Apple :: What Kind Of Video Card(s) Should Work With Ubuntu?

Mar 10, 2011

What kind of video card(s) should work with Ubuntu?I have a Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics) with it's original card (ATY,Rage128Pro), which apparently doesn't work well with Ubuntu. I'm considering upgrading the card but don't want to spend a fortune on it.I would also like to know what the minimum HD or partition size for a Maverick installation and running is. Is 10 GB enough?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Video Card Driver For Powermac G4 Radeon?

Aug 18, 2010

a powermac G4 with radeon 9000 RV250 in ubuntu 10.04 ppc i just want the graphic work better

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Make Video Work Properly

Aug 10, 2010

So I installed Lucid on my G4 Cube and now am trying to figure out how to make the video work properly.Right now it is in low graphics mode, which is not pleasing whatsoever.I have the 17" Studio Display (LCD, rev b) connected to it and it has the ATI Rage 128 Pro graphics card.I went into the xorg.conf file and there was nothing there. I tried the suggestions for the 15" display but that results in the x server crashing, so i undid that.

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Fedora :: Download Multimedia Codecs Which Enables To Play All Kind Of Audio And Video Files?

Dec 5, 2009

How can I download multimedia codecs which enables me to play all kind of audio and video files. I am using 64 bit F12.

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Ubuntu :: Video Card Wont Work On Kernel 2.6.34 And Up?

Nov 8, 2010

i've been trying and trying to get my video card set up in ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 (it is an ati mobility radeon 7500), I first posted about it here [URL].. and since then nothing has changed. What I would really like to know is why does it work in kernel 2.6.31 but not in anything later. Right now im running arch on my secondary hard drive with kernel 2.6.31 and everything runs great, full open gl, 3d accel etc but when I upgrade to a newer kernel (no matter what distro) my video does not work. Has there been any improvements on this? It was a problem with KMS i kind of found it by accident, its all working now

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Getting TV Out To Work On ATI 9250 Video Card With 11.3

Sep 5, 2010

How do I get the s-video out to work. I have a Visiontek Xtasy Radeon 9250 128mb Pci Video Card and OpenSUSE 11.3. I attempted to install the ATI drivers and doesn't really seem to work at all... With the default install i get flickering and black and white output on my TV and it calls my tv "uknown monitor" in the video card settings. I had wanted to setup a spare computer to output multimedia to my TV in addition to being a home server....

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Doesn't Work - Screen Went Blank

May 26, 2011

i had an nvidia geforce 6800 card in my pc and that just all of a sudden stopped working (the screen went blank) so i went to my onboard video and it works but no matter what video card i install, it doesn't work (still a black screen) and i know the cards work on other pc's but just not this one. i've tried different ati cards and nvidia cards with no luck. i've also wanted to disable my onboard card all together but my bios doesn't have that option for some reason. i also thought that it might be the slot but when i install the video card in the pc, the fan works so it's not that.

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Ubuntu :: Getting X To Work After Switching From Onboard Intel Video To A 5000 Series ATI Card?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm having trouble getting X to work after switching from onboard intel video to a 5000 series ATI card. Apparently I need to switch to a MESA or fglrx driver. I did a sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver and it installed but still no X. I'm currently using Karmic. I've tried to boot with a live CD which works fine and changed the xorg file manual but that was a mess.

When I start I get a checking battery state ... done and it stays there forever sometimes and sometimes I can login but without x. Typing startx gives me a long list that says check the xorg website. I've been looking around for a way to fix this and haven't been able to get it working.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Acquired A Canopus ACEDVio Video Capture Card And Cannot Get It To Work?

Dec 30, 2010

I have acquired a Canopus ACEDVio video capture card and can not get it to work.

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Fedora Installation :: Video Won't Show Any Effects And The Nvidia Card Won't Work?

Jun 18, 2009

I have a Geforce 9300 GS installed in my machine I am using 64 bit Gnome with a 64 bit system I downloaded this: Now my video won't show any effects and the Nvidia card won't work? This doesn't make any sense. Frustration to the max. I should have stayed with Fedora 10 at least it worked with downloadable drivers.

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Fedora Installation :: The Video Card Is An ATI Radeon And The Drivers From The ATI Site Don't Work

Aug 10, 2009

I've loaded Fedora and must say what a nice OS! But I'm having some issues getting the video working correctly so let me jump right into the issue. The video is very garbled and hard to read. can't seem to find a way to correct what would appear to be a driver issue. Here are a list of things tried:

- display works fine with Ubuntu

- display is clear but is chopped off when using an external monitor from onboard vga slot

The video card is an ATI radeon and the linux drivers from the ATI site don't work with the new images that are out yet.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: ATI Radeon - Graphic Card With HDMI Video And Audio - Does Not Work ?

Dec 14, 2010

I have ATI graphic card with HDMI video and Audio:

I see that I have HDMI connector and S/PDIF connector on the mortherboard, I just have HDMI connector on the monitor, I have no problem with the video but the audio does not work, I just want to confirm that the audio should also go throught the HDMI cable right ?

Here is the output from the script.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Gettting Apple Keyboard Function Keys To Work

May 7, 2011

Neither Ubuntu's Unity or KDE respond to the function keys on a regular Apple USB keyboard. I can plug in a non-Apple keyboard and they work just fine. What needs to be changed or configure so that F1 and company on the Apple keyboard work as on other keyboards?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Does Recognize The Intel Card And Can Use It Over The NVidia Card

Sep 16, 2010

I have been waiting on installing ubuntu on my mid 2010 MBP 15' for a while now. I was wondering if the dynamic GPU switching was supported yet. Does Ubuntu recognize the intel card and can I use it over the nVidia card?

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Ubuntu :: Video Card Swap - Screen Using A Default Video Driver

Jan 25, 2011

If I take out the existing video card and put in another one of a different type (but not a different brand), how does Ubuntu behave? I know what Windows typically does. Windows starts up the screen using a default video driver which is at least 1024 by 768 and then asks you what this new bit of hardware is and asks where the drivers are. I'm pretty sure Ubuntu has default drivers of its own, but I don't know what their resolution is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Video Card Not Getting Past Video BIOS On Boot?

Mar 22, 2011

I recently bought a video card for my pc. I had it running pretty nicely on Ubuntu10.10, I started windows and later restarted and after that it wouldn't get past the Graphic cards bios. this is rather odd isn't it? I suspect it maybe dead or that my motherboard bios is stuffed but i reset that too and it still wont go.. The specs are Pentium4 Proccesor 1gb ram motherboard 661gx-m7 Nvidia GeForce FX5200 DDr128mb

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Ubuntu :: Removed Video Card To Switch To Onboard Video / Cannot Start Kdm

Jun 19, 2011

Got a bit of a problem where xorg can't start kdm. I pulled out a dying AGP card to try and switch to onboard video, and I think the previous configuration is gumming up the works.I've been running this system for quite a while, as you'll be able to tell from the version numbers.Would like to avoid having to transport my Amarok databases to a new server. I make heavy use of the song ratings and whenever I try to transport the database from the old system to a fresh build I have to spend hours relearning sql commands.Any ideas how to either fix the resolutions on the ATI or (preferably) get KDE to start on the onboard graphics?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Died New Card Boots To Black?

Jul 15, 2010

My video card developed problems, so I followed the suggestion in this thread:

Quote: Boot into recovery mode, then choose root, for a command prompt and enter
Code: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

but my ubuntu 10.04 32-bit system still won't boot. Shortly after the ubuntu logo comes up, before the login, my screen goes black and there is no more video signal. What else can I do to reset the video configuration? The card only has this info on it: I could put the card back in the system, reboot, and then pre-configure the system to drop to the intel 865G on-board video, but the msi card has intermittent problems and will spontaneously re-boot several times during the first ten minutes of turning on the system.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Crashing When Using Video Editor?

Jun 12, 2010

My system: Pentium 4 3.6 GHz, 3 Gb DDR ram, GeForce 210 video card, Ubuntu 10.04.

I have previously used Cinelerra-cv (on Karmic) and recently Openshot (on Lucid) with not much trouble. I have been sampling other video editors (Kdenlive, avidemux, kino etc). Now I have my video card crashing whichever I use, mainly when trying to load clips. I have disabled Compiz, uninstalled all video editors and then reinstalled one at a time. I still get early video crashes whichever I try.

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Hardware :: High-resolution Video With 2 MB Graphics Card- Play 480p Video ?

Jun 24, 2010

I've been playing around with Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 on my Dell Inspiron 3000 laptop for quite a while now, and this is the first time I've been downright stumped. To make a long story short, I'm trying to play 480p video on a machine with a 233 MHz Pentium processor, 112 MB of ram, and a Neomagic MagicGraph 128XD graphics card (NM2160). Crazy? Maybe, but I don't think so. I'm using MPlayer set to Xv mode with the XFree86 4.3.0 server, and so far, I've been able to get it to play 360p mpegs with minimal stuttering. However, MPlayer crashes with 480p. This is because the 128XD only has 2 MB of memory, which, after the 1024x768x16 screen takes its share, doesn't leave enough room for a 640x480 overlay.

The creators of MPlayer are aware of this limitation, and suggest adding the following line to my XF86Config file: Option "OverlayMem" "829440"

As I understand it, this is supposed to extend the video card's frame buffer into system memory, thus allowing the higher resolution video to play. However, it doesn't work, based on this output from my XFree86 log file: cannot reserve 829440 bytes for overlay...

Some other suspicious-looking lines from the log file:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Get My Wireless Card & Wired Card To Work At The Same Time

Aug 21, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Server. I can't get my Wireless Card & Wired Card to work at the same time. My interfaces file is incorrect, when I comment out 1 of the interfaces the other works. I have attached my interfaces file.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Get Flash Video To Play?

May 10, 2010

I have a macbook pro 5,3 with Karmic installed, with firefox and the adobe flash plugin. Sometimes to get a flash video to play (like .....) I need to right click on the play button and then left click twice, rather than a simple left click like normal. Anyone know how to fix this issue? Do others have this problem?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Sawtooth G4 Video Goes Out Spontaneously?

May 26, 2010

I've been running Ubuntu on my PC for a while. I liked it so much that I decided to see if I could give new life to my old Sawtooth G4. I installed Ubuntu 9.10 using the alternative installer and everything seemed to be going fine. However, and without warning, the video cut off. I restarted only to have the same thing happen repeatedly.

what's causing this problem and how I can resolve it? I'm not sure if this helps, but my G4 has been modified. It has a ATI Radeon 9200 video card. It also has a 1.2 Ghz processor.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Ppc G4-All Video Is Choppy / Pixilated?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm generally non-techy, but was able to do the install of Lucid on my iBookg4 ppc, and use terminal to cut/paste the fix for my airport extreme card off the ubuntu wiki. my current vexing problem is this: ALL video playback (mp4, .mov, swirly display thing when musicplayer is going, etc) is choppy looking. not pixilated, but kind of messily choppy & grated looking. I've searched all the forums & wikis ('natch) and cant find anything that describes this exact problem. is there a fix that dosen't involve confusing command line judo? something that wont require too much hand-holding? (I am def one of, "the rest of us" that ubuntu is for...)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Get The Video Or Wireless Drivers For Computer?

Apr 2, 2011

I just had to have my MacBook Pro 5,5 replaced, and they replaced it with the brand new 8,1. This is nice, except for the fact that I have now learned that I can't get the video or wireless drivers for this computer. I do not have any access to ethernet, and USB internet does not seem to work. Right now I have Ubuntu 10.04 32bit installed. The installation went fine, but I can't get any drivers. Is there any fix for this? Here are the specs for this laptop:

Intel i5 Sandy Bridge 2.3GHz
320Gig HDD partitioned
Intel HD Graphics 3000 GPU
Airport Extreme Broadcom BCM43xx
-NetXtreme BCM57765
-Broadcam Corporation Device 4331

Perhaps there's another distro I can use, or maybe another release that works somewhat?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Nikon S570 And Card Reader On MBP 5.5

May 19, 2010

I just bought a new Nikon S570 digital camera and I was trying to mount the camera via the USB cable in order to get the pictures off of it but either a) I don't know how to mount the camera properly or b) there is some sort of compability or program that I need to install in order to get it to work. According to lsusb it the camera shows up as being connected:

Bus 004 Device 003: ID 05ac:8213 Apple, Inc.
Bus 004 Device 002: ID 0a5c:4500 Broadcom Corp. BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth)
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 003: ID 05ac:0236 Apple, Inc.
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 05ac:8242 Apple, Inc.
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 04b0:0319 Nikon Corp.
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 05ac:8403 Apple, Inc.
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05ac:8507 Apple, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
So maybe i just need to know how to mount it so I can access the files?

Also, I tried to plug the SD card into the built in card reader but it never showed up either. Do I need to do anything different to get the SD card to mount too?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Broadcom Wireless Card Macbook 5,1

Nov 7, 2010

Aluminum Unibody macbook, the only aluminum macbook to date. It has a Broadcom chip in it and I installed the STA drivers. The first day it seemed to work fine. Then I noticed pages stopped loading. The max throughput I get is like 30KiB/s once in a while. Sometimes I see consistent speeds of 600B/S...this really sucks. Is there a fix or anything?

I was going to make the switch slowly to 10.10 full-time, but the wireless issue is bothering me. The keyboard brightness keys don't work natively, but there's a fix I saw but didn't have time to implement earlier. I like ubuntu but I don't like my wireless not working!

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Airport Wireless Card Drivers

Mar 9, 2011

I posted here URL... about the wireless card in my Ibook, I,m still looking for help on getting it running correctly.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Power Mac G3 Blue And White Video Resolution

Jan 27, 2010

haven't been around here in a while, seems that the other OS section is completely gone, so I assume this would be the most appropriate place to ask this, since Debian and Ubuntu are similar enough. Okay, so I installed Debian Lenny on my Power Mac G3. 450MHz, 1GB RAM, and an ATI Rage128, the stock video card. It also has a Linksys WMP54G Wireless card which I got working effortlessly enough.

My issue is with the screen resolution. The driver for the graphics card is installed, but I'm only getting a 800x600 resolution. My Monitor is a 1440x900 screen, so everything's quite out of proportion. I assume I may have to go into xorg.conf to tweak things, but I wouldn't know what to tweak. This is the only thing I need to do to make this my full time OS on this machine.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Kubuntu Lucid Upgrade Breaks Video?

Jan 13, 2011

So I've got this old Apple with an nVidia chipset. Don't know much about Apples, but from random searches on google I think it's an imac g5.

Anyway when I install Kubuntu 10.04 it works until I update it, then the video dies. It looks as though the nouveau driver is being killed and nv put back in it's place, anyone have any remedies I might try?

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