Ubuntu Networking :: Wvdial Stops Working After Upgrade From 9.04 Jaunty To 9.10 Karmic

Mar 1, 2010

On a fully updated Ubuntu 9.04 system, I had successfully configured wvdial to connect using a USB modem ("Update" brand) with an ID of 067b:0611 (uses the pl2303 driver module). In considering an upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10, I tried a LiveCD and was unable to connect using wvdial. However, because I had made the CD a couple months before, I went ahead with the upgrade (via the internet; not a fresh install) in the hopes that it would end up working or I would be able to find a solution for it.

The Problem: The upgrade was a success as far as I could tell, but when I tried to connect to the internet with wvdial, I was not able to. I checked the wvdial.conf settings to make sure they were the same as before, added some new ones I thought it might need, unplugged the modem and replugged it, restarted my system, etc., but all to no avail. Whenever I would try to run wvdial to connect, I would get the following output:


--> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.60
--> Cannot get information for serial port.
--> Initializing modem.
--> Sending: ATZ


This was different than the output I used to get with wvdial, but when I went over to my browser (Firefox) the internet worked fine. I'm assuming my email client and other things will work okay as well, but have not tested them as of yet.

A final touch I did to make connecting a bit less 'painful' was to right-click on the panel (at the top of the default Ubuntu screen), and click on 'Add to Panel'. Then I selected 'Custom Application Launcher', chose 'Application in Terminal' for 'Type', gave the launcher a name, pasted in that 'horrifically' long command line above, gave a brief description in the 'comment' box, then pressed 'OK'. Voila! I now have a launcher on my panel that with a single-click will bring up a terminal screen where I enter my sudo password and it connects. Then when I want to disconnect I just go back to that terminal, press Ctrl+C, which promptly disconnects me and causes the terminal to vanish into thin air.

Now, I don't know enough about this stuff to know why this command worked and wvdial didn't, but if you know, feel free to post a reply. Or if you'd like to see what settings I had for wvdial that worked in 9.04 but not in 9.10, let me know. Or if you think it's worth checking to see if this should be posted as a bug in either wvdial or Ubuntu, you can mention that as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade From 9.04 Jaunty To 9.10 Karmic

Mar 12, 2010

i used the Update Manager to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10.. then it said:


While scanning your repository information no mirror entry for the upgrade was found. This can happen if you run a internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.

Do you want to rewrite your 'sources.list' file anyway? If you choose 'Yes' here it will update all 'jaunty' to 'karmic' entries. If you select 'No' the upgrade will cancel.

I choose yes, then is said that there's something wrong with the network I'm connected to..then it closes..the upgrade failed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Jaunty To Karmic Upgrade Is Broken Due To Grub2

Jan 11, 2011

i havent really had a chance to ask this for a while, but im in a bit of a bind. im trying to do a release upgrade of 9.04 through to 10.10. I'm stuck at getting karmic to reboot because of a grub problem. I keep getting "error 15" file not found. Not one single forum post has helped for some reason which is strange. Release upgrades have always worked even though not recommended, but this one of all has been the worst of the lot and totally insane.

Im testing in a vmware before i do this for real on the production server, I am using a raid1 setup and boot partitions set to md0.

my fstab after the upgrade before i reboot looked like this

# / was on /dev/md1 during installation
UUID=######################## / reiserfs relatime 0 1
# /boot was on /dev/md0 during installation


I tried to first install grub2, i confirmed it installed and worked perfect, and therefore removed grub legacy.

Ran do-release-upgrade , it completely uninstalled grub2, and it also fails at building /initrd.img-2.6.31-22-server and adding into the grub menu therefore the upgrade fails with this error. I reinstalled grub2, the menu came up fine but trying to load a kernel gave me something like

alert ! /dev/disk/by-uid/############## does not exist.

What is the go with this ? Ive been trying to make this work off and on for 6 months

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Repeatedly Stops Working On HP Pavilion/Intel 4965AG/Karmic

Feb 9, 2010

My wireless LAN connection on this machine occasionally stops working. The network traffic bar shows periodic very small transmissions but the failure of all network dependent applications (Firefox, package manager, etc.) indicates to me that the machine is no longer talking to the net. I can fix it by reselecting my home network in nm-applet from the drop-down list. This causes the machine to disconect, reconnect and all is well for some random period of time thereafter. Here's some data:I'm running an HP Pavillion laptop.


~$ lspci | grep Wireless
02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)


~$ lsmod | grep iwl
iwlagn 124768 0
iwlcore 134820 1 iwlagn
mac80211 243496 2 iwlagn,iwlcore


I don't know if this is related or not, but a couple of months ago I unsuccessfully attempted to share a hotel's wired Internet connection over my wireless card. I may have hosed some settings or it could be unrelated.The "unknown interface" portion of the restart attempt is interesting but I don't know enough to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Jaunty To Karmic - Lose Compilers And Configurations?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm a newbie to ubuntu and I only used ubuntu less than a month, and I really like it. I would like very much to upgrade my ubuntu jaunty to ubuntu karmic but I have several concerns. If I choose to upgrade via update manager: 1. Will I lose my compilers and configurations? For example, some of my programs in current ubuntu are using gcc 4.3 and g++-4.3. I know that Karmic uses higher version of gcc and g++ and I have installed these programs in higher version of gcc and g++ and I got some problems. I would very much like to stay with my current compilers and configurations. I mean, do have to install all these previous version of compilers when I upgrade to Karmic? 2. What about my data in my home folder? Will it be erased? 3. What about my data in programs such as firefox? Will it too be erased? 4. What will happen to all third party software if I upgraded to Karmic?

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Ubuntu Networking :: USB Wireless Stops Working After Upgrade?

Feb 10, 2010

This should be easy for the Ubuntu Gods to sort out:

I have a Sabrent USB 802.11N adapter. (I am using 64-bit Ubuntu in all below)

I plug it into a 9.04 box and it works fine. Plug it into a 9.10 box. Network manager sees it and can attach to the network, but has 0% signal strength, no internet.

Rebuild the 9.04 box with a fresh install to 9.10. 0% signal, no internet. Try 10.04 Alpha 2, 0% signal strength, no internet.

Rebuild same box down to 9.04. Works perfectly. 100% signal strength. I do all updates and then the upgrade to 9.10 using the USB. Everything works fine until the reboot. Then, USB connects, but 0% signal strength, no internet. Oh! ifconfig says the wlan0 interface is up, but it has a random ip address.

I don't mind using 9.04 because for the forseeable future, the box is just going to count aliens for Seti, but my wife wants it off the counter and I would like to upgrade someday.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Dell 1450 USB Adapter Stops Working After Upgrade To 10.04?

May 1, 2010

I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and my wireless card no longer works.

The card is a Dell 1450 USB a/b/g card.

lsusb sees the card. device id is 413c:8104

dmesg says that p54usb is trying to load firmware isl3887usb but that failed (error -2)

I looked in /lib/firmware and didn't find that file

ps. god why did i upgrade?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Stops Working In 10.10 And Firefox Randomly Stops Working?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat 64-bit on my desktop with a wired internet connection (with no firewall). For the past 2 days, I have observed that1. Firefox randomly throws up errors like "Problem loading page" whenever I click on a hyperlink. When I click on Reload, the page loads up just fine. This has been happening a lot recently..and I do not remember updating anything consciously. By the way, ipv6 is disabled in Firefox.2. The network stops working all of a sudden (usually indicated by the Firefox error). The Autho Eth0 indication is active, but I am unable to connect to any external machine.

3. Needless to say, this error is manifesting itself in apt-get as well. I get "something wicked happened" errors all the time, and am unable to download or install anything.That this is not a problem with the ISP is obvious because I also have Windows (from which I'm typing this, ironically), which is able to access the internet.Is this a bug in Ubuntu 10.10?

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General :: Intrepid To Jaunty Upgrade Not Working?

Nov 11, 2009

I just upgraded from jaunty to intrepid. The upgrade tool went through everything without a hitch and when it finished it told me to restart my computer. When I did, ubuntu began to boot, got past the initial loading splash screen, but immediately after, before the login splash, the screen freezes with some strange graphics glitch and refuses to work from there. How can I fix this to any workable state, upgraded or not?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mouse Stops Working After 9.10 Upgrade?

Jan 3, 2010

Before I upgraded, I used Ubuntu 9.04 on my Playstation 3. It worked absolutely fine. A couple of days back, I decided to upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 using the update manager. The installation process seemed to go fine, until I booted up the new version. When I booted up, my mouse cursor wouldn't move, whilst my keyboard worked fine, I unplugged and plugged it back in and swapped USB ports, but it came to no use. I reinstalled Jaunty and tried the entire installation process again. After installing the new version again, the same problem occured, my mouse just wouldn't work.

When I type in the command 'uname -a' it comes up with something (I apologize, I am a Linux noob) to do with the 2.6.24 Linux kernel, Ubuntu 9.10 is on the 2.6.31 kernel. Is this the problem? I don't understand what is going on or what the solution is. My mouse is a HP optical mouse if that helps. I can't bring up the terminal window because my mouse just doesn't work, which is really annoying me.

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Ubuntu :: Update To Karmic Still Keep Some Of The Features Of Jaunty?

Jan 13, 2010

if i downgrade to the Jaunty version of ubuntu(and i mean wipe my hard drive and start from scrach) then update to Karmic can i still keep some of the features of Jaunty?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Karmic Server Uses 3x As Much RAM As Jaunty?

Jun 7, 2010

Ubuntu Jaunty i386 server used 8% of the available 2GB RAM. After upgrading to Karmic, usage is now at 30%.Seems many more mysqld instances running

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Jaunty To Karmic?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a dedicated server running Ubuntu-server Jaunty. As you know, this OS no longer has security updates. I'm trying to upgrade it to the latest LTS (Lucid) but first thing's first: I'm having trouble upgrading from Jaunty to Karmic.

Here's the problem. I get the following when I try do-release-upgrade:

$ sudo do-release-upgrade -d
Checking for a new ubuntu release
Done Upgrade tool signature
Done Upgrade tool


force an upgrade to Karmic instead of Lucid? (And no, sadly, re-installing is not an option as this is a server with no direct physical access)

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Ubuntu :: Left Mouse Button Stops Working After 10.10 Upgrade

Dec 26, 2010

I upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04 then 10.10. Now my left mouse buttons doesnt work when I click the pplications menu. Sometimes it doesnt work at all. left or right click. This is very frustrating to say the least. I have seen a few posts that look similiar and have tried what they sugested, but it still doesnt work. I have tried different mice, but it is the same problem. I dont see any error msgs in any logs I look in. Im thinking my next step is to reinstall, which Im not too excited about.

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Ubuntu :: Install Software Of Jaunty Release In Karmic?

Jan 21, 2010

Since yestarday, wireless net stop working with my laptop hp compaq 6720S, dual boot vista/karmic.

In jaunty i had the gnome network manager fully working.

When i upgraded to karmic (last october), gnome network manager connected and disconnected the wireless all the time, doing internet unusable.

I fixed the problem installing wicd. I had wireless fully working.

But since yesterday, wicd cannot obtain ip address from wireless and when it can, connects and disconnects net all the time (behaving like gnome network manager). I have reported the problem in this network and wireless forum but yet i cannot obtain answer.

Well, my question is, as gnome network manager from jaunty worked, could i install this gnome network manager release in karmic to fix wireless?.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Find Out How To Do It Without Upgrading To Impala, Then Jaunty, Then Karmic

Apr 10, 2010

When I installed Ubuntu, I installed the Hardy Heron version. I kept on forgetting to upgrade my system when a new version of Ubuntu came out and now I am considerably behind. I want to upgrade to Karmic, but I can't find out how to do it without upgrading to Impala, then Jaunty, then Karmic. Is there a possible way I can avoid upgrading three times and only do it once?

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OpenSUSE Install :: X Stops Working After Upgrade To

Sep 10, 2010

Last night I upgraded the kernel to and now X has stopped working. I can go into run level 3 OK.

I have tried removing the xorg.conf file, using a copy of the install xorg.conf. I have also tried reinstalling the ati drivers

-rwxr-xr-x 1 readyp home 101178081 2010-08-07 23:45 ati-driver-installer-10-7-x86.x86_64.run
-rwxr-xr-x 1 readyp home 103164399 2010-08-29 21:25 ati-driver-installer-10-8-x86.x86_64.run

the ATI drivers stop at 75% and do not complete.

If I go into run level 3 and run startx the screen goes black and all the keys stop working (Ctrl-Alt-F1 etc..)

I can attach the Xorg.0.log if you like, but it does not look strange.

I am sure the hardware is OK as I have my system dual boot with 11.2 and 11.3.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Java Applette Stops Working After Performing An Upgrade?

Jun 15, 2010

WHat would cause an applette to stop working after performing an upgrade? there is one applette that would allow me to access a site that just stoped workign when i upgraded the distrubution

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Ubuntu Installation :: Migrating Jaunty Users To Fresh Karmic?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a working system running Jaunty. For various reasons I want to move to Karmic, but I don't want to use the "upgrade" feature in the software update manager. I need to swap some hard drives around, so I want to do a fresh installation. My question is, what is the easiest way to "migrate" a user to a fresh installation? On a Mac you can simply run the migration tool and it moves everything into place with relative ease, whether from a backup drive or from one computer to another. Is there any analogous program in Ubuntu? Or is it just so simple that such a program is unnecessary?

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless Stops Working After Kernel Upgrade?

Aug 17, 2011

Testing distribution. Installed Linux 3.0 but left 2.6.32 on as backup. When I boot into the old kernel, wireless mostly works OK, but never when I boot with the new kernel.

Results of dmesg|grep wlan0 on 2.6:

[ 22.005102] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 28.196774] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 28.644779] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[ 30.688053] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:19:5b:06:9f:ba (try 1)
[ 30.694053] wlan0: direct probe responded


Noticing the Access Point looked like it needed the MAC address, I ran iwconfig wlan0 ap <MACADDRESS> and sometimes it will work, and wicd can connect to the access point. But sometimes the command fails to run.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Webcam Stopped Working After Upgrade To Karmic

Feb 9, 2010

I just upgraded to karmic the other week and now my webcam isn't working anymore. here is my dmesg output


the last two lines are added whenever I try to run mplayer or skype on the webcam. We are currently using uname -r: 2.6.31-19-generic (64 bit), but the problem was the same on 2.6.31-17-generic

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Compiz Stops Working After Upgrade To 10.4 Lts On Intel GM965/GL960?

May 3, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.4 lts, and compiz stoped working. EDIT: lspci | grep VGA gives me:

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller:
Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
If I try to run it from terminal i get:
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".


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Ubuntu Installation :: Mount Of Root Filesystem Failed: Jaunty To Karmic

Nov 21, 2010

I decided to try to do the 3 distro upgrade stretch from 8.04 to 10.04 this weekend and now I am hung on 9.04 to 9.10.. The upgrade went swimmingly, but I hit a wall upon boot. When I try to load kernel 2.6.31-22 I am greeted with the following error:


[ 20.879845] ACPI: I/O resource vt596_smbus [0x400-0$407] conflicts with ACPI region SMOV [0x400-0x406]
Mount of root filesystem failed.

A maintenance shell will now be started ... After doing some digging I found this thread which appears to be similar in the inability to mount the filesystem. However, it does not mention the ACPI error. I tried everything in that thread; verifying device ID's, editing fstab options; running a filesystem check, and flipping the UTC option in the rcS file but nothing worked. The OP of that thread eventually did a fresh install of Karmic; but I would rather not have to go that far.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Latitude 2100 Karmic Upgrade Touchpad Stopped Working

Feb 26, 2010

My Dell Latitude 2100 worked fine with the pre-installed Ubuntu 9.04. I upgraded to 9.10 and the touchpad stopped working. Restored to factory condition and it again worked fine. I re-did the upgrade, this time asking it not to delete the obsolete items.

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General :: Slow And Poorly Working Karmic Koala After Upgrade From Hardy

Jan 21, 2010

I reinstalled Ubuntu on my HP pc-40 computer. I used to run Hardy Heron and am now running Karmic Koala. The cd drive which had had issues for a while, broke after finishing the install, when I tried to get the cd out.I dont know if this has anything to do with it, or if my computer is too old for Karmic Koala, or if possibly the harddrive didn't appreciate being overwritten a second time - but the graphics are not working well (small squares of previous windows linger in my present browser window*)everythin is much slower, and many applications come up without a border, or their windows cant be moved with the mouse.

To top it off, while I tried to fix a bug with the terminal (no border) and uninstalled it, I couldnt install it back. So no terminal, which really makes even a newbie like me sad.If I cant solve it in a few days I will probably try to install a smaller distro via USB - I think Slax can be installed straight to USB without a live cd?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Stops Working After A While?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm having some problems with wireless, it works fine on boot but after a while pretty much randomly, it can be a few days or it can be a few hours, it stops working. I'm not sure which command would tell you what and it would take a little while to debug it because like I said it's random, but if anyone knows what to do please tell me! I'm on Lucid Lynx 10.04.Another something that's really bothering me (But not related to wireless) is that for some reason when I restart my computer, the top panel keeps changing the applets locations.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Stops Working After A While?

Oct 22, 2010

I have created a Samba share, using the fantastic Webmin tool. I have a network media player which can connect to my router, and then access windows (samba) shares. Most of the time, it works fine - it's able to stream HDTV wirelessly across the network. However, every so often, it just stops working ... the media player sees :

Network, then
FILESERVER-1 (machine name), then
Media (share name), then
Video (subdir, then
TV_Shows (subdir), then
MyShow.AVI ... just hangs

if I use the Webmin tool, I see multiple samba connections all from the media player. Restarting samba seems to have no effect. The only way to fix it, is to reboot.

logfile I can check, or a setting I can tweak to fix this issue ?

When it get like this, trying to access the share from a windows machine, just gives me an error saying it can't find the machine. But when it's rebooted, it works fine.

I have mapped the "nobody" linux user to "guest" which is what the media player is defaulted to login with (it's primarily sold as a "Windows" media player), and using Webmin I have assigned the "nobody" user read-only rights to the samba share. It worked fine for 6 months, until I added this new drive.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Iwlagn Connection Stops Working After About 1MB?

Jul 24, 2010

I have an Intel PRO/Wireless 5100 AGN [Shiloh] on my HP Pavilion dv7 running a fully updated Lucid (10.04).I can connect to the wifi on my smartphone and I have no problems at all.However, after a recent update I found myself unable to use my home wifi connection.Once connected, I can usually transfer about 1 MB of data and then nothing else will go through.# uname -aLinux lappy 2.6.32-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 11 08:03:28 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/LinuxSince the home wifi router, a Linksys Wireless-G SRX, is a bit more advanced than the wifi capabilities of the smartphone, I'm inclined to think there is some feature being used that is now broken in the iwlagn driver.I've tried to disable the "11n" support with this:

# modprobe -r iwlagn
# modprobe iwlagn 11n_disable=1

but the problem continues even after that ... is there something else I can try to disable?r some way of getting the details of these two connections to see exactly what the difference is?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ethernet Stops Working On Restart?

Aug 13, 2010

I upgraded to the newest version of Ubuntu a few months ago, and ever since then, the ethernet connection to my router stops working when I restart the machine. It eventually comes back, but after varying amounts of time. Sometimes 20 minutes, sometimes 2 days.

Restarting the computer and cycled reboots of the router don't seem to have any beneficial effect, at least that I can detect.

The light for the slot on the router does not light up like it normally would, so it's almost like the OS doesn't even recognize the network card.

Ubuntu 10.4,64-bit. Dell XPS 410.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wirelss Stops Working Periodically In 10.10?

Oct 15, 2010

New Toshiba laptop dual booting with Windows 7. I really like MM 10.10 and most things are working great! Periodically I will be web browsing and I lose connection. At first I thought it was Firefox but if I try to disconnect wireless and reconnect it will no longer connect unless I reboot. My network is hidden but Ubuntu finds it no problem on a fresh boot and connects per my settings and it is not a network problem since I can connect to Windows all day long and the rest of the family never has problems.

My wirless device is: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)n and all OS updates are applied that I can find. I am thinking about un-hidding my network since years ago that used to be a problem with Redhat and even early Ubuntu but beyond that I cannot think of what else to try.

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