Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Keep Static Ip In 10.04

Apr 9, 2010

I have a dell inspirion 6400/1505 laptop running ubuntu 10.04 has 2 network controllers wired and wireless the wired is a Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02) the wireless is a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG I have the wired configured for static ip the wireless through network manager configured static ip static works great,reboot and all is lost for the wireless default back to DHCP (wired stays static) and i loose the nameserver and have to reconfigure it all over. is there away to remove network manager an manually edit the wireless settings? i know how to edit the wired network interfaces do i just add wlan0 as a static ip ?

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Networking :: Static IP Address That Has A Reverse Lookup To "myipaddress.static.lyse.net" And Not Email Domain?

Apr 26, 2010

I got this message on Friday from just one domain. uote:mailsrv.forthnet.gr #<mailsrv.forthnet.gr #5.5.0 smtp; 554 5.5.0 Your message was considered to be spam by the FORTHnet Antispamming Policy and was not delivered to the recipient. The following spam tests returned positive for this message:FORGED_RCVD_HELO,RCVD_IN_BRBL. For further information visitWe are not a spamming community but it seems we have a statice IP address that has a Reverse lookup to "myipaddress.static.lyse.net" and not my email domain. Would setting a cname mail.mydomain.no -> myipaddress.static.lyse.net cure this problem or are there more tricks to be performedOnce I have cured the FORGED_RCVD_HELO I can move to getting the IP removed from BARACUDA.

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Programming :: Java Non-static Variable Cannot Be Referenced From A Static Context

Feb 12, 2010

I'm having some problems on the line with ***. This is from a OpenEntidade.java class file and I'm trying to update EmprestadorView's variables.

public class EmprestadorView extends FrameView {
public class OpenEntidade extends javax.swing.JFrame {


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Fedora Networking :: Networking And Static IP Adresses In Presence Of DHCP

Aug 22, 2010

I want to run networking on my laptops in different environment (home, office, airport etc). I found that Netowrk Manager assigns information from DHCP although I requested fixed IP and configured the gateway and DNS. If I reconfigure the DHCP server so that there is no free IP address, the laptop refuses to connect. When I remove the interfaces from the network manager, I get the fixed IP address, /etc/resolv.conf is not overwritten from DHCP but WiFi connection cannot be established, there is no dialog for setting WPA-PSK. The static IP address seems to be taken into account only if the DHCP server is not found. I need the static address at home and in my office because I need the possibility to ssh to my laptop from another computer but I need IP from DHCP possibly authenticating against RADIUS (Eduroam) when travelling somewhere else. Is there an easy way how to achieve it and how to switch profiles easily? And I cannot switch DHCP off because some devices in my LAN cannot work without it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 - How To Get Static IP

Jun 15, 2011

I'm using an Ubuntu server 10.04 that I set up on an external 2TB USB harddrive. I'm trying to get a static ip on it because I don't have to keep physically going to the computer to find the IP address so I can SSH and configure apache, mediawiki, and all the other cool stuff Ubuntu can do. I can't (aka really don't want to) use an Ethernet b/c its kinda far, but I don't think thats the problem - wifi vs. ethernet. It's connected to a laptop, so it has wifi built-in. I set up some static IP stuff in /etc/network/interfaces as posted here:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# eth1 with dhcp
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

# eth1 with static IP
# auto eth1
# iface eth1 inet static
# address
# netmask
# network
# broadcast
# gateway

# wlan0 base (don't comment out the line below)
auto wlan0
# wlan0 with DHCP
#iface wlan0 inet dhcp
# wlan0 with static IP
iface wlan0 inet static
wireless-essid *removed*
wireless-key *removed*
wireless-mode managed

Where "*removed*" means that I have taken the text out of this post for security. At the top, I WAS going to do static ethernet, but I decided I wasn't really going to use and and set it back to DHCP (that what the commented part is). My laptop (and all other computers, actually) are on DHCP and for some reason switch between 192.168.2.* and 192.168.1.* because some configuration is messed up in my router (I can't fix it; no permissions). I have a samba and apache server on the server and want full-time access to it without ssh-ing and changing the ip to the 192.168.1 or 192.168.2 networks every time my laptop switches networks, respectively. I can't access the server with my laptop when they're on different "networks".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up A Server With Static Ip?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm trying to set my computer up as a server. I've installed LAMP, but now my problem is getting a static ip. I've tried several tutorials, but with each one, I seem to somehow disable my internet connection.

I'm almost positive that this is all over my head, but my aim is for it to not be.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't SSH When Server Has Static Ip

Jul 27, 2010

I figured that i would like to have a static ip address so that i could always know what the internal ip address was of my server. But when i make the address static, I am not able to SSH in from a different machine on my network. The network is wireless/wired, through my D-Link router. I can't even ping the server when i give it a static ip. Is there a way that i can have a static ip address and still have it be seen by other machines in my wireless network?

I have had to re-install everytime I need to make changes to my etc/network/interfaces file. Otherwise i am told that permission is denied, even for sudo. Is there a way around this ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How Does Static NAT Work

Dec 9, 2010

If I have a regular network, and configure a static NAT rule assigning to - would that be the virtual equivalent of setting up this device directly to the internet with that public IP? How will static NAT affect open ports etc., if I host an ftp on and assign him, there will be no need for portforwarding?

Also - will using static NAT, assigning the public ip affect the way other local devices in the network communicate with, or will it still be the same? Finally, NAT and VPN can be a bit tricky, but will doing a static NAT rule eliminate all these problems or is there anything I need to know here? You may also wonder why I don't just try for myself and see what happens, but that would involve purchasing the additional IP's and a more advanced router as the current one does not support multiple WAN-ip's.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP With WEP Security?

Mar 10, 2011

I recently switched to WEP encryption from a functional WPA encryption and I've been having problems since (I need WEP for another device and I understand it's less secure.) I tried updating /etc/network/interfaces for the new network using the information here:


interfaces is now:


auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static


Is there anything wrong with the above? There is a chance I've made matters worse in my frustration... What troubleshooting steps can I take?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Set Up Static Ip Address

Mar 21, 2011

I am trying to set up a static ip address. I am using the visual interface. The problem may be that I don't know what they mean by "DNS servers" the linksys says it is but entering that doesn't help. It says "connected" on the "notification area" icon, but I have no internet. I have rebooted the computer and the router.I deleted Auto eth0 and when I added a new connection it is now "Wired connection 1". If I change it to "automatic DHCP" instead of manual, it works fine.What am I missing, I have easily been able to set static IPs on WinXP machines, I would think Ubuntu would be easier.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP Does Not Work In 11.04

Jun 24, 2011

I cannot set a static IP for eth0 in Ubuntu 11.04. I do this: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces and then edit the file to auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static


and save the file. Then I edit the resolv.conf file by:


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Set DHCP With Static DNS?

Aug 2, 2011

Recently, I have encountered a problem when setting my network configuration.I want to automatically get an IP address through DHCP at system startup, and this can be done by editing /etc/network/interfaces file, adding
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
The problem is that I want to set a static DNS, but DHCP will automatically overwritten /etc/resolv.conf file.
What should I do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet When Static IP / DNS Set Via Terminal - Fix It?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm having an issue with a new install of 9.10. I've set the ip address in /etc/network/interfaces and I've also set DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf.

The issue I am having is that no address resolves, nor can I ping outside of my LAN. I've wanted to avoid using the GUI network setup because it hasn't been saving the information correctly. Here are how the files look code...

I don't know what eth1 is; I only have 1 ethernet connection in that machine, so I'm thinking it may have something to do with that. However if the machine is using eth1 (which has no address) than it follows that I shouldn't be able to locally ssh or vnc into it, right?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Static IP In A LAN And DNS Configuration?

Feb 13, 2010

how to set up a static IP from Ubuntu... Secondly, on some of the tutorials I read, there was something about changing the DNS server IP adresses. I do know what a DNS server is (Courtesy of www.howstuffworks.com ) but I don't understand why the DNS servers must be changed simply because I chose to use a static IP address.. (My PC connects to the internet via a router.. )

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Ubuntu Networking :: Change To A Static Ip Address?

Apr 11, 2010

I have followed some instructions to change to a static ip address and have now lost my connection to my router. The mistake I made was not copying the original "interfaces" file before making changes.The file originally had: auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet (something - I thought it was loopback but didn't work when I added it).

The instruction told me to put:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Which I did, using my own ip numbers, except for "broadcast". I didn't add that in because I didn't have a clue what to put there. When it didn't work, I tried putting it back to what I originally had except I can't rememebr that last bit. I added dhcp instead of what I thought it was but this didn't work either.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Keep /etc/resolv.conf Static

Apr 22, 2010

How can I keep /etc/resolv.conf static ... as in preventing it from being changed by the network manager ... without actually disabling the network manager (so wireless users can get their wireless setup that includes IP address, but leave the resolver configuration as is)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP On Wireless Laptop On 9.10?

Apr 24, 2010

I have been googleing for the last hour and a half trying to find the easiest way to set up a static IP for my laptop's wireless connection.The most promising link I found required me to delete the network manager but I do not want to do this as I often take my laptop with me so I need to be able to connect to new wlan easily. I just want a static IP so I can set up port forwarding.Is there a equivalent process to windows XP where you just manually assign a local address like or something like that? I tried setting it up through the network manager but later read that it doesn't work for encrypted connections.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Set To Static But Resets To DHCP?

May 21, 2010

basically I set the static ip address:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto seth0
iface seth0 inet static


Restart networking:

"sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"

Everything is fine but 24 hours later the server resets to the DHCP address assigned to it. I have not installed any GUI im just running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in Hyper V. After it resets to DHCP I log into it using the dhcp address and reset the networking service "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart". It goes back to the static IP specified in interfaces. I have rebooted several times but every 24 hours it resets.

BTW - Before someone asks about iface seth0 instead of it being iface eth0. It is a Hyper V module running.[URL]

Also FYI-
# ps -ef | grep dhclient
root 1234 1 0 May19 ? 00:00:00 dhclient3 -e IF_METRIC=100 -pf /var/run/dhclient.seth0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3


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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP On Virtual Machine?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a 10.04 on virtual machine (VMWare) Network card is bridged. I wanted to change the connection from DHCP to static IP. Tried both ways already:


The connection is established and ifconfig shows the correct IP, but nobody can ping me and i cannot ping anybody!! I have no connection to the internet.

vm_ll@me:~$ ifconfig -a
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0c:29:e6:87:69
indirizzo inet: Bcast: Maschera:
indirizzo inet6: fe80::20c:29ff:fee6:8769/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Use Static Ip On Dhcp Server

Aug 17, 2010

I have 2 Ethernet connections, one (eth0) for the internet which gets set with dhcp, and one (eth1) for my internal network on which I have dhcp3-server running. I set eth1 to use static IP in interfaces, but every time I reset the network, it is fine for a couple of minutes, and switches over do being served by my own dhcp server on the same machine. (the interfaces file clearly says "iface eth1 inet static")

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Static IP If Have No Router?

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to set up SSH so that I can edit files on a home server (linux). I know this question has been asked many times before, but none of the answers seem to apply to me.

Here's my setup. I have the modem connected to a switch (wired) that connects 2 PCs to the internet (one desktop, one server, both wired).

All of the threads I see that discuss static IPs seem to require that I set up a router. Is this necessary? Can I still transfer files through a switch?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Static IP With 10.10 On Laptop

Dec 22, 2010

I'll be frank. I recently switched to Ubuntu 10.10 to become more familiar with linux as I set up a website, but I'm also an avid user in a private torrent tracker. Coming from windows to linux, I don't know how to properly set up a static IP address from my wirelessly connected laptop. Other walk-throughs for setting up a static IP seem to focus on desktop machines and not a wirelessly connection machine. These walk-throughs also tell me to delete Network manager, which really messes up the ability to find connections for a wireless laptop. I also have two homes I go back and forth with, so I'd simply like the ability to just emit a static IP, and for my main networks to allow me to connect, and upload/download from it easily.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Logged In For A Static IP To Work?

Dec 28, 2010

I was at the login screen on my desktop and I tried to hit my samba share from my Ubuntu laptop. Couldn't find it.I logged in, went back to my laptop, oh hey it worked.I have a static IP assigned to my desktop. Is there any reason why this backfired? I'm just trying to find the proper answer for this

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP And DHCP Simultaneously?

Jan 5, 2011

Where I work we use almost exclusively Ubuntu 8.04 in command-line only form. I need to know if it is possible to configure one of these devices to use DHCP and a given Static IP at the same time. I know how to do one, or the other, but not both. #1. Is this possible?
#2. If so, how?P.S. Yes, I did look around before I asked this, but I could not find anything. Maybe I suck at searching?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Since Setting Up Static IP?

Jan 12, 2011

I set up a static IP address yesterday, following the instructions at the top of this page and since my machine no longer connects to the internet (although all other machines are connecting fine, so I know it's a result of this change).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure Static IP - Use Of 'network'?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm setting up a home webserver with Ubuntu 10.10 and want to configure the interface to static. I'm using a router, which is setup and working correctly. I have been using linux workstation with dhcp for some time.

I've edited my interfaces file to reflect the parameters for setting static ip, with the exception of 'network'. No matter what I put into this setting, it causes me to loose connectivity to the outside world. I've tried to put my router IP, and my IP set by my provider. What should the 'network' value be?

At this time, my 'interfaces' files only includes the following and has connectivity out to the internet:


Do I need the 'network' settings as shown in every tutorial (but never explained)?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Assign Specific Static Ip

May 25, 2011

Using Ubuntu Server maverick here - after altering /etc/network/interfaces to use a static ip and checking /etc/resolv.conf (no alteration needed) no network services were working at all. Here are the contents of interfaces:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

I was fairly certain that this was verbatim from my previous server which is no longer attached to the network. After hours of fooling around with no success I changed the address to and it worked perfectly. So my question is: why? My old server used 100. Could the router refuse to give a new server the same address or something like that since that address had been taken in the past?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Moving From Dhcp To Static Ip

Jul 19, 2011

ps3 lan, psp wan, xp desktop lan, netbook W7 wan, fujitsu laptop ubuntu wan for surfing but often lan for large files, android 2.1 phone wan, mac sawtooth G3 (rarley) lan. near future, tablet wan, crappy ancient laptop xp lan rarely.next week i am having 6TB DS211j NAS (omg cant wait)I think, from what i have been reading, that moving to a static ip for each device will be better suited.I manage the belkin router from the ubuntu latop and wondered what the best way to proceed is, which first, what order etc etc.I can understand what needs to be done, i have the primary dns and ip numbers and mac address for every device ( the network is mac filtered)

so how would you begin...... a peice of paper and some drawings i have ready to plan it out.the reason i choose to change from dhcp to static is because of the arrival of the DS112j. from my understanding this device would benefit from never having its ip changed on the network. There have been times when the ip has changed on some of the devices in the past when the belkin has suffered a power failure or reset.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get A Static Local Ip Address?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm using a 3G+ stick, by Sfr in France.

Is it possible to get a static local ip address ?

I wasn't able to find the answer with google.

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Networking :: How To Set Static Ip Address?

Mar 15, 2010

i have a ubuntu 9.10 server on a wlan behind a debian server/router/firewall.i have had dhcp assigning the ip address to the server and then accessing the server through a port forward that has been working okay.i want to assign a static ip address to the server so that i wont have to worry about checking that as i reboot the system and so forth.

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