Ubuntu :: What To Do With An AMD64 Static Binary

Dec 14, 2010

I'm trying to use the software tool here, using the AMD64 static binary for no other reason than I am trying to install and use it on a 64 bit instance of MythBuntu.


I figured I follow the instructions here


But the 64bit version doesn't have a configure file. The only file in there is a .exe, that doesn't do anything when you double click it in a Linux file explorer, and I didn't know you even use .exes on Linux.

After lots of googling (very little information out there that isn't specific to a software package) it looks like maybe you skip the `configure` and `make`, and go straight to `make install`? Can I do checkinstall instead as recommended on the Ubuntu wiki? Or have I got this totally wrong? Is this unnecessary, and I should just use the regular source files on my 64 bit Mythbuntu install?

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Debian Installation :: Invalid Release File No Entry For Main/binary-amd64/Packages

Feb 25, 2011

Trying to install Debian Sid in VMWareplayer....

Got image debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso from : [url]

Following happens :

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Ubuntu :: Static Binary For Firefox 3.6 Won't Detect/use Flash?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Karmic 9.10, I just downloaded Firefox 3.6 (the static tarball package, not the source code) and it runs smoother than 3.5, but it has one small issue: it won't use my flash plugin!I don't want to install via APT (the Mozilla Daily Builds PPA breaks my Firefox installation) but I DO want to use Firefox 3.6, so how do I make the static binary version of Firefox 3.6 use flash?

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Programming :: Finding A Utility To Combine Two Or More Binary Files Into A Single Binary File?

May 5, 2011

Is there any Linux utility to combine two or more binary files into a single binary file ?

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Programming :: Version Info Coded Into ELF Binary / Author And Company Name Into ELF Binary?

Nov 30, 2010

How to coded version info and other information likes author and company name into the ELF binary?

I prefer the put the version info during build step.

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Programming :: Java Non-static Variable Cannot Be Referenced From A Static Context

Feb 12, 2010

I'm having some problems on the line with ***. This is from a OpenEntidade.java class file and I'm trying to update EmprestadorView's variables.

public class EmprestadorView extends FrameView {
public class OpenEntidade extends javax.swing.JFrame {


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Networking :: Static IP Address That Has A Reverse Lookup To "myipaddress.static.lyse.net" And Not Email Domain?

Apr 26, 2010

I got this message on Friday from just one domain. uote:mailsrv.forthnet.gr #<mailsrv.forthnet.gr #5.5.0 smtp; 554 5.5.0 Your message was considered to be spam by the FORTHnet Antispamming Policy and was not delivered to the recipient. The following spam tests returned positive for this message:FORGED_RCVD_HELO,RCVD_IN_BRBL. For further information visitWe are not a spamming community but it seems we have a statice IP address that has a Reverse lookup to "myipaddress.static.lyse.net" and not my email domain. Would setting a cname mail.mydomain.no -> myipaddress.static.lyse.net cure this problem or are there more tricks to be performedOnce I have cured the FORGED_RCVD_HELO I can move to getting the IP removed from BARACUDA.

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Ubuntu Installation :: AMD64 X2 Still Supported?

Jan 18, 2010

I've played with a couple of different versions on both Intel & AMD processors in the past (never totally successful) & all the versions I've played with in the past had separate downloads for i386 & AMD. I thought I'd try again with 9.10. When I started to download this morning, I only saw a version for x86 32bit & 64bit. What should I use for an AMD Athlon x2? Have Intel & AMD been rolled into x86?

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Ubuntu :: Downgrade From AMD64 To I386 10.04?

Jun 29, 2010

Is there an easy way to downgrade from the AMD64 version to the I386 version of 10.04. I am having all sorts of problems with my machine running the AMD64 version of Ubuntu. The same problems do not occur on my netbook where I use the I386 version.

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Ubuntu :: 32-bit On AMD64 - Difference In Settings?

Aug 2, 2010

On U's download page, Canonical says that the 64-bit version of U is not advised "for daily use," i.e., for the general public, I assume. I'd love to know why they don't advise for general use the 64-bit version, even on 64-bit machines. Is it because of the difficulty of getting the 64-bit version of Flash and other, similar problems, or is it because of any inherent instability?

I installed the 64-bit version on my newly built (not new, but not too old equipment) AMD64 machine in late April or early May. Then, about a 1 1/2 month later, after downloading the routine updates, I clicked on Restart, as required. It began installing the updates, then, after about 2-3 seconds, it completely crashed--completely! Now no recovery tool can even see the partition it's on, though Gparted shows the OS/fs still there.

I'm trying to decide what to do about that. Secondly, I'd like to know if there's any difference between the coding of the settings for the apps in the two (home is on a separate partition). That is, can I replace my 64-bit U with a 32-bit one and keep/use my dot folders from before?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 RC Amd64 Won't Install From Usb

Oct 6, 2010

I cant resist till Sunday without OS, so I decided to give it a try with 10.10 RC.I installed it on my USB, since my DVD drive is kinda faulty sometimes.I used the 10.10 RC desktop amd64, installed on the USB through Unetbootin 4.90, started Live and works flawlessly.I checked to be sure there were no defects, there aren't.But when I went to install it, either directly from the boot option or double-clicking the icon in the desktop, it check whether is plugged etc., I click next and just looks like is loading for an infinite times.This happen both if I connect to the Internet or not, if I choose to install updates or not and the mp3 codec or not.Once i left it there for 90 minutes and nothing change it.

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Ubuntu :: Which Alternate Cd Should Take Amd64 Or I386

Oct 12, 2010

I have an Amd64 processor. I guess that I should install the amd64 alternate cd instead of the i386 installation. What would be better for me and which problems can occur?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Alternate AMD64 Iso Corrupt?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to install 10.10 Alternate AMD64 on a laptop (eMachines e510) in order to then install a minimal desktop.I haven't found anything about this issue outside of this page, which describes the problem I encounter well: [URL]It basically happens right when the base system installation starts.The link shows screenshots of it.I tried burning a CD at minimum speed, and the CD check indeed says the files are corrupt.

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Ubuntu :: AMD64 For An Intel 64 Bit Windows 7?

Dec 29, 2010

Why is there an AMD in the install iso name? Does this imply that there may be a problem with using 64 bits and an Intel cpu (in my case an i5)?

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Ubuntu :: Where Is 10.04.2 Desktop Amd64.iso.torrent

Jun 23, 2011

Where is the ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent or is there one? It's not listed here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubunt...ative-download only the ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso.torrent. Where is the ubuntu torrent down loads beside this url?

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Ubuntu :: Install The AMD64 And Not The I386?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a Intel machine and what do i do? I install the AMD64 and not the i386. DO i need to uninstall the AMD and instal the i386 for my 64 bit machine?

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Ubuntu :: Package Gnome-bin Amd64?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm trying to get cheops-ng installed. It needs a few packages that I can't seem to get installed. One needs the other and it seems to be taking me in a circle. It starts asking for libgnomes32, when I try installing this it asks for gnome-lib-data and then gnome-bin

I get to gnome-bin and the only package I can find is the i386 version. I finally find an amd64 package that us supposed to be correct but here's the kicker. it brings me back to the libgnome32.. I try a few more and ultimatly takes me back to the gnome-bin It's a never ending cycle between these same librarys. Linux sysadmin 2.6.31-20-generic #58-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 12 04:38:19 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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Ubuntu :: Can't Run This Binary / Wh Is So?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm going through a tutorial here to help me know how to wander around my system in the terminal and just understand better on a general level.

I'm trying to simply figure out how to compile and run some software from source. I get to my directory where the then installed binary sits. I understand I'm supposed to enter in the command:



where 'units' is the name of my binary. But I then get the output:


units: can't find units file '/usr/local/share/units.dat'

...what? Why does it refer to that directory that's WAY out there? It seems like it's trying to outguess me on something? I don't know. Anyone out there that does? I'd appreciate an explanation, and help to know what to do to run this binary.

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Programming :: Add A Static Library To Own Static Library?

Mar 31, 2010

To create a static library, or to add additional objectiles to an existing static library, I can use a command like this:ar rcs my_library.a file1.o file2.oBut how to add an existing static library to my own static library. I have created my own static library using the command above and want to link against the library libuuid.a (placed in /usr/lib/).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switch From I686 To Amd64?

Jan 18, 2010

when 8.04 came out, i installed the i686 kernel because amd64 support still wasn't that good. i still have that 8.04 install running (it is my mythtv htpc box), but when 10.04 comes out in a few months, i would like to upgrade ubuntu from 8.04 i686 to 10.04 amd64.is a apt-get dist-upgrade from a i686 to a amd64 kernel possible? if so, how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Converting I386 To Amd64?

Feb 18, 2010

I recently upgraded my hardware and installed 32-bit Karmic (well really Mint 8 ) before realizing I would probably have gotten better performance from the amd64 architecture. Is it possible to convert an i386 system to amd64? Is it a good idea? Will there be a lot of problems afterwards? Is it easier to just backup home and etc, install a clean 64-bit system, then restore settings from backup? If I do convert the system, how do I do it? I thought I might be able to just install a different kernel but I can't find an amd64 kernel in the repositories..

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 AMD64 Usb Dial-up Modem That Work With A 64?

Apr 27, 2010

One of my clients brought a laptop to me with a 64 bit processor and wanted to hook up his zoom 3095 usb dial-up (56k) modem to a his laptop using ubuntu 9.10 AMD 64 bit version. We quickly found out that zoom has only made 32 bit drivers for linux. So...I need to find a usb modem that has drivers that will work with a 64 bit version of ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD For AMD64 Lucid (10.04)?

Jun 4, 2010

First, the official download page is 32k download. I've NEVER had that slow of a speed before. I've downloaded and used Ubuntu since Drake. The only desktop iso for AMD64 is 698k (Official download).

I've downloaded that image for AMD64 10.04 from two download locations and burned the CD. When I boot, I only get the install option in a non-graphical environment. No LiveCD button.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04.1 Amd64 On A 2 TB Hard Drive

Oct 1, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu 10.04.1 AMD64 on a new Athlon II X4 635 with 4 GB RAM. At first, I had a working installation using the alternate installer from a USB stick, using a 500 GB disk with encrypted LVM. Then I wanted to use a 2 TB disk instead, but after installing exactly the way I did before, the system didn't boot. After letting me enter the encryption key, the boot process didn't continue. Switching to text mode revealed that the kernel went into a kernel panic, after some message I interpreted as a problem locating some device (stupidly, I forgot to write it down).

Next thing I tried was an installation using an older 10.4 x86 alternate install CD, without encryption and using only a 20 GB LVM. Installation took a lot longer than I would have expected (don't know how long exactly, but at least 1.5 hours), but at least it went through and worked afterwards. So it seems it's either the installation from USB, or amd64, or the encryption, or the LVM or partition size - or a combination of these factors - causing the problems...

Now I burnt the 10.04.1 amd64 installer to a DVD, suspecting that maybe with the USB stick present at installation time, there might be a mixup with device names later or something like that. This installation is running right now, and has been for over THREE HOURS - now being at 33% in the section "Select and install software". Surely this must indicate some underlying problem... I have never seen an installation taking that long yet.

When I switch to another virtual console and poke around a bit, the system seems perfectly responsive, as you would expect from a quadcore machine. I can't even hear the hard drive work. It seems as though the installer worked in slow motion. Are there any known problems concerning volume size, disk size, maybe in conjunction with amd64? I'm at a loss to explain this.


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Ubuntu Installation :: X68 Or 64-bit PC (AMD64) Version On Intel I5-750?

Apr 19, 2011

Dont know where to add this topic... you can move it somewhere else if I missed topic. So my question: I own Intel i5-750 processor, should I install Ubuntu x68 or 64-bit PC (AMD64) version? As far as I know my processor is 64bit but this AMD64 is confusing me.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04.02 Amd64 - Randomly Freeze And Then Crash

May 3, 2011

Today im experiencing many freezing issues with my office desktop running lucid amd64.

Every application i run, seem to randomly freeze and then crash.. i dont understand wy, yesterday the pc worked as usual.

I was using kernel .38, i tryed to switch back to .32, but nothing change;

This is my apt history (some packages has been updated yesterday):


I dont see any packages that can cause this error. The freezes seem to be related to the hard disk: if i try to copy/download large files, the freezes happen instantly; but i've tryed Smart test from disk utility, and GSmart from a live cd: the hard disk seem to be ok. Even memtest doesnt report any error.

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Ubuntu :: Install Viewnior On Natty Amd64?

May 27, 2011

Anyone been able to install Viewnior on Natty amd64?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Server Amd64

Jul 12, 2011

For whatever reason, I cannot for the life of me install server amd64 on my server machine. I have a quad-core phenom 1st gen. USB/CD/HD, it doesn't matter what media its from. It randomly freezes on unpacking or configuring, the steps after configuring the network. If I shutdown, I can sometimes get further, or sometimes its shorter. I can't have it connected to the internet when installing or it goes bonkers. I have tried most of the fixes suggested around the forums, to no avail.

Now here is the crazy thing, I installed Ubuntu 64 Desktop with no problems. So for now, I will continued to install desktop and using tasksel to change it to a server.Oh BTW, I just found out installing desktop works, but I have had this server install problem since Gutsy. The 32bit version installs just fine.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Desktop Amd64 Crash Needs To Be Reported

Oct 19, 2010

On my dell inspiron laptop if I use a live cd to boot into Ubuntu and then reboot into Windows the computer freezes up within 5 minutes. I uninstalled everything that I had put onto my computer since I purchased it (less than a week ago) in desperate measures because I was ready to take it back and play stupid to get a replacement. Once I went on an uninstalling frenzy my problem was fixed, but I had to know if it was from a program I installed or the live cd I used so I tried it again and sure enough, within 5 minutes my computer was unresponsive. I was using usb flash drives for my live cd and this was on a different flash drive than the first. Just thought it should be known, and I'm not doing it again once I fix my less than a week old computer from this again.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Amd64 Grub Breaks After First Update?

May 28, 2010

a fresh install of 10.04 all worked well installed apps as i wanted all went well... system update download completed no restart required... restarted anyway only get grub prompt... repeated this operation twice.... how do i fix getting fed up with ubuntu promising easy of use ...

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