is Controlling Mouse?

Dec 13, 2010

I just recently did a clean install of 10.10. My controller works fine for games no issues there. I haven't done any sort of configuring in order to make my Logitech cordless rubmble pad 2 controller work as a mouse yet it is. It just started this morning when I booted up. I have found many threads on how to make your controller/joystick work as a mouse. But I have yet to find one on how to get it to quit doing so. Or at least how to toggle it on and off which would be better in my case as Ive found in the past 30 min that I like scrolling with the analog stick much better than pgup/dn or the mouse wheel. The main issue is that I have a 4/yo here that plays games all the time and he keeps opening random things when he plays. I also am looking into how to get virtual box to let windows xp detect my controller but I will post that later after I have done more research if I can't figure it out.

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Ubuntu :: Controlling Cursor With Keyboard?

Apr 8, 2011

Gnome, 10.10 (likely not to upgrade to 11.04), HP-dv7t laptop, intel i7 processor.In my ongoing attempt to create a completely mouseless computing experience (and hopefully, one where I never have to leave the home row) I am currently trying to find a way to control the onscreen cursor with my keyboard.

I have found various solutions, but most of them have problems. The accessibility feature that comes with Ubuntu is (for some reason) not installed on my computer and I can't find the package, but other people who have tried the same thing have said that it is not worth the effort anyway, given that it has nonexistent customization.

This shift-numlock function doesn't work at all. Got info from this thread: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=926105. Gizmod is incredibly complex and doesn't seem to work all that well with my 64 bit hardware. I worked with it for a few hours. But, anyway, do you have any advice that has not already been posted in the other thread?

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General :: Controlling Notifications In Ubuntu 10.04

May 11, 2010

I installed Lucid Lynx a week ago and I have a problem with the notifications. The notifications that appear on the screen stay for a long time, about 10 seconds. How to control these notifications so that I can reduce the time?

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Ubuntu :: Controlling Mouse With Joypad?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a USB joypad and I would like to use it to control the mouse on Ubuntu 10.10. Do you know any straightforward way of doing it?

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General :: Controlling Fan Speed On Compaq Under Ubuntu?

Apr 25, 2010

I have a Compaq Presario R4000 running Ubuntu Linux 9.10 karmic. The system runs very hot and one of the fans is wither never running or always running at the slowest speed. For a while I thought the fan was dead but I just updated the BIOS (Phoenix BIOS) and during the update, that fan suddenly kicked in at full speed! How can I get that fan to spin up during normal usage? I have tried sensors-detect but all it found was k8temp, no fans... (SpeedFan under windows found no fans either)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Started On Controlling Hardware?

Jan 24, 2010

I have been a website designer for sometime now and i was wondering about tring out some of the hardware world. (dont get me wrong im no n00b, i can build a pc from scratch) What is the best way to get started on Controlling Hardware? i mean controling a small electric motor to spin a wheel when a button is pressed on the computer or somthing like that? And can this be done with PHP so i wont have to worry about leaning another programming language? Is it very difficalt? Where should i start?

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Ubuntu :: Remotely Controlling A Windows Machine?

Jan 29, 2010

I've been looking for a way to use my laptop (running Ubuntu) to help service a remote laptop (running Windows XP). I've used TeamViewer and Cisco's VPN Client before, but TeamViewer is Windows only, and I don't want to pay for a Cisco system just to help maintain my friend's computer.

Ideally, I'm looking for something similar to the programs listed above, but I really just want to know if any of you have done this before, and if so, how?

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Ubuntu :: Remotely Controlling 10.4 Desktop PC From Win7

Oct 3, 2010

I have done a standard install of Ubuntu 10.4 Desktop. All I have changed is to edit the smb.conf to set the correct workgroup. Everything is working fine, except that I am not able to connect to Ubuntu from my Windows 7 pc using Windows' built-in tool. That should work, shouldn't it? Do I need to edit more settings?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 2 Distros But 1 Controlling Grub?

Dec 2, 2010

I have 2 distros installed right now and generally keep the main one and install and look at other distros.My question is this; Can I install a second distro and not let it take over my frub/boot menu and NOT let it control the boot menu? If so how would I do it? I always get confused when I install the second distro when it asks what to do,use / or boot as the option etc...

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Ubuntu :: Controlling Bluetooth Control Light

Dec 17, 2010

I've just bought a MSI Wind U250 netbook and installed Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit. (Almost everything is working great out of the box. There are some little problems like dead keyboard shortcut Fn + F3 which sould be killing touchpad. BTW any package or other way to configure Fn keys?)This model of netbook has a bluetooth as an option. My netbook hasn't BT, but has bluetooth control light anyway, which isn't used at all. Such a waste, I've paid for this control light after all...

I'm using GNUbiff as an e-mail notifier. It can run a command when a new e-mail comes. Now I'm using this to play a sound: play /usr/share/sounds/purple/receive.wav. But I would like to send this way a signal to the BT control light to light or, even better, start blinking in specified manner. (Scroll Lock control light would be also great)Is there such possibility? Maybe you are aware of existence of a package able to do this, because I'm unable to locate such one.I think this is really obvious adaptation for control light and don't think I'm the first one who want such function. Some laptops even has a special control light just for e-mail (like my 12 years old fujitus-siemens) and there is Polish IM "EKG" (or "EKG2", don't remember) who blinks ScrLk when a new message comes, so I figured out there should be a potentiality to manage control lights.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Controlling A Socks Proxy?

Feb 27, 2011

I have my desktop set up as a SOCKS proxy, and not only me uses it, some friends do too.What I would like to know is how to check every now and again what they are using it for... for example the agreement we have is that they only use it to watch BBC iplayer and 4OD etc while they are abroad. What I dont want is them to pointlessly use it for other browsing.I trust my friends wont, but is there also a way of checking they arent using my connection to download illegal torrents?I guess best case scenrio would be to be able to whitelist only a few sites per user request. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Remote Controlling Of Keyboard / Mouse?

Apr 7, 2011

So, I have an ubuntu box (no keyboard/mouse), connected to a 1920x1080 TV on my wall which is usually used as a media center. Some times I want to do some maintenance work through the GUI so the obvious thing to do is have some kind of remote administration software like VNC. That is generally very laggy and I don't need a full remote administration because I already have a big TV in front of me, I just need to use my laptop's mouse and keyboard to control the linux box.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Controlling Upgrade Package Selection?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm looking into upgrading my laptop from 9.10 to 10.04, but before I do I wanted to find out if I can limit the number of packages the system must install for this purpose. I began the process to upgrade, and the wizard informed me that on top of package upgrades, 288 packages needed to be downloaded, for a total well over 1GB of downloading. While my internet connection can support this, I don't feel the need to install 288 packages, most of which I'm certain I will not be using, nor will most of these be dependencies for things I do use.

In short: can I pick and choose what gets downloaded and installed in the upgrade? I've asked this question before, and somebody said the answer was 'yes', however I see nowhere to control this. No buttons, no config files.

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Ubuntu :: Controlling HD5770 Fan Speed Using Radeon OS Driver?

Mar 13, 2011

Running 10.04 LTS, wondering if there was a way to control fan speed using the open source radeon driver with a HD5770, it's currently far too loud even when not really being in use.

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Networking :: Controlling Energy Consumption Ns2?

Apr 14, 2011

After implementing a new protocol on ns2 , I need now to integrate infomation about nodes energy .So I am going to implement a new c++ code to define the model of energy consumption in every node .have you any exemples to help me getting started .

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Ubuntu :: Warning: GDB: Failed To Set Controlling Terminal: Operation Not Permitted

Feb 26, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, and I am having problems with GDB. When I attempt to debug a C program in kdbg or codeblocks, the output terminal will display this message: "warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Operation not permitted" I have searched quite a bit and I have not found a fix that works.

I am running the latest stable versions of all my software supplied by the ubuntu repositories My system meets all the dependencies for KDBG and Codeblocks

I am running gnome, but the KDE files installed by Synaptic are version 3.5.10
I have KDBG version 2.1.1
I have GDB version 7.0-0ubuntu1
I have CodeBlocks 8.02-0ubuntu4

If anybody needs any more information in order to give ideas or knowledge on how to fix this just let me know

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Ubuntu :: Controlling Gnome Through A Giant Mulit-touch Display?

Dec 3, 2010

I've been building a large multi-touch display like this: [URL].._computer and was wondering what software I could use to control my desktop with this, or if it is possible.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Controlling Files Listed By Directory Request

May 5, 2011

I use Apache 2.0.55 (Ubuntu) as a document server for a business association. When the document files expire, I change the permissions so that only the owner can open them but I like to leave them on the server so that they are all in one place.

Here is my trouble--when visitors come to the site and get the directory listing, all the document files show up, whether the visitor can access them or not.

Is there some way to configure the server to not show the inaccessible files?

I guess a few technical details might help. During their useful lives, the files permissions are set to 644. Once they expire, I change them to 600. After the change, the files are still visible. Setting them to 000 doesn't help either.

It might be of note, but directories behave differently than files. If I set a directory to 600, it disappears from the listing.

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Software :: Controlling Media From The Command Line

Feb 11, 2011

I want a media player that I can control from the command line. Ideally I would like it to have a GUI option, but I need to be able to run a command to "pause it", "play the next track in the playlist" etc. The player will be playing some media, then from another terminal I want to control the current instance. What are my options? I'd prefer it not to be an mpd client if possible.

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Programming :: How Switches Controlling Code Compilation

Aug 28, 2009

I had been working on a CPP code for sometime now, without being aware that some parts of its code, especially security related were not being compiled. Problem was like my product did not work for SSL mode. On analysis, I found that some part of CPP codes inside a switch(ENABLE_SSL_LIBRARY)were not getting compiled at all. And also that this gets set when we do newgrp crypto command on the box. This left me without lots of doubts. I wanted to understand how these switches work and if this switch was propreitary to my code or something related to Linux.

My questions now are:
1. Switches like the one mentioned above, are they user defined, for my particular code or are they related to Linux/GCC or makefiles?
2.If a user can define such switches to control code compilation, then need to know the concepts/procedures behind it. How is it done ?

Kindly excuse if these are very very basic. But since I could not get proper stuffs on google, I thought I should ask some experts here who could either explain me or point me to appropriate resources (links of articles / tutorials)

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Red Hat :: Controlling Tool Running On VM Fron Windows?

May 11, 2010

I have a virtual machine with RedHat. It has a command-line tool X that takes an input file + some control parameters, performs some processing and generates some input files. I have a Windows XP/Server 2003 box where an app Y is running. What I need to do is to control X from Y. That is, given an input file, I have to feed this file from Y to X, have X process the file and then Y collect the results. Y would be running either on the host Windows machine using VM Player or on a separate box. Input files might be quite large. I need a solution that would be of production level quality. What would be the best approach to this? I presume I will need to develop some components both on the Windows side and the Linux side that would communicate with each other, send input and output files etc. What would these components be? The VM has a Redhat Enterprise install, so I have access to gcc, but not sure which other development tools.

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Fedora Networking :: Controlling A Running X Server Remotely?

Apr 11, 2009

*Solved* I have been reading the following guide on how to use the VNC programs and a GUI to connect to my main machine from my laptop via my LAN and router:


This allows me to control the server remotely, and run applications on the server remotely, with the GUI output being shown on my laptop, which is really neat I had Eclipse + PDT running on my server and had to stop it and start a new instance remotely from the laptop via VNC viewer, as Eclipse said the workspace I wanted to use was already in use.

So starting the VNC server on the main machine does not allow me to access the programs that are already running on the main machine under the native X server. However I can now do PHP debugging remotely using Eclipse + PDT now, and all the PHP source code is on the server machine. That's OK, but I would like to do more than that. I want to be able to connect to the native X server on my main machine, and control all the applications running on the main machine remotely from my laptop, without having to shut them down and restart them again via a VNC viewer.

Is there some sort of remote control program I can use to allow me to connect to the running X server on my main machine from my laptop, and control those applications remotely please, so the desktop layout on the main machine's screen is mirrored on the laptop screen?

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General :: Boot - Controlling When Services Start In Fedora 14

Nov 7, 2010

Whenever I start up my laptop running Fedora 14, I notice that it says that it is failing to connect to my default wireless network since the wireless card is not activated. Since it appears that the wireless card is not activated until the NetworkManager service is started, is there anyway for me to set NetworkManager to start before this check is made? Boot message log is attached. [URL]

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