Ubuntu / Apple :: Sawtooth G4 Video Goes Out Spontaneously?

May 26, 2010

I've been running Ubuntu on my PC for a while. I liked it so much that I decided to see if I could give new life to my old Sawtooth G4. I installed Ubuntu 9.10 using the alternative installer and everything seemed to be going fine. However, and without warning, the video cut off. I restarted only to have the same thing happen repeatedly.

what's causing this problem and how I can resolve it? I'm not sure if this helps, but my G4 has been modified. It has a ATI Radeon 9200 video card. It also has a 1.2 Ghz processor.

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Ubuntu :: Xfce Changes To Gnome Spontaneously?

Jul 10, 2011

Here's the thing: When I work in Xfce session or in Xubuntu session (10.10 on Acer Aspire One) the whole DE switches from Xfce to Gnome. I see it not only on the change of the desktop wallpaper, but on application menu, context menu etc. It changes from my Xfce setup, which I know and love, to Gnome and then back in some 1 to 3 second interval. It switches back and forth untill it finally stays on Gnome. I love Gnome, but would like to have working Xfce on this machine.

I googled for similar problems and possible solutions before posting here, but wasn't successful.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Get Flash Video To Play?

May 10, 2010

I have a macbook pro 5,3 with Karmic installed, with firefox and the adobe flash plugin. Sometimes to get a flash video to play (like .....) I need to right click on the play button and then left click twice, rather than a simple left click like normal. Anyone know how to fix this issue? Do others have this problem?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Ppc G4-All Video Is Choppy / Pixilated?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm generally non-techy, but was able to do the install of Lucid on my iBookg4 ppc, and use terminal to cut/paste the fix for my airport extreme card off the ubuntu wiki. my current vexing problem is this: ALL video playback (mp4, .mov, swirly display thing when musicplayer is going, etc) is choppy looking. not pixilated, but kind of messily choppy & grated looking. I've searched all the forums & wikis ('natch) and cant find anything that describes this exact problem. is there a fix that dosen't involve confusing command line judo? something that wont require too much hand-holding? (I am def one of, "the rest of us" that ubuntu is for...)

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Ubuntu Networking :: HP Dv7 Wireless Quit Working Spontaneously

Feb 17, 2010

I just did a fresh install of 9.10 about 4 or 5 days ago on my HP dv7 computer. I have a Broadcom 4322 wireless card. I had some initial trouble getting my wireless to work, but I was able to find and install the Broadcom STA wireless driver necessary for the wireless card to work, and since then it was rough skating, but at least it was skating, until about half an hour ago.

Everything was working fine until my battery died unexpectedly and the computer shut down. When I restarted it I was not able to reconnect to wireless, and although I have the Broadcom driver installed, it says "This driver activated but not currently in use." I have a touch panel to turn on my wireless which is supposed to turn blue when I touch it to signal that the wireless is on, but no matter how hard I try, the touch panel wireless button stays orange. It does not seem to be able to recognize that my wireless card exists.


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Ubuntu :: Users Spontaneously Losing Administrator Privileges

May 31, 2010

I just got a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 install on a system, added Lubuntu (the poor thing's 10 years old), and added a second user and gave him sudo/admin rights via the Users and Groups app. All was working fine, but now the initial user can't make any system changes. The initial user can still execute sudo and gksudo, but not much else.

In the Network Connections applet, the initial user can't edit the "Auto eth0" connection, the "Edit" and "Delete" buttons are just greyed out.

In User and Groups, I can click "Advanced Settings" or "Change" on another user, but nothing will happen. If I click "Add User" as the initial user, it will give the "Not authorized" popup.

I had a second user that I'd given adminstrator/sudo access to. So to change the network settings I logged in as this user for the first time, and was able to change some things. However, after a reboot I had the same problems with this new account.

I haven't done anything with this install besides install openssh-server, add some firewall rules with ufw, and add the Lubuntu desktop. Most of my google results turned up basic stuff like corrupted sudoers file (mine is still in pristine, default condition), and not being part of the admin group (which both users still are). The behavior also persists regardless of whether I use gnome or Lubuntu for my session.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Theme Spontaneously Changes 15 Seconds After Login?

May 17, 2011

I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. My hardware can't support fancy effects, so I'm using the "Classic (no effects)" desktop.When I logged in, all programs would be themed in one way, then 15 seconds later everything would change to a different theme. Neither of these themes was the theme that I had selected in the configuration. I came here to ask for advice, but discovered this first:http://www.romaco.ca/blog/2011/02/20...s-with-ubuntu/Summary:gnome-settings-daemon has a race condition that is triggered if it starts too fast.



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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Make Video Work Properly

Aug 10, 2010

So I installed Lucid on my G4 Cube and now am trying to figure out how to make the video work properly.Right now it is in low graphics mode, which is not pleasing whatsoever.I have the 17" Studio Display (LCD, rev b) connected to it and it has the ATI Rage 128 Pro graphics card.I went into the xorg.conf file and there was nothing there. I tried the suggestions for the 15" display but that results in the x server crashing, so i undid that.

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Apple :: What Kind Of Video Card(s) Should Work With Ubuntu?

Mar 10, 2011

What kind of video card(s) should work with Ubuntu?I have a Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics) with it's original card (ATY,Rage128Pro), which apparently doesn't work well with Ubuntu. I'm considering upgrading the card but don't want to spend a fortune on it.I would also like to know what the minimum HD or partition size for a Maverick installation and running is. Is 10 GB enough?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Get The Video Or Wireless Drivers For Computer?

Apr 2, 2011

I just had to have my MacBook Pro 5,5 replaced, and they replaced it with the brand new 8,1. This is nice, except for the fact that I have now learned that I can't get the video or wireless drivers for this computer. I do not have any access to ethernet, and USB internet does not seem to work. Right now I have Ubuntu 10.04 32bit installed. The installation went fine, but I can't get any drivers. Is there any fix for this? Here are the specs for this laptop:

Intel i5 Sandy Bridge 2.3GHz
320Gig HDD partitioned
Intel HD Graphics 3000 GPU
Airport Extreme Broadcom BCM43xx
-NetXtreme BCM57765
-Broadcam Corporation Device 4331

Perhaps there's another distro I can use, or maybe another release that works somewhat?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Power Mac G3 Blue And White Video Resolution

Jan 27, 2010

haven't been around here in a while, seems that the other OS section is completely gone, so I assume this would be the most appropriate place to ask this, since Debian and Ubuntu are similar enough. Okay, so I installed Debian Lenny on my Power Mac G3. 450MHz, 1GB RAM, and an ATI Rage128, the stock video card. It also has a Linksys WMP54G Wireless card which I got working effortlessly enough.

My issue is with the screen resolution. The driver for the graphics card is installed, but I'm only getting a 800x600 resolution. My Monitor is a 1440x900 screen, so everything's quite out of proportion. I assume I may have to go into xorg.conf to tweak things, but I wouldn't know what to tweak. This is the only thing I need to do to make this my full time OS on this machine.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Video Card Driver For Powermac G4 Radeon?

Aug 18, 2010

a powermac G4 with radeon 9000 RV250 in ubuntu 10.04 ppc i just want the graphic work better

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Kubuntu Lucid Upgrade Breaks Video?

Jan 13, 2011

So I've got this old Apple with an nVidia chipset. Don't know much about Apples, but from random searches on google I think it's an imac g5.

Anyway when I install Kubuntu 10.04 it works until I update it, then the video dies. It looks as though the nouveau driver is being killed and nv put back in it's place, anyone have any remedies I might try?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Xserver Seems To Crash Spontaneously?

Oct 12, 2010

my OpenSuse 11.3 worked absolutely perfect - till now ! It suddenly started not to load KDE, but instead prompts the login screen. When i then log in, it just crashes after a minute or so. I tried to boot in IceWm and it appeared more stable to me, but when i opened a programm like firefox or gimp, this Environment crashed too.

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Software :: XFS Filesystem Spontaneously Shrunk By 12TB ?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm running a system where we had a 62 TB XFS filesystem running on top of a LVM2 logical volumes (which in turn is comprised of 5 PVs, each of which is a external 16 bay RAID). Well, this weekend there were some I/O errors on the filesystem. I rebooted and then ran xfs_repair. The filesystem looked ok, but then I noticed using df, that it was only reporting 51 TB!

I looked at pvdisplay and also noticed the entry for one of the PVs is as follows:

Please note where it says that 12.00 TB is 'not usable'. I don't know what precisely is meant by 'not usable'. I looked back and it looks like it's been this way before the problems this weekend, but it is very suspicious.

I really have no idea as to how to proceed. I've never seen anything like this before. lvdisplay says the volume is 61.85 TB. parted says the filesystem on top of this volume is 68.0 TB. xfs_info says the volume is 51 TB, which is what df -h is also saying.

The system is Centos 5.x (not sure which version, but the kernel is 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5). Hardware is a Dell Poweredge 2950 with an LSI fusion SAS card, which is connected to a SecurStor ES RAID 16 bay unit w/ 4 additional JBODs.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 & MythTV Frontend On IBook G4 - No Sound And Video On Playback

Jun 8, 2010

I set up Ubuntu on an old iBook G4, planning to use it as a front end to my main box. Installed 10.04 no problem, and from there, used Software Center to install MythTV Front end. Have done the same thing on a netbook, no problem.

However, on this PPC Mac, the front end works fine, navigation, menus, etc, until I try to play a recorded programme - the screen is blank, and I just get white noise from the speakers.

(BTW am trying Ubuntu as I don't have a Mac OS new enough to get any of the current Mac MythFrontEnd builds working)

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Debian Multimedia :: Iceweasel Icedove Spontaneously Crashing?

Aug 27, 2015

Debian Jessie
Iceweasel 38.2.0
Icedove 31.8.0

Iceweasel and Icedove spontaneously crash, sometimes individually, sometimes together. Upon restart they will both run, but the amount of time they run before crashing again decreases with each crash. The way to extend use of these programs is to reboot Debian. (I typically run my computer 24/7 to run community service programs.)

How do I get these programs to run without spontaneously crashing?

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Software :: Convert .mkv And .avi Video To Apple's QuickTime .mov Format?

Jan 25, 2011

I want to convert .mkv and .avi video to Apple's QuickTime .mov format with h264/avc video and aac mpeg4 audio.

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Debian Hardware :: USB Serial Adapter Spontaneously Emitting Data Every 20 Secs

Jul 13, 2015

I tried connecting my Debian laptop to a vintage Apple //e using a Super Serial Card on the Apple side and a USB to serial adapter on the laptop side. It kind of works -- I can send data over to the Apple using e.g. echo "foobar" > /dev/ttyUSB0 or via minicom --, but every 20 seconds (quite exactly!) some 4 random characters appear on the Apple's screen (mostly tildes, sometimes a pipe). This does *not* happen when booting the laptop into Debian rescue mode; so I guess it must be some (daemon?) process messing around with the usb serial device in regular intervals.

I tried to disable quite some services, but the problem remains.I don't have any clue how I might catch the evil-doer in the act -- virtually all serial monitors I've so far read about allow only monitoring the interaction of a known program/process with a serial port. But in this case I first have to actually find out which process is talking to the serial port in the first place.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Karmic Running Smoothly On Imac 7,1 Aluminum 20" Sound Wifi Wlan Video Working Fully

Feb 8, 2010

I have Karmic Koala 9.10 working (near) perfectly on my iMac7,1, as identified by


NOTE: See below for Lucid 10.04 update to these instructions

IMPORTANT: You need to complete the installation procedure while connected to internet via the WIRED network. Then you can enable the wireless by installing the restricted drivers, after the install is complete. Also the fglrx ATI Video driver is effortlessly installed via Menu > System > Administration > Hardware Drivers

The sound card gave me some trouble, as it is an Intel HDA Model, reported as 'Codec: Realtek ALC889A' by


It shows up in lspci as:


It sounded rather tinny at first, when I tried mbp3 and other model names. Then I added the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf :


After reboot, my sound is full and can be put much louder than before. Jack detection works. Some people might have to leave out the power saving options. See below.

dmesg reports:


Sources consulted are mostly the kernel documentation ( Enter into the terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-doc

The relevant info can be found in HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz and HD-Audio.txt.gz in /usr/share/doc/linux-doc/sound/alsa )

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Ubuntu :: Hardy 8.04.3 Spontaneously Goes "Read Only"?

Sep 2, 2010

I have had a new problem that just started this past Sunday, Aug 29 where the filesystem goes to "read only" all by itself. We have made some changes to the host (same distro) to activate the 2nd NIC (assign DNS, etc). Prior to that the system has been running fine with over 5 months uptime no problems. The environment is an Ubuntu host on VMware with 2 Ubuntu guest VM's, one running postgres and the other RoR.

I found something similar here:[URL]...but I don't know exactly what is going on, or what may be causing this. The first occu0rrence was this past Sunday morning, sometime between 04:30 and 08:00, followed by a 2nd occurrence late Last night, Wednesday, September 1 sometime around 21:00. In both cases I rebooted the VM and the drives mounted according to the fstab as rw and all was fine for the time being. The interval was about 3-1/2 days, so if this is a pattern I would expect the next occurrence sometime on Saturday.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Gettting Apple Keyboard Function Keys To Work

May 7, 2011

Neither Ubuntu's Unity or KDE respond to the function keys on a regular Apple USB keyboard. I can plug in a non-Apple keyboard and they work just fine. What needs to be changed or configure so that F1 and company on the Apple keyboard work as on other keyboards?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Auto-load Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2010

This morning I bought an Apple wireless keyboard and I got it connected through Blueman. It works like a charm, but I have on problem;

When I log out I can log back in by typing in my password. However, when I restart the computer it seems that bluetooth is not loaded yet and I cannot enter my password. So I have to log in using my wired keyboard, and then disconnect & re-connect to my wireless keyboard using blueman before I am able to use the wireless keyboard.

Is there any way that I can already auto-load bluetooth and connect to my keyboard before I log in?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ipod Not Recognized By 10.04?

Dec 4, 2010

i connected my apple ipod in ubuntu 10.04..its showing msg that" do no disconnect" but there is no trace of ipod in the system,not even any icon in desktop too

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Ubuntu / Apple :: The Default Option Is "live" Bla Bla Bla But In Case Of Problems Use "Live Video=ofonly"?

Apr 22, 2011

I've got an old iMac g3 on which I'd like to install Ubuntu Dapper Drake.Here's the problem:I insert the disk in the computer.Keep pressing "C" till this comes out:Quote:"The default option is "live" bla bla bla but in case of problems use "Live video=ofonly"I write "Live".The orange progress bar appears, but the the screen becomes black.I still can hear sounds: the classic ubuntu log-in music, but I can not see anything: I guess the live has started, but the screen is just black.By pressing CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE I'm able to come back to shell.

Once rebooted, I try "Live video=ofonly".Again the orange progress bar, but then this message comes outQuote:"Failed to start the X Server, It is likely that is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the server output to diagnose the problem?"Even if I dont select anything, some random words appear in the screen, too fast for me to read them.Then I'm back to shell.I read here (that the problem is caused by Xorg and that the solution can but editing his configuration by using Quote:sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.confBut I just don't know when to do that: Ubuntu is not installed yet and there is only MacOS 9.2 on that machine.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Keyboard On VirtualBox Ubuntu Guest OS?

Feb 1, 2010

I had a thread about installing on a Mac and decided to go the VirtualBox route and everything is running splendidly EXCEPT for the fnmode setting in /sys/module/hid_apple.

The problem is that the directory hid_apple does not exist for me to modify the settings for the apple keyboard. I'm assuming that when installing in VB, Ubu assumed it was a PC. Anyone know of a way to get the keyboard config directories in there so I don't have to hit Fn to do Alt-F2? Also, I tried to create the directory (sudo mkdir) and it returned "Cannot create directory...no such file or directory", but not in so many words.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing OS Apple Powerbook G4 Ubuntu?

Mar 14, 2011

I've had a Apple Powerbook G4 for a while now, but being mostly a Windows user I've never used it. I remember when it ran it's native OSX (Which I can't for the life remember) Probably Tiger? Anyways... I tried installing Ubuntu on it about a year and a half ago, the installation was botched and I left it sitting there with no purpose in life. :O

So I've decided to dust the laptop and give it another go. I've progressed a little further with my Linux experience, having installed and tested a few distros and even switching over to Ubuntu 9.10 for about 4 months. Enough of my life story and more to the point.Has anyone installed Ubuntu, or any distro for that matter on the Apple Powerbook G4? I know there are different versions of the G4 and I'm not entirely sure what my version is, It's the 1.6Ghz version with The Nvidia card (Err I think) and extra Wireless card installed. I am not very capable with Mac - After checking Apples website I believe it's the 15inch.

I've read the FAQ thread and will begin trying to install Ubuntu tonight at home, I just wanted some suggestion and some pointers in the right direction. What distro would be most suitable for my hardware? and What is easiest to set up?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Youku Video Error Message - Video Doesn't Load?

Feb 22, 2010

I want to watch a certain video on [url]...., but I get an error message instead. Some videos can be played, so I'm thinking it's a form of restriction, but I can't be sure.I tried using a few proxies, but on some the error message persists and on others the video doesn't load. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 and Firefox 3.5.8.

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