Ubuntu :: Claws Mail - Ellipsis Instead Of Included Text

Mar 1, 2010

I am using Claws Mail version 3.7.3 on Ubuntu 9.10. In the last few days, replies that I receive often have the original (quoted) text replaced with an ellipsis [ ... ]. For example, I see: Where the ellipsis is a hyperlink (?), that when double-clicked displays the remainder of the message, as Claws had normally been doing: If I forward the message, everything is included / shown, as expected. It's very annoying to have this program suddenly start behaving this way: When I receive / read a reply, I want to see the entire message ('thread') displayed, not this [... ] ellipsis (hidden original message(s)).

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Ubuntu :: E-mail Disappears In Claws Mail?

Feb 4, 2011

I am suddenly experiencing problems with disappearing e-mails in Claws Mail. They seem to disappear somehow during the download process. Running Claws Mail from the terminal gives me the following errors, but I am not sure that this is related to the problems with my other accounts:

** (claws-mail:12020): WARNING **: [11:45:58] IMAP error on imap.gmail.com: STATUS error
** (claws-mail:12020): WARNING **: [11:45:59] IMAP error on imap.gmail.com: STATUS error
** (claws-mail:12020): WARNING **: [11:46:00] IMAP error on imap.gmail.com: STATUS error

I am using Claws Mail version 3.7.4 with Linux Mint 9 (LXDE). I have googled a lot, but I haven't been able to come up with a satisfactory answer. It may have something to do with some upgraded gnu utilities, but I am not sure what this is in reference to. BTW, all of my accounts use IMAP.

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Slackware :: GPG Encryption In Claws Mail 3.7.8

Feb 1, 2011

I can't encrypt my e-mails in Claws Mail (3.7.8, slackbuilds.org) on my Slackware 13.1 system. I have the PGP/Core and PGP/MIME plugins loaded. I can verify the signatures of incoming messages and sign outgoing messages, but not encrypt them. Even though there is only one key associated to the recipient's email, Claws can't find it and the "Select Key" dialog displays an empty list of keys.

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Ubuntu :: Claws Mail - Error During SMTP Session

Oct 18, 2010

Trying to transfer to claws mail from kmail, I have problem in sending emails: It doesn't send email through one of my accounts (a university account) and says: An "error happened during SMTP session". My other university account works!

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OpenSUSE :: Claws Mail 3.7.5 - No Print Capabilities

Nov 8, 2010

I just started using suse, so a few questions claws-mail 3.7.5, I have no print capabilities, there is no print icon showing, also the spam filter is greyed out. I have loaded bogofilter, but I noticed the amount of rpms listed is much less than my last distro, including the advanced filtering. Are these rpms on another repo somewhere.

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General :: Claws Mail 3.7.8 Does Not Support SSL Connection

Dec 15, 2010

I had claws mail 3.7.6 installed with mint 10 and all was well. I use gmail with ssl and was no problem. I wanted to download some add-ons for claws, but most were only compatible with version 3.7.8, so I downloaded and installed 3.7.8 only to find that it doesn't support ssl connection, so I can't use it for my gmail account.

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Slackware :: Odd Crash With Claws Mail After PHP Update

Jan 14, 2011

Until the latest update to php, claws-mail was running fine. Since updating php through slackpkg, Claws will start but as soon as a message is selected it crashes with the following message (caught in terminal)

root[/]# claws-mail
Newmail plugin loaded
Message header summaries written to /home/pat/Mail/NewLog
Segmentation fault

As usual, I'm lost and wandering in the darkness.

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Ubuntu :: Claws Mail - How To Setup GPG To Sign Emails Automatically

Aug 13, 2010

I recently decided to switch back to a stand alone email client from gmail. I started with thunderbird, which had a very intuitive user interface and was working fairly well, except for the fact that when it wasn't supposed to be doing anything, it was taking up about 40% of my CPU (this is after it had downloaded all the emails, so there really wasn't anything that needed that much cpu usage from my perspective). After investigating that a bit, I decided I'm going to go for something lighter, and now I'm trying to claws-mail. This one is fast and quick, with very little bells and whistle, and I think it has the potential of keeping me happy.

However, there are few things that I can't figure out how to do. The two main ones right now are: How do I make it download all the emails in at least the inbox folder? I'm using imap protocol with gmail, and I'm happy that the two mailboxes are very well synced, however the only thing it is downloaded by default is the email header, and not the content. I would like to be able to download the content immediately, so I can read the email offline as well. How can I set up GPG to sign my emails automatically? In claws-mail to sign my emails, I need to go to the Options->Privacy Options->PGP Mime, followed by Options->Sign. Is it possible to make this the default option?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Claws Mail Crashing When Loading Plugin

Sep 29, 2010

I have the newest ubuntu version (64Bit) with claws mail 3.7.4. When I click:
And select the python plugin, claws crashes as soon as I clock ok.

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Ubuntu :: Claws Mail - How To Change Account Poll Order

Nov 9, 2010

I want to change the polling order of my two email accounts, but I can't figure it out. I have two IMAP accounts in Claws-Mail, one for work and one for 'other'. The work account is set as default. It is uppermost in the left pane. It is marked 'MH', which I think is to do with storage of the downloaded emails. Claws-Mail always polls my 'other' account first. This takes ages and prevents me getting my work email. How can I make sure the work account is polled first?

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Fedora :: Claws Mail 3.7.3 - Missing Toolbar After FC Upgrade

Dec 8, 2009

I just upgraded from fc11 to fc12 with a great deal of trouble...finally am partially functional. The problem really bugging me is the missing claws-mail toolbar that shows "tools", addressbook, encrypt/decrypt, and especially the ability to load plugins, and set all preferences. I have tried uninstalling & reinstalling but nothing provides the toolbar I need. Yum does not provide anything new either. As most of my important passwords are encrypted, and I need the claws pgp plugin to be loaded.

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Software :: Installing Plugin Gtkhtml2Viewer In Claws Mail?

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to install the plug-in Gtkhtml2Viewer on my Debian Lenny system for claws-mail. I have installed claws-mail 3.7.5 from backports. When I try to install the plug-in, I get the following response:

mark@debian:~/stuff/debs/source/gtkhtml2_viewer-0.27$ ./configure
checking for GNU gettext in libc... yes
checking whether to use NLS... yes
checking where the gettext function comes from... libc
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for CLAWS_MAIL... configure: error: Package requirements (claws-mail >= were not met:

No package 'claws-mail' found.
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. Alternatively, you may set the environment variables CLAWS_MAIL_CFLAGS
and CLAWS_MAIL_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config. See the pkg-config man page for more details.

Since I have version 3.7.5, I would think that the above cited requirement of "claws-mail >=" would be met. However, for some reason, it states that "No package 'claws-mail' found", which is strange.

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Software :: How To Install VCalendar Plugin In Claws Mail

Sep 12, 2010

I have been trying to install the plug-in vcalendar for claws-mail. I use Debian Lenny, and I have installed claws-mail 3.7.5 from backports. I tried installing the plug-in, but get the following response:

mark@debian:~/stuff/debs/source/vcalendar-2.0.8$ ./configure
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for CLAWS_MAIL... configure: error: Package requirements (claws-mail >= were not met:

No package 'claws-mail' found
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. Alternatively, you may set the environment variables CLAWS_MAIL_CFLAGS
and CLAWS_MAIL_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.

See the pkg-config man page for more details.
I'm not sure why it didn't find ANY package of claws-mail. Further, 3.7.5 should be good enough, since it is newer than the required

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Slackware :: Claws Mail 3.7.8 - No Icon Loaded Into Tray

Jan 2, 2011

I've got a problem with the Claws-mail client. Couple of days ago I have updated the client to its newest version 3.7.8. Because I couldn't find a ready-made package for Slackware 13.0 I've downloaded the source, unpacked to a folder and using src2slack created a package. Package has been created using default settings. And when done upgraded as it should be with upgradepkg. And it was very nice until I've noticed that Claws didn't load into the tray.

Went into plugin loading screen and saw that the trayicon plugin isn't loaded. This one is easy I thought and loaded the plugin. And then it happened. The plugin didn't load but instead it spit out this message: "The following error occurred while loading Trayicon.so : /usr/lib/claws-mail/plugins/trayicon.so: undefined symbol: gtk_status_icon_set_title". I've found what this symbol should do (or so I think) but it doesn't get me anywhere. I would really like to drop claws into the tray.

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Slackware :: Claws Mail Not Running - Cannot Find Libetpan.so.13

Nov 25, 2010

I've tried this several times and cannot get claws-mail to run. Libetpan has been installed, removed and re-installed. When trying to start c-mail it say cannot find libetpan.so.13 which is accurate - the current installation of libetpan puts in libetpan.so.15. These packages all come from slackbuilds (have also tried Alien's package wtih the same results). This a standard 13.1 install with regular updates through slackpkg.

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Fedora :: Claws Mail - Email Count Goes To 0 (Inbox Empty)

Jul 29, 2010

I haven't logged on to Fedora for a few days, but I did this morning and opened claws mail and clicked 'get mail' and it proceeded to download new messages. However, when I clicked on the inbox folder, the email count changed to zero! No email. I checked and found the folderlist.xml has the correct Mail folder location, and when I went to that location, (on a shared data partition) indeed the 'inbox' folder was EMPTY. No files at all. I'd had a similar issue once, but the email #MH location wasn't correct, so when I fixed it, the email appeared. I did a web search and a search of the claws bugzilla.

The closest I came was a message about the cache not keeping accurate information. There was a claws-mail update at the end of May, but it had been working fine since then up until now. And, it's possible it's some sort of Fedora issue (?), because I had opened my 'home' folder on my desktop to check the claws folder, and now I see that there's a gaping hole on my desktop where that folder should be. I can get there by clicking 'places' and 'Home Folder'. Any other reports of disappearing folders and email?

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Software :: Claws Mail RSSyl Plugin - Deleted RSS Items Reappears

Jan 16, 2011

i'm currently using the claws mail rssyl plugin to manage my rss feeds, but i have two issues with it:

1) when i delete an rss item it reappears when i refresh the feed
2) when i mark all posts of a feed as read, a little while later (for example) 5 of the 20 items become new/unread again. these unread items are random (not the latest posts)

the only pattern i can see (regarding issue #2) is that it only affects feeds hosted on videos. i'm thinking of finding a different application to manage my rss feeds, but it is nice to have email and feeds in once place.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Attach A File To A Mail In Text Mode?

Aug 4, 2010

how to attach a file to a mail in text mode

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General :: Previewing Text In A Graphical Mail Client?

Aug 8, 2011

Kernel, Slackware 12.0Mozilla Thunderbird have just typed, using a GUI mail client (or the graphical front end of a mail client) the text of a letter and am about to send it. Before I do so, I'd like to see how the letter will look to the recipient. But I can't find anything similar to a 'Preview' button. The client I use is Thunderbird. What do users of mail clients (graphical) do in a similar situation? I mean "to preview", when writing. Form among all mail clients, many must share the same features.

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Debian :: Display Of Fonts With Iceweasel And Claws

Mar 14, 2010

Some fonts or lettering produces gobble-di-gook rather than a proper display in both iceweasel and claws mail reader. Usually punctuation (like ") results in this. For instance, from the site Clean Debian Etch Install, I get the following:

Code: The �€˜Choose country or region�€™ screen will appear, select �€˜United States�€™ or your preferred country. I'm assuming the above should display as, Code: The "Choose country or region" screen will appear, select "United States" or your preferred country.

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Software :: Is It Worth To Switch From Thunderbird To Claws

Aug 23, 2010

I've been using Thunderbird for a lot, but I would like a lighter mail client. I was checking Sylpheed but it lacks of HTML rendering for incoming messages, and that is a "must" for me. Then I realized that Claws started as a parallel branch of Sylpheed but included those features Sylpheed doesn't have (one of them is the HTML rendering).

I would like to know if Claws is as light as Sylpheed to see if it's worth it to switch to Claws, because the reason to switch is to get a lighter mail client.

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Fedora :: PHP 5.3 Not Included In 12

Nov 18, 2009

php 5.3 is included in Fedora 12 final , but its not there. I'm using the gnome version of Fedora 12. I know i can install it. I'm writing documentation for flow3 and i need to know if it's included or not.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 3.5.x Not Included In 11.2

Dec 15, 2008

Source: openSUSE News KDE in openSUSE 11.1 and Beyond KDE 3.5 will not be included on 11.2 �official� media or in the release repository for 11.2, but the community certainly has the option of creating KDE 3.5 packages in the build service, and creating live CDs with KDE 3.5 packages for 11.2. What's everyone's views on this? I personally think that 3.5.x should stay till 12.x.

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Ubuntu :: Apt-Get And Local Repository - Natty Not Included

May 16, 2011

I've copied a number of deb files from my ubuntu Natty dvd to /home/bob/Natty-DVD/pool. And I ran:
sudo dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -c9 > Packages.gz
Which created the nesc. Packages.gz file. Then I edited my /etc/apt/sources.list and added the line:
deb file:///home/bob/Natty-DVD ./
and did a sudo apt-get update
But, the list of repos doesn't include my /home/bob/Natty-DVD. This is on a fresh install of natty.

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Ubuntu :: PDF Generation Settings - JPEGs Included Come Out Blurry

Apr 22, 2010

Generally on my system(Karmic x64), if I generate a pdf, any image included comes out distinctly blurry. I have googled and come across this [URL] which says when there is a pdf generation, everything is recompressed, hence the blurriness. How is there a way around this? What do I tweak to ensure pictures are left alone (I already ensure they are as small as possible) when I convert anything to pdf?

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Ubuntu :: Written A C++ Program And Included #include <iostream>?

May 2, 2010

I've written a C++ program and included #include <iostream>.but when I compiled the program the terminla shows:No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: K3b Included With Kubuntu 10.04 Is It Beta Software?

May 16, 2010

I noticed that when I click on help about in k3b is says 1.91.0. Why is release candidate version included with a LTS version of Kubuntu? On K3b's website, it points to this:[URL].. I've reported this and another problem to kde.org and launchpad. This is kinda sad that I can't even continue multisession DVD-Rs that were created with a previous version of k3b.

I'm trying to continue burning a multession DVD-R that was created with a previous version of k3b. I'm using kubuntu 10.04. K3b prompts me to insert a suitable medium into the drive but it says it has found medium appendable dvd-r medium.


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Ubuntu :: Drop-down Menus On DeviantArt (screenshot Included)?

Aug 25, 2010

There is a strange gray bar under the search bar (top left corner) and the Login and Shop drop-down menus won't work for some reason.

I'm using Lucid lynx and the default FireFox browser that comes with it.

I guess I should note that I don't have problems with drop down menus on other websites.

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Ubuntu :: /usr/games' Is Not Included In The PATH Environment Variable

Dec 6, 2010

I get this every time I try to run a game eg pacman Command 'pacman' is available in '/usr/games/pacman' The command could not be located because '/usr/games' is not included in the PATH environment variable. pacman: command not found

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Networking :: Fedora 9 Isn't Quagga Included / Why Is So?

Mar 19, 2009

I routing OSPF from fedora9. but,
Why to Fedora 9 isn't quagga included?
Will substitute quagga there is a service from in the service which is included basically in Fedora9?
From in the service which exists only basically inside fedora 9 DVD

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