Ubuntu :: ATI Radeon HD 5670 Mouse Lag?

Jul 23, 2010

I have the ATI Radeon HD 5670. I recently wiped my system, doing a full install (not update) to 10.04 LTS. Everything works fine except for the mouse.

I have about 30 seconds of lag-free mouse movement, and after that, the mouse slows to a crawl. I then have to wait for about a minute and then the mouse becomes usable again. (If i continue to use the mouse, it stays unusable, until i give it a rest)

Current drivers in use are the FGLRX from the Ubuntu restricted drivers.

Does anyone know how to fix it? or what causes it? Let me know what other information you need and I will do my best to provide it.

I just added 2 more hard-drives to the system. Before this I did not have a "swap" space. I also replaced the mouse. The problem seems to have gone away.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Ati Radeon 5670 Fglrx With 11.2 (x64)?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a problem with the Radeon 5670 and the fglrx driver in opensuse11.2. I've created a rpm from the newest ati*x86_64.run (catalyst10.2, witch should support the radeon 5600 series) and installed it following the "ATI-the hard way" instructions. Here is the resulting Xorg.0.log:

X.Org X Server 1.6.5
Release Date: 2009-10-11
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: openSUSE SUSE LINUX
Current Operating System: Linux sissipc #1 SMP PREEMPT 2010-01-27 08:20:11 +0100 x86_64
Build Date: 02 November 2009 12:04:43PM


"PCI bus 1 card 5 func 0" seems to be the Onboard-Graphics (Radeon 3200) and "PCI bus 2 card 0 func 0" i think is the Radeon5670 set as primary graphics adapter in the BIOS

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI EAH4350 (Radeon 4350) Mouse Trapped And Keyboard Locked In Dual Head?

May 9, 2010

I have successfully installed an ATI EAH4350 (Radeon 4350) to work as a dual head in Ubuntu 10.04 but there is a bug though, which I noticed given the following scenario:

* Dual Head config (Multi-desktop)
* Monitor 1
- Running firefox and terminal
* Monitor 2
- Running WinXP in Virtual Box 3.1.6
- Virtual Box is in full screen mode
- WinXP is showing a flash movie using firefox also full screen mode
* Monitor 2 is configured above Monitor 1.

Sometimes the mouse gets trapped at the top of Monitor 1 (in between the two monitors). Keyboard doesn't function as well but the currently running apps continue to operate "normally". Ctrl + Alt + Fx doesn't work.

What is frustrating is when it happens it's beyond my control. I can't do anything else besides reset the PC.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Aspire 5670 - Wireless Doesn't Work

Sep 15, 2010

I installed opensuse 11.3 succesfully on my acer aspire 5670 (5672) laptop. Everything works except wireless connection. Looking for a solution is follewed the " My wireless doesn't work - a primer on what I should do next" guide on this forum. These are the results i become: (2) Determine what device you have.: 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)


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Fedora Hardware :: Replacing Radeon 9550 With Radeon X1300/X1550 - Low FPS

Apr 4, 2010

I replaced an ATI Radeon 9550 with a Radeon X1300/X1550, in hopes of better performance.

My System: P4@3GHz, 1.5Gb RAM, Fedora 12, kernel

Faults: Screen refresh is extremely low. Glxgears outputs 25 FPS. Dragging windows around is sometimes really slow.

What I did so far, in hope of fixing it:

1. Installed 'system-config-display', for providing an xorg.conf
2. Did: yum --enablerepo=rawhide update mesa-dri-drivers-experimental mesa*, fixing this, but to no avail...

I cannot find any errors in the log...I don't know what to do...

I am posting my Xorg.conf, Xorg.0.log and Glxinfo through links to pastebin.com


When running GlxGears, I get a bit of motion, and then the gears freeze for 1 second. And this goes on and on. But...if I move the mouse around, I get 1100FPS!

Now I messed a bit with xorg.conf and the "SWCursor" Option, but the above happens when this option is on "true". On "false" there is no 1100FPS, only the freezing loop...

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Hardware :: S-video VGA Compatible Controller - ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW - Radeon

May 24, 2009

I been searching for months on how to get the s-video to work on my pci VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] card. I found a site with instructions.

This is how I got it to work.

I install Debian 5.0 Lenny Desktop

added the Driver "radeon" to my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file

This work and I was able to use my tv as a monitor however when I try to play a video file from totem or vlc all I could get was audio with no video; These files work and played fine in the CRT monitor.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Screen After Sleep On Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]?

Dec 20, 2010

When I put my laptop, a Presario X1000 to sleep that uses Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500], when it comes back up, I get just black and white "nosie" on the screen.

Even after I do cntr+alt+F1 and then cntrl+alt+F7 it still doesn't appear to restore the regular screen.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Pointer Points With The Bottom Of The Mouse And Not The Upper Tip Of The Point

Oct 5, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my HP Pavilion a320n computer with a ps2 mouse and the mouse pointer points with the bottom of the mouse and not the upper tip of the point. It does the same thing with Ubuntu 10.04.1. In Windows 7 and XP the mouse is normal. I don't know how I could adjust it or is this just a bug in the OS?

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Ubuntu :: Mouse API To Detect Mouse Buttons Status?

Jul 10, 2011

What is the mouse API to detect mouse buttons status? Or Is there any command to detect the mouse button status?

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Fedora Hardware :: Mouse Module Not Detected Without Installing Mouse With Xorg1.7.3?

Sep 27, 2010

I have custom built Linux kernel (2.6.31) and also xorg. xorg is using xserver 1.7.3 . I have an application which simulates the mouse and sends mouse move events. When I switch the device on, the system boots and Xorg comes up, I can see X cursor on the system. When I start sending mouse move events from the application, the cursor do not move. If I attach mouse to the device and then move the mouse, from this point onwards the mouse events get detected from the simulation application. I have checked the dmesg log as follows

kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS on hdb4, internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with writeback data mode.


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Fedora Installation :: When You Reboot The Mouse Works Ok Until The Welcome Screen Apears Then The Mouse Stops Working?

Jun 17, 2009

I have install fedora11 live and the mouse work well when installing.When you reboot the mouse works ok until the welcome screen apears then the mouse stops working and I cannot continue with the postinstall. I have a 1TB usb externalHD that I am installing fedora11 and have partitioned it so that I have 500Gb free for fedora, system is doucore 2.4,4gb RAm, I tryed doing this with three differend mice and connectting the mouse to different usb ports

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Fedora Hardware :: Mouse Middle Button Mouse Paste No Longer Works In FC14?

Jan 4, 2011

I just upgraded to FC14 (64) from FC13 (32) and the mouse middle button (simultaneous left+right button) paste function has stopped working. I tested it with 3 makes/models of different mice and trackballs. For some reason (left+right) mouse returns the same code as the single right-button ('xev' value = 3). This worked in all previous FC and RH distros I've used in the past. Did a default setting get zonked somewhere? System: Toshiba laptop w/ USB mouse.

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Fedora :: Freelancer And Wine - Make Game Unplayable Is Mouse - Mouse Isn't Moving Smooth It Jumps Around

Jun 22, 2010

Biggest one that make game unplayable is mouse. Mouse isn't moving smooth it jumps around. I cannot shoot anything. So i asked for help, and everybody just say install windows. And where is fun in that. If people when ever run into problem with some software on linux just install windows. Linux would never go forward. I m not some great gamer, but i would like to be able to play this game. Probably somebody run into same problem. I sow that people talk about something like dis on WOW and wine but simptoms doesn't seem same to me.

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Debian :: Need To Record Mouse Location When There Is A Mouse Button Event

Sep 15, 2015

CNEE(1) General Commands Manual says this. RECORD OPTIONS --first-last Print only first and last of multiple successive MotionEvent. So I try this. my test window is Calculator 3.14.1 cnee --record --mouse --keyboard --time 5 --store-mouse-position --first-last --stop-key h -o xnee.xns -e xnee_record.log -v;The result is, xnee.xns lists every mouse movement.But I only need to record the mouse location when there is a mouse button event. it seems --first-last does not work. How can I make it work?I use

hardware HP pavillion 20.
The only avalible resolution is 1600x900.
/etc/debian_version 8.1
GNOME Terminal 3.14.1
xnee 3.19

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Fedora :: How To Make Mouse Pointer Less Sensitive To Mouse Movements

Jul 9, 2010

I'm running FC12 and GNOME.If I move the physical mouse about one inch, the mouse pointer moves across the entire screen.That's way too fast and way to sensitive.I prefer the mouse pointer to move far less distance on the screen when the physical mouse is moved.

From System->Preferences->Mouse, I set the various mouse Pointer Speed acceleration and Sensitivity to Slow, Fast, Low, High, and and I couldn't get it any better. At the least sensitive settings. if I move the physical mouse one inch, the mouse pointer moves across the entire screen.How can make the mouse pointer less sensitive to mouse movements?

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Slackware :: Mouse Acceleration - On Boot The Mouse Is Too Fast

Dec 13, 2010

Iv'e got an issue with mouse speed, on boot the mouse is to fast, so I found that the command


slows it down the way I need. But now, each boot I need to run it again. Is there a place where I can put it so it runs every time X starts? Also, googling a bit I found that udev rules can be used instead, but I don't know how to write it as a rule.

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Ubuntu :: USB Mouse Battery Indicator That Can Tell The Battery Level Of Logitech USB Mouse?

Jul 13, 2010

Is there any USB mouse battery indicators for Ubuntu that can tell me the battery level of my Logitech USB mouse? (something like a laptop battery one) I want to add it the panel.

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Debian Hardware :: Mouse Tracking Error - Mouse Not Tracking Correctly

Jan 8, 2011

I had been running "Etch" and upgraded to "Lenny". Now my mouse is NOT tracking correctly. When I move the mouse and then press and release the 'ctrl' key to show where the mouse pointer is the circle indicators are not where the pointer is. I therefore cannot make any selections from menus as 'lenny' thinks the mouse is somewhere other than where the pointer is. Also are there keyboard hot keys that i can use to access the menus?

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Ubuntu :: Right Mouse Click Freeze / When Right Mouse Button To Open Options Menu It Freezes And Does Not Open Menu?

Oct 14, 2010

just want to report "Right Mouse Click Freeze" on Ubuntu 10.10. When I click on anything with my right mouse button to open options menu it freezes and does not open menu. Sometimes when I shake my mouse left/right a bit it opens that menu, but this does not work always. It seems like xserver issue, but I'm not sure since I'm not expert in linux yet. It's very annoying issue that I would like to resolve asap.

My System Specs:
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
CORSAIR XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 800 (PC2 6400)
Western Digital 250 GB Hard Drive
Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit (Kernel Linux 2.6.35-22)
(Used Desktop Install CD)

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Ubuntu :: No 5.1 With ATI Radeon 5770 ?

Sep 4, 2010

I've been trying to get my Sound set to 5.1 surround for two weeks now and for some reason Ubuntu only shows Digital Stereo.

ATI Radeon 5770
Ubuntu 64bit

When I go to System > Preferences > Sound the Output tab only gives me the option of Digital Stereo.


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Ubuntu :: Xfx Radeon Card Compatibility?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm looking at buying this card and I'm wondering if anyone here has had an issue using this card with Ubuntu(currently on 9.10)


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Ubuntu :: Overclock Using An ATI Radeon 5770?

May 19, 2010

Does anyone know of a similar easy to use interface for over-clocking with ATI cards?

I found this one that works with nvidia but haven't had much luck finding any others:


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Ubuntu :: GLXgears Getting Low FPS On A Radeon 5770 ?

Jun 15, 2010

The following is my system:
AMD Athlon II x4 620 2.6Ghz
4GB DDR2-800 DC
Radeon HD 5770 1gb
Ubuntu 10.4 LTS, latest proprietary drivers.

On GLXGears, I only get 12k fps. This seems very low, especially considering the fact that my Acer Aspire One laptop gets 1-5k scores on a POS Intel GMA 950.

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Ubuntu :: Configuring ATI Radeon HD 5450

Jul 12, 2010

Just purchased and installed an ATI Radeon HD 5450 graphics card and installed the proprietary drivers via System > Administration > Hardware Drivers. After rebooting the machine X would not load so I restarted into recovery and removed my xorg.conf. At this point I could restart normally and the machine would let me into X. I went to System > Preferences > ATI Catalyst Control Center to try and configure the card.

I receive the following message:
There was a problem initializing Catalyst Control Center Linux edition. It could be caused by the following. No ATI graphics driver is installed, or the ATI Driver is not functioning properly. Please install the ATI driver appropriate for your ATI hardware, or configure using aticonfig.

So, I did just that, I restored my backup xorg.conf (configured for nvidia card) and executed 'sudo aticonfig --initial', it made the proper changes and additions to the configuration file and this is what it looks like [view xorg.conf]. I then restarted the machine and X still refuses to begin [view Xorg.0.log]. Again, I went in removed the xorg.conf file and the machine will load normally. I tried running fglrxinfo to try and see if the card was properly installed and it just threw a segmentation fault.

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Ubuntu Installation :: SOL W/ATI Radeon 9550 & Ubu 10.04?

Sep 1, 2010

From looking at beaucoup posts, it appears I'm SOL trying to use the Linux drivers provided by AMD (See url.terminal command line "sh ./ati-driver-installer-9.2-x86.x86_64.run". Since I keep getting an error message saying the file can't be opened either as root or using sudo I guess there's no reason to continue.Anyway, I have my PC displaying on a CRT thru a s-video connection. The screen is overscanned, that is, part of both the left and right sides are not visible. That is why I wanted to load the Radeon drivers & Catalyst Control Center so I could shrink the screen width.Question: Should I keep trying to open the ATI file? SHould I install the Open Source ATI driver? Should I give up and try to find a nVidia AGP 8X card?

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Ubuntu :: 8.10 And 10.10 With ATI Radeon Xpress 1100?

Dec 1, 2010

I have an Aspire 5100 with ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 and have been happily running Ubuntu 8.10 until now when support has ended. I continued with 8.10 because the graphics have been fine with my system.I also have 10.10 installed and apart from the graphics, I would have no problem changing/upgrading.The problem is the glare, after a while it is very hard to work on.Is there anything I can do that's not to technical to reduce the glare.

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Ubuntu :: Getting To Work With ATI Radeon 6850?

Dec 4, 2010

I've been having problems getting my Ubuntu to work with ATI Radeon 6850. I've had Kubuntu for some time now, and it worked fine on my old card (nVidia 9400 GT). When I changed cards, the boot screen didn't display correctly, and after that I just got a black screen that wasn't responding to anything. I tried reinstalling the whole OS, but even the installation's GUI wouldn't load up.

Next I tired regular Ubuntu. The installation went fine, but the graphic settings were low, as you would expect from a system with no graphics driver. I installed the driver the system automatically suggests but after installing and rebooting I ran into the exact same problem I did with Kubuntu - black screen, no response. I got the notion that this card isn't fully supported yet, but I read other posts saying people got much further with this card then I did. Is there another driver I should be installing?

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Ubuntu :: Configure AMD Radeon 6670?

Jul 30, 2011

configuring my AMD radeon 6670 with ubuntu. how do i use this card with ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: ATI Radeon X1050 Driver

Jan 28, 2010

I'm running Mint Helena.The problem is that i can'd find a driver for my ti radeon x1050 card. I've tried the mesa driver and the other things similar to it but with no result.

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Hardware :: ATI Radeon 9000 On Ubuntu?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm having trouble getting this to work, everytime i pop it into the motherboard and start my computer it beeps at me and won't start, i'm thinking it probably just won't work but does anyone have any ideas that MIGHT make it work? i've downloaded the driver package off the ATI website and it doesnt seem to install anything. maybe possibly just hardware conflict??

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