Ubuntu :: Amule Doesn't Work With Kad

Jul 31, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 lts lucid lynx and I've intalled Amule. In my windows partition I always use emule without problems. The connection is guaranteed by the open doors of my Pirelli Alice Gate Plus 2:TCP:8294 UDP:45266 My firewall is set for them and I ca use KAdemilia avoiding Server problems. I thought to do the same with Linux. Surprisingly, Amule connects well edk2 Servers but Kad reports this state: Active Disconnected. Probably my id is very low. I've tried to launch a popular query like "ubuntu" and i've waited more than an hour. No response. I've tried also to run a nodes.dat from various websites but without success. Kad remains disconnected. Why does emule works well with the same tcp-udp connection and amule doesn't work in the same way? Maybe amule supports only server connections? And if yes do you know a package for Lucid Lynx able to manage with kad?

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Ubuntu :: Use AMule Under 64 Bit Kubuntu On KK?

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to use aMule, under 64 bit Kubuntu on KK. I get a low ID. When I try the connectivity test it fails. I am advised to: 'Make sure your firewall or router is allowing/forwarding this TCP service port..I don't have any doubts about my router, since eMule works fine under Windows on my network.So I am persuaded to examine the firewall on my KK installation - except that I cannnot find it.

In addition, how do I find the definition for my network card to be sure it is set to the correct IP address to match my router settings?

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Ubuntu :: How To Prevent AMule File Sharing

Aug 15, 2010

How can you turn off unwanted file uploads in Amule? In Limewire you can decide if you want to share files or not. How can you do this in Amule. I've turned down the settings to 0 or1 and reduced the bandwidth time etc. But to actually prevent? Also in windows there's all kinds of file splitters and joiners what is recommended in Ubuntu.

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Fedora :: Install Amule In F14?

Nov 7, 2010

I am trying to install amule in my fedora 14 I type this:

I have typed first:

1 rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release.rpm // this step is OK
2 rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-livna // I get error ( error: /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-livna: import read failed(0)..)
3 yum install amule
but I get this error: Error Downloading Packages: 1:amule-SVN-r10359.fc14.i686: failure: amule-SVN-r10359.fc14.i686.rpm from amuleSVN: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. 1:amule-nogui-SVN-r10359.fc14.i686: failure: amule-nogui-SVN-r10359.fc14.i686.rpm from amuleSVN: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.

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Fedora :: Installing AMule 2.6.6 On 14 (KDE)

Jan 4, 2011

any one able to install aMule 2.6.6 on Fedora14(KDE)?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Doesn't Work And Removing / Re-installing Package Doesn't Fix It

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using 'Adobe Flash plug-in', installed from the package repos on kubuntu, and since the last update, it has broken all flash functionality in both rekonq and firefox.I have tried removing and reinstalling the package multiple times, both with and without the browsers open. Can anyone suggest a way to restoring functionality?

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Fedora :: A Script To Restart Amule On Exit - Crash ?

Oct 8, 2009

Since I have not yet the knowledge to write a custom script I ask the following:

Can you give me a (sh) script to restart amule on exit (crash)?

This I ask you because amule crashes often on my system.

I already filed out a bug report at the amule website.

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SUSE / Novell :: Open 11 Losing It's Net Connection - Particularly When Using AMule

Dec 3, 2008

I have been using Open SUSE 10.3 for about a year now and have been very pleased. I am now trying Open SUSE 11, it seems good, loads a lot faster than 10.3 and seems to run a little faster. I have had a few probs but they have been resolved with help from these forums. But I have a big prob remaining and I have no idea what could cause it. For no apparent reason I will lose the connection to the net.It happens mostly when running aMule, it can be downloading fine for some while when suddenly the connection to the servers is lost and it won't reconnect, and then also I can not connect to the net with Google etc. The only way to solve it seems to be to shut down, wait awhile then reboot. It will be OK for a while then the problem re-occurs. There does not seem to be a problem with anything else on the system. I know that the Modem is OK as I have three HDD - 1 running Win XP, 2 - running Open Suse 10.3. 3 - running Open Suse 11 & the prob only occurs with SUSE 11, I do not get this problem with either of the other HDD. I have tried three versions of aMule, with SUSE 11,the one given on YAST - v2.2.2-0, & others from Packman v2.2.1-0, & vSVN, the problem occurs with each version so I think it must lie with SUSE 11. I have opened ports 4662 & 4672 on the firewall, & the setup I use is identical to the one on 10.3 which works faultlessly. I use a NTL Modem connected to the PC via Ethernet.

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Ubuntu :: Limit Deluge And Amule Download Speed In Daytime And Unlimited At Night?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a PC that is using Ubuntu Karmic. It serves only to download stuff, and is on 24-7.

Can I set a limit to download speed for Deluge and aMule throughout the day (so that it doesnt interfere with other network stuff) but unlimited during the night? (when we are all sleeping)

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Ubuntu :: After Some Hour Of Working Programs Like Vuze, Amule, Qbittorrent Shuts Down And Disappears?

Aug 18, 2011

I've just upgraded to xubuntu 11.04 and every thing seems to work fine and better than version 10. The only problem I have is that after some hour of working programs like vuze, amule, qbittorrent shuts down and disappears. if example: if I leave those software on for teh whole night the morning after they are closed and i have to restart them again

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OpenSUSE :: AMule And Mozilla Seamonkey/Firefox: The Final Battle?

Aug 17, 2010

openSuSE gurus, after several weeks I've finally managed to get aMule to listen external calls from Mozilla browsers. To make it quick: In Seamonkey or FF do about:config and add

Key: network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k
Tyoe: boolean
Value: true
Key: network.protocol-handler.expose.ed2k
Type: boolean
Value: false


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Creative Webcam Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 17, 2011

how to make creative web cam working with ubuntu

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype - Pulseaudio - Sound Output Or Input Does Not Work At All Doesn't Work

Sep 11, 2010

When I installed my 64 bit system of Ubuntu 10.04 the sound worked very well and I were very happy. The problem started however when I installed Skype which uses pulseaudio. As soon as I start skype (or any other application that uses pulse, HoN for example) the applications sound output or input does not work at all. If I have pulseaudio started in some way, applications that I suppose do not use it like spotify or flash player stops to produce sounds. And when I type "pulseaudio" in the terminal it gives me this:


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Ubuntu :: Compiz Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Jul 29, 2010

I'm having trouble getting compiz to work on my Laptop. It worked for a while and then I turned on Shift Switcher and a message popped up saying..."The new value for the button binding for the action Terminate in plugin Shift Switcher conflicts with the action Zoom Window of the Scale Addons plugin. Do you wish to disable Zoom Window in the Scale Addons plugin?" I was given the option of Set Terminate anyway, Don't set Terminate, and Disable Zoom Window. I clicked Don't set Terminate and ever since the only thing that works in compiz are the bindings in the general options. I've used synaptic to completely remove and then reinstall compiz but the problem persist. Something else weird, all of the changes I made are still there, even after complete removal, but they don't work?

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Ubuntu :: Hibernate Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Oct 29, 2010

When I try to hibernate, the computer just goes to a blank, black screen and doesn't turn off. I have to hold the power button to get it to shut down, and when I turn it back on none of the programs running before hibernation have been saved.

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Ubuntu :: Unity Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 16, 2011

I just recently (about an hour ago) installed Ubuntu Netbook edition on my old laptop, and I was greeted with the message, that unity could not be run due to some sort of missing driver...fair enough, I was then greeted with the default Ubuntu desktop, I installed all my needed software (wine, google chrome) and installed the missing display drivers. I then rebooted the system, and once again I am stuck with the default desktop, and not the Unity interface. I checked the software center, and it says Unity IS in fact installed.. And yet I cannot make it appear. So now I ask you Ubuntu veterans. How do I make it work?

P.S. I wiped the system of windows, and the computer is an old HP Pavilion DV6000

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Networking :: DNS Lookup Doesn't Work, Ping, Firefox Will Not Work Properly?

Apr 23, 2009

I have this annoying problem since day one.I am testing out Red Hat RHEL5, everything is fine except DNS look up.If I ping www.google.com, it doesn't work, ping ip address it all works;if I bring up browser, put www.google.com it doesn't work, can't find the name, however, simply put ip address there it works.My DNS seeting seems ok, and the DNS works from Windows box.

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General :: Mail() Function Doesn't Work With HOTMAIL But Its Work With Others?

Apr 27, 2011

i have tried mail function in php to send email from the local host its work for yahoo but not with HOTMAIL whay ! actually i tried to figure it out,

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Ubuntu :: Right Alt Key Doesn't Work / Get That?

Jan 22, 2010

I run "xev" and left alt reads "Alt_L" while right alt reads "ISO_Level3_Shift".

I tried googling it and found this code...

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Ubuntu :: Mic Doesn't Work In 10.04?

Apr 30, 2010

I just wanted to post here to let anyone know how to fix a broken Mic in 10.04. I have an XPS m1530 and was running RC and updating. This was a big problem since I use Skype a lot to talk to freinds and family out of country.I fixed it by removing and re-installing Alsa but this may not be a problem for people installing from the final release ISO.here are the commands you need to run

sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils
sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils
sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntu-desktop

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Ubuntu :: Alt Gr Key Sometimes Doesn't Work?

Jan 17, 2010

My atl gr key often doesnt work. Since I have an azerty lay-out, I often need this key (fi for typing @).

I tested it with xev and got the following output (first one is for a key that does work, fi alt_l and second output for the alt gr key to show the difference)

KeyPress event, serial 34, synthetic NO, window 0x4000001,
root 0x66, subw 0x0, time 1411517, (-111,434), root570,459),
state 0x0, keycode 64 (keysym 0xffe9, Alt_L), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 0 bytes:


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Ubuntu :: Ssh Doesn't Work When Log Into Other Account

Jan 12, 2010

ssh works fine on root but when i log into my other account, the ssh doesn't work, it just times out when i putty it. I used this to try and start it from terminal in my reg acc, and then as the su.

sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
After that didn't work i did this
sudo apt-get remove openssh-server
sudo apt-get install openssh-server
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start

and still nothing. I have no clue why it only works on root and no other accounts.

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Ubuntu :: Awn Manager Doesn't Work?

Feb 10, 2010

My awn manager for the awn dock does not seem to want to open. I have tried to open it so I can configure my awn dock to work properly but it does not seem to want to co-operate. Should I uninstall and reinstall it or what?

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Ubuntu :: ATI Driver Did Work And Now It Doesn't

Feb 14, 2010

I just tried a fresh install of ubuntu 9.04 and a new attempt for 3D acceleration with my ATI Radeon Xpress 1150 - AND IT WORKED! thanx to this guide: [URL] glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" was giving a YES and playonlinux in the terminal didn't give the usual "you don't seem to have any 3D acceleration" message. For a few minutes, my happiness was greater then ever (ehum) I installed Jedi Knight II, Jedi Outcast, and it worked. Only I couldn't adjust the screen size or the gamma (and a few other minor video settings). After some install/reinstall of playonlinux and wine I found out something: 3D acceleration didn't work any longer. glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" is now giving

direct rendering: No (LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT set) and I get the error in Playonlinux that i don't have any 3D acceleration. I want to know how this could happen? My xorg didn't change at all. But for completeness, here it is:


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Ubuntu :: PDF Printer Doesn't Work?

Feb 21, 2010

I have tried all the usual stuff like: apt-get cups-pdf and similar things.

Of course I use the proper way (like sudo, etc.) The point is I can't print PDF files. Have a look at the image:


I have also modified to the cups-pdf.conf file and have directed it to /home/{USER}/PDF And yes the aforementioned folder (i.e. PDF) exists at its proper place.

So I think the main problem is "P2POutputStream" error which you can see in the image.

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Ubuntu :: Chmod -R Doesn't Work

Apr 11, 2010

or at least, it doesn't seem to. for some reason, my .txt, .doc, .rtf, and other files that shouldn't have the execute bit set often seem to (i think i know why, but that's not important). it's my understanding that this command should, for example, remove the execute bit from all .rtf files recursively (that is, from .rtf files in subdirectories too):

Code: chmod -R 666 *.rtf i've read help and the man page for chmod, and it seems that -R switch should make chmod work recursively, but it only alters files in the present working directory. could someone point out what i'm doing wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Printing PDF Doesn't Work?

May 5, 2010

When I try to print any PDF from either Acroread or Evince, it doesn't print and the queue tells me the printer isn't connected; and yet, when I print from OpenOffice.org, everything's fine.

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Ubuntu :: Restart Doesn't Work In 10.4?

May 5, 2010

In Ubuntu 10.4 the restart option behaves like log off. It doesn't restart my computer just takes me to a log in screen.

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Ubuntu :: The Top Tool Bar Doesn't Work?

May 12, 2010

i installed blender, and the top tool bar doesn't work. (file, add, timeline, etc)

I roll over, they sense me rolling over, but click on it doesn't work

everything else in blender seems to be running fine

Runing 10.04, same prob with 9.10

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Ubuntu :: Fglrx Doesn't Work With 10.04?

May 23, 2010

I just installed Kubuntu 10.04 and I am experiencing problems with the fglrx diplay driver.I installed it with Jocky and rebooted.Everything works fine. But everything is so un-smooth. Like dragging & resizing windows.It's not updating instantly.It was smooth before installing fglrx but then I couldn't boot without nomodeset.I am using a widescreen LCD monitor.My xorg.conf

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"


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