Ubuntu :: Add Terminal Windows Name In Script

May 21, 2010

very simple but i cannot find the working command anywhere.i want to give terminal windows name when i start an app from a script when i type in echo --help just send my back.

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Windows From Terminal?

Oct 23, 2010

I am using Wine to play Sim City 2k, and the game doesn't show up in the taskbar. How can I use the Terminal to switch to it?

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Windows From The Terminal?

Oct 23, 2010

I am using Wine to play Sim City 2k, and the game doesn't show up in the taskbar. Conky shows that SimCity.exe and winserver are both running, but I can't get to them. How can I use the Terminal to swap windows?

EDIT: Oh, great. I think a fire just broke out. I can hear the sirens, but I can't stop them! Crap!

EDIT2: You know, listening to these sirens really sucks. I had my city up to 130,000 people. I was just saving up enough money to buy an arcology when I tried to move SimCity to Desktop #2. Wine was not happy with this decision. My city is probably burned to the ground by now.

EDIT3: Ok, I just realised that I can stop the process from the System Monitor. Too little, too late I imagine. Oh well, I can probably rebuild it if I could just get to the window...

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Ubuntu :: Terminal And Other Windows Grayed Out

Jan 19, 2011

I accidentally made my laptop go into "personal terminal" mode and it shut down and now when I boot into Ubuntu it checks my disks for errors and says the /TMP file is not ready or something..and when I open my terminal its just gray and when i hit the shutdown button it brings up a window where the inside is gray..

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Ubuntu :: Turn Off Wobbly Windows In Terminal ?

May 5, 2010

I was tweakng the desktop effects in kubuntu and adjusted the stiffness slidder to max out wabbly windows so I could compare it to more stiffer option. It is only supposed to wobble when the window is moved but as soon as I hit the apply button the window started wobbling all over the place! So fast, that I can barely tell what window it is! It is impossible for me to open any windows without them flickering all over the place. I will not be able to fix this inside KDE.

Does anyone know of a command-line option to turn desktop effects off? Is there a desktop configuration file somewere I can edit w/ nano? I am having to write this on windows7 because I can't use any windows in linux.

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Ubuntu :: Menuconfig Unusable From Windows Terminal

Jul 1, 2010

I'm using SecureCRT on a Windows host to connect to Ubuntu 10.04 using the default VT100 setting, and having a problem working with Ncurses (ie. output from "make menuconfig":[URL]...

- The screen is difficult to read/navigate
- Neither ESC nor F12 work so I can exit menuconfig

how to solve this issue?

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Ubuntu :: How To Start Two Terminal Windows On Unity

May 9, 2011

I can start a Terminal window from the Unity launcher (Ubuntu 11.04). But how do I get a second instance of a program in the launcher, whether Netbeans, Terminal windows, whatever? This article on Unity [URL] says you should click the middle mouse button.

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Ubuntu :: Injecting Commands Into Different Terminal Windows

Jul 30, 2011

I have a terminal window running a game server in Ubuntu 11.04. no problems at all.I also have a backup script, which simply uses cp to save copies of the level files. this is run as a scheduled task every 20 minutes.What i'm trying to do, is as part of the backup script issue a command in the game server terminal window (forcing a save of the level) before the cp command takes place.

Two days of googling and i have failed to find a solution, anyone have any ideas?one thing i was also trying to figure out is how to identify the game server terminal window, maybe by changing the 'Terminal' text at the top. is this possible?

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General :: Run Terminal On Windows ?

Mar 12, 2011

To work with Windows command prompt. I've been working with Linux and Windows. Linux terminal has more advantages than the XP command prompt, so I would like to use a Linux terminal on Windows. Does anyone know how can we do that ? I don't want to run Linux commands on Windows. But I like the features on Linux terminal so I want to use same features for the Windows command prompt or use Linux terminal on Windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access Files On Windows PC From Terminal?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a Windows PC that I'm trying to access from my Karmic Laptop terminal. I've got them connected over the network and have the drive in the Windows machine mounted, but I just can't find it in the filesystem. I'd like to write some scripts to move some files around, but am obviously off to a bad start.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Virus - Shut Down Computer From Terminal ?

Mar 1, 2011

1- I m having duel boot win xp and ubuntu...most of internet downloading i do from ubuntu....i know windows virus dont run on ubuntu even they come but what about my windows partition.....is that gets affected?

2- How to shut down computer from terminal? i want to specify time also.means at 12pm it should get shutdown something like that....but before getting shut down it should close all application if possible.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To List Windows Shares From Terminal?

Jun 8, 2011

I am unable to list windows shares from terminal. I am getting the following error,

root@ubuntu:~# smbclient -L -U karthick
params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: # Samba config file
WARNING: The "Share modes" option is deprecated
Unknown parameter encountered: "read Size"


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Fedora :: Shrinking Terminal Windows Under Kde?

Jun 19, 2011

I'm running kdm/kde, and when the previous session is restored, terminal windows shrink themselves. When I resize a window to make it useable, the window is "kind of" unfocused until I move it. (It will accept input, but not echo it and the block cursor remains "hollow")

How to I set it so the windows are simply restored at their previous size, and not then "shrunk"?

It seems the windows shrink to about the minimum width of the menu bar, and is about 3 lines of text high.

BTW, when I open a new terminal window, it shinks to this size. It appears the the hight is determined by the min size of the scroll bar

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Ubuntu :: Guest On Windows 7 With VirtualBox Freeze After Close Terminal

May 18, 2011

The following is my virtualbox ubuntu config. Virtualbox is the latest version.

Ubuntu 11.04
Base Memory 2G
Video Memory 64MB
3D acceleration: YES

The problem only happens after I close terminal. The individual program or software works fine. But as long as I use terminal, and close it, then the desktop environment freeze.

Is there anyone encountering the same problem, and how can I resolve it ?

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General :: Export Display From A Terminal To A Windows PC?

Aug 20, 2011

Exporting display from a Linux terminal to a Linux desktop is easy; you do the following:

On (localPC):

xhost +

On (remotePC):

export DISPLAY= <br/>

The Firefox window appears on my localPC. In the above case both PCs are Linux.

Can I similarly export the Linux display to a Windows PC? In the above example, localPC would be Windows and remotePC would be Linux.

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General :: Send Message Via Terminal In Windows?

Dec 6, 2010

How to send message via terminal in windows or linux?

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General :: Navigating To Windows Partition In Terminal?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm still somewhat of a n00b to ubuntu, so please excuse the probable fail of this post.So a while back i dual booted Ubuntu along with my Windows 7 operating system.I'm trying to navigate to the directories in my Windows partiion, which includes a C (0S) partion and D (Data parttion).

df yields
david@david-laptop:~$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on


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Ubuntu :: Creating A Command To Open Multiple Terminal Windows That SSH Into The Same Server?

Apr 7, 2010

Every time I boot up ubuntu I usually open 3 terminal windows and ssh into the same server. I would like to either click a shortcut, or run a single terminal command that will do the equivalent.

I came across the "gnome-terminal" command, but I was unable to get it to trigger an ssh command.

Ideally I would like to have a script that I pass in the number of windows I want to open and the server I would like to ssh into for each window.

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Ubuntu :: No Longer Control The Default Size Of Gnome Terminal Windows

Sep 28, 2010

All of a sudden I can no longer control the default size of my gnome terminal windows. The option is just gone from the preference window. If I look in gconf-editor my old values are still there but they are ignored.

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General :: Windows - Differences Between Shell , Console & Terminal?

May 24, 2010

Thats it! I'm confused with the terminology.

What is the difference between shell , console & terminal?

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CentOS 5 :: Need Remote Xsession Like Terminal Server On Windows

May 2, 2009

I need to install in my centos 5.3 a remote sesion login like a Terminal Server on Windows. I tried to use a VNC but I have a problem and it is that the user must be loged before on local machine. I need to can wake on lan my server and log in with that program.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connect From Windows Platform To Terminal Of Suse

Mar 30, 2010

I have installed opensuse 11.2 without graphical interface. Configured whole server with ftp and hosting. This suses-server is in LAN with my home computer and without keyboard, monitor and mouse. What to use to connect from my Windows platform to terminal of suse so I don't need extra hardware?

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Software :: Terminal And Konsole Windows Show Strange Characters

Oct 1, 2009

When I open a terminal or konsole window, output (either STDOUT or STDERR) sometimes contains funny characters instead of something meaningful. Can someone explain how I might correct this situation?

One very repeatable example involves using the manual page command

man set... man page output ...upstart - event-based init daemon

In my copy of the output, there are several problems in the very first screen. In the synopsis section, there is "{ value | ?value? ..." Replace the '?' with a lower-case-a-under-a-carat character (a-hat).
I suspect the garble character might be apostrophe in real life.

In other places, I see var?/able or how?/ever or trans?/action where the '?' is again a-hat and the '/' represents end of line or newline. I suspect the garble character might be a hyphen in real life.

All of this suggests that there is a conflict between the character stream written to STDOUT by the man command and the character-display settings (is that "code page" or similar?) of the specific terminal or konsole in use.

In specific, I use konsole v1.6.6 from KDE v3.5.10. In general, I'm running Ubuntu Hardy (v8.04.3 LTS).

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CentOS 5 :: Install X Windows From Terminal On System With No Internet Access?

May 29, 2009

I am working on a system with no internet access so I cant use yum. How do I install a feature like X-Windows or GNOME Desktop Environment(using groupinstall) directly from DVD?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Edit Proxy Settings Using Terminal / Cronjob Using The Terminal?

Jan 25, 2010

How can I edit the system proxy setting using the terminal? Which file contains this settings? I want to edit this automatically using cronjobs, cause from 8-5 I need to use a proxy, but at home I don't need the proxy. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Command For "Open A Terminal Window And Run Application In This Terminal ?

Aug 8, 2010

What is the command for "Open a terminal window and run application in this terminal

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Ubuntu :: Bash Broken, Lost Functionality In Terminal (gnome-terminal)?

Dec 10, 2010

Linux-goers. I did some research on this, but I am still fairly new to Linux. In Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick), I accidentally overwrote my "/bin/bash" file. Dude, using "sudo" with a small typo can work disasters. Bash is now broken in the Terminal (gnome-terminal). Terminal itself still works fine, technically, but bash is still hosed/broken. Here is what I did to try to fix it: Booted from Ubuntu 10.10 live CD. Mounted my Ubuntu partition and manually copied the good/fresh "bash" file onto my hard drive. Verified copy was successful. Didn't help, as you see. Reinstalled "gnome-terminal" using synaptic package manager. Tried to reinstall bash via synaptic, it failed with error, "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/bash_4.1-2ubuntu4_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2"

In Terminal, all basic commands work as far as I can tell. ("ls", "pwd", navigation, etc.) Here are some problems:My "username@computername" does not display in the prompt; only the $ sign. Bash keyboard shortcuts such as uparrow and tab do not work. Instead, each inserts a key code. I can't even move the cursor left/right. Aliases (a function of bash and .bashrc) are broken, of course. My sanity level decreases when I use Terminal now. For what it's worth, even with "sudo" I get a "permission denied" error when trying to run Google Chrome! I read something about a ".bashrc" file being a possible problem, but I don't know how to make it work, or the file's proper locations in Ubuntu 10.10. Is there something I can do with a "make" or "apt-get install" command or something?? Could this simply be a permissions problem? Is the link to "/bin/bash", "/bin/sh", or a ".bashrc" file broken? Guide me, oh Linux gurus.

P.S. I always wondered what exactly bash was and how it was different from the basic terminal. LoL, this is an excellent way to demonstrate the difference, and I WANT IT BACK!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Turn On Terminal Bell In Gnome-terminal Using Remote Screen Session With Irssi

Nov 6, 2010

I'm using 10.04, and gnome-terminal GNOME Terminal 2.30.2 . I have irssi running on screen session on remote host. And I've been struggling for quite many days to configure it to produce either visual feedback or ring terminal's bell when I receive a private message or one of those that are highlighted.

My compiz settings window in General tab has 'Audible bell' checked.

My GNOME terminal has 'Terminal bell' checked.

I also added 'set bell-style audible' to my ~/.inputrc

And I also tried to manually load pcspkr module into my kernel.

No of the above helped or at least I haven't been able to notice any difference.

I also used some commands for irssi to produce bell sign.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Terminal App For Nautilus-open-terminal

Dec 1, 2010

I've fallen in love with Terminator as a replacement for the standard gnome-terminal app.

However, I'm also very much in the habit of using the nautilus-open-terminal extension for launching new terminal sessions.

I'd like nautilus-open-terminal to launch Terminator rather than gnome-terminal.

A quick search of my system and the web didn't reveal anything. i didn't find a gconf setting to control this. A quick look at the source code didn't help much either.

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Ubuntu :: Run Program In Terminal With A Terminal Specific Profile From GUI

Dec 12, 2010

I'd like to run a program [URL] from the GUI menu (yes, I know I can run it from the command line). I've gotten this to work by using a menu entry (see attached screenshot).The command is:


gksu chkrootkit

with the option for Type: was selected as Application in Terminal However, when chkrootkit is finished, the terminal immediately snaps shut according to the profile selection: When Commands Exits: Close terminal What I'd like to do is create another profile that causes the terminal to be held open (see screenshot) when the command exits and be able to choose that profile from the GUI Menu entry. I believe the command when using the CLI is:


gnome-terminal --profile=<profile_name>

how do I incorporate this within the Command entry line of the launcher?

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