I am using Natty in Classic Gnome mode with a custom icon set, Awoken. It is doing fine, but an upgrade was released a few days ago and the installation fails:
There is a page for awoken-icon-theme package on Launchpad, but I cannot find a way to submit a bug on it. If I try "ubuntu-bug awoken-icon-theme", it is rejected because it is not an Ubuntu package. I understand that. Should I try to contact the developer directly?
How can I resolve this error and get the upgrade installed?
I have recently installed Faenza icon theme and just began to notice the inconsistency of icon emblems being displayed by compiz.Attached image shows the emblems of Chromium, Nautilus and Comix are that of the default icons, while Empathy andCompizConfigSettingsManager displayed the custom icon correctly. The dock displays all apps' icons correctly though.The issue does not occur exclusively to Application Switcher (Alt+Tab), it also occurs with Scale (Super+W), Shift Switcher (Super+Tab).
I have just created an 11.3 64 bit image using susestudio. All seems well but would like to customize the desktop via my script that I have added. My question is how do I remove the home directory and the trash icon from the desktop? Or better said what is the path to removing the symbolic link, I cannot find the symbolic links in the desktop directory. It is empty, I do not see any symbolic links under /home/test/Desktop?
I am looking for a way to (via bash script) set a custom directory icon for a number of directories. All of these directories contain a "cover.jpg" image. I can accomplish this manually by right clicking the directory > select "Properties > click the directory icon button > select the "cover.jpg" image. I am just looking for the way to do this in the terminal to save time, as the music collection is quite large.
In past versions of Ubuntu, I've used a customized version of oxygen-refit-red. This time, however, there is no apparent option to install the theme from a tar.bz2 file.
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and having trouble setting a custom icon for an application launcher that I created. I have created and SVG file and placed it in /usr/shared/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ and when I try to select it as the icon for the application launcher, it just goes back to the gnome-panel-launcher.svg default.If I put the SVG file on my desktop and then select it, all is well. I'm assuming this is some type of permission problem, but I cannot seem to figure it out. I have set the permissions to be identical to the other icons in /usr/shared/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/, but have no luck doing that either.
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and having trouble setting a custom icon for an application launcher that I created. I have created and SVG file and placed it in /usr/shared/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ and when I try to select it as the icon for the application launcher, it just goes back to the gnome-panel-launcher.svg default.
If I put the SVG file on my desktop and then select it, all is well. I'm assuming this is some type of permission problem, but I cannot seem to figure it out. I have set the permissions to be identical to the other icons in /usr/shared/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/, but have no luck doing that either.
creating your own notification icon for Gnome? Like the Power, Network, and Sound ones. I found something called Zenity but it doesn't seem to be able to create a drop-down menu and I can't see how I'd update the information in the icon once it is created. I have a script set up to check something and want to report the results back via a persistent notification icon, with the ability to change the icon and its properties (mouseover/tooltip text) and drown-down menu text as appropriate.
I'm trying to change the icon on my custom main menu on Ubuntu 10.10 doing this> sudo gconf-editor apps/panel/default_setup/objects/menu_bar.I gave object_type menu-object and custom_icon path as /home/ john/Pictures/menu.png then I checked use_custom_icon but with no luck (notice that I've succeed doing this in a virtual machine with the exact settings)Also I want to have icons on places and system, so I did thisdesktop/gnome/interface and clicked menus_have_icons.what I'm missing?
I have a script that toggles my touchpad on and off and I assigned it a custom keystroke using gconf-editor. It worked fine until I upgraded to Natty and now I can't make it work anymore. I checked and the script is still the value of 'command_1' and the same keystroke (<Alt>t) is still the value of run_command_1 in the universal keybindings. But, for whatever reason, when I hit <Alt>t, nothing happens. I've tried using assigning different keystrokes, but nothing has worked.
I created a customized version of a package, and when I did an upgrade later the source build got overwritten.How can I configure the package system to stop that from happening even if the main repositories have newer versions?
I recently installed F11 and customised the gnome panel with various custom application launchers. After the latest upgrade all my custom launchers have disappeared, the only ones left are firefox and thunderbird.
upgraded to 10.04. this morning and now the sonud control in the notification area has dissapered, have tried removing the notification area from the panel then adding it again but it still not showing. I really need a volume control in the panel.
the icon for Firefox in the top panel disappeared when I upgraded from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. Now I have just a grey square (which launches Firefox when I click it, mind you...) It's no big deal and I didn't do anything until today, but
I used to have the volume icon in Top Panel before upgrading from 9.1 to 10.4 I'm sure it's something stupid I'm not seeing, or maybe not, but anyhow....
Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.
The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]
My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.
The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.
Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?
And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?
How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?
I've installed Office 2007 under wine, and would like to add launchers for Word, Excel, etc to the Unity launcher bar.
So, I've created a launcher on the Desktop that will run Word with wine. I've changed the icon to the Word Icon and everything works great from the desktop. If I drag that launcher to the Unity bar, it adds it, but changes the icon to the springboard default icon that new launchers use. Please see attached picture.
As a side note, I am really starting to like Unity (puts on flamesuit), but it seems very easy to break the install of 11.04. I've had to reinstall 4 times now.
Ive had a few freeze ups on this system but the last time it affected the top panel.The wireless icon has disappeared to be replaced by an extra bluetooth icon.screenshot attached.Is there any kind of clean up utility (like tune up utilities in win)Also, any kind of log so I can trace this freeze up Iḿ getting.Ive only just got this laptop so dont know if it did it before although prev owner never mentioned it.
I lost the pictures and music icons on the places menu. When I browse the folders from nautilus I see the icons, but when I click on the places menu I see the regular folder icon and not the special pictures icon or music icon
I recently upgraded to slackware-current from Slackware 13 via slackroll, and have only encountered one problem. My file manager no longer thumbnails images, and icons (mostly PNG) aren't appearing no matter what GTK theme is set. Running from the command line produces no errors, and when brought up in something else (say feh /path/to/icon.png) it works perfectly. This is the only hitch I have encountered so far. The same thing happens with emoticons in Pidgin. Does anyone know of a fix?
I tried xdg-desktop-icon command. It does install a shortcut. The shortcut works when double clicked. But the shortcut is shown as a standard icon, not the icon defined in the .desktop file. Do I miss something?
I'm looking for a way to may the open windows show just an icon on the taskbar instead of the icon/text/rectangle that's default. Something similar to Windows 7.
Is anyone else seeing the default icon in GNOME Shell instead of the usual Firefox icon? I am talking about the default icon that looks like a purple diamond.
It always shows a same icon, for every application which shows message tray icon. I just did some shell extension work after fresh installation of F15, nothing related on message tray. Don't know how to change it back.Dose anyone knows how to customize message tray icon for gnome-shell?
Kwallet is off. Then I install a wireless device under WPA. Wired icon starts to change to wireless icon, but does not and goes back to wired icon. Hovering pointer over wired icon shows wired device installed as well as wireless device. How do I keep the wireless icon in place after installing WPA to wireless device?
I'm trying to add .desktop file for my application but I'm stuck with very strange problem.I created 48x48 icon for my program called etmmanager.png.I created .desktop file according to specifications:
Code: [Desktop Entry] X-SuSE-translate=true Categories=Application;Utility;X-SuSE-TimeUtility; Comment=ETM Manager for time logging Exec=etmmanager code....
My problem is that icon is not working in menu! I can find my program in Utilities->Time->ETM Manager and this is what I wanted, but there is no icon for the program.
It starts working if I specify absolute path in etmmanager.desktop file like Code: Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/etmmanager.png About my system - Opensuse 11.1 KDE 4.2