Ubuntu :: 9.10~pc Is Making Static Noises?

Apr 4, 2010

yeah first time ever being on ubuntu os. i got 3 going on one pc but only one partition is making static noises coming the speakers and its kinda loud. any ideas why?? its only happening to one partition so im clueless to whats going here...to be more descriptive its like a constant sssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh or same as a radio being off frequency

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Ubuntu Networking :: Icon Not Showing Up After Making The Ip Static?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx.

I intended to make my IP static by opening the file network interfaces "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" and adding the following

"auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static


and then restarting the network "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" The static ip setting is successful except for the warning "warning produced: SIOCDELRT: No such process" When i enquire for ifconfig the ip was set static to and i was connected to the internet and everything works fine. But when i restart the system the network icon at the right top corner disappears and am not able to get connected to the internet.

And when i remove the block of code mentioned above and restarted my system, everything works fine. How can i make my ip static? What is preventing my static ip configuration.

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Ubuntu :: Data Noises Through Speakers?

Jul 6, 2010

I am getting what I am calling data noises through my speakers. I imagine it has something to do with maybe my onboard sound card. But I feel like there should be a way to filter it out. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 but it has been this way since I started using ubuntu many years ago. It always bugged me so i thought i would go ahead and see if there is some kind of fix for it.

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Ubuntu :: Weird Noises At Start Up?

Feb 22, 2011

When I start up my computer and it gets to the login screen I hear these 2 weird noises from my speakers and I do not know where they come from since I disabled the start up sound. Anybody know what this can be? I disabled the start up sound because it did not sound right, it was stuttering.All music listening and playing games (Heroes of Newerth) works like a charm. Only application where I can get the same stuttering effect is when I start Ventrilo with wine (world of warcraft works without any issues)Please let me know if you need any information about my system and I will supply it, I run 10.10 Maverick 64 bit.

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Ubuntu :: Bizarre Pac-man Noises Upon Loading Firefox?

May 21, 2010

I was using my old computer with ubuntu on it a few minutes ago, and when I loaded up firefox... All of a sudden the pac-man music started playing. There wasn't anything else open that could have caused that, and not even any other tabs up... It sounds like something a virus might do, but Linux is extremely resistant to that sort of thing.. Firefox works fine on my windows rig, so what the heck is going on?EDIT: I turned off javascript, and the noises stopped. But what javascript on firefox could be doing that, and why is it only on my linux?

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Ubuntu :: Weird Crackling Noises From Line In?

Jan 15, 2011

When ever I have sound coming into line in I hear a crackling noise. The noise also ends up coming in through my Mic as well so everyone in Skype gets to hear it as well! If there is no sound coming into the line in then the crackling noise goes away. I have attached a recording from my Mic with sound coming in line in. or not I can't figure out how to attach it. Have a link instead[URL]..

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Annoying Sound Noises While Playing Quakelive?

May 13, 2011

I don't understand what is going on... If I listen music, the sounds quality is just perfect, but if I play quakelive, I start heard some annoying noises such as my headphone wire is damaged. how to remove it? Maybe something wrong with sound drivers? I use ubuntu 10.04 LTS version OS. Sound card is realtek (integrated to motherboard).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Use The LADSPA SWH Gate Plugin To Remove Soft Breath Noises From An Audio Recording?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm trying to use the LADSPA SWH Gate plugin to remove soft breath noises from an audio recording, but it's not working very well for me. It'll cut out chunks of the much louder spoken audio, while leaving the much quieter breath noises intact. I mean breath noises that are so quiet, they don't even show up on the wave form. I know you can manually go in and drop silence onto each spot if you want to, but I saw the noise gate method work wonderfully in GarageBand so I'd like to use it here too, but I'm just not getting any results.I'm using both Audacity and Ardour.

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Programming :: Java Non-static Variable Cannot Be Referenced From A Static Context

Feb 12, 2010

I'm having some problems on the line with ***. This is from a OpenEntidade.java class file and I'm trying to update EmprestadorView's variables.

public class EmprestadorView extends FrameView {
public class OpenEntidade extends javax.swing.JFrame {


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Networking :: Static IP Address That Has A Reverse Lookup To "myipaddress.static.lyse.net" And Not Email Domain?

Apr 26, 2010

I got this message on Friday from just one domain. uote:mailsrv.forthnet.gr #<mailsrv.forthnet.gr #5.5.0 smtp; 554 5.5.0 Your message was considered to be spam by the FORTHnet Antispamming Policy and was not delivered to the recipient. The following spam tests returned positive for this message:FORGED_RCVD_HELO,RCVD_IN_BRBL. For further information visitWe are not a spamming community but it seems we have a statice IP address that has a Reverse lookup to "myipaddress.static.lyse.net" and not my email domain. Would setting a cname mail.mydomain.no -> myipaddress.static.lyse.net cure this problem or are there more tricks to be performedOnce I have cured the FORGED_RCVD_HELO I can move to getting the IP removed from BARACUDA.

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Programming :: Add A Static Library To Own Static Library?

Mar 31, 2010

To create a static library, or to add additional objectiles to an existing static library, I can use a command like this:ar rcs my_library.a file1.o file2.oBut how to add an existing static library to my own static library. I have created my own static library using the command above and want to link against the library libuuid.a (placed in /usr/lib/).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Keep Static Ip In 10.04

Apr 9, 2010

I have a dell inspirion 6400/1505 laptop running ubuntu 10.04 has 2 network controllers wired and wireless the wired is a Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02) the wireless is a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG I have the wired configured for static ip the wireless through network manager configured static ip static works great,reboot and all is lost for the wireless default back to DHCP (wired stays static) and i loose the nameserver and have to reconfigure it all over. is there away to remove network manager an manually edit the wireless settings? i know how to edit the wired network interfaces do i just add wlan0 as a static ip ?

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Ubuntu :: Static IP Address Cannot Be Set?

Apr 20, 2010

I have been fiddling around with my ip address configuration using several sources, and this is what I have in the /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Yet, this is what I have in the ifconfig after I restarted the computer:


Could there be any mistakes I have made in the file? Why is it that I seem to have set a static ip address here and is not working?

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Ubuntu :: Configure Two Static Ip

Apr 26, 2010

is it possible to configure one static ip such as 203...... and then 192....

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Ubuntu :: No Internet With Static IP

Jun 17, 2010

I wanted to give my computer a Static IP so that I can easily connect to it from other computers: ie Mythbuntu.This is what I did. I set it with a static to My gateway is set to, and for the subnet mask. I'm using default settings on a Linksys wireless router.I've rebooted several times.Nowthen, I can connect to the computer from my laptop via the IP.Even my Iphone can connect to the computer through that IP, so I've successfully set it's IP to static, but I cannot connect to the internet.

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Ubuntu :: Static Ip - Can't Resolve Dns

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to set a static ip in Ubuntu 10.04 so I can use NX client on my Vista box.

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

However, when I try to use the Internet I can't get out. That seems like a dns issue to me, when I ping google from a terminal I get: unknown host [URL]

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - How To Get Static IP

Jun 15, 2011

I'm using an Ubuntu server 10.04 that I set up on an external 2TB USB harddrive. I'm trying to get a static ip on it because I don't have to keep physically going to the computer to find the IP address so I can SSH and configure apache, mediawiki, and all the other cool stuff Ubuntu can do. I can't (aka really don't want to) use an Ethernet b/c its kinda far, but I don't think thats the problem - wifi vs. ethernet. It's connected to a laptop, so it has wifi built-in. I set up some static IP stuff in /etc/network/interfaces as posted here:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# eth1 with dhcp
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

# eth1 with static IP
# auto eth1
# iface eth1 inet static
# address
# netmask
# network
# broadcast
# gateway

# wlan0 base (don't comment out the line below)
auto wlan0
# wlan0 with DHCP
#iface wlan0 inet dhcp
# wlan0 with static IP
iface wlan0 inet static
wireless-essid *removed*
wireless-key *removed*
wireless-mode managed

Where "*removed*" means that I have taken the text out of this post for security. At the top, I WAS going to do static ethernet, but I decided I wasn't really going to use and and set it back to DHCP (that what the commented part is). My laptop (and all other computers, actually) are on DHCP and for some reason switch between 192.168.2.* and 192.168.1.* because some configuration is messed up in my router (I can't fix it; no permissions). I have a samba and apache server on the server and want full-time access to it without ssh-ing and changing the ip to the 192.168.1 or 192.168.2 networks every time my laptop switches networks, respectively. I can't access the server with my laptop when they're on different "networks".

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Ubuntu :: Can't Set Static Route?

Apr 21, 2010

Using Ubuntu 9.1, I get the error "SIOCADDRT: No such process" whenever I try to set a static route using

sudo route add -net dest netmask gw gateway


sudo ip route add dest/24 via gateway dev eth0

gives me "RTNETLINK answers: No such process".

From googling, it looks like others have had this problem, but I haven't found any working solutions yet. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?Ok, finally found the issue. The gateway has to be on the same subnet... ugh, is there anyway to use a gateway on a different subnet without tunnels? I can ping the machine I want to be the gateway, so I feel like I should be allowed to set it as a next hop for specific addresses.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Keeps Overriding Static IP ?

Jan 27, 2010

My ISP offers me a static IP and 2 dynamic IPs. I want to use the static one.

When I run


But the next morning (not every morning though) my IP will be the dynamic one again. Something seems to be overriding it. The last time it changed was today at around 8:30 AM.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up A Server With Static Ip?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to set my computer up as a server. I've installed LAMP, but now my problem is getting a static ip. I've tried several tutorials, but with each one, I seem to somehow disable my internet connection.

I'm almost positive that this is all over my head, but my aim is for it to not be.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Static IP In Server?

Mar 21, 2010

Well basically the title how to setup a static IP in Ubuntu Server?

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Ubuntu :: Assign A Static Ip Address?

Jun 13, 2010

I want to assign a static ip address, my network/interfaces files shows

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

am I correct to add

iface eth0 inet static

or is there more I need?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't SSH When Server Has Static Ip

Jul 27, 2010

I figured that i would like to have a static ip address so that i could always know what the internal ip address was of my server. But when i make the address static, I am not able to SSH in from a different machine on my network. The network is wireless/wired, through my D-Link router. I can't even ping the server when i give it a static ip. Is there a way that i can have a static ip address and still have it be seen by other machines in my wireless network?

I have had to re-install everytime I need to make changes to my etc/network/interfaces file. Otherwise i am told that permission is denied, even for sudo. Is there a way around this ?

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Ubuntu :: Static Coming From Speakers ?

Sep 19, 2010

Just installed Ubuntu on my dad's computer, now all I hear from the speakers is static.

I have had to use the liveCD to edit grub and then Chroot and update-grub (don't think that matters, but just throwing it out there.)

Speakers had static on liveCD, as the OS booted up (it tried to play the Ubuntu logon sound) but after it got logged in, it did great!) Now it won't work at all, I can make out that someone is talking, but not what they are saying Aesop's Fables in Examples folder.

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Ubuntu :: Audio Full Of Static And Too Low?

Oct 19, 2010

After upgrading from .04 to .10, My audio is full of static. I've also noticed that it is at a lower volume even with the sliders maxed than if I boot into Windows. It used to be that I could leave the speakers alone and booting into either gave the same level of volume. Now, I have to max out the volume on the physical speakers to get a similar level of volume to my Windows install.

To describe the sound problem, it sounds as if one of the sliders has been pushed too far and it's distorting the sound. I've tried it across several applications(rhythmbox, browser), and all audio is like this.

I've looked at the audio settings on the dock panel, but nothing seems amiss(and in fact doesn't leave much room for manipulation).

I have tried the fix listed in the sticky found in the general category:

load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0 but the problem persists after reboot.

I've waited, hoping that an update would resolve the issue, but over a week has passed and I'm still using Windows due to the sound problem in my Ubu install.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Assign Static IP Or DNS Name?

Nov 27, 2010

I have installed a ssh server on a computer (Ubuntu 10.04). This computer will be reboot many times, so the IP address is going to change. As a result, I couldn't connect with an other computer on this server via ssh. That's why I search a solution: either I assign a static IP on my server computer or I heard that I could use a dns name. I don't know if the latter solution is good so I hope to have some precisions. Also, I tried to have a static IP by editing the file : /etc/network/interfaces but it doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How Does Static NAT Work

Dec 9, 2010

If I have a regular network, and configure a static NAT rule assigning to - would that be the virtual equivalent of setting up this device directly to the internet with that public IP? How will static NAT affect open ports etc., if I host an ftp on and assign him, there will be no need for portforwarding?

Also - will using static NAT, assigning the public ip affect the way other local devices in the network communicate with, or will it still be the same? Finally, NAT and VPN can be a bit tricky, but will doing a static NAT rule eliminate all these problems or is there anything I need to know here? You may also wonder why I don't just try for myself and see what happens, but that would involve purchasing the additional IP's and a more advanced router as the current one does not support multiple WAN-ip's.

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Ubuntu :: What To Do With An AMD64 Static Binary

Dec 14, 2010

I'm trying to use the software tool here, using the AMD64 static binary for no other reason than I am trying to install and use it on a 64 bit instance of MythBuntu.


I figured I follow the instructions here


But the 64bit version doesn't have a configure file. The only file in there is a .exe, that doesn't do anything when you double click it in a Linux file explorer, and I didn't know you even use .exes on Linux.

After lots of googling (very little information out there that isn't specific to a software package) it looks like maybe you skip the `configure` and `make`, and go straight to `make install`? Can I do checkinstall instead as recommended on the Ubuntu wiki? Or have I got this totally wrong? Is this unnecessary, and I should just use the regular source files on my 64 bit Mythbuntu install?

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Ubuntu :: Make HDDs Have Static /dev/sd*?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm having a little trouble with a mdadm RAID array at the moment in which the four hard drives in the array change their /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd/ /dev/sde placement on every reboot.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP With WEP Security?

Mar 10, 2011

I recently switched to WEP encryption from a functional WPA encryption and I've been having problems since (I need WEP for another device and I understand it's less secure.) I tried updating /etc/network/interfaces for the new network using the information here:


interfaces is now:


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static


Is there anything wrong with the above? There is a chance I've made matters worse in my frustration... What troubleshooting steps can I take?

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