Ubuntu :: BBCi Streaming Jaunty Onwards

Feb 20, 2011

I have an ongoing problem in trying to get Audio and video streaming to work with any version of Ubuntu.

Definition of problem: Playing any of the past library of BBC programs either Audio or Video will lock Firefox. Clicking o play a live stream from radio or TV would lock Firefox.

Only resolution was to force quit: Often re-booting Ubuntu would enable the player to work. SOmetimes this needed 4 or 5 re-boots before it would play. Then for no apparent reason it would stop and the cycle would repeat.

I have chased down dozens of threads and tried countless solutuions none of which has worked.

I upgraded to Karmic with similar results. I use the iPlayer a lot, not for downloading just for online streaming and this is causing me untold frustration.

My last upgrade was to Lucid and finally I thought it was cracked as everything seemed to run fine. I run a very trim system with very few installed programs, but within the past few weeks the iPlayer has stopped working pretty much altogether. It will play live stream audio, so fine for listening to the radio as I work, but trying to play any library programs whether audio or video and I'm back to a locked Firefox. I really am at a total loss on where to go with this and I find myself booting more and more into Windows 7 just to be able to function the way I want.

Ubuntu 64 Lucid, AMD Athlon 64 x2 4600+

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Jaunty ATI Xserver No Backfill After Jaunty-proposed Update

Jan 9, 2010

Been using since summer 2009 the xserver no backfill from PPA: [URL] and it was working fine with my ATI video card. No heavy CPU usage when restoring from minimized and a general performance boost were the results of that use.But recently made an upgrade and realized that xserver-xorg-core package (check it from synaptic manager) has been upgraded to a jaunty-proposed version and the problems started to appear again!So using Synaptic I selected this package and hit CTRL-E key in order to choose the nobackfill version. This way things got back to normal!

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Ubuntu :: Websites Not Working In 10.04 Onwards?

Nov 8, 2010

Since the time I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04, following websites do not load in any browser:


These two sites are crucial for me, and I cant boot in back to Vista to just view these two sites.

Is anyone else too facing this issue?

I tested this even on ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Cat From A Specific Line Onwards

Jul 22, 2010

I have a file which is having 10000+ lines. I want to view the file from 500th line onwards. How will i do that.

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Fedora Hardware :: Screen Too Bright (kernel Onwards)

Apr 6, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12 x86_64 Gnome and my video card is an ATI Radeon HD 3650. I'm using the open source video driver.After updating the kernel to version, my LCD display has started being too bright, which makes it barely readable.The problem is still there after upgrading to kernel I've even tried to boot a live USB of Fedora 13 Alpha (desktop-x86_64-20100404.17.iso - downloaded from here - which ships with kernel

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Fedora :: Kernels From 2.6.28 Onwards Will Not Recognize Sound Card

Jun 5, 2010

Fedora-13 will not play sound. It's definitely a kernel issue and I am not the only one from what I read elsewhere. Prior to kernel 2.6.28 audio works on this Samsung Q1 Tablet PC. Any kernels from 2.6.28 onwards will not recognize my sound card and therefore won't play sound no matter what. I've proved it running different livecds (Suse, Mandriva, PCLOS, etc.) with kernels 2.6.25, 2.6.27, etc., all with audio. How can I use/import a suitable kernel for Fedora-13 so that it will recognize my sound card (driver snd-hda-intel) on this Q1?

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Networking :: Darwin Streaming Server Video Streaming Local Only?

May 26, 2009

I successfully installed darwin streaming server .. I stream Audio through internet well but videos I can stream locally in my network only .. when I am connected to internet outside my network .. it doesn't stream I think their must be ports opened for that .. or any 1 have any ideas .. the audio is streamed on port 8000 .. video is streamed on port 7070 but locally only .. I opened those 2 ports in my router only the audio is working .. also I opened ports 554,7170 disabled the firewall of the router .. is it a problem of ports or something else .

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Ubuntu :: Can't Update From Jaunty/2.6.30

Feb 7, 2010

I have a pretty old Sony lapto where I Installed Ubuntu minimal + xfce on it. So far it has worked great. The only problem is that I cannot update to Karmic. Back when it was released, and after a few days of headaches, I resigned myself to continue using Jaunty and wait for Lucid. However, recently, not being able to update webkit past a certain point (because of glib dependencies) is causing me some issues.

To explain the problem: regardless of boot options, any Karmic live CD will always freeze during boot-up, stating: "error machine check" and "atkbd.c: Spurious ACK on isa0060/serio0. Some program might be trying access hardware directly." Despite what it says, this is NOT a hardware problem, because I can run the computer just fine under Jaunty.

I've tried compiling the latest kernel under Jaunty (to see if I could upgrade this way instead) and no luck, kernel debs or compiles work only as far as 2.6.30, but installing either 2.6.31, 2.6.32 or even the 2.6.33-rc will result in the same kernel panic as with the live CD. I even tried to install a Karmic kernel with backports modules installed without success.

By the looks of it, I won't be able to install Lucid in this machine either, which is frustrating. I've tried reading about the changes made to 2.6.31 to find out why this laptopl can't boot into it,but so far I haven't been able to find anything. A possibility is the ATI Radeon modesetting introduced in this kernel. This computer has an ATI Rage graphic cards. Would the modesetting apply to it too? Maybe this is what causes the kernel panic?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Still Different From Jaunty Jackalope?

Dec 17, 2010

umm a while back ago when i used ubuntu 10.04 it wouldnt let you edit your gui etc unlike jaunty jackalope i was wondering if theyadded any more features from jaunty jackalope lately?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get & Download Jaunty?

Feb 1, 2010

I am tired of the bugs in 9.10 that make using Ubuntu almost impossible so I thought I would try Jaunty. I cannot find the download however for it.

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Ubuntu :: 9.04 Jaunty Jumping And Flashing

Feb 7, 2010

I switched to Jaunty as I was tired of the constant & multiple bugs that I experienced with 9.10. However, after a few days, Jaunty has already begun acting up as well. The screen is intermittently jumping, flashing & shifting, for lack of a better explanation. It doesn't matter what I am doing, whether using FF, Evolution or checking my preferences, this new issue occurs. The pc is dual booted w/ Windows, which is behaving normally. This is a new one! I have never experienced this w/ Windows or Ubuntu.Any thoughts, other than upgrading to 9.10 ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Jaunty On PPC

Feb 7, 2010

It says invalid rom contents. I installed the desktop netinstall one


Told me to get it. Should I get the alternate one instead? I am not sure what's going on lol.

I have an iBook G3 Laptop

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Ubuntu :: Get Amarok To Function With Jaunty?

Jun 13, 2010

I never was able to get amarok to function with Jaunty, despite going through several sets of instructions on the fix. Does amarok work 'out of the box' with Lucid like it did in Heron?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Upgrade Jaunty To 10.10

Mar 28, 2011

I have a netbook with no CD Drive and no spare memory stick. I am trying to updat from 7.04 to 10.10 or whatever is latest. Update manager wont show the update button though to upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu.

It said something about statsux repository or something had no key so I remove it. Had to remove medibuntu too and eepc repository along with opera. Then update manager worked with no errors but still gave no updates for software or a upgrade to next distro button.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade From Jaunty?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm on 9.04 and decided to upgrade to 10.04 LTS, by upgrading 9.04->9.10 and 9.10->10.04. However, I'm stuck in the first step because my installation doesn't see anything to upgrade to:


I do have a USB stick with which I can do a clean install of 10.04 LTS, but for fun and education I want to do it the messy way first. So what could be causing this? Should I post my /etc/apt/sources.list?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.04 Jaunty To 11.04?

May 27, 2011

i want to upgrade from 9.04 jaunty to 11.04. i already have my 11.04 on my usb and will be booting from it, now, i dont know what to do to install it over my 9.04 having it dual booted to window 7.

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Ubuntu :: New Mouse Won't Work On Jaunty?

Jun 7, 2009

I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on an old Compaq Deskpro with PS/2 ports for the mouse and keyboard. My original mouse is old and has no scroll wheel, so I purchased a new Logitech Optical Mouse with USB. I purchased a PS/2-to-USB converter so that I could plug it in to the PS/2 port. After booting up, the mouse does not work at all. While the computer is on, I can unplug the new mouse and plug in the old one, and the old one will work. But the old one is close to failing, and I need to get a new mouse to work.The configuration file /etc/X11/xorg.conf did not have a mouse configured, so I tried adding the following code to it:

Code: Section "InputDevice"
Identifier"Configured Mouse"


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Ubuntu :: Upgrade From Jaunty Jackelope To 9.10

Feb 13, 2010

I am trying to upgrade from Jaunty Jackelope to ubuntu 9.10 and this is the terminal message that I get....

Setting up debhelper (7.0.17ubuntu4) ....
Setting up java-package (0.42ubuntu1) ...
Setting up cacao (0.99.4-1) ...

Setting up sun-java5-doc (1.5.0-19-0ubuntu0.9.04) ... This package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the J25DK documentation. You will need t ogo download one of the archives: jdk-1_5_0-doc.zip jkd-1_5_0-doc-ja.zip (choose the non-update version if this is the first installation). visi Java SE Downloads - Previous Release - JDK 5 now and download. The file should be owned by root.root and be copied to /tmp First off I don't know which file to download from the website, and then once I do download, how to use zip files with ubunu? Is this something I can do in a few simple steps with the sudo apt-get and get the file that way?

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General :: Upgrading From Ubuntu Jaunty

Nov 17, 2010

I have Ubuntu Jaunty and would like to upgrade to the latest Ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Jaunty Recognizing Net Adapter

Jan 5, 2010

I managed to get the older, weaker box on the net and running simply by plugging in the Belkin N-wireless adapter, discovering the Network Manager icon (this really should also be accessible from the system pull-down menu), left clicking to see all the local networks, selecting mine, and inputting the security key, and rebooting. Voila!)However, on the newer, more powerful box, the network Manager gives me nothing but "Wired connection" at every boot (there is no such connection), I created a wireless connection under the settings (accessed through create VPN settings), but the Manager sees no wireless networks. Reboot solves nothing Network Manager is not seeing anything, I suspect that the card although powered by the USB, is not being seen by the system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Poor Connection On The Jaunty?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to connect to the wireless netwrok of my university, which does NOT require any password. When the computer starts is automatically connects to the network and it always worked well, but now a message appears that says "authentication required" and it says that the network requires some sort of password or key. This is weird because it had never given me the problem. The options in the box are "Cancel" and "Connect", but "Connect" cannot be marked. There's also a dropdown box in the box that says "Security Type" and the option is "none". No other option is available for marking. After canceling the message and trying to connect like 50 times, I finally got a very poor connections. My email took forever to open and I opened the terminal to download something that someone said had solved the problem


sudo apt-get install linux backports-modules-jaunty

But it has taken forever to download, which proves the connection is working but it's in really bad shape. Any hints on how I may solve this? I read several bug reports and fixes similar to the problem, but they were very old (apparently a bug that was in Gutsy and then continued in some cases in Jaunty).

EDIT: Now I definitely can't connect. One strange thing was that at my house I couldn't connect either, but this time because I didn't even had the wireless option available anymore. I went to Hardware Drivers and realized 2 things:There were 2 drivers recognized, which is weird because I had always had only one, which is the Broadcom STA Wireless Driver, and there was another one, also wireless related,. but which name I don't remember Both drivers were deactivated, which again is strange because the STA was always activated before.

I activated the STA driver only. because I feared that two activated wireless drivers may have conflicted with each other. The Wireless started working again and I connected to internet with no problem. My home connection, by the way, needs a password.Now, back in University, whose wireless does not need password, the same problem happens. It says "Authentication required by wireless network" "Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network 'UC'." The a dropdown box with the title "Wireless Security" and with the only option available marked: "None". The the options in the dialogue boz are Cancel and Connect, which cannot be chosen.

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Ubuntu :: Update To Karmic Still Keep Some Of The Features Of Jaunty?

Jan 13, 2010

if i downgrade to the Jaunty version of ubuntu(and i mean wipe my hard drive and start from scrach) then update to Karmic can i still keep some of the features of Jaunty?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Airport Extreme On Jaunty

Jan 16, 2010

I am a new Ubuntu user and just installed Jaunty (9.04, I think) on my iBook G4. Everything was surprisingly smooth with the installation and setup. Ubuntu recognizes my wireless card (it shows a signal indicator in the top menu bar). However, I can't get it to connect to my network. My wireless is open and I entered my static IP and DNS servers. I have read various problems between Ubuntu and Apple's Airport Extreme card.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Jaunty Wil Not Auto Update?

Jan 18, 2010

But I think the problem is not with that.I suspect the DNS server .. All has been running fine .. then suddenly a warning triangle appears and when I click on it it starts update manager .. then I do a "Check"and it says something like "25 packages need downloading .."Then I get this error (25 times !)W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dis...ic/Release.gpg Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused)

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Ubuntu :: No Sound Coming Through Headphones In Jaunty?

Feb 18, 2010

Just completed a dual boot of win7 and jaunty today and all went well. Only problem is when I connect my mikomi headphones the audio comes through both the headphones and the speakers. I don't have this problem in windows. I'm just wondering if someone could point me towards a driver i may have to download or a setting i need to change.

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Ubuntu :: Jaunty Grub Will Not Load From Drive Or CD?

Mar 3, 2010

My system will not start. It reaches "Grub loading stage 1.5" and "Grub loading please wait....", then the machine tries to restart from scratch. I have tried using my bootable Heron CD but it gets to "Loading Kernel 100%" then tries to restart. I used the Normal option; the other options do not seem to work. Other symptoms are that the wireless mouse has been double clicking for one btton press and resuming from hibernation has often led to the system freezing within a minute or two. Memtest shows the RAM to be OK.

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Ubuntu :: Trash Always Empty In Jaunty Jackalope?

Mar 6, 2010

Just installed 9.04 on a new machine. Files I delete just seem to disappear completely instead of going into Trash. This is not what happened on my older machine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade From 9.04 Jaunty To 9.10 Karmic

Mar 12, 2010

i used the Update Manager to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10.. then it said:


While scanning your repository information no mirror entry for the upgrade was found. This can happen if you run a internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.

Do you want to rewrite your 'sources.list' file anyway? If you choose 'Yes' here it will update all 'jaunty' to 'karmic' entries. If you select 'No' the upgrade will cancel.

I choose yes, then is said that there's something wrong with the network I'm connected to..then it closes..the upgrade failed.

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Ubuntu :: Getting Back Jaunty Jackalope And Windows Xp

Mar 22, 2010

i had ubuntu jaunty jackalope and windows xp on my dell ispiron. a friend split my hard drive beacuse i wasn't sure about ubuntu. he installed using a cd. a few weeks ago i updated to karmic koala. i did it from the site, which took my whole hard drive. is it a difficult process to get back the jaunty jackalope and windows xp or is it gone forever?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Upgrading Pulseaudio On Jaunty?

Apr 23, 2010

I need to upgrade Pulseaudio to a version better than 0.9.14 (i.e. at least 0.9.15) in order to get the Pulseaudio plugin in Blueman to work, but despite following these instructions to add the PPA it will not be upgraded!

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