Ubuntu :: Can't Get Karmic BT Working

Apr 16, 2010

Been several hours trying everything up to and including blueman. Things SEEM to be working, but try to browse files on my Nokia phone I still get

Could not display "obex://[00:1F:5D:33:2C:BD]/".
Error: Connection to the device lost
Please select another viewer and try again.

Not sure how to try to connect, phone sees computer and vice versa, but can't get a connection. The phone asks if I want to accept the connection, I press accept, the window comes back with Connection Failed: Network Manager Failed to activate the connection. If I try a serial connection it says Port already in use. I don't actually know what that means.

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Ubuntu :: Lomoco Not Working In 9.10 Karmic?

Mar 19, 2010

I've just upgraded to Kubuntu Karmic and lomoco is no longer working - no effect on sensitivity, and device scan has no feedback. Is lomoco no longer supported, or is a known issue?

I'm using a Logitech MX300 and invoke lomoco with:

sudo lomoco -8

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Ubuntu :: Emerald Theme Not Working Karmic

Feb 12, 2010

emerald theme wont enable. i ran emerald --replace in terminal nothing i replaced command in compiz nothing i added emerald as a start up nothing. right now there are no window borders. window decorations are enabled. what am i missing?

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Ubuntu :: Suspend In Karmic Stopped Working

Mar 24, 2010

Suspend in Karmic has stopped working. It freezes the computer and I hard reboot is needed. Does anyone know of a solution?

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Ubuntu :: Get A Template Working With Texlive In Karmic?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm trying to get a template working with texlive in Karmic. When I try to compile normally, I get errors that it can't find certain .sty files, which are part of the standard packages that get installed. (amsmath.sty, etc... graphics.sty, xspace.sty). If I run latex with sudo, the problem disappears. I guess this has something to do with file read permissions. So I found where all of these files are located and did:

sudo chmod -R 777 /usr/share/texmf-texlive/

This did not solve the problem. Does anybody happen to know what the issue is here? I have done some searching around and haven't found anything useful that doesn't involve copying all the files somewhere else.

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General :: Lmms Not Working On Ubuntu Karmic 9.10?

Apr 1, 2010

why dont lmms work on ubuntu karmic 9.10?

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Ubuntu :: Flash Input Not Working In Karmic ?

Nov 12, 2009

when i updated to 9.10, flash stopped working properly. essentially, it wouldn't accept any clicks. i could press spacebar to pause videos videos, but anything involving the mouse wouldn't work. "on hover" functions seem to work (the play/pause button glows when i hover the cursor over it), but the "on release" functions do nothing.

i tried using the fix from this website--


but it didn't do anything at all. then i tried this script--


but now firefox crashes with a segfault every time flash is used.

is there a way i can downgrade back to 9.04 as easily as i upgraded to 9.10?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio CDs Stopped Working With Karmic?

Jan 20, 2010

I tried upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic, which borked booting on that partition. I made a fresh install of Karmic on another partition which is booting fine, but I can't get Audio CDs to work, period. They worked in Jaunty and every release before that I had installed. Data CDs work fine in Karmic. I'm using plain ol' Ubuntu 32bit. I'm not sure where to start. There have been other threads where other people had identical symptoms. Either the problem went away mysteriously on its own, or they gave up because nobody believed them. In any case, I'm beginning to wish I had stuck with Jaunty.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - WUSB600N Ver2 Working In Karmic

Mar 1, 2010

I have a WUSB600N v2 and it is working great for me. Here is all you have to do. Go here and download the RT3572USB driver [URL] The file you download is called 2009_1222_RT3572_LinuxSTA_V2[1].3.0.0.tar.bz2 expand it with the command "tar xjf 2009_1222_RT3572_LinuxSTA_V2[1].3.0.0.tar.bz2"

open the file os/linux/config.mk and edit the following lines: Change HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=n to HAS_WPA_SUPPLICANT=y and Change HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=n to HAS_NATIVE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_SUPPORT=y
Next edit the file common/rtusb_dev_id.c and add the USB ID of the card to it. {USB_DEVICE(0x1737,0x0079)}, /* WUSB600Nv2 */

sudo make
sudo make install
reboot and your done.

If you have added the USB device to any other drivers following other threads you will want to either remove that line and recompile those drivers OR black list those drivers. After doing the above this NIC is working great for me in Ubuntu 9.10 and getting N speeds.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Linksys Wpc54g V4 Not Working On Karmic

Mar 29, 2010

I really need to get a linksys wpc54g version 4 pcmcia card to work....i have never really had a lot of problems with wireless and thit is a friends laptop that he wanted ubuntu on......if i cant get it to work he will go back to windows and i would not like that to happen lol....here is the output of dmesg and ifconfig lspci and lspcmcia..

thomas@thomas-laptop:~$ dmesg
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Linux version 2.6.31-20-generic (buildd@palmer) (gcc version 4.4.1


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Sound Not Working On IMac7,1 Karmic

Apr 23, 2010

I have an iMac, and I recently installed Karmic. Sound won't work, even with headphones. I've tried adjusting the settings and a lot of other sound fixes. How can I get sound to work?

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Karmic Koala Wireless Card Not Working

Jan 23, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my hp pavilion dv2110rs and everything worked fine but the wireless card. i cant figure out what is wrong. when i type lspci into the terminal it tells me "01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)" and i have no idea where to go from here to install a working driver. i tryed to go by the ubuntu guide but i got complettly lost.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Edimax WiFi Card Not Working With Karmic

Jan 7, 2010

Finally took the plunge and upgraded my ubuntu studio to karmic from jaunty. I seem to be experiencing a problem many have, being that my wifi card (edimax) which worked on my previous distro is now not working at all. I've done a lot of research and found the problem seems to mainly be with broadcom cards, and have tried a number of things relating to those that have worked for others, with no luck.

My problem seems to be not that the drivers wont activate or anything like that, my problem is that under hardware drivers nothing appears at all. I have no drivers present, where most people are talking of 3. i have not found anyone else with this problem. My problem is compounded in addition by not being about to use a wire connection at all.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Has Stopped Working Karmic Koala

Jan 20, 2010

Today my wireless has stopped working. I have a laptop hp6720s with network controller: Intel corporation PRO/Wireless 3945 ABG [Golan] Network connection (rev 02), dual boot vista/ubuntu 9.10, fully updated (kernel 2.6.31-17). I use a router edimax BR-6204 wg to use the net with other laptop. Till now i have using wicd for controll wireless without any problem, internet was quick and responsive. (Quick connection without any failure).

But today the internet was very slow and wireless starts to connect and disconnects intermitently, doing it unusable. This was what occured when i upgraded from jaunty to karmic and used the network manager from gnome, but then i fix the problem installing wicd. Now wicd behaves in the same way as gnome-network-manager. If i connect directly the computer to the router by wire, i have internet and everything works perfectly. How i can fix the wireless?. How i can do it works with ubuntu 9.10 and?.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Webcam Stopped Working After Upgrade To Karmic

Feb 9, 2010

I just upgraded to karmic the other week and now my webcam isn't working anymore. here is my dmesg output


the last two lines are added whenever I try to run mplayer or skype on the webcam. We are currently using uname -r: 2.6.31-19-generic (64 bit), but the problem was the same on 2.6.31-17-generic

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Device RTL8139D In Karmic 9.10 Not Working

Feb 14, 2010

I love Ubuntu but so far a lot of the network devices I've tried have been nothing but problems. I'm adding a second NIC to my Karmic 9.10 desktop. It's been 2 weeks and I've tried 2 other cards already with no luck. It's especially frustrating because I thought I did my homework on this one and read that it's plug and play on 9.10 here: [URL]... This is the link to where I bought it: [URL]...


I looked around the forums and tried a few things like modprobe 8139too. The card still is not working. Was that the right thing to do with this particular card?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: USB Ports Stop Working In Karmic Koala

Apr 13, 2010

I was been out of using ubuntu for while and came back.However since I have installed Karmic Koala 10 to 15 minutes I start the usb mouse stop working, then the wireless connection and then freezes I cannot do nothing. My Computer is a Laptop Toshiba Intel ATI Video Card.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Get Streaming Working In Chromium/Firefox In Karmic?

Jun 17, 2010

I've been going through the Comprehensive multimedia and video howto a couple of times and never get streaming going. When testing on the Apple trailers site and this here I don't get it to work. I tried both streaming options set in the thread, (a) Gecko Media Player and (b) MPlayer Plug-in (removing the other one in between) and am getting very annoyed. Currently have option (a) installed.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Koala - Keyboard And Mouse Not Working Upon Login

Jun 18, 2010

Upon booting mouse and keyboard work for a short duration, sometimes it works on optimum level though. If I speedily type in my password it will go through and then freeze before logging. This appears to be a known problem in Lucid Lynx I was wondering if there was a fix for a certain update [URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wvdial Stops Working After Upgrade From 9.04 Jaunty To 9.10 Karmic

Mar 1, 2010

On a fully updated Ubuntu 9.04 system, I had successfully configured wvdial to connect using a USB modem ("Update" brand) with an ID of 067b:0611 (uses the pl2303 driver module). In considering an upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10, I tried a LiveCD and was unable to connect using wvdial. However, because I had made the CD a couple months before, I went ahead with the upgrade (via the internet; not a fresh install) in the hopes that it would end up working or I would be able to find a solution for it.

The Problem: The upgrade was a success as far as I could tell, but when I tried to connect to the internet with wvdial, I was not able to. I checked the wvdial.conf settings to make sure they were the same as before, added some new ones I thought it might need, unplugged the modem and replugged it, restarted my system, etc., but all to no avail. Whenever I would try to run wvdial to connect, I would get the following output:


--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ


This was different than the output I used to get with wvdial, but when I went over to my browser (Firefox) the internet worked fine. I'm assuming my email client and other things will work okay as well, but have not tested them as of yet.

A final touch I did to make connecting a bit less 'painful' was to right-click on the panel (at the top of the default Ubuntu screen), and click on 'Add to Panel'. Then I selected 'Custom Application Launcher', chose 'Application in Terminal' for 'Type', gave the launcher a name, pasted in that 'horrifically' long command line above, gave a brief description in the 'comment' box, then pressed 'OK'. Voila! I now have a launcher on my panel that with a single-click will bring up a terminal screen where I enter my sudo password and it connects. Then when I want to disconnect I just go back to that terminal, press Ctrl+C, which promptly disconnects me and causes the terminal to vanish into thin air.

Now, I don't know enough about this stuff to know why this command worked and wvdial didn't, but if you know, feel free to post a reply. Or if you'd like to see what settings I had for wvdial that worked in 9.04 but not in 9.10, let me know. Or if you think it's worth checking to see if this should be posted as a bug in either wvdial or Ubuntu, you can mention that as well.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Acer Aspire D250 Not Working With Karmic Remix / Solve This?

Feb 16, 2010

Just installed 9.10 netbook remix on my acer aspire one - No Wireless !

search showed all kinds of comments but few solutions most just claimed it worked or others tried madwifi without success.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Latitude 2100 Karmic Upgrade Touchpad Stopped Working

Feb 26, 2010

My Dell Latitude 2100 worked fine with the pre-installed Ubuntu 9.04. I upgraded to 9.10 and the touchpad stopped working. Restored to factory condition and it again worked fine. I re-did the upgrade, this time asking it not to delete the obsolete items.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Repeatedly Stops Working On HP Pavilion/Intel 4965AG/Karmic

Feb 9, 2010

My wireless LAN connection on this machine occasionally stops working. The network traffic bar shows periodic very small transmissions but the failure of all network dependent applications (Firefox, package manager, etc.) indicates to me that the machine is no longer talking to the net. I can fix it by reselecting my home network in nm-applet from the drop-down list. This causes the machine to disconect, reconnect and all is well for some random period of time thereafter. Here's some data:I'm running an HP Pavillion laptop.


~$ lspci | grep Wireless
02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)


~$ lsmod | grep iwl
iwlagn 124768 0
iwlcore 134820 1 iwlagn
mac80211 243496 2 iwlagn,iwlcore


I don't know if this is related or not, but a couple of months ago I unsuccessfully attempted to share a hotel's wired Internet connection over my wireless card. I may have hosed some settings or it could be unrelated.The "unknown interface" portion of the restart attempt is interesting but I don't know enough to fix it.

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General :: Slow And Poorly Working Karmic Koala After Upgrade From Hardy

Jan 21, 2010

I reinstalled Ubuntu on my HP pc-40 computer. I used to run Hardy Heron and am now running Karmic Koala. The cd drive which had had issues for a while, broke after finishing the install, when I tried to get the cd out.I dont know if this has anything to do with it, or if my computer is too old for Karmic Koala, or if possibly the harddrive didn't appreciate being overwritten a second time - but the graphics are not working well (small squares of previous windows linger in my present browser window*)everythin is much slower, and many applications come up without a border, or their windows cant be moved with the mouse.

To top it off, while I tried to fix a bug with the terminal (no border) and uninstalled it, I couldnt install it back. So no terminal, which really makes even a newbie like me sad.If I cant solve it in a few days I will probably try to install a smaller distro via USB - I think Slax can be installed straight to USB without a live cd?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic Koala - Slow Jerky And Has Odd Freezes Like Windows - Applications Randomly Stop Working

Nov 7, 2010

I had been happily on Jaunty Jackalope until they stopped supporting it so I took the forced upgrade and it's HORRIBLE!

I feel like I'm back in Windows land. Within an hour of my first load I had my very first Ubuntu total-lockup. Just like Windows. In the 18 months I'd been using Jackalope I had not had a single crash. Not one.

It's slow, jerky, and has odd freezes. Just like Windows. Applications randomly stop working and die. Just like Windows.

Is there any way to fall back to Jackalope or is there any hope of them fixing Koala? 'Cause this is wretched.

I see there's another version out there...10.04.01.LTS. I'll try that. It can't be much worse.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Karmic And Xp (karmic Installed)?

Jan 21, 2010

What's the right direction or give me step by step on how to do this?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Karmic Running Smoothly On Imac 7,1 Aluminum 20" Sound Wifi Wlan Video Working Fully

Feb 8, 2010

I have Karmic Koala 9.10 working (near) perfectly on my iMac7,1, as identified by


NOTE: See below for Lucid 10.04 update to these instructions

IMPORTANT: You need to complete the installation procedure while connected to internet via the WIRED network. Then you can enable the wireless by installing the restricted drivers, after the install is complete. Also the fglrx ATI Video driver is effortlessly installed via Menu > System > Administration > Hardware Drivers

The sound card gave me some trouble, as it is an Intel HDA Model, reported as 'Codec: Realtek ALC889A' by


It shows up in lspci as:


It sounded rather tinny at first, when I tried mbp3 and other model names. Then I added the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf :


After reboot, my sound is full and can be put much louder than before. Jack detection works. Some people might have to leave out the power saving options. See below.

dmesg reports:


Sources consulted are mostly the kernel documentation ( Enter into the terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-doc

The relevant info can be found in HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz and HD-Audio.txt.gz in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc/sound/alsa )

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Ubuntu Networking :: Karmic Koala Yes More Davicom Adapter "not Working" ?

Jan 4, 2010

So i installed Karmic Koala on my HP mini and obviously the wireless driver does not work from the get go. so instead i decided to try to connect my Davicom (9601 chip) USB to ethernet adapter and then get all the appropriate stuff (NDISwrapper/broadcom driver etc.) through a hardline. yet that is proving difficult as well.

kernel is 2.6.31-14 The system sees the adapter. i have the driver for it but it will not compile. i keep getting errors on compile. probably as the driver is a touch old. I did a search and read through all of the old threads concerning the davicom adapter. i tried to blacklist the tulip driver that didnt work. I read through the thread that talks about modifying the config.h to modify configfs.h but that only concerns releases prior to mine.

I grabbed this driver [url]

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log Into Karmic?

Jan 11, 2010

I have installed ubuntu on numerous computers, but for some reason I am getting this problem on this computer. When I try to log in GDM flickers then goes back to the user selection screen. After like 10 attempts i can log in. It doesn't always do this either. Hopefully these log errors will help solve this problem.

Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop gdm-binary[1367]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory
Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop gdm-binary[1367]: WARNING: Unable to find users: no seat-id found
Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop gdm-simple-slave[1414]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory
Jan 11 14:34:18 arnold-desktop acpid: client connected from 1422[0:0]
Jan 11 14:34:21 arnold-desktop console-kit-daemon[690]: WARNING: Couldn't read /proc/689/environ: Failed to open file '/proc/689/environ': No such file or directory

I hope I can get help with this, I have reinstalled ubuntu twice and reinstalled GDM.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For 64 Bit Karmic?

Jan 13, 2010

Is there a 64 bit Karmic and where can I download it. I've been looking all over and getting half answers.

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