Ubuntu :: ATI Driver Won't Install?

May 18, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.4 and i cant get ATI's driver(10.4) to install. i tryed to run it in termonal but it stops and says i need to run this install as a super-user.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Driver Install Killed Display / Remove This Driver When I See Nothing?

Aug 8, 2010

Can do nothing with the PC. New install of 10.04 and was prompted to install Nvidia driver. Did so. Rebooted, now have nothing except a thin line at top of screen. How can I remove this driver when I see nothing?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Install A Driver A Wifi Reltak Driver

May 13, 2010

I just installed ubuntu and I have no wifi connection. How would I download and intsall a copy from my Win XP boot?

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Debian :: Can't Install Driver Dowload Driver From Nvidia?

Mar 5, 2011

install debian 6 on my pc and have big problem with videoadapter driver i cannot install driver i dowload driver from nvidia do something in google but nothing! palit gtx 460 linux debian 6 x64.

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Fedora :: Install Ndiswrapper In Order To Install A Windows Wireless Driver

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to install ndiswrapper in Fedora in order to install a Windows wireless driver.

su -c 'yum install kmod-ndiswrapper'
, I get this:
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit


Rhythmbox crashed and my radio stations disappeared. I'm not sure if this bears any relation.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Nvidia Geforce 8200 Driver Install Error - Version.h Not Found

Jan 11, 2011

After a disk crash I reinstalled openSuSE 11.2 and as always downloaded the latest Nvidia driver for my geforce 8200 graphics.

Unlike all previous cases, this time the driver does not install. The contents of /var/log/nvidia-installer.log are below. The error refers to being unable to to locate version.h


Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface


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OpenSUSE Install :: Easy Install Of ATI Proprietary Driver In Console

Mar 12, 2011

For those who need or want to install the latest ATI proprietary driver (Catalyst 11.2) right after a fresh 11.4 install - and might not look for solutions in the development subforum.In order to compile the module, I installed the kernel sources and the pattern devel_basis. I normally use most packages in this pattern, so I install it by default from other scripts. While running atiupgrade on a fresh install, I was surprised by the number of packages getting installed with that pattern.Please report if it doesn't work. (like aticonfig initial failed to add a fglrx section for some reason).Take a look at the atiupgrade thread in the development forum: Upgrading ATI driver with atiupgrade.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Boot Fail After Install ATI Driver 10.8?

Sep 4, 2010

So ... right now I'm having an issue after I installed ATI Catalyst 10.8 for my GPU HD 5770.Every time I try to boot, it sends me to init3 (I mean text screen). But when I check and try to switch to init5, it tells me that I'm on init5 already.And I'm still stuck on the text screen. However, safemode is still working (yeah I'm on it right now - -").

I installed ATI driver by using this instuction --- openSUSE Lizards � ATI HD57xxx fglrx drivers under 11.3

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Install Xgi/sis Graphics Driver?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a qzd netbook with opensuse 11.2 running but I cannot get the graphics working. I have tried "startx" and get the following:

xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.4650
X.Org X Server 1.6.5
Release Date: 2009-10-11
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: openSUSE SUSE LINUX


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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Install Driver With RUN Extension

Mar 28, 2011

I've had a graphical card and I've downloaded the driver (from the official website of NVIDIA) with extension .run. As I forget the command line to install it, I would like to ask about it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 - Cannot Install Nvidia Driver ?

Aug 3, 2011

Nvidia h/w:Quadro FX 570

Installed 11.4 yesterday. No problems. Installed Gnome 3 today and it goes into fallback mode. Assuming that the graphics driver might be the culprit, I attempted to install the latest nvidia driver.

Added repo ftp://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/11.4/ in Yast2.

Did a refresh and it complains that it cannot access installation media at the above. Paste the above in Firefox and it gets there OK.

One-click method also fails.

Never had a problem with updating nvidia driver before. Not sure what to check. I did delete and add with no success.

BTW, the other defined repos in Yast2 work fine.

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Driver

Dec 11, 2010

I am new to Linux/Ubuntu. I recently installed Ubuntu in dual boot with XP. I have an existing printer Canon MFC 4150 which works with XP. How can I get this printer to work in Ubuntu. Ubuntu does detect the printer, but cannot find the driver. Agter some googling, I found a driver for linux on canon asi site, but I dont know how to install the driver?

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Ubuntu :: How To Install .git Driver

Feb 21, 2011

When I enter iwconfig it shows eth0 and l0, and says 'no wireless extensions' for both of them. I think I need to install a linux driver for the card, but it's a .git file. (found here: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/gregkh/staging-next-2.6.git ). So how do I get the virtual ubuntu thing to recognize my card?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Webcam Driver

Jan 23, 2010

I am migrating to Ubuntu and so far I find it superior. But there are a few things that are a little difficult to grasp. The installation of a webcam driver is intricate. I've downloaded the driver ov511-1.65.tar.gz which is applicable to my old and faithful Creative webcam. From [URL] I got the OV511 Installation Instructions:

But I fail at the first step, to become root. This is what I get:

coco@coco-desktop:~$ su
su: Fallo de autenticacin

I tried several times and wrote the password I use to start the session, the only one I have. It doesn't help that you are blind to the results of typing, but I tried again and again. I can't be that wrong always.

Also I can't decompress the driver.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Nvidia Driver?

Apr 13, 2010

I've tried linux many times in the past, and I'm always irritated to the point of formatting it, shredding the disk, and cursing it while enjoying my windows. Anyhow, (for some reason beyond me) I'm trying it again. Let me start off with the fact that I am very very irritated with how difficult this is becoming (why the hell can't nvidia just make a driver I can install without all of this crap?). OK, so I know how to cd to a directory, login as root. Any time I try to install the nvidia driver, it tells me I need to close X. I've tried going into the recovery terminal and it tells me this. I've also tried the command "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" and then it just takes me to a black screen.I can't do anything from there but push ctrl+alt+delete to restart.So,if anyone can give me simple steps that would be great. I don't want to learn how to use the OS, I just want to install this driver so I can read text and more than half of my monitor is displayed on,I'm on linux hardy heron 8.04

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Ubuntu :: Install Nvidia Driver In RC?

Apr 23, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 RC, and only basic graphics work.I have Nvidia GeForce 9600 GT. I cant enable desktop effects, nor can i watch video or anything else. Is there a way to install nvidia driver in RC? It looks and feels real nice i wish i can start using it right now.

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Ubuntu :: Live CD Driver Install ?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a rather common problem - no ttys after nvidia driver install. So maybe it is possible to install nvidia drivers from the manufacturer's website using live cd? And if so, how to do that correctly?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Install Graphics Driver

Aug 18, 2010

i m using acer aspire,and it is intel 945gm. i click on extra in preferences but nth happen

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install The Driver From The Cd It Came With?

Sep 28, 2010

It's my first time trying out a Linux and everything is going great except for my networking. I just recently purchased a wireless usb adapter 802.11n and I tried to install the driver from the cd it came with, but when I read the readme file it said it only supports up to kernel versions 2.6.18 ~ 2.6.29. Since I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 my kernel type is Does anyone know if there are any updated versions of similar drivers online? or do I have to return this wireless adapter and get a different one?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Install Driver From Manufacturers Cd

Dec 11, 2010

I use MS Works a windows application because the database is better for me than the open office database. I can run ms works using wine but how can I print? I get the message that the driver for my printer ( canon MP270) is not installed. I have installed the driver for ubuntu to print. I cant instal the driver from the manufacturers cd as it wont let me change the permission to execute.

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Ubuntu :: Could Not Install Display Driver

Feb 15, 2011

I have trouble installing my display driver in ubuntu 10.10. Almost spent a week, still could not get it done

my display is ATI Radeon Xpress 1150

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Ubuntu :: Printer Driver Will Not Install?

Apr 20, 2011

I am currently using ubuntu 10.10 and trying to install the current driver for a lexmark x2600 printer. I retrieved the driver from the lexmark site, to be specific the debian version. Once I had the driver unzipped I was able to run the program to start installing it. However the problem is that it requires root privileges in order to install. So I input my admin password to allow the install. Apparently the password I use is not correct even though it is the admin/root password on my system.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Won't Boot After Driver Install?

May 7, 2011

I tried to install some v. 260 driver from Nvidia's website to see if it would work better than the one in additional drivers. Then, in virtual terminal, I hit ctrl-alt-f7 and there was just a _ in a terminal. I forced shutdown and tried to restart with my windoze heritage. It just displayed the Ubuntu symbol with the duots under it. I then went in to recovery mode and root with networking and updated xorg.conf(I think I did that, anyway..) Now when trying to boot, I see * starting load fallback devices [fail

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Video Driver

Dec 20, 2008

I recently installed Ubuntu 8.10 on my pc. I am running a Matrox Millenium G400 Dual-head video card. I am trying to install the driver, so I went to the matrox website and downloaded the latest driver for linux. The only problem is, I have no idea how to install it . I am new to linux so the readme file did not help much, as I am unfamiliar with terminal.

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Ubuntu :: No More Video After Driver Install

Apr 26, 2010

I have an older Dell Latitude (with an atitude). I noticed that scrolling down web pages and such has been painfully slow. I didn't have that problem with Windows installed and so it just goes to reason that the video driver is not right. I selected "display driver update" (or something like that) from one of the menus. It saw that I needed an update to the nVidia driver. I authenticated the request and it downloaded and supposedly installed the update. Now I have no video. I get the splash screen and the start-up scripts but then after it loads, it goes black.

I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer with Linux because I've primarily been an operator with it for years. I never had any admin privileges until I finally decided to install it on my home systems. That being said, what do I need to do to get this to work?

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Driver Won't Install

Nov 27, 2010

I've got some problems while using the Nvidia driver for my videocard.

Some system information:
Intel core i5 430M
Nvidia Geforce GT 325M 1 GB
HDD 500 GB, 5400 rpm
Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit
(Windows 7 64 bit)

I installed the newest nvidia driver(260.19.21), using the guide on this site:

Installing NVIDIA 3D Drivers Linux article Link(not allowed to post URLs, so I cut it in pieces) [url]

And I tried many other methods(System, Administration, Additional Drivers), other driver versions and so on.

The installation succeeds, but when i'm trying to reboot it wont start gdm. It will boot in Text-only(CTRL+ ALT +F1), and it won't let me use gdm. Restarting gdm, startx, all of them won't work. The only way is to boot in recovery and restore the default xorg.conf file.

Nvidia card is working under windows, so it isn't broken.

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Hardware :: Ubuntu 10.04 - How To Install Driver

Nov 28, 2010

I am a complete Linux newbie. My experience is all Windows to date. I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 and I want to get my wireless network adapter working and get online. It's an Edimax mini usb EW-7711UTn. I have downloaded the Linux driver for this model from the manufacturer's web site and extracted it to a folder called 2008_1225_RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.0.1.0 on my Ubuntu desktop. The extracted folder contains folders named os, include, common, sta and tools, and there are 4 files - iwpriv_usage.txt, Makefile, README_STA and RT2870STA.dat. The tools folder has 3 files - bin2h, bin2h.c, and Makefile. I have read the README_STA but don't understand it. How to install the driver?

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General :: Can't Install Driver On Ubuntu 9.04

Jan 13, 2011

Im installing Ubuntu Server 9.04 from a CD, the installer works fine until i need to get the drivers for my RAID card. (this is asked when detecting disk on installation) I put the drivers onto a USB (MSDOS boot diskette) mounted it by pressing ALT+F2 to get a terminal during the installation. then copied the files from the USB to /tmp When I try and run the driver from /tmp i get.


# sh preinst.sh
sh: 2.4: unknown operand
sh: 2.6 unknown operand


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OpenSUSE Install :: 10.0 - Can't Install Nic Driver

Sep 1, 2010

I have Desktop PC Dell-optiplex 330. with NIC Brodcom Netxtrem 57xx GB controller. i have install suse 10.0 but can't install nic driver.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install ATI Graphics Driver?

Jan 1, 2010

I downloaded my Proprietary ATI Linux Driver (for my Radeon Xpress 200) from [URL]... But I cannot figure out how to install it!I followed the instructions here but Terminal told me "command not found". I also tried double-clicking the file but it opened with gedit and gave me an error.

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