Ubuntu :: How To Rename File To System Date In Terminal

Nov 4, 2010

is there a way in terminal to rename a file to system date?

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Ubuntu :: Want To Rename All Wallpaper And The File System?

Jan 17, 2010

I backed up all my wallpaper files to a folder in Dropbox. I want to rename them all to wallpaper and let the file system add the number to the name, similar to Windows XP function. I selected all the files but the rename option is not available.

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Ubuntu :: Sequential Number To Date Rename?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm looking for some help for renaming files that contain a sequential number. The files are spoken word radio programs that have a sequential program number. I want to have a date in the file name ie. Pgm 3028 Abcxyz 2010-01-18.mp3. Here's a catch, the program only air Mon-Fri, yet I want all the programs to play in sequenceDoes anyone know of a script out there that can do this? I don't have programming knowledge to do myself.

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General :: Traverse The File System And Rename (xargs Or Sed)?

May 15, 2011

I need your inputs on performing some operations:-

a. Traverse from top Level directory, find all the directories

b. Rename all these directories to <original name>.dir

c. Once the renaming is done - search from top level and retain only those directories which has .txt content in them.

d. Delete rest all.....

Can i use xargs here to perform operation a and b , or will sed will be useful.

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Fedora :: Rename JPG Files To Creation Date

Sep 2, 2009

I have a list of .jpg files from two cellphones that I would like to rename to the file creation date... but so far I can't seem to find a suitable script (or anything remotely close to what I need).

These are jpg's snapped on cellphone cameras, so no EXIF data exists.

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General :: Copy To A New Directory And Rename With Date Stamp

Oct 25, 2010

Newbie 1st post here. Trying to find the most efficient way to copy a file to a different directory and rename it with a date stamp extension. Looking to accomplish this with one command if possible.

File = make_file
Full path /home/user1/bin/scripts/make_file

would like to move to the following directory /home/user1/bin/scripts/archive/

I'm trying to find out how to use command substitution along with the date command that when I copy the file to the archive directory it gets renamed with a time stamp extension. It should look something like "make_page_12:00:00-24-10-2010" I've tried a few different combinations using the cp and mv commands but can't seem to get it to work the way I want to.

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Ubuntu :: Sequentially Number Files Based On Date Modified - Rename Cli

Nov 8, 2010

Sequentially number files based on date modified (rename cli)

I'm almost done a larger script which takes all the pictures in a folder, converts it to video, and emails it to me. Everything worked fine until I realized the picture filenames weren't always starting at 1, then ffmpeg chokes.

I have a bunch of files in a folder which I need to rename to:

I don't want to install any additional packages and I'd like this to run in a single command if possible.

If not possible, then a bash script would work too.

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General :: Sort And Rename Images By Date In EXIF Info?

Oct 31, 2010

I have a mess in my photos folder; I want to sort them according to date in EXIF information and rename according to the date (like 001.jpg, 002.jpg and so on).

How can I do this in Linux? I have used ImageMagick for some basic bulk processing tasks before (converting and resizing, etc), is it possible to use it for this task?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rename All JPEGs In A Folder By EXIF Date & Time Stamp?

Feb 24, 2011

In the Windows world where I came from, Irfanview freeware easily renamed a large folder of JPEG photos by EXIF time & date stamps, appending a unique number if the time and date stamps were the same. Is there an equivalent rename-by-EXIF information batch command in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid? For example, change (based solely on EXIF information): FROM:DSC_0001.JPG TO:20110224_09:34:56am.JPG

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Programming :: Keep Original Mod Date Of A File And 'date' It Back To Same File?

Jul 12, 2010

I would really like to preserve a file's original modified date and pass it back to the file as the same attribute after a script has worked on it. I get a lot of JPEG files from different places on the Net which I either turn around and upload or burn to disk, and having the "original" date of either download or last mod in a graphics app would be for me, in the long run, a lot more helpful when deciding, for instance, which files to "recycle" or pass on backing up more than once.I've tried doing this on my own every now and then. Where I run into problems is that it appears "stat" and "date" use different formats for date information, and I can't seem to puzzle out how to "translate" one to the other satisfactorily for the latter command.

Just to give an example:
stat foo.jpg |grep Modify gives me
Modify: 2010-07-12 06:28:56.890625000 -0400

Passing that string as-is to date foo.jpg, I get the errordate: unknown option -- 0 and the usual semi-courteous suggestion to Try 'date --help' for more information.Somehow my TexInfo database got screwed up somewhere along the line and info dategives me the short article on date input formats, not the full documentation for the command

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General :: Use Date With Touch To Create New File With Date Based Name?

Mar 12, 2010

I am using CRON to create a new, blank file, every minute, in a specific location on my web server. After web searching, and reading man pages, I get the impression that the following command is supposed to work:touch /home/mydomain/var/folder/attachments/`date +%H%M`.txtThis should give me a new file with a file name that is the current hour and minute.However, when executed, the CRON mailer reports:touch /home/mydomain/var/folder/attachments/`date +/bin/sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching /bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of fileSo, it looks like shell is seeing the plus (+) sign as an EOFObviously, nothing get created.What would be the easiest, single line command to create an empty file, at a given location, with a time based file name

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Software :: Application To Eliminate Doubles In Files / Rename Changed Files With Date?

Jan 12, 2011

I have bought an external usb hard drive on which I back up my three computers every once in a while.Space will quickly be used up.I can't find that little bit of research that I need yesterday.Here is what I would like to find:An application that eliminates doubles in identical files and renames files that have changed by appending the last saved date yyyymmdd to the file name.Does such an application already exist?

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Server :: Log The Output Of "date" To A Particular File On Local System And NTP

Apr 6, 2011

Let's suppose there are "n" number of servers in a Linux cluster / network environment. We want to make sure that "date" on all those servers are in sync. How can we log the output of "date" to a particular file (log file, let's name it /tmp/date.log on our local system from where we are executing our command or script) run on every server one by one so that we can have a log of all the servers and their corresponding date vales in the following format:


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Fedora :: Bulk Rename Files In A List Via Terminal?

Nov 12, 2009

I've been spinning my wheels for a bit on this one not getting any traction. I have a list of pictures that have a bad extension that I would like to rename with the good extension. Here's a snippet of the list that I'm looking at:

/Volumes/MyFiles/Pictures/2009/02 - February/Qeirstyn Playing Inside/._IMG_3347.JPG
/Volumes/MyFiles/Pictures/2009/02 - February/Qeirstyn Playing Inside/._IMG_3349.JPG
/Volumes/MyFiles/Pictures/2009/02 - February/Qeirstyn Playing Inside/._IMG_3350.JPG
/Volumes/MyFiles/Pictures/2009/02 - February/Qeirstyn Playing Inside/._IMG_3354.JPG


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Ubuntu :: Accessing File System In Terminal?

Nov 7, 2010

i just installed ubuntu on my old dell inspiron 4000 laptop. I have a problem with my screen though thats making ubuntu split in half makign it nearly impossible to use.. i found the possible solution at [URL] but im havin g trouble accessing File System where the document i need is located The solution states to open etc/X11 then to do some other line and change something in a text but i have no idea how to access File System using terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Locate An Ext2 Or Ext3 File System By Using The Terminal?

Nov 13, 2010

how can i locate an Ext2 or Ext3 file system by using the terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Rename A File Then The Entire File Is Selected And Not Only The First Part?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu for about a half year. Currently version 10.10. The next problem I have with Nautilus: He have it in ListView. If I want to rename a file then the entire file is selected and not only the first part. So the file extension is also selected. I think this is a bug, whoich can be found on the Internet, but I do not find a solution. Does anyone here have a solution?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Digikam - Renaming On Import - "Create Date" Versus "File Modification Date"

Jan 24, 2011

I just switched from a basic digital camera to a more advanced one that stores both Jpeg and Raw (.Nef - it's a Nikon) files for me.When importing files in Digikam, I rename the files so that they start with Date and Time. Example: 20110121-223748.JPG for a photo taken on Jan 21st 2011 at 22:37:48.I was a bit surprised when importing both the JPEG and the Raw version of the same photo, that the filename is different by a few seconds (no constant offset, sometimes they are the same):


I did some "research" by looking at the exif data of both files (using "exiftool 20110121-223748.JPG" from the command line). Here is what I got back

(amongst other data):20110121-223748.JPG
File Modification Date/Time : 2011:01:21 22:37:48+01:00
Modify Date : 2011:01:21 22:37:48
Date/Time Original : 2011:01:21 22:37:48


So it seems that Digikam is using the "File Modification Date/Time" (different in the Jpeg's and Raw's of my camera) rather than the "Create Date" (the same for both Jpeg and Raw). (The few seconds difference in "File Modification Date/Time" between the two versions of the same photo is probably due to the time that my camera needs to write away the data on the SD memory card. I guess.) Is there a way to have Digikam use the Create Date? (Or the Date/Time Original?)

PS: I'm on Ubuntu 10.04LTS, using DigiKam 1.2.0

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Ubuntu :: Which Command Should Run From The Terminal To Know Which File System (ext3 - Ext4) Runs On

Dec 27, 2010

I'd like to know which command i should run from the terminal to know which file system (ext3, ext4, etc...) my Ubuntu runs on.

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General :: Rename A File By Replacing Specific Letters In The File?

May 11, 2010

I used a script that renamed my file eg 'echo webutil.olb | tr [A-Z] [a-z]' i wanted to rename it back to webutil.olb. How do i do this for many other files that i have

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Ubuntu :: Can't Delete / Rename File

Feb 6, 2010

I have moved all files from one hard drive to another but one file remains that I cannot move, delete or rename.

From a fresh boot, nothing nefarious running in the background...

Using Nauitilus, find a file called: .goutputstream-59R62U

It appears to be a 1.5Gb MPEG file. I can click on it and it plays in MoviePlayer. I can drag it into VLC and it plays normally. But I can't move it, delete it or rename it and I can't do the same to its parent directory or the parent of that directory.

Running sudo nautilus from Terminal it doesn't appear at all.

Running Gnome Commander it doesn't show up either. When trying to delete its parent directory (with permissions set to rwxrwxrwx) I get the following error:

Error while deleting ".goutputstream-59R62U"

File not found

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General :: Ubuntu - Rename Home Folder Structure To System Language?

Oct 14, 2010

I have installed the Ubuntu distro first in Portuguese. Then, I decided I wanted the English language. I would like that the default folders like "Desktop" and "Documents" were renamed to this names, instead of staying in their Portuguese equivalent.

I can not guarantee this, but I am almost certain I did successfully convert the folder names from Portuguese to English on a previous install when I decided to change the language. So, I suppose this is possible.

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Ubuntu :: Recursively Rename File Extensions?

Feb 15, 2011

I want to rename some image file extensions from upper case to lower case but renaming all the images in all directories and subdirectories. the following code works if I am inside the folder but how do I make it work recursively?

for f in *.JPG; do mv $f `basename $f .JPG`.jpg; done;

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Programming :: How To Rename A File With Php

Nov 22, 2010

i'm just try to rename a particular file with php script


showing error

Warning: rename(/var/www/welcome.txt,/var/www/welcome1.txt) [function.rename]: Permission denied in /var/www/rename.php on line 2

but i'm already open all permistion to rename.php & welcome1.txt file

#chmod 777 /var/www/rename.php
#chmod 777 /var/www/welcome.txt ....

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General :: Parsing File Dates - Get The Date Of The Last Time A File Was Modified ?

Jan 11, 2010

I need to get the modified date on a file in linux to use in a script.I tried using 'ls -l' on the file, but this caused problems when the date turned from a single digit into a double. The reason for the problem was because I was parsing the result string on spaces.How can I get the date of the last time a file was modified so I can use it in a script? For example, if a file was modified on 1/11/2010, I need the 11.

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General :: Bash - Rename Files With Spaces Using System Shell?

Jun 8, 2011

I named a number of files with spaces in them, and I want to replace the space with "_". However, every time I write a command in the shell with the file name (eg "Spring 2011"), the shell doesn't recognize the file or directory. What can I do about this? Is there any way to use the unicode character for a space?

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General :: Rename A File Say Old.txt To New.txt Using Commands?

May 19, 2010

How would I rename a file say old.txt to new.txt in Linux using commands?

would it be...?

rename old.txt new.txt

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Programming :: Php File Upload Rename?

Apr 12, 2011

About php upload. I want a php upload script that renames and overwrite every uploaded file as onscreen.jpg I googled it but only found random number rename. Not working for me I want file name change and overwriting file on server.

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Programming :: Sed And Rename Text In File?

Feb 10, 2011

I need a sed and renaming the text in file. we have this one:


Originally Posted by nickname
nickname presents: $subject
Size: size


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Ubuntu :: Keeping System Up To Date?

Apr 22, 2010

Was curious about keeping a running system up to date. Can any harm come from running the following:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get upgradeWhat I mean is, is it possible that doing the above could cause a perfectly healthy system to go foobar? If so, what's the best way to prepare a system for a recovery. The Server in question is a Hardy BIND server. In the past, I've seen some ugly things happen to Windows systems after running updates, so I'd like to err on the side of caution.

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